Prayer of the Day: Friday July 05, 2024

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Prayer of the Day

“Father, thank You that I am not limited by my circumstances or seeming impossibilities. Thank You that what looks as though it’s too late to be fulfilled is not a problem for You. I believe that You have the right time, an appointed time, and that You will make it happen. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

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In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen.

Lord, each new dawn is a blessing you grant us, an opportunity to open our eyes and recognize your presence in our lives. On this morning filled with your glory and majesty, I find the perfect harmony of your being reflected in the perfection of your creation.

Father, help me build a life filled with all the teachings your Son has left us. Do not let me lose my way to you; do not let me lose the true meaning of life. In this moment of prayer and communion with you, I feel a deep gratitude for your presence in my life. It fills me with joy to know you are by my side, guiding and strengthening me with every step I take.

I entrust my day to you, Lord, and ask that you give me the strength and peace I need to face the challenges that may arise. Grant me the grace to feel your presence and to navigate all the situations I am experiencing. Take my hands, oh God, and prepare them for the battles of this day. May every action I undertake be guided by your will and reflect your love and goodness to others.

Purify my mouth so that the words that come from it may be of blessing and edification, bringing comfort and hope to those around me. May your Holy Spirit fill my entire being, oh Lord, and strengthen me from within. Help me to know myself better, to accept myself as I am, and to love myself with the same love with which you love me. May I live in peace and happiness, trusting in your providence and unconditional love.

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I ask that you give me the strength and courage to face my fears and not give in to the dangers that may arise on my path. Free my mind from thoughts of weakness and fill me with optimism and hope to face every challenge with bravery. I trust completely in you, certain that you will guide, protect, and show me the way to you. Fill me with the strength of your Spirit and let me feel all the joy I need to conquer this day.

I entrust my thoughts and actions to you, Lord, so that you may manifest your power in my life. May I be an instrument of your love and mercy, bringing comfort and hope to those who need it most. I firmly believe that you are listening to my prayer and healing everything that needs to be renewed. Thank you, Lord, for your constant companionship and for all the blessings you have poured out on me throughout my life.

May your peace, which surpasses all understanding, fill my heart today and guide me in every step I take. May I love others with the same love with which you love me, recognizing your face in each one of them. I ask, Lord, that you help me be prepared to face the tasks ahead of me today. Bless us, merciful Father, flooding our lives this new day with the gifts and graces of your Holy Spirit.

Amen. I will thank God for every situation I experience today, whether good or bad, because there is a lesson in everything for my life.

“Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.” Psalm 127.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen.

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