The Mystery of Brother God! And How Close is Jesus/ Yeshua to You! | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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The Mystery of Brother God! And How Close is Jesus/ Yeshua to You! | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

There is a mystery in both the Hebrew and Greek about how close, intimate, and deep is to be your relationship with God. The mystery of brother God! And How close is Jesus, Yeshua, to you!

To get Jonathan’s newest prophetic book: The Josiah Manifesto – or his other bestsellers: The Return Of The Gods, The Harbinger II, The Oracle, The Paradigm, The Book of Mysteries, The Harbinger, & more – Go to Amazon or anywhere books are sold.

Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)

One of the places I preach around the country is in the south as a real southern pastor.
And whenever he sees me, he says, hey, brother, Rabbi. Brother Rabbi. Brother Rabbi.
I don’t think those words ever came together. But he’s brother god.
And by the way, he’s brother Rabbi. Too. You flip the brother out of him.
And we’re gonna deal with something because, you know, no matter who you are, there are times where you have not felt as close to god.
And there are times there are believers who never feel close to god. And this is gonna answer that.
It’s gonna in a whole different way. 1st thessalonians 4 verse 9.
Now as to the love of the brethren, You have no need for anyone to write you.
You, yourselves are taught by god to love one another.
For indeed, you do practice it toward all the brethren who are in all Macedonia, but we urge you brethren to excel still more.
First Peter 217 says this, show show the appropriate respect to everybody, love the family Mishpochah of believers.
Hebrews 131, keep on loving each other as brothers and sisters. What do all these have in common?
They all speak about the brethren, brethren meaning brothers and sisters.
Which says that, you know, in Hebrew, the word for family is Mishpakham. Family.
We all grew up in families and we formed much of our identities in the natural in our families.
Some of you had better experiences in your families. Some had worse experiences in your families.
Some had real dysfunctional or traumatic experiences in their families. No families perfect.
But it can affect you into the lord, into your your saved, but the in the flesh part that still can affect you God can overcome it, and you can overcome it.
But everybody deals with things.
And sometimes we see this in the body very dramatically but by what what people went through in their early part of their life, and it still repeats throughout their life.
But the Bible says now that you’re you are born again, you have a new family.
You are in the family of god. Messiah grew up in a family.
He was the 1st born son, but there were others. He wasn’t the last born son.
It says in the scripture in luke 6-6-16, it says, is this not the Carpenter some and is not his mother called Mary?
And his brothers, James, Jose, Simon, and Judith, Now there’s a doctrine among some very old denominations that says Mary stayed a virgin for the rest of her life.
And these are really it’s what it’s these are really relatives it’s talking about. That’s just not right.
It says Joseph kept her a virgin until she gave birth.
That means after she gave birth, that more she was not the the virgin.
The word used here his brother or brethren, and it un undoubtedly, not cousin.
He had many cousins, many, but this is obviously, they’re in Nazareth. These are his brothers and sisters.
This is not the it’s not not the car car Carpenter sum.
It’s not his mother, Mary, his family, and his brothers, they know they knew their names.
He had brothers, and he had sisters. His mother wasn’t called Mary.
She was called, of course, Miriam. His brother, James, was not called James.
Hey, Jim, was not called that, was called Yaakov or Jacob.
That when you hear James, it’s really Jacob or Jacob.
His brother, Joseph, it seems Spanish, wasn’t called Jose, was probably a form of Joseph or some other name like that.
Uh, many of the Hebrew names have that Joe or Yo. Sim Simon wasn’t called Simon.
He was called Shimone. And Jude wasn’t called judas or jude but with the end of the book of jude was called yahuda.
That’s from which we get the word Jewish.
So you’re in a family of Joseph Joseph The name is Yosef Miriam, Yashua, Yakov, Yosef, or Yoshia, shimon and yahuda, very Israeli sounding.
And his sisters, Matthew 13 verse 5th year, and his sisters, are they not all with us?
So not only brothers, but sisters, at least 2 sisters, because it’s plural.
And says, are they are they not all with us It’s 2.
That’s the minimum, but there may have been more sisters.
And if it was anything like the brothers well, first, it was just two sisters, you’ve got 7 children, nine people in that family.
It’s a big family, and there’s very few families here of that size.
And then if you had more if the if the sisters were about similar number to the brothers, you’d have about 10 or twelve people in that family.
The family of yeshua. He they grew up on the hill top of Nazareth.
If you’ve never been to Nazareth, Nazareth’s on a hill, overlooking the valley of Jesrael, which is linked to Armageddon, that’s where they would have grown up.
Nazareth was not a rich place. It was a poor place.
