Gods And Christians – Round Two | Jonathan Cahn Special | The Return of The Gods
Gods And Christians – Round Two| The Return of The Gods
Thursday, June 8, 2023 – Windswept
On the Feast of Shavuot– Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came with the sound of a mighty rushing wind. In Hebrew, the way you say Holy Spirit is “Ruach Ha Kodesh.” Ruach means wind, and Ha Kodesh means “the Holy.” The Holy Spirit is the Holy Wind. What does that tell us? The Ruach is Wind, and wind is power. Wind can level a house or a city. God’s Spirit came to give you power to do His will. But you don’t have to do it in your own strength. God has given you the Spirit; the power of the Wind. It wasn’t a gentle wind. It was a mighty rushing wind. Because you don’t just need power, you need the power of God. He didn’t just give you power, He gave you the Power of His Wind! The power to break down all obstacles to do His will. To sweep away resistance and move forward to victory. So go for it. You can do all things as God has called you. Because you’ve got His Spirit and that’s the Power of the Wind – a Mighty Rushing Wind.
What happened to Christians in the Roman Empire, the persecutions, the imprisonments, the executions, the public spectacles of believers thrown to the lions.
Could that have just been a preliminary. Are we watching the beginnings of round two?
In the beginning of the age believers, Christians were in a war, a spiritual war of Principalities of powers, gods or spirits.
The spirits of paganism came against them as they were, the spirits were threatened by them.
And so they threatened believers.
The first believers were persecuted, marginalized, vilified, scapegoated, persecuted, prosecuted, arrested, thrown to the wild animals of the Roman Games.
Behind it were spirits, spirits that depicted Christians believers as intolerant haters, extremists dangerous.
The greatest persecution of ancient times began through a word given by one of the oracles, a woman who was possessed in effect, possessed by a spirit.
But in the end, the believers prevailed.
The gods departed, the spirits were cast out the gospel and the word of God prevail.
But now we’re witnessing America and the West turn away from God and the gospel and the word and the spirits and the gods have returned, but they haven’t just returned.
They returned to take up where they left off.
This is round two, the war of the gods, the spirits against the believers.
And so they seek again in our culture more and more to depict believers as intolerant, as haters, as extremists, as dangerous.
It’s the same exact strategy that was used at the beginning of the age and you can sense this spirit in our culture.
And so believers have literally now we’re seeing the beginning of it, of them being arrested, not in the communist world simply.
But now for the first time in the Western world, pastors and evangelists have actually been put in western jails, the jails of Europe, even Canada and now it’s threatening in America, there is a spirit seeking to silence Christians, punish them, close down Christian schools, excommunicate Christian students employees, fire them soldiers, not in the Muslim world but in the Western world, even in America.
Exactly as it was in the beginning. If you’re a Christian, you have a mark on you.
And this is exactly what the Bible says will happen in the end times. It’s round two.
Are you ready in the return of the gods? I speak of the strategy.
What you need to know for starters. This is round two.
That means this is the book of Acts, the sequel.
We’re dealing with the same Principalities, the same spirits, the same gods and we have to deal with it as they did in the book of Acts you have to stand and fight as one who is of the book of acts, you have something more powerful than all the spirits of the gods.
You have the spirit of God, the spirit of the living God.
And if you will live by that spirit, you will overcome every other spirit live by the spirit, walk by the spirit repent by the spirit, rise by the spirit.
Stand by the spirit. Fight by the spirit and overcome by the spirit.
The darkness came in because of the turning away from God’s presence and his spirit.
The answer to God’s absence is his presence and the spirit in his people in you.
It’s more powerful than any darkness. It’s the power to drive out the darkness.
We have to pray for the outpouring of his spirit.
This is just a taste of the mystery revealed in full in the book that I’ve written the latest book, The return of the Gods.
This is the mystery behind everything that we need to know that we need to recognize.
It’s going to give you a new light, crystal clarity to see what is happening, why it’s happening, where it’s going, what is going to happen and how to be ready, how to be prepared.
What do you need to know to prevail?
Coming up the next message, the coming totalitarianism hit, subscribe, you don’t want to miss it.
This is Jonathan Kah. I’ll see you next time with the coming totalitarianism. There’s a spirit.
Now in America, that’s actually against free speech. A spirit that seeks all to conform and bow down.
Remember what happened when the God bail achieved supremacy in Israel in the days of Ahab and Jezebel, there began a persecution in Israel to hunt down and kill those who wouldn’t do homage, wouldn’t bow their knee to bail.
- The Cure For Unbelief – Part 2 (Hebrews 4:11-13)Tháng 3 7, 2023