Adrian Rogers: Who Crucified Jesus Christ?

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who crucified Jesus we did what crucified Jesus self-righteous [Music] religion hard-hearted hypocrisy but friend the Bible teaches he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we’re healed profound truth simply stated This is Love Worth Finding with Pastor teacher and author Adrien Rogers take God’s word and find Isaiah chapter 53 we’ve been thinking about the passion of the Lord Jesus Christ the question is being.
asked and the title of my message this morning is this who crucified Jesus find Isaiah chapter 53 and look with me in verses 5 and six but he was wounded for our transgressions he Jesus was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed all we like sheep have gone astray we have turned everyone to his own way and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all now the question has been discussed over and over again who crucified Jesus well let’s ask and.
answer that question if we can uh first of all did the Jews crucified Jesus before you say that the Jews crucified Jesus I want to remind you that his early disciples were Jews the apostles were Jews Peter James and John were Jews a Jew uh preached that great sermon on Pentecost a Jew the Apostle Paul was the mightiest missionary that ever lived the Forerunner of the Lord Jesus Christ was a Jew the early church was made up of Jews there was not a gentile in the bunch now indeed some Jews participated in the crucifixion of our.
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ but friend only ignorance would blame the Jews as the singular people who are responsible for the crucifixion now one segment of the Jewish community at that time clamored for the death of the Lord Jesus Christ Now look up here and I want to tell you something I would hate for Christianity to be judged by one segment of Christianity I indeed would would we have more than our share of moral scandals in the church little would it behoove us to be pointing fingers at anyone else and I.
want to say this also to any Jewish friends uh that are listening any anti-Semitism in the world does not originate from the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ but from the wicked hearts of sinful men anti-Semitism like all racism is a distortion of the truth and it needs to be condemned in all of its forms for the past 2,000 years Jews have suffered unmentionable persecution it is a crime and it seems to be a cancer that never seems to heal the cross does not teach anti-Semitism the cross teaches love the cross teaches.
reconciliation the cross teaches mercy no Christian can ever hate anyone for whom Jesus died congregation that is a good place for an amen all right and I tell you something else speaking of good places this is a good place and this is a good time to bless God’s chosen people for God said to Abraham concerning the Jews I will bless those that bless you and I will curse those that curse you did the Jews crucify Jesus one segment of the Jewish Community was there at the cross did the Romans crucify Jesus well the Romans.
were the actual executioners the soldiers were brutal but in a sense they were only pawns they were obeying orders orders that came from higher up Jesus was crucified with Roman Authority but can we blame the Romans altogether can we blame pilot that compromising politician can we blame pilot who tried to wash his ly white hands and protest his innocence was pilate alone guilty of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ no you already know the answer not the Jews alone not the Romans alone not the soldiers alone not pilate alone the.
answer is who crucified Jesus he died for for the sins of all mankind I read to you the scripture again Isaiah 53:5 he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities our sins were the nails that held him to the cross and our hard Hearts the Hammers that drove those Nails yours and mine he died for our sins but now wait a moment let’s see if we can get more specific let’s talk not about who crucified Christ as much as what crucified Christ what hellish inclinations are in human nature in.
Toto that caused Jesus to be crucified I want you to leave Isaiah chapter 53 and I want you to turn to the Book of Matthew and let’s go to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ Matthew chapter 27 take your Bibles and turn to it because you’re going to find out that in Matthew chap 27 God has arranged it that a cross section of humanity is there we’re going to see attitudes that crucify we’re going to see literally not who crucified Jesus but what crucified Jesus we’re going to find the sin that lurks in your.
heart in my heart that crucified the Lord Jesus Christ and as we look at this 2 2 7th chapter listen as we look at this 27th chapter of The Gospel according to Matthew and see the crowd at the cross we’re going to call the role and at this roll call at the cross if you’re listening you’ll hear your name I want to mention seven things that crucified Jesus I want you to write them down first of all self-righteous religion crucified Jesus self-righteous religion crucified Jesus Matthew 271 and2 when the morning was come all the.
