The Countdown To The Coming Of Messiah | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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The Countdown To The Coming Of Messiah | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

“One of the most fascinating, powerful, majestic, and amazing prophecies of the Messiah – Jonathan opens up the mysterious Seventy Sevens of Daniel, the exact mathematical countdown to the coming of Messiah and some surprising revelations hidden in the original language. ”

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)

Gabrielle man of Valor Angel interesting thing because he’s the one who gives the countdown God through him but it’s amazing because when you open up the New Testament guess who it is who is revealing that the countdown is going to be fulfilled Gabriel this is Daniel’s prayer of intercession and notice he keeps saying our now manel’s Daniel’s a holy man righteous loves God but he says our sins he joins himself with the sins of his people he joins himself and intercedes for them he doesn’t condemn them he
pleads with God for them prophetic and then something happens it shows you how powerful it is to pray in intercession and repentance for a nation something we have to remember concerning America something happens verse 20 that’s the context while I was speaking in praying confessing my sin and the sin of My People Israel and making my request to the Lord my God for his Holy Hill Jerusalem while I was still in prayer Gabriel the man I had seen in the earlier vision came to me in Swift flight about the time of the evening
sacrifice he instructed me and said to me Daniel I’ve now come to give you insight and understanding as soon as you began to pray a word went out and I have which I have come to tell you for you are highly esteemed therefore consider to the word and understand the vision 77s are decreed for your people and your Holy City to finish the transgression to put an end to sin to atone for evil to bring in Everlasting righteousness to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy no one understand this from the time the word Goes Forth
to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the anointed one the ruler comes there will be 77s and 627s it will be rebuilt with Street and trench but in times of trouble after the 627s the anointed one will be put to death and will have nothing the people of the ruler or the prince who is to come will destroy the city in the sanctuary the end will come like a flood he will confirm a covenant with one with many for 1 s in the middle of the seven he will put an end to sacrifice and offering and at the temple he will set up an abomination that
causes desolation until the end that is decreed is poured out on him okay this is one of the this is one of the most amazing prophecies ever given so amazing that there was a man there was a rabbi in Eastern Europe an orthodox Rabbi who saw this and this alone caused him to become a believer in Jesus and he started an organization called the American Board of mission of the Jews now it’s called chosen people people and from that organization came Jews for Jesus it all started with this prophecy let’s first establish what we
have seen here the prophecy is so powerful so exact it has been argued by anti-m missionaries and those who oppose the gospel since it was fulfilled that the main argument of the against it among these is that it’s not talking about the Messiah because the same word can be translated an anointed can be an anointed priest or an anointed person and it’s used in the Bible an anointed plus it says mashia nagid the first word anointed but the second word Prince so it can mean an anointed Prince that’s what they argue but none of the
arguments can stand number one whenever the word anointed is used in the Bible it is qualified by something and it it’s it gives a context so you know it’s an anointed this person is Anointed this is an anointed Cyrus anointed person but here there is no qualification simply says the anointed it says mashiach that is the word Messiah there is no qualifier it can only be the Messiah number two in Hebrew the adjective comes after the noun not before it like in English so if it says mashia nagid it doesn’t mean the anointed Prince it
means the anointed Messiah who is also a prince or ruler number three rabbis try to argue that Daniel 9 is not about the Messiah but the thing is that I mean number one again the very word this is the word Messiah it’s not just talking about Messiah it’s saying mashiach and number four Daniel 9 is is is the absolute clearest prophecy of when Messiah is coming in the Hebrew scriptures even the rabbis in their writings say it’s about Messiah the ancient rabbis say this is about Messiah on top of it what is the context the
context is th this coming of this one is going to bring about an end of sin atone for iniquity finished transgression seal of vision and prophecy who’s going to do that it’s not going to be Marty the fish salesman it’s only the Messiah who could do that it’s clearly the Messiah on top of that there is a ancient translation of the Bible written by the rabbis before the New Testament called the septu agent where they took the Hebrew scriptures put it in Greek and you know what they did with this when it comes to
