The Hanukah Secrets of a Victorious Life | Jonathan Cahn Special

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The Hanukah Secrets of a Victorious Life

The Hanukah Secrets of a Victorious Life #2309. Hanukah is a festival of freedom and overcoming – In it is contained the secrets of attaining a life of freedom, overcoming, and victory. Discover what they are.

Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week.. Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….

There’s now the prophetic meaning of this feast of Hanukkah.
No other holy day of Israel so precisely speaks about the end times in detail, a foreshadow as Hanukkah, I’ll give you a little taste of it.
Hanukkah is the account of how a civilization, a nation, a culture that new God founded on God’s word turns away from God, an entire civilization in apostasy from God.
So the end times are gonna be gonna witness a great apostasy. We’re already witnessing it.
The transformation of a civilization founded on the word of God.
A culture away from the foundation Hanukkah doesn’t just speak about an apostasy which we’re seeing but seeks it.
It speaks about a, a civilization, ultimately not just away from God, turned away but turned against the God that it once knew at war with God at war with the ways of God.
We’re watching it now, Hanukkah speaks of a culture of carnality, idolatry, materialism, sensuality, sexual immorality, pagan values.
Well, we are witnessing that now. So this is so crucial for our time. We are witnessing that.
And the story of Hanukkah speaks also not just of apostasy, but of persecution against who against you, you heard in the account, the remnant that was true to God that held on to God.
They’re getting persecuted by those who fell away from God. What happened during Hanukkah the ban?
Or that, that, that time the banning of the word of God was banned.
Can you see parallels in our time, the scrolls of God were burned, the prac they were passing laws that made the practices of God illegal.
Can you see a parallel? They were seeking ultimately to force believers to bow down to the state and to idols to take part in a, to celebrate abominations.
Can you see any parallels? But that’s always what happens again.
First, it’s in the name of, hey, just be free. It’s, it’s let everybody do their own thing.
Don’t be so like this just be open to anything.
And in the end that, that, that everybody do their own thing, morality ends up taking over and saying now bow your knee.
But the template or the paradigm of Hanukkah also reveals a man of evil and arrogance who makes war against the holy ones.
His name is anti. It kind of even shadow. It even sounds like who he is the foreshadow of.
He is a foreshadow of who the Bible calls the antichrist or the beast in revelation and called himself an epiphanies.
You know the word epiphany. I’ve had an epiphany ever hear that. You know what epiphany means?
It means the manifestation of God. So he called himself an God, manifest shadow of the anti-christ.
The anti the Bible says that the antichrist will declare himself as God.
And in the end time in Hanukkah, you have a temple.
In the end times you have a temple again, there’s gonna be a temple rebuilt and, and, and what happens then you will, it says, it says, it says anti goes into the temple and desecrates it.
The Bible says the antichrist will go into the temple of God and desecrate it. It’s the same pattern.
And so that, but even before he comes, the spirit of antichrist will lord be in the world.
And what is that spirit? It’s a spirit of desecration to take anything that’s holy and make it defiled as like like morality, sexuality, marriage, Children, gender, what God has made to file it.
That is what we are witnessing now and where you say, whoa, how far they’re gonna go with?
This is anything sacred. So Hanukkah actually what happened back then? You know what it was called?
It was called when he defined that, what did they call?
He set up an idol in the temple and he also slaughtered a pig there.
And so what was it called? It was called the abomination. The abo was called the abomination, desolation.
The abomination that makes the temple desolate.
Well, that was the first one, but it’s a shadow of what’s gonna take place at the end. Biblical prophecy.
Says that the antichrist is going to also perform the abomination, desolation. And the devil.
Messiah said, when you see the abomination know this Jesus said that.
But also it speaks of a time when here there’s persecution against God’s people and you can see that coming.
But you see a remnant Hanukkah speaks about the people of God who stand against the darkness and they overcome and it tells you how they stayed undefiled in a defiled culture, how they stayed pure in an impure time, how they stood against the world, how they prevailed, how they had victory against every odd they were in the minority, but they had victory.
So Hanukkah is crucial like a blueprint, not only about the end times, but about how you and the end times are to live for victory, to find out how you can receive more of Jonathan’s teachings, to receive special free gifts or get in touch.
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