The Cosmic Secret Of The Priest-King | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.
Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)
I will cut a new covenant. The word is Say it.
It sounds like cut, So Levi and Aaron, priestly.
Judah and David, royal. 1 reign. They both are in Jerusalem.
One reigns in the Temple or ministers in the Temple. The other reigns on the throne.
According to Israel, the laws of Israel, though there was a line between the two houses that could never be crossed.
The priest could never be king. And the king could never be priest.
They could never The king with all his power still could not touch anything in the House of God.
The king had to have his own sins atoned for by the priest.
And the priest, the high priest with all his, the glory around him could never sit on the throne.
He could never rule. In fact the priest didn’t even own, couldn’t even own land in the, in the land of Israel.
It was an unbreachable wall between the two houses.
In other lands, in other, the pagan lands the king was often the high priest or the, or even a god.
The, the, the Emperor was the pontifex maximus, the priest. But never in Israel.
You know and it may be because God was saying listen. You have one God. I am the one God.
There’s no, no man, no, who’s gonna do this, until a mystery.
But there was once a king who attempted to cross the line. His name was Uzziah or Uzziah.
In fact it’s interesting because this weekend something came out in the news.
The Bible says that Uzziah built a particular wall.
And the thing is there’s been a wall in the old city of the, the City of David for years.
And they always said they thought it was done by another king and they just discovered it actually was done by Uzziah, as the Bible said.
The, the headline said the proves the Bible true. And it’s Uzziah.
Uzziah was a good king but he became proud.
And when in his pride he entered the temple to burn incense the priest tried to stop him.
Don’t do this. But he took the censer of incense in his hands.
And as he did it, as he lifted it up he was struck with leprosy.
He became a leper for the rest of his life. The King could never be priest.
And the priest could never be king. The line was drawn.
But what Hebrews is bringing out is Messiah is of Judah and of the kingly line.
The house of the kings is Messiah.
In fact Jesus, Yeshua is the only one on earth who has the genealogy that, that confirms him as the Son of David.
There’s no other Jewish person in the world who has that. Only one could be the Messiah. That’s him.
Now that could be enough. You think okay. That’s enough. He’s the Messiah. He’s of, he’s of Judah.
He’s of David. He’s the royal one. That’s not enough. Why? Because Messiah is going to reign forever.
But if he wasn’t also the priest then you’d have Messiah on one side, on the throne and you’d have a priest for your salvation.
It’s not gonna be divided. You know our salvation is not gonna be split up.
It’s gonna be 1. The division of the king and the priest was right for Israel at the time.
It’s a reminder that God is all. But when, if God comes then everything changes.
If God comes the division is not going to remain that It’s going to remain divided.
Messiah God must be both King and Priest. The King and the High Priest.
And this mystery is not something that’s just in the New Testament. It’s in the Old Testament.
In Isaiah, for instance, we know Messiah is the King. We, everybody knows that. He’s the King.
But in Isaiah 53 you hear, you read about Messiah and he reigns at the end.
But what does he do? It says he made intercession for the sinners.
He, he took, he carried away our sins. He, he made us right. He made intercession, atonement.
He, he became our guilt sacrifice. What’s that? That’s the priest. The priest makes intercession.
The priest takes the sinner and, and, and deals with the sin. That’s the priest. But that’s Messiah.
Daniel 9 verse 24 says this is, 77s are appointed to what?
Finish the transgression. Make an end of sin.
Anoint the most holy and make everlasting atonement. What’s that? That’s the priest. Finish transgression.
And make an end of sin. Bring in atonement. The word is kippur, like Yom Kippur. That’s the priest.
It’s the priest. But it’s talking about Messiah. It says the Messiah will come.
Messiah will come to Jerusalem. And and that’s to make an end of sin.
That’s Messiah but he’s doing something priestly. See it’s not that Jesus is of the wrong tribe.
He’s of the right tribe. How? If he, if he’s priest and he’s not of the priestly tribe, how?
Why? Because when Messiah comes everything’s got to change.
When Messiah comes it’s gonna be a New Covenant.
If it’s a New Covenant you have a new priesthood. So the priesthood has to change.
It can’t be based on the old flesh and blood. It’s got to be based on something new.
So it’s the very fact that he’s not of Aaron is saying there’s gonna be a, not, not that he’s wrong.
It’s gonna be a new priesthood. It’s gonna be a new covenant.
He is not of flesh and blood priestly because his priesthood is not of flesh and blood.
He’s not under the line of the Mosaic covenant because he’s bringing in a New Covenant.
The coming of Messiah is so big it’s got to change things.
And what does the Bible says? It says the covenants are inaugurated with blood, with a sacrifice.
The Old Covenant was inaugurated with the blood of the sacrifice.
But the scripture’s interesting says in Jeremiah 31 it says the time is coming says the Lord when I will make a what?
Britadasha, a New Covenant. A New Covenant. Now this is You could tell your Jewish friends.
This is the Old Testament saying I’m gonna make a New Testament, a New Covenant.