this it says literally it says until Christ comes is what the rabbis wrote the word they wrote is Christos is Christ so it’s literally saying until Christ comes and then Christ will be cut off the ancient rabbis before the New Testament so it is clearly talking about the Messiah so what is it telling us I mean if without knowing anything else what is it telling you it’s telling you this it says Messiah Messiah will come Messiah will be cut off and then what does it say it says then the city and the sanctuary will be destroyed what
city Jerusalem obviously that’s what it’s talking about and what’s the sanctuary the temple so therefore Messiah will come then the City Jerusalem and the sanctuary the temple will be destroyed so do we know if that happen well it happened it happened in the year 70 AD the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple so does that what does that mean it means whoever the Messiah is he had to have come before the date 70 AD no matter what anybody who comes after that is disqualified and there have been many Jewish people who
came up among the Jewish people and said we’re the Messiah after the fact they cannot be do we know of anybody who came before the year 70 AD who came as Messiah and is has a reasonable claim is there anybody in Jewish history there’s only one in all of Jewish history before the year 780 actually after just as well but before the year there’s only one Contender there’s no number two runner up there’s only one and he happens to be known around the world as the Christ which is the translation of
Messiah only one there’s only one famous for dying for sins Daniel 9 he’ll be cut off he’ll make an end of sin matches up with Isaiah 53 he will die for sinim could God you put it all together could God make this any clearer than that but then there are the 77s what are they sometimes you’ll hear it said the 70 weeks of Daniel the 77s well the word is just in the Hebrew says 77 so we translate that as weeks or sevens now what is it 77s of what it’s a time period clearly is it 77s of days it
can’t be because 7 s of days would be 490 days and it’s talking about saying Jerusalem’s going to be rebuilt the Temple’s going to be rebuilt it’s all going to be well you cannot do that in a year less than a year and a half the context clearly is years and it’s already there in the context so how does Daniel begin it Daniel Begins by saying I was studying the words of the Prophet Jeremiah and Jeremiah it was revealed to him that the Jewish people would be in exile for how many 70 years 70 years now
why were they in exile for 70 years why they were there for I mean of course for judgment well why 70 years God says it he says they will be in exile for every Sabbath year they did not observe now it’s not it’s for many you know they were offering up their children a sacrifice that but the timing is linked to the Sabbath year the shita so what it’s saying here is this for every year that the land didn’t rest every seven years was a Sabbath year the land was supposed to rest so now the land is
going to rest for all those 70 all those 70 sabbaths while the people are going to be in Exile so now now now concentrate 70 years those 70 years in of Exile of the land resting represents how many years it’s 70 70 Sabbath year so it represents a period of how many years 490 years that they didn’t observe the Sabbath year so it comes up to 70 Sabbath years you get it are you with me 70 how do you do in math 490 years they did not observe the Sabbath year so how many Sabbath years 70 Sabbath years you
get it now so it represents a period of 490 years where they so it goes into now becomes 70 years of judgment now God is taking 70 years of judgment and he is now decompressing them that they’re going to become 49 years to Redemption you get it now you had you had 490 years of sin they get compressed into 70 years of judgment now the 70 years of Daniel are going to become 490 years to Messiah okay Redemption all right now so he’s clearly speaking of 77s of years 490 years to go okay now this God is giving a prophetic countdown
which no other Faith ever does no other Faith steps out it gives an exact countdown now interesting because the Bible says because Daniel says that Gabriel appeared to me with this when he appeared to me it says at the time of the evening sacrifice now there was this the interesting thing is there was no sacrifice there was no Temple so why that make a point there’s something about that it says he came at the time of the e evening sacrifice but there was no sacrifice interesting he still came with a Satan why because the the evening
sacrifice was the final sacrifice of the day final sacrifice and what is the prophecy going to be about the prophecy is going to be about the final sacrifice of Messiah so he does it at the time of the final sacrifice even though there’s no Temple but there will be Gabriel Gabriel Gabrielle man of Valor Angel interesting thing because he’s the one who gives the countdown God through him but it’s amazing because when you open up the New Testament guess who it is who is revealing that the countdown