But they would have been educated early on in the synagogue and from their father and mother.
Their father was a carpenter.
He would have undoubtedly taught his his boys, Yoshua, and Yaakov, and the rest, how to do carpentry.
And at and Friday night Saturday morning, they would go to synagogue, the synagogue in Nazareth.
Imagine that. We don’t know his sister’s names, but they probably had names at least the the common names of women back then were in the new testament times where names like Hannah, Miriam, of course, shulamit or Salami, we know from our archaeology, Yohana or Jo’s Joanna, Joanna, Susan, show Shoshana.
Amazing thing, because these people in this family are gonna be known throughout the world through history as, of course, Jesus, Mary and Joseph, S Saint James, Saint Jude.
All of them, you’d expect them in a cathedral, but actually, they were in a synagogue.
Imagine your family in a synagogue, Saint Jude, Saint James, Mary, the Virgin Mary, all that. They went to synagogue.
They said the blessings, the Shamah, the kiddish, all these saints worshiping in Hebrew, Aramack, imagine imagine being a brother or sister to him, imagine being in that family.
And your older brother is the Messiah. Now did they know it? We don’t know.
I mean, Mary and Joseph knew it. Did they tell the others? Maybe maybe not.
You know, they may it may have been too much, you know, to tell them.
You know, and in fact, it says that they didn’t even they had doubts about him.
So they that we don’t know what they thought.
You know, later on, they believed, but, you know, we know James was the leader of of the of the congregation in Jerusalem.
And we have the book of jude. Guardian.
And so so imagine all that, you know, and imagine, you know, you know, if your older brother’s the facade, you don’t wanna get into a fight with him.
You don’t want zip rivalling, simply rivalry with the messiah.
You know, you know, I mean, you wouldn’t wanna be involved. You know, mom, you’re always siding with yeshua.
Well, he’s the messiah. I have to.
You always treat him like like he’s god’s gift to the world.
Well, he is god’s gift to the world.
Matthew 12, it says 40 while he was still talking to the people, his mother and brothers were standing outside wanting to speak to him.
And someone said to him, look, your mother and brothers are standing outside.
They wanna speak to you, but he replied, the one who told him this, who’s my mother, and who are my brothers?
Seems doesn’t seem honorable here.
It doesn’t seem like he’s honoring them, But it’s kinda like when he says when they were when they were looking for him in Jerusalem, and he said, why were you looking for me?
Didn’t you know I would be in my father’s house?
Or woman, what do I have to do with you? My hour has not yet come.
Sounds a little, you know, but it’s really not.
He stretched his hand toward his disciples and said, behold, my mother, and my brothers, for whoever dosed the will of my father who was in heaven, That is my brother.
That is my sister. That is my mother. Sounds like he’s diminishing family, but he’s not.
He’s expanding the family. There are ministries that focus on the family, and that’s a good thing because the family is under attack.
Families of god, marriages of god, under attack. At the same time, family is not god.
There is something higher. God is higher. If you make family your god, it’s your idol, and that’s not good.
There are people who don’t come to the lord because they don’t want to offend their family. That is idolatry.
Messiah said, you know, you need to leave your family to to become.
You have to put all things second to find families of god, but god is 1st.
So on one hand, families to be honored, honor your mother and mother. Marriages to be honored.
Sacred husbands love your wife. Wives love your husband till death parts you. Children obey your parents.
Husbands provide for your family, be faithful to your covenant.
The lord’s point here was not to diminish family, but to expand it.
Because if you are born again today, you are now part of a new family. The family of god.
Not a flesh and blood. It’s of spirit. It’s not like family. It actually is family.
We kinda think, okay, our real family is there.
Of course, that is your real family, but this is also your real family.
You said, well, that that’s the real family. This is kind of like an, you know, it’s a metaphor. No.
No. No. It’s not a metaphor. It’s real as real as your real family, but it’s of the spirit.
Because if you’re born again, you are of the spirit, so you have to have a family in the spirit.
How do you get into a family?
And most of the time, you know, you could be adopted most of the time it’s your born into it.
And so you share the nature physically of your family in blood.
You share the blood of your brothers and sisters and your parents. Blood brothers, blood sisters.
So why is it that Messiah at this point?
He’s talking about family because something new is coming into the world.
If family’s based on birth, then to be have a new family, there’s gotta be a new birth.
If there’s a new birth, there’s gotta be a new family.
It is no less real than your family of flesh and blood.
It is of the spirit, but it is real. It’s as clo it’s to be as close as any family.
And if you look around, you’ll see people of every different nature here, like the United Nations, which I love.