I will make a New Covenant, except it doesn’t say that in Hebrew.
In Hebrew it says, not I will make a New Covenant.
It says I will, I will cut a New Covenant. The word is karat. Say it.
It sounds like cut. Karat. It sounds And it says I will cut a New Covenant.
In other words it speaks about a sacrifice.
The New Covenant is going to begin, has to begin like the Old Covenant with a sacrifice.
So what is the sacrifice? The cross is the sacrifice.
I will cut a New Covenant with that.
And so Messiah is offering up the, the sacrifice which is himself. That is the ultimate priestly act.
Messiah on the cross is the priest. By that the prophecy of Daniel is fulfilled.
He will make an end of sin. He will do all that. And what does it say? Interesting.
In Daniel 9 it says, it says this in Hebrew. Yikarath Mashiach. It actually says Messiah. Actually says it.
Mashiach. Yikarath. What’s that? Karath. And Messiah will be cut off. That’s the word, the sacrifice.
Same word in Jeremiah 31. I will karath and a new covenant begins.
The high priest is the one who offers up the atonement.
So Messiah is the one, according to Daniel, who’s gonna offer up the final atonement.
Both he is as both Messiah the King and Messiah who saves us, the priest.
And there was a shadow of all this in the Hebrew Scriptures.
And his name was Malchizedek or Melchizedek. Who is he?
He comes 1st, first of all interesting thing. The word for king in Hebrew is melech. Try it.
Melech or malke. Melech. The Now the priest is not about rain.
The priest is about righteousness, about making you righteous.
And so the word for righteousness in Hebrew is the word tzedek. Try it.
Malki, sedek, Melchizedek. King, Melech, malki. Priest, sedek righteousness.
King of righteousness. Priest and king.
Melchizedek was a shadow of someone who else who was to come. King and priest.
See when Israel wanted a king, God said they’ve rejected me, because only God is King.
So it’s waiting for the time when, when God himself will be the King himself.
That will be a Messiah. God will sit on David’s throne. Notice something else.
Which child came first? Which child, Levi or Judah?
The one who came first is Levi, then Judah.
So the first, the covenant is first Levi.
Levi, it’s the time of the law, the temple, the priests, the sacrifices. That’s Levi.
But it says Levi then comes Judah. What’s that? When Messiah comes that’s the reign of Judah.
So you got the reign of Levi then the reign of Judah And the reign of Levi is we got to join, we got to work, we got to get joined to God.
The reign of Judah is, praise God, it’s done. Jehuda. Yehuda. Praise God. Now what is this Melchizedek?
So Melchizedek is this mysterious figure who comes out of nowhere, goes into nowhere.
He’s there at the beginning and he blesses Abraham.
And the Bible says he’s got to be greater than Abraham.
He’s the one who blesses Abraham and he is the one. It says he is king and priest.
He blesses Abraham. What happens to Abraham? Abraham has Isaac. Isaac has Jacob.
And Jacob has Levi and Judah. Priests and king. So the blessing comes from the priest king.
And then it goes to Abraham and through Abraham it splits up. One side are the kings.
One side are the priests. But it all began with Melchizedek, who was one man.
It’s saying Melchizedek was a shadow saying one day those two houses are coming back. They went out.
They’re coming back in Messiah. So Messiah. And so what does it say? Psalm 110 says what?
Sit on my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool.
But then it says for you are a priest after the order of Melchizedek.
So here is Messiah. Messiah will be a priest after the order of Melchizedek.
So it’s saying Messiah must be the priest King. The new Melchizedek. Melchizedek was just a shadow.
So here’s a question. Could it have been the other way around?
Could Messiah have been a priest who became King instead of the priest, the King who becomes priest?
Could Messiah have been of the tribe of Levi and then he sits on the throne of Judah?
No. And here’s the reason. When a covenant changes the priesthood changes. The king the throne doesn’t change.
The king doesn’t change. You understand? And ultimately the king’s about God. God doesn’t change. The covenant changed.
So Messiah is, is born of Judah because he is the king by nature.
But a priest is a priest particularly by what the priest does.
So what Messiah will do will make him, well he will be the high priest.
But he’s the King by nature. He becomes the priest by the work he did to save you.
Messiah is King.
What he does in Isaiah 53, what he does in Daniel 9 is he is offering up the atonement.
By that he is the high priest of a new covenant.
Messiah was not born of the priests by flesh and blood but by the spirit.
And that’s why your salvation, which comes from Messiah as the priest, your salvation isn’t based on the flesh.
It’s based on the spirit. That’s why, that’s why you’re born again. You are born of the spirit.
You are saved by the spirit. You are, your new identity’s in the Spirit.
The New Covenant’s not bound by flesh. And there’s another mystery here.
Because you know, each would be blessing.
You know the kings would bless the new king, the, the sons and, and the each of the priests, the next Everybody would bless but Messiah didn’t need a blessing from the kings.
He was the King. In fact at the time when Messiah was there you didn’t even have, you know, there were no real kings on the throne.
You know, there were no I believe the real king of Israel was Joseph.