is going to be fulfilled Gabriel same guy who gave the countdown is the one in the New Testament opens it up when he gives a word to the pre to the priest Zechariah that now it’s about to get get rolling cuz that countdown is going to be fulfilled Messiah is coming how cool how perfect he appears to Zechariah Zachariah the priest the father of John the Baptist then he appears to whom Mary Miriam it’s this but it’s all about the countdown to Messiah now we have another cool thing when you read about the birth of Messiah
you read about who the Magi come now the Magi come and they come from the East and they come seeking the king of the Jews who is born now how did they know that from looking up at the stars and they is is that could that have told they they saw a star and some people it’s conjecture but they they saw they there was a star they could have linked to Judah and a star they could have linked to the king and all coming together okay but how do you get it that exact to know this is talking about the king of the Messiah that coming to do
that how well we have a clue you know you know how they might know because if you look at the Book of Daniel you’ll find that he was made chief of the wise men and the word specifically refers to the Magi the Magi came from where Persia Persia is where Daniel got the vision today where is it Iran Iran and Israel we got to pray but here it is so so therefore Daniel may have instructed may have passed down the knowledge of the vision to the wise men who then years later are the Magi and that would have given them an idea
of when it was going to happen the Roman historians suetonius and tdus both say that at that time in the Eastern World there was a rumor an expectation that a king was going to Arise at that time out of Judea where did that come from at that time well it’s Daniel who gives the timing so when does the countdown start when it says that the angel tells him from the time of the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem now there are two famous times of that one is Cyrus the other is another Persian king AR Xerxes Cyrus made a
proclamation beginning it all but the one one who made it more completely and and it actually would involve the wall which the prophecy speaks about the street and the wall was the Persian king Artis Xerxes now I want to give you some historical coordinates where how everything comes together but concentrate because I’m not giving you milk I’m giving you solid meat Luke 3:1 says this timing says in the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar John started preaching everything begins everything begins now
now if you put it together and they’re most likely was a co- regencies we won’t get into that and we also put together the fact that it says that Messiah was around 30 years old could he could have been 28 could have been 32 33 but it’s around 30 and you look at the time when Messiah had to be born which is before Herod dies Herod the Great died in 4 BC Messiah was born before that and most likely two years cuz he says kill all the children according to the star who are up to 2 years old so that puts you
around 6 BC and you go ahead when you put it all together Tiberius was made Emperor co-emperor with Augustus in the year 11 or 12 ad and you you add the years and it comes out to around the year 26 27 a d around that time so you have that so around that time you would have had the beginning of the ministry of John the Baptist and then Messiah 2627 or the end of 26 maybe coming into Jerusalem Passover so what about the countdown now of Daniel the angel said you are to know and discern that from the issuing of the decree to restore
rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the prince there shall be 7 sevens and Six and 2 627s so it comes out to we won’t go in comes out to 69 sevens of years that comes out to 483 years and then it talks about that last seven which we’re not going to get into yet that’s the end times that’s the tribulation that’s Book of Revelation we’re going to get into a next time but you got a missing seven but you got 400 you got 483 years you have one seven-year period missing out of the 490 okay so what happens now if we begin the
countdown We Begin the countdown from that issuing of the decree from the King Aris Xerxes where does it lead you it it that issuing of that decree took place in the year 457 BC add 483 years the 62 plus 7 sens you don’t have to go into you have to remember all the math but at that that 483 years where does it lead you it leads you to the year 2627 ad the same year the overwhelming year when the ministry of Messiah begins this is amazing it’s giving you the exact year and it’s the first time he would
have come to Jerusalem points to the very year that Messiah comes so it’s not just that Messiah it’s telling you Messiah has to come before the year 70 AD that’s that’s enough but it’s telling you he’d begin his ministry about the time 26 27 a which is exactly where everything points to now there’s only one person in human history who could be seriously considered as the Messiah and who came before the destruction of the temple and his coming happened to be at that exact time foretold by the
