“The Debt That Delivers From All Debt” – Episode 3

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This program is brought to you by the partners and friends of CRLO Dollar Ministries. Stay tuned for Changing Your World—today’s message is titled “Love is the Anointing.” I’m not trying to get an anointing; I already have the anointing. The word “anoint” means to rub or paint on, and that’s exactly what happens when you experience the debt of love. You are covered and transformed by it, no matter where you are in your personal journey. God’s word can reach you, whether you’re at work or simply need to hear from the Lord.

Tune in to World Changers every Sunday at 10:00 AM (Eastern Standard Time) or catch the replays at 2:00 PM, 6:00 PM, and 10:00 PM. For more information about services and streaming times, text “WATCH NOW” to 51555 or visit worldchangers.org. We are all in this together. No matter where we are, we are World Changers. See you online!

This is your world—let’s make it a better place. Let every heart know that love is here to stay. It’s time to embrace a new life. We are saved by God’s grace, and today we embrace His love. Together, we are changing the world!

Now, let’s look at the story in 2 Kings 4. One day, a widow, a member of a prophet’s group, came to Elijah, crying out for help. She explained that her husband, who had served God, had passed away, leaving her family in debt. The creditor was threatening to take her two sons as slaves to settle the debt. Elijah asked her, “What do you have in your house?” She replied, “Nothing except a flask of olive oil.”

Elijah told her to borrow as many empty jars as she could from her neighbors, then go inside her house, shut the door, and pour the oil into the jars. As she followed his instructions, her sons brought jar after jar, and miraculously, the oil kept flowing until every jar was filled. When the jars were all full, the oil stopped flowing. This was a supernatural miracle.

Elijah then instructed her to sell the oil, pay her debts, and live off the rest. Even though the widow was uncertain about selling the oil, Elijah reassured her that God would provide the buyers. When God tells you to do something, He knows exactly how to make it work.

Get ready for your supernatural breakthrough! God is about to show up in your life, turning your situation around and showing His goodness to all those around you.

Join us each week and be part of the movement changing the world for the better!

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