He was the one born of the royal line.
It’s just he could not sit on the throne for another mystery. But the thing is Messiah was the king.
He didn’t need the kings to bless him. He’s God. He is the King of kings.
But he’s gonna be But he was not born of the priests.
So could there have been a blessing that was given to him by the priests of Aaron?
The old blessing, the new. Levi blessing Judah. There was. His priesthood begins with his ministry.
Before he ministers what does he do?
He goes down to the Jordan River where somebody is waiting for him. Who is waiting for him?
John or Yohanan. Who is Yohanan? Of the priest. He’s of Levi.
Messiah is of Judah. He’s of Levi. Levi’s first. John is ministering.
But then Levi is gonna give to Judah. And the, it’s as if Aaron is now blessing Messiah.
And so, it’s what it is.
John was more of a priest than any priest who was there back then.
John was born of the priest, the line of Aaron, not just by his father, his mother.
You didn’t need that. That’s double. Not only that. Think about it.
He’s the only one whose birth is announced in the Temple. And at, in the middle of the priestly service.
He is the priest of He’s like the last great priest of the Old Covenant.
The priest is the one who ultimately stands in the shoes of the one under judgment.
Messiah took it to the extreme, to the end, to the ultimate. God came into our place.
The King, the Judge took the seat of judgment, of being judged. That is the cross.
That is the most priestly act ever.
To do that, that his righteousness would be counted as your righteousness.
In order to do that he had to come into your place, into my place.
So if his righteousness is going to come into our life, he’s got to come into our place which is judgment.
That’s Messiah on the cross. God dies for your judgment.
That means his righteousness does not speak against you. It speaks for you.
Or as it is written for he who knew no sin became sin for us that we could become the righteousness of God.
Wow. Wow. The king becomes the priest.
The holy becomes as sinful so that the sinful can become holy. The mystery is all there.
It, even the Orthodox Jews don’t realize it if they’re reading the Bible. They don’t realize it.
It’s all, you know what it says in Messiah? You know what it says Messiah’s gonna be called?
It says he’ll, his name will be Yahweh or Adonai, Adonai Zedkanu. You know what that Zedkanu means?
It means the Lord our righteousness. How does God become our righteousness? Only if he is here.
So it is written. Now think of this scripture.
That he might be just and the justifier at the same time.
Just, the judge, justifier, our priest, that we might become the righteousness of God.
What does that even mean? I don’t know but I want to learn that.
To become What does it mean for you? What do you To become the righteousness of God.
But that’s the trade off. You give them your sins. You receive the righteousness of God.
That you can live as the righteous of God. You see this has everything to do with you.
The King of the universe is now your rock and your defense.
Or in other words, put it this other way.
God the most high King, Melch haolam, King of all, has become your priest.
That means nothing can be against you. You understand?
That if, if, if God the judge is defending you then who can accuse you anymore?
That’s why those words are so powerful in that song. You hear the song the blessing. Great song.
And there’s one part of the song that I believe affects you more than most of the rest.
And it’s the words, he is for you. He is for you. He is for you.
Actually for you. If God is for you who can be against you? There is no higher authority.
There’s nobody else. There’s no other court. So is there, if the King of Kings.
So it’s written, therefore there is no condemnation for those who are Messiah.
If you are in Messiah, if you’re born again there is no condemnation.
If you’re not you got to get in. Who can accuse you as it is written?
Who will bring charges against God’s elect? Who? God’s the one who justifies. So who can condemn?
Not even your conscience. Because God is higher than your conscience.
He has more authority than your conscience. You, you, you sin?
You’ve all Bring it to God and then receive it. You can find, you can be at peace.
Not people. People have condemned you. People have rejected you. People have hurt you. It doesn’t matter.
He is for you. He’s higher. His authority. Their authority that means nothing. The man has no authority.
The authority. The rejection has no authority. All that they did, no authority.
God has authority and he is for you. You can be at peace. You can rest.
At last you can stop condemning yourself.
You can stop living as one who’s condemned. People may have condemned you. The past condemned you.
You may have condemned you. But the judge of the universe says no.
He says, as he said to the woman, woman where are your accusers?
Where are your accusers? Neither do I accuse you. Neither do I condemn you. He could.
She could commit adultery. That’s not the point. He’s saying neither. I’m your priest. Neither do I condemn you.
Now go and sin no more. The grace of God leads us to repentance.
It’s that grace that sets us free.
And if you mess up you get right back to it and you get it.
The judge of the universe is for you. Not only with sin but anything.
The most powerful force in existence is the Almighty and he’s your defense against all evil.
So you can say I will fear no evil. Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
There is no power that is greater. He is greater than any power against you. He’s greater.
The Almighty is your defense. Therefore you can say no weapon formed against me shall prosper.
You can be You can be confident.
You can be blessed no matter what you’re dealing with, no matter what you did or what’s against you, greater is his love for you.
This is Jonathan Komp. If you were blessed by the part of the message you just saw, you can get a copy of the full message and see it in its entirety, and you can see the full catalog of all my messages.
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