countdown of Daniel now this is gigantic so gigantic that people have to try to explain it way he say it’s not talking about the Messiah well clearly it is so here it’s giving you the year the DAT and the Hebrew year is between those two but there’s another thing here that you wouldn’t see in English but it’s there in Hebrew now I want to tell you a word Shabah try it sha we get the word the word or sha the word is seven 70 shat seven seven seven sh it’s the word seven keeps coming up
in that prophecy s S7 627 77s all that and I want you to see something about that word shevat because there’s something else that’s going to kind of just kind of kind of join to it together it says in Daniel 70 chevas or 77s or 70 weeks but the word the word Shabah also has a double meaning and you know know what it means the word seven in Hebrew means something else you know what it means it means an oath to swear an oath why because when they swore it said they would swear seven times so the word seven not only means seven in Hebrew it
means an oath an oath now in the Bible there’s a chapter Genesis 22 where God says I swear by myself and when is it it’s when he tells Abraham take your only son Isaac and take him up to the land of Mariah and offer him as a sacrifice and then of course God stops him it was just testing him but Abraham takes his son puts him on a donkey they go up to Jerusalem he gets to the mountain of Mariah because that’s where it is Jerusalem puts the wood on his shoulders makes Isaac carry it up to the place of sacrifice binds him to the wood
lifts up to sacrifice God stops him and then he says Abraham because you have done that I I will con I will I swear by myself I will bless you I will fulfill the Covenant so so what happened here you have a father takes a son and so so God is GNA if one person on this on a covenant if one person does it then the other person has to be willing to do it God says cause you did that God’s saying I’m GNA do this and so what happens 2,000 years later God takes his son the father puts him on a donkey leads him to
the same place Jerusalem has him carry the wood just like Isaac on his shoulders to the place of the sacrifice they lay him just as Isaac was he is laid on the wood bound together and then he is pierced and it is Messiah is sacrificed where on Mount Mariah what is on Mount Mariah the Temple Mount and Calvary amazing and so God said by myself I swear what does that mean when you swear by something you’re lifting it up by my mother by my my what I’m you’re lifting it up it’s collateral God swearing by himself what does that mean
that means he’s lifting up his own life as collateral so he’s going to offer but that word swear in Hebrew when he says I swear the word that he uses is sh H which is the same word that’s used in basically in Daniel Daniel when Daniel says 77s you can take it as 70 Oaths of God it’s 77s but it’s God he’s confirming he’s saying I’m going to fulfill all my promises in this one act when the Messiah dies all my promises are in that and it’s all going to take so so Daniel has that has that word and
then this has that word Daniel is telling you when it’s going to happen this is telling you where it’s going to happen so you put it together in this year as it comes to to this time the Bible is saying Messiah is going to die at that time and where is it going to be it’s going to be in the place where the mountain where Abraham offered up Isaac which is Mount Mariah which is Calvary God Is So Perfect he puts it all together amazing he’s telling you where he’s telling you when he’s telling you
what day Passover is another thing but let’s go further another mystery when Gabriel appears in the New Testament who does he speak to First Zechariah where’s Zechariah he’s in the he’s in the temple he’s in the temple and where is he in the temple he’s at the he’s offering up the incense which is right in front of the holy of holies it’s right in front of the veil it’s right on the verge of where atonement takes place where it all all Redemption takes place it’s right there why it’s
like a it’s God is like showing something in time and space that that’s where the moment was they’re right they’re right at the verge of redemption it’s going to come and so so here’s the the priest is standing by the veil of the holy of holies messiah’s going to going to bring Redemption they’re right at the verge of it and when was it did we say that Gabriel appeared to Daniel he it says at the evening offering at the time of the evening sacri sacrifice well you know when the the incense that
Zechariah offered up you know when it could be offered up it’s either at the morning sacrifice or the evening sacrifice it’s most likely the evening because it’s the same time that Gabriel started the countdown now he appears at the time of the offering he keeps on appearing at the time of the offering because it’s all about the offering of Messiah and so most likely it’s 3 p.m.
