The Branch Secret & Mega Fruitfulness | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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The Branch Secret & Mega Fruitfulness | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

Discover the branch secret that will lead to a mega fruitful life in this powerful sermon by Jonathan Cahn. Learn how to unlock the key for a fruitful life.

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)

Faith is what opens the door to receive from god, the trust, the time in god’s presence, the the receiving of his love, the receiving of all that is god.
If we don’t do that, we nothing. You’re only saved because you did that.
You know, and then there are also, you know, there are those who say it’s all, you know, salvation is all god.
And I don’t have to do anything because it’s all god. Well, yeah, mean, he say we can’t save ourselves.
That’s all the good. All has got all comes from god, but he has a he has a call for each of us or it doesn’t work.
God wants me to stop saying, you know, god will take this in away from me when when he’s ready.
No. He’s ready already. He does He doesn’t he doesn’t like any sin. He’s ready.
You know, god will do this.
God will will have me, you know, you spread the gospel when he’s co no. He’s already called that.
All of us are called to be active.
People say, I don’t know if I should witness that person.
Really, the Bible says go out and tell everybody. You. Rather question not serving god. Question, not witnessing.
Should I not be witnessing? Why? This is not right.
Here’s the people who are not they’re not they don’t know the lord, and I’m not saying anything to them.
Trust and do.
You know, people come from son is for counseling, and they’ll they’ll counsel if they should trust god, you know, can I really trust him?
You know? So, well, if you can’t trust him, what are you doing here in counseling?
You know, believers sometimes live here on the other side is if they don’t trust you, that’s just that’s saying I’m trusting, but I’m not doing it.
But here’s the other side, those who do but they don’t trust.
There are believers who live their lives as if god is not running the universe or he he turned away, and so they have to take care of everything.
The weight of the world is on their shoulders. They gotta do everything.
If they don’t do something, it’s all gonna fall everything’s gonna fall apart. God listen. God is running the universe.
You know, but you hear that, well, god doing that.
So so you basically are taking up the the the job of god that you have to do all this.
If you do, if you act without trust, it’s never gonna be good.
If you act without faith, it’s never gonna be good.
Neither one, asaw without Batak works without faith, doing without without belief, or without receiving When you do that, you’re living from yourself because you’re not living from god.
So either, you know, people either there’s some of the extremes that god will do everything.
I don’t do anything, or not doing anything. We gotta do it. We gotta do it. We gotta do it.
Neither of those things will bring a fruitful life.
We’re centered or faith without works is not gonna be fruitful. And that’s not it.
Cause either one, you’re kinda on your own. It’s it’s you know, it’s god or you, but that’s not salvation.
Salvation is not god or you. It’s god and you. It’s god through you. Faith without action is dead.
You end up fruitless. Action without faith ends up empty, and you burn out.
And then the the and the works you do for god are not good.
You know, it’s not just, you know, it’s not just what you do for god.
It’s the way you do it. Is it is it really from god?
The fruitful dynamic, the dynamic, the key for a fruitful life is Batak and Assad.
Faith trust, confidence, and acting. Act. Do. Go. Move. That flow produces a fruitful life.
Faith and works. Trust and do. Faith is linked to doing.
Faith is what allows you to do. The more faith you have, the more you are to do.
It enables you to do things you couldn’t do. Faith and trust, it it it it empowers you.
It enables you to step out to do good.
There’s so many I couldn’t do so much stuff with if it wasn’t faith saying to step and do all these things.
Most of these things, all these things are coming from faith with our lives. And it’s not 5050.
Well, okay, it’s 50% faith, 50% action works. No. It’s not. It’s not a balance.
I’ll do half faith, half this. It’s faith.
The faith, a 100% faith a 100% works meaning the faith becomes works. Becomes the work. It flows.
It’s it’s the same thing. Faith becomes work. It it translate.
It comes from god, and then it becomes it. So it’s a 100% both. It’s a flow.
