The Crazy Messiah – Like Love Of Mothers | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Crazy Messiah – Like Love Of Mothers
Jonathan Cahn teaches about the times we’re living in. The war against woke agendas as well as choosing to defend our faith, family, & country. Showing us the firm, sacrificial, & protective love of a Mother from God.
The sacrifices without thinking, that’s the ministry of motherhood.
And that’s what makes mothers distinct, and that’s the love that speak of god’s love. By nature, it sacrifices.
That is the nature of love.
In the house of representatives under new management, the equality was approved to go forward for a vote.
1 of Nancy Pelosi’s sworn aim is to pass this act.
The equality act may sound innocuous, but it has been described as the most invasive threat to religious liberty ever proposed in America.
If it is to pass, if it passes and this is what is written here about it, it’s sweeping’s effect on religious liberty, free speech, and freedom of conscience would be historic.
It basically will enshrine into federal law the erasing of all distinction of gender.
It will elevate sexual orientation or lgbt causes over and against religious liberty and biblical faith.
In fact, it specifically stipulates that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act cannot be appealed to anymore.
By businesses, educational institutions, religious institutions, and individuals.
Those who follow the Bible and thus who cannot agree with such things as the distinct as the array of gender, same sex marriage will be equated with racists and bigots, and it will lose every legal fight they enter.
In public schools, parents will be forced to have their children educated against the Bible or against their faith.
The, quote, war over bathrooms will be over.
In the United States, a recent study found that 40% of those in prison, actually United Kingdom, 40% of in prison identifying as transgender are registered sex offenders.
This is saying now that one of any sex will have the right to go anywhere one wants such as men entering women’s bathrooms, women showers competing in women’s sports, which is lunacy.
Any religious organization working to provide homes for orphans or foster children will be cut off from government support if they do not agree with these things.
All doctors will be forced to immediately start transitioning any child who says they are really wanna be the other sex.
The war of wedding cakes over, wedding photographers, over, all others along these lines, all things will be over.
Believers will be forced to endorse homosexuality and and same sex marriage or go against their conscience or go out of business.
Wherever it affects that, parents will lose their rights, not only at school, but at home.
If a child says, I wanna be of the opposite sex, that parent, if they do not start biologically or medically trying to change that child, they will run the risk of having their children taken away from them.
That is not just talk. It’s already happened.
A father and mother said they wanted to provide counseling for their child who wanted to be of the opposite sex the state removed the child from their parents.
This year, a public school in Australia stopped celebrating Mother’s Day, They renamed it appreciation day.
Apparently, the word mother is too offensive now.
The principle of the school stated, we no longer subscribe to a binary world. Binary 2.
We no longer subscribe. I never knew that living in this world you need a subscription.
We no longer subscribe to a binary world it’s a good thing that your parents did, or you wouldn’t exist to make statements that made no sense.
You know, our streets operate one way goes this way, one way goes that way.
We have a binary system of traffic.
It’s like saying we no longer subscribe to binary traffic, and we’re gonna teach our children to drive in a non binary road system.
The problem is our roads operate that way. You do that. You’re gonna end up crashing into binary reality.
And so with this, god created human life, male, and female.
It doesn’t matter if you subscribe to it any more than it matters if you subscribe to the law of gravity.
If you go against it, you’re gonna crash.
And that is the lunacy that the culture has descended to now, and people like sheep just going with whatever is the newest thing.
Just getting on board doesn’t matter what it is. What does this have to do with motherhood? Everything.
See, the culture warring against god wars against the creation.
Thus, it war is against gender because it’s created.
If you wage a war against gender, you’re gonna wage a war against motherhood, fatherhood, marriage, family because motherhood requires gender, and that gender requires a distinction.
And that distinction is linked to different purposes.
Mothers are distinct, and the ministry of motherhood is distinct.
And in their distinctiveness, mothers express one of the aspects of god of god’s love.
There’s always exceptions, of course, but in general, mothers by nature tend to be more empathetic to their children, sympathetic, compassionate with their children.
There are There are mothers who are less so, and there are fathers, some fathers who might be more so, but that’s the general way that’s the way it is.
My son Dial. I mean, here’s an exception. My son Dial recently touched my heart.
I had taken him shopping with me for food in the supermarket.
He said, dad, I love being with you. I never want this to end.
And later, he said, he’s telling me he got a certain pack of cookies He said, because I want to get it’s the same cookies that you got me when we were in the supermarket.
I wanted to get it to bring back the memory.
Fathers, of course, feel compassionate if they’re good fathers, uh, the good father will be compassionate, but overall, it comes more instinctively and more naturally to mothers more strongly.
With the birth of our 2nd son, Dial, it was a difficult pregnancy.
Pain It was a long recovery. My wife Renata said never again. Never. It’s over. No more production.
That’s it. That lasted a few years. Then came the first sign of trouble.
She said, well, maybe do you think maybe we should be open to another child?
A little while I said, let’s have another one. So we got a dog.
I thought that would do it. It worked for a while. But didn’t work.
So we had our 3rd baby. It’s been a blessing, our son, Michelle.
When I when I look at what Renata had to go through physically the pregnancy, the operation, the pain, the recovery, and then what she puts into the care of Michelle, the lack of sleep, the getting up at all hours the sacrifices without thinking, that’s the ministry of motherhood.
And that’s what makes mothers distinct And that’s the love that speaks of god’s love.
By nature, it sacrifices. That is the nature of love.
God is love, but if god is love, love sacrifices.
So there must be a sacrifice to god, and we have the one faith that has it.
Our faith is centered on the love of god centered on the sacrifice of god.
And but we see a shadow of that in motherhood. Sacrificial love, unconditional love, radical love.
And we celebrate that. We give thanks from other hope. This is Jonathan Khan. Thanks for watching.
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