United Nations of people, every different tribe in Tom, from every different physical birth, yet They are your brothers, and they are your sisters in god, and that is the cool thing about it.
You can, you know, the person sitting next you behind you around you.
The deepest part of their life is the deepest part of your life.
You can go around the world and you find people who don’t look like you at all and speak other land they don’t even speak your language yet they share the deepest part of them the deepest part of you.
If they’re real believers, that’s the deep is the is connected just like DNA.
And there are times you could feel closer to people in the lord than you do to your to your flesh and blood family.
We are to love and honor our flesh and blood family but you are in a family of god that you have been born into forever.
Amen. And now we take this into a whole another realm.
That’s gonna speak to your feeling distant sometimes from god or not feeling close and answer it.
When you think of god, when we think of god, we think of god is up there and he is.
He’s above us and he is He’s the king. He is.
King of the universe, judge of all, almighty, he is. We think of him vertically, and he is.
But there’s a whole other realm. Very cool and very transforming. Listen to these scriptures. Hebrews 211.
Both the one who makes people holy and those who are made holy are of the same family.
So Yashua, Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers and sisters.
He says, I will declare your name, to my brothers, my sisters, in the assembly, I will sing your praises.
Romans 829. For those whom he foreknew he predested to be conformed to the image of his son in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.
This is clearly saying that what does this mean?
It means god, the king of the universe, the almighty, the judge, the eternal, is also your brother.
God’s your brother. Wow. Now you might think about You might but it this is hard.
This is this is so radical. It’s hard to get this because it’s so radical. It’s so transformative.
God is your brother. What does that mean? He’s not only above you and everything.
He’s also beside you, along you, with you God is the father is above, god is the son is with you, by you, in you, through you, people stumble over the fact that Messiah, like the Garden of Yosemite, he’s praying to god and saying, thy will be done, not mine.
And I said, oh, you see that he’s not god. He’s not god because he prayed to god.
And so the cults use that to say that. But that’s the whole point.
He prayed not because he wasn’t god. He prayed because he was. Now let me explain this.
Now think about it. Every good thing he’s gotta be in god. There’s nothing that’s good that’s outside of god.
Prare is good. Prare can’t be outside of god. Now we’re thinking about it.
If god can pray, then prayer is outside of god, then he could never know what what it’s like.
When you’re praying, that means you’re alone. You’re on your own. God’s not in it. Do you understand?
God has to be in everything.
So for god so then god prayer can’t be away from god relating to god can’t be something that’s not of god.
God has to be in it. God is in everything. He’s all in all.
So that what it means is, so so otherwise, you know, prayer would be an alien thing to god because it’s something that he can’t do.
Something that when you do it, you’re on your own, but it’s you’re not on your own.
So the fact that god can pray to god because god is your brother, not only your father, he’s your brother, that means when you pray, god is praying with you.
When you worship, god is in you worshiping with you.
When you relate to god, which is your whole life, God isn’t away from you. He’s in you.
This is radical. Most of the, you know, the other relay most religions in the world, they can’t even go near this.
You pray to god, it’s you on your own on earth, and you’re trying to do your best with god.
But god is in your relationship with god. He God is relating to god in your relationship to god.
When you’re praying to god, yeah, god is way up there, but he’s also way down here.
He’s worshiping with you. He’s overcoming with you. He is rising with you.
He is fighting the good fight with you.
See, he were not only created by god, you were created through god in god, the son, What does it say?
In the beginning was the word, the word was with god, and the word was god.
The word was with god and the word what? Now think about that. That’s all correct.
Was with god what do you mean? That means he’s god but he’s also with god.
That means be being with god, which is where we’re at, he’s in that totally.
So he’s in charge of with god as well. You were created through the word, through the sun.
It says all things came into being through him.
And apart from him, nothing came into being that has come into being So you were created, think, in by god through the sun so that you would relate to god through the son, through the daughter, through the child.
You so you were created in his life.
In the life of the sun before we even knew Jesus, before he came to earth before you were create we were created to share the life, the existence of the son who relates to god.
He loves god. That’s what you were created to love god in him.
You were created to be loved by god, the bell because he’s the beloved, loved by god, and you’re in his image.
So your very existence is based on the existence of the sun.
You were so, therefore, you were created From the beginning, we we know we fell.
That that means he we had to be saved, but from the beginning, you were created to be his brother his sister that he and you side by side.
Um, that is why we fell.
That meant that broke that whole thing up, but that’s why you could the next mystery is the incarnation.
How could god become become one of us? Because god is not only our father. He’s our brother.
So god, the brother, comes down to be one of us, be aside from us, We know god as father.
