The Importance of Calling it Garbage! | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Paul wrote in Philippians three. I was circumcised on the eighth day of the nation of Israel of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews as to the law of pharisee as to zeal a persecutor of the church as to righteousness, which is in the law found blameless.
But whatever things were counted as gained to me, these things, I have counted as garbage because of Messiah or in view of Messiah.
More than that, I count all things to be rubbish in view of the surpassing value of knowing Messiah Yeshua Jesus, my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of everything and count them as rubbish so that I might gain Messiah.
He’s saying I had all these things that everybody, everybody in Israel or all these people are seeking after.
But I count them as rubbish compared to knowing Jesus, my Lord, all the joys of the world.
Yet God is better. God is better part of putting God first put God first part of putting God first is s steaming Him as God.
You’re better. That’s part of putting him first.
If you don’t believe He’s better, you’re not gonna put him first you see it throughout the Bible, you see this thing to practice.
But whatever things were counted as gained to me, these things, I have counted as garbage because of Messiah or in view of Messiah.
More than that, I count all things to be rubbish in view of the surpassing value of knowing Messiah Yeshua Jesus, my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of everything and count them as rubbish so that I might gain Messiah.
He’s saying I had all these things that everybody, everybody in Israel or all these people are seeking after.
But I count them as rubbish compared to knowing Jesus, my Lord, all the joys of the world.
Yet God is better. God is better part of putting God first put God first part of putting God first is s steaming Him as God.
You’re better. That’s part of putting him first.
If you don’t believe He’s better, you’re not gonna put him first you see it throughout the Bible, you see this thing to practice.

I would example, I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of the Lord than dwell in all the tents of the wicked one day in your court is better than 1000 outside.
Comparing comparing this is better than that. It’s holy or the decrees of the Lord are more precious than gold.
So I’m going to value his word more than gold more than if I had, I had a whole, I had a billion dollars of gold.
The word of God is a greater treasure than that. I’m richer with that.
Or you are sweeter than the honeycomb.
You’re comparing it to honeycomb, you’re sweeter and it doesn’t give me health problems because you don’t give me any problem because you are better than it as well to, to do what the bride does that she’s making a holy comparison.
She’s lifting up the Lord and she’s downplaying and everything else. It’s a holy thing to do.
It’ll actually strengthen, you will actually purify you.
It’ll, the more you do this, you put God over to put God over, do you love God over that sin?
More than that sin or more than that habit?
If you love God more than that sin, why are you still doing the sin?
If you love God more than the sin, then put that sin away.
If you love, hey, this is greater than whatever, whatever the sin is God is greater.
I have to put this thing away. You’ll give it up for God.
When you love somebody, you don’t want to do things that grieve them.
So give up the thing that grieves God.
If you love him more, when you love somebody, you want to be with them more than you want to be with someone else.
So how about being with God? How much, how much time you’re spending with God as opposed to other things?

Mary sat at his feet and God said, and besides said that she has gotten the better thing here.
If you can just, if you can’t be with Him, then how much are you loving Him?
If, if it’s always things and things and things are, you know, how are you loving him?
Mary Magdalene would rather be at a tomb with, with her Messiah dead than anywhere else in Jerusalem.
If you’re not spending time with Him, you’re spending time with something else.
Television, the web, your iphone, your ipad, which do you love more?
He said, well, of course, God, well, then why are you spending more time with that?
Then you are with God. You’re not spending time with God and you’re spending time with that.
I’m not saying it’s wrong to spend time with that.
What I’m saying is if you’re not spending time with God, you’re spending time with that.
That’s saying something, the very fact that you to take time to be with him and I’m putting this away.
I’m gonna be with him. You’re saying he’s better than that.
You have to choose to be in his word to be in his presence if you love him more than these.
Hi, I’m Jonathan Cahn. Thanks for checking out my youtube channel. I hope you are blessed with the video.
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