now now something else about this think about this Gabriel appears at the time of the evening sacrifice and he proph size of what of the sacrifice of Messiah when was Messiah when did he die he died at the 9th hour when is that that’s 300 p.m. when is that that’s the that’s the exact time of the evening sacrifice so here from the very beginning the time of Messiah sacrifice when when Gabriel gives the time he’s actually appearing at the time Jesus is going to die when he will be cut off but there’s also more because that
word sha all that word that keeps coming up in the Prophecies of Daniel the 7770 Shah’s oath also swearing promise of God God sent Gabriel to appear in the temple to Zechariah Zechariah and he gives him a sign concerning that he’s going to have a son his wife who could not have children and older now is going to Bear a son it’s going to be John the Baptist it’s going to begin everything who was his wife his wife name was Elizabeth what is Elizabeth in Hebrew it’s Elie sha same word oath God the oath of
God and what does zechariah’s name mean Zechariah Zaria means God has remembered so you got God has remembered and you got the oath of God put them put them together marry them and it becomes God has remembered the oath of God God has remembered his oath it’s amazing because that that thing actually comes up in the songs when he when when Zechariah is singing he talks about and and Mary then sings similarly but talks about he has remembered his oath God remembered his oath and he remembered the 77s of D and remembered all his
promises and he brought them together so when you put you got God has remembered Zechariah bring comes together with Elisha Elizabeth oath of God they come together and they bear a son and what’s the son’s name yok and John which means the grace of God God has remembered his Covenant his oath he remembered the seven also means God has remembered his sevens the 77s of Daniel and so it’s going to produce the grace of God now before we bring this home now let me tell you I’m going to bring when we do part two we’re going to
focus on that last period of seven that tribulation Revelation Antichrist all that that’s where the last seven that was missing but before we bring this home tonight very cool thing what were the 77s of Daniel about they were about the end of what the end of the Exile end of the 70 years of captivity and now God’s purpos are going forward he’s going to rebuild Jerusalem messiah’s going to come all that so it’s about a 70-year period that ends with a proclamation of a world leader that has
to do with Jerusalem well right now we are at the end of another 70-year period of Israel’s history no less prophetic Israel was raised from the dead in the year 1948 add 70 years where does it come 2018 right now 70 years ago this year 70 years ago this month 70 years ago this week I didn’t plan this message to go this way but what happened what happened at the end of the 70-year period in ancient times a king issues a proclamation recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel what happened at the end of this
70-year period of Israel’s existence a king a world leader issues a proclamation recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel for the first time since ancient times a world power a major world power has recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in the ancient case of Cyrus and then AR Xerxes the proclamation set in motion prophetic events which would lead to the Fulfillment of God’s prophetic purpose and the coming of Messiah so what events will be set in motion now to lead to the Fulfillment you know the
first the first Countdown the first 70 year and Proclamation at the end led to the first coming of Messiah what will the second lead to could it be the second coming amazing I didn’t plan it but this Monday on the western calendar is the exact 70E Mark of the history of Israel the exact 70-year Mark May 14th at at midnight May 15th of that Monday night Tuesday that’s exactly when Israel came into existence and on that day they’re planning to move the American Embassy to Jerusalem on the 70-year mark linked to
recognizing Jerusalem like Cyrus did what will it lead to we shall see but what does this all tell you the 77 you don’t you don’t have to get all the math but you you get the you get the gist here the 77s of Daniel what an amazing thing there’s nothing like this in the text of any religion any faith any ideology a countdown giving the exact time of messiah’s coming and it happened just as it said this is Jonathan Khan if you were blessed by the part of the message you just saw you can get a copy of the full message and see
it in its entirety and you can see the full catalog of all my messages just go to sorder and you can get any message on DVD CD download them on MP4 MP3 just go to sorder [Music]
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