That’s that’s that’s the more natural way of thinking, and that’s true.
If you’re born again, God, we know god is the king. We know god is the master.
We know god is the lord, god is the judge, god is the most high, god is the almighty, But we have to learn to know god in another way that we often never do, and that is that can change our lives, can change your life, We have to begin to know god also as our brother.
God, our brother, brother god, Brother god. Yeah. I said, I go down.
One of the one of the places I preach around the country is in the south as a real southern pastor.
And whenever he sees me, he says, hey, brother Rabbi. Brother Rabbi. Brother Rabbi.
I don’t think those words ever came together. But he’s brother god.
And by the way, he’s brother rabbi too. He’s the brother rabbi.
The one who is your the brother is the one who’s not just most he is the one who’s with you beside you in your place who shares everything He knows your weaknesses.
He feels for you. He sympathizes with you. His heart is with you.
You know, the Bible says in Hebrews, we don’t have a high priest who cannot sympathize.
We have a high priest who can simply. Now think about a high priest.
The high priest stood for the people in the place of the people just like this.
He had to be their brother. That’s why Jesus our high priest. He had to be our brother.
He shares in everything he simplifies your secrets, your fears, your guilt, your worry, your burdens, Your secret sins.
He knows it, and he still is for you. He still is for you.
He wants you to he wants you to relate to him, not only as father, but as brother, one you can share everything with because he understands you He already knows that he wants you to cast.
He says, that’s why he says, cast your burdens on him. Cast your anxieties on him.
He wants you to unload. He doesn’t want you to hold it.
He doesn’t want you to be on your own. He wants you. He wants it so much.
God, so much took the all that was needed to become your brother so you would not be holding on this yourself dealing with it alone.
He doesn’t want you worrying how to pray.
He just wants you to talk to him like a best friend.
Just talk to him in the car today when you go back. Talk as your best friend.
If you have people in the car, they’ll understand. Just talk to him as your best friend.
He wants you to know he is for you. He doesn’t want anything to separate.
He doesn’t want you to be afraid to tell him anything because he’s not gonna be shocked by it.
He already knew it before you said it. He wants you to share.
It’s written, pour out your hearts like waters, before the presence of the lord.
He wants you to lighten your load. Cast it. Do not carry it alone.
He doesn’t want you to hold on to anything, any shame that separates you. He doesn’t want that.
He’s your brother. He doesn’t want you bearing anything on your own. He doesn’t want you to be alone.
He doesn’t want He doesn’t want you to be dealing without problem alone.
He wants you to give it to him. It’s his problem now. He doesn’t want you dealing with a burden.
Give him the burden. It’s his burden. He doesn’t want you dealing with the responsibility you have alone.
But with him, And he not only wants to share in every part of your life good, bad, and ugly.
He wants you to share in every part of his life good, awesome, beautiful, wonderful.
He wants you to get so close that you start sharing in his actual nature.
That his nature becomes your nature, his power, your power. His purity becomes your purity.
His love becomes your love. His identity becomes your identity, the righteousness of god, the beloved child of god.
And in that, in him, you can overcome all things and be victorious in him.
Paul said it’s not I who live. It’s it’s he lives in me. It’s me and him. We’re 1.
My brother See, god is your brother. It means your relationship with god has to be intimate.
Has to be the most intimate thing in your life.
You know, you need to be closer to god than you are, anyone else.
You know, we talk to each other about god. We should be talking to god about each other.
In other words, we relate first to god. He’s closer before anybody else.
You need to be able to talk to him about anything, anytime god is your brother.
It says he is not ashamed to call them his brother’s sister, so we can’t be ashamed to call god, my brother.
My brother I asked you if you could imagine what it was like for to be part of his actual his flesh and blood family.
And actually have him as your brother. Well, he calls you brother. He calls you sister. That’s my brother.
That’s my sister. You you know, when L. E. L. L.
Was a little kid and he’s not little anymore, and and his younger brother, Dial was even smaller, you know, he we’re on a vacation and so and he’s and all of a sudden, Dial wanted off in these bigger kids were all around IEL.
LEL runs up and he says he’s a he’s protected. He says, that’s my brother. I’m his big brother.
That’s his my brother. Well, he’s lord looks at you. He says, he said, that’s my brother. That’s my sister.
If you’re of his family, what kind of family was that? I Nazareth. That was a royal family.
That was the royal family. That was a holy family.
If you’re of his family, are of a royal family or royalty by the new birth, you can call them a therefore, you are to live a royal life.
My brother is king. My brother is royal. A holy life, my brother is god.
A heavenly life, my brother is the lord of heaven. Hi.
I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you are blessed with the video.
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