chief priests and Elders of the people took counsel against Jesus to put him to death now these were the Rel religious leaders and when they had bound him they led him away and delivered him to Pontius Pilate the governor these were religious leaders many of them were what we would call Pharisees know who the Pharisees were they were the most religious of the religions they kept the Sabbath with such puntila an egg that had been laid on Saturday if they had a flea they would not kill that Flea on Saturday L they be accused of hunting on
the Sabbath I’m not making this up if they got attacked in the soul of their shoe they could not take it out on the Sabbath lest they be accused of working on the Sabbath this was a religious crowd but they still nailed Jesus up on the cross religion has never saved anybody most of the people in America need to turn from religion to Jesus Christ self-righteous religion crucified Jesus if religion could have done saved Jesus never would have died if you’re enjoying this message from Adrienne Rogers and.
would like to dig a little deeper into today’s topic we’d love to send you this free companion Bible study use the link above to request yours what else crucified Jesus hard-hearted hypocrisy crucified Jesus look now in verses 3-5 then Judas which had betrayed him when he saw that he was condemned repented himself and brought again the 30 pieces of silver to the chief priest and Elders saying I have sinned in that I have betrayed the innocent blood and they said what is that to us see thou to that and he cast.
down the pieces of silver in the temple and departed and went away way and hanged himself now if you know anything about the Bible you know that Judas was one of the 12 disciples who betrayed the Lord Jesus Christ unto death and he did it for 30 pieces of silver why did he do it no ifs ANS and butts about it he was a first class hypocrite Judas never lost his salvation he never had it the Bible says Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not Judas was a hypocrite hypocrisy crucified the Lord Jesus.
Christ self-righteous religion did it hypocrisy hard-hearted hypocrisy crucified the Lord Jesus thirdly I want to tell you what else crucified Jesus Cowardly compromis Cowardly compromis look now verse 11 and Jesus stood before the governor and the governor asked him talk the governor now is pilate and the governor asked him saying thou the king of the Jews and Jesus said unto him thou sayest and when he was accused of the chief priest and Elders he answered nothing then said pilate unto him hearest thou not how many things they witness against.
thee now look if you will skip down to verse 24 when pilate saw that he could Prevail nothing but rather that a tement was made he took water and washed his hands before the multitude saying listen to this now I am innocent of this justce person I am innocent of the blood of this just person see ye to it then answered all the people and said his blood be on us and on our children then released he barabus unto them and when he had scourged Jesus he delivered him to be crucified I said a while ago that pilate was a fence straddling.
politician Jesus to pilate was an uncomfortable fact he had Jesus on his hands the inevitable unavoidable Jesus was on his hands he had to do something with Jesus now don’t don’t make pilate some sort of a hero pilate sinned because he was a coward God had spoken to him pilate was a wise man in the flesh he knew human nature look if you will in uh Verse 18 the Bible says that pilate knew that for Envy they had delivered Jesus he knew that for Envy they had delivered him you see the voice of reason had spoken to.
pilate pilate was a coward what crucified Jesus well self-righteous religion crucified Jesus what crucified Jesus hard-hearted hypocrisy crucified Jesus what crucified Jesus cowardly compromis crucified the Lord Jesus Christ don’t be a coward number four thoughtless Conformity crucified Jesus look if you will now in verse 20 but the chief priest and Elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask barabus and Destroy Jesus on that day pilate trying to escape gave the people a choice he said look here’s barabus a.
notorious criminal a murderer seditionist over here is Jesus Christ and I’m going to release one of which one do you want me to release and the Bible says that the people chose barabus and said crucify Jesus had you been there that day and asked these people why did you do that why did you choose barabus over the Lord Jesus Christ why are you doing this they would have said well our leaders say that’s what we ought to do our leaders are persuading us that he ought to be crucified and after all is always good to go along with the.
crowd my friend I w’t tell you the crowd is most always wrong uh these people uh were just conformed to the crowd now you say well they didn’t know better well friend ignorance is not innocence they could have known better they should have known better others knew bigger better the biggest cult in America is the cult of Conformity Jesus will reveal himself to you I don’t care what anyone else says you can read all of the newspapers you can listen to all the Liberals you can listen to all of the naysayers you can let other people.
persuade you or you could say oh God show me about Jesus Christ for careless Conformity crucified the Lord Jesus Christ the the crowd mostly is going to hell broad is the way that leads to destruction number five tell you what else crucified the Lord Jesus Jesus hard-hearted cruelty crucified the Lord Jesus Christ now notice if you will in verse 27 then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the common Hall and gathered unto him the whole band of soldiers and they stripped him and put on him a Scarlet robe and when they had platted a crown.
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