In Genesis, Joseph got the blessing from his father, and he was told Joseph is a fruitful, a fruitful branch.
There’s a key there, a fruitful branch.
Messiah’s will for this year for your life is that you bear much fruit and your fruit remains.
Now a cool thing.
We were just at Nazareth this past Autumn, and it said in a Bible that when Jesus went to Nazareth or when his parents did or when Joseph and Mary, it says they went there, as it was written, he the prophet said he shall be called a Nazarene.
And you look at that, But if you go to find the verse in the Hebrew scriptures, where does it say he shall be called the Nazirine?
It’s not there. You won’t find it anywhere in the Hebrews. Is that what does that mean?
Is there a mistake? No. It doesn’t say the prophet said. It says the prophets said.
So what does that mean? It wasn’t one verse. It’s all it’s talking about the whole prophetic word.
And so here’s the thing.
Throughout the Hebrew scriptures, Jesus, yeshua, messiah, or, well, the Messiah Israel as it’s prophesying is called the Branch.
It’s called the Branch. In Hebrew, one of the words for Branch is Semach. Try it.
Um, you got a lot of has tonight. It’s okay. You’ll survive. You can rest later. Samach.
That’s what he means when the ex kinda sprouts out and grows. It’s a brand. The branch.
And Jeremiah says beside that the man called the branch or Zechariah, the bro or my or or my servant, the branch, the man called the branch, it’s throughout.
But then there is this one scripture of the branch in Isaiah 11 When it says they shoot shall spring from the stem of Jesse, right?
Famous one? But the word, therefore, branch is the word Netser. Try it. Netser.
Well, when you get Netser at Netserat becomes Nazareth.
So here he’s called the Netzer, the branch, the profits, the branch.
He’s called the branch, and then from Netzare, you get Netzarett, which is how we say we we know as an asteroid.
Well, so messiah grew up in the place called the branch place.
That’s where he that’s where a branch grows up. He’s proud it up. How cool. How perfect.
But here’s the secret for a fruitful life. Messiah is the branch.
So it’s called Jesus the Nazirine because he was from Nazareth, but it also means yeshua, the Messiah is the branch.
What does a branch do? A branch produces fruit. What produces fruit a branch does?
So if you’re a branch, why see the branch accept many reasons?
But one reason is he’s the most fruitful one who ever lived. He’s the most fruitful one.
And if what’s one of the first names that believers were ever called, They were called Nazirines.
Okay. Right? But in Hebrew, that would be like little branches. We are branches. He’s not branch.
We’re branches. So one of the key secrets of your life to have a year of fruitfulness How do you be our fruit?
It’s found in the branch? What is a branch? A branch is a vessel.
A branch has 2 ends. Right? One end.
I mean, if it’s a, you know, a certain size, if it goes all if it’s completed, it’s a one end goes to the tree.
The other end bears the fruit. Correct? So what does that mean?
One end is always receiving, receiving, receiving, and you can’t it’s getting the sap. It’s getting the nutrients.
And you can’t see what it’s doing. It’s happening inside. It’s happening invisible.
So the first thing of a fruitful receiving from god, from the father. Always.
He’s the one who went up. It says he went up to pray. He went up to him. Father father.
Always in prayer in the presence of god. So he’s receiving from god. Every moment he’s receiving.
So the first key of a fruitful life is receiving, receiving from god.
Is and that’s what’s that that’s that’s the faith part that because faith is what opens the door to receive from god.
The trust, the time in god’s presence, the the receiving of his love, the receiving of all that is god.
If we don’t do that, we got nothing. You’re only saved because you did that.
Whoever who has many as received.
So receiving But then the other end of the branch is the branch is not receiving, really.
I mean, it’s producing and it’s producing fruit and leaves.
It’s producing, and it’s visible, and the world can see it. So what’s the other side?
The other side of the brand is this re grieving, and it’s always giving, giving, producing works action because you can see it.
Everybody can see the fruit. So it’s what you do in your life. That’s your fruit. What people can see.
I mean, what people what what touches the world, what touch as others, what you give to others, how you bless others, your ministry, all those things.
That’s the fruit of your life. All the good that god put in, but that’s the fruit of your life.
When it goes out, it’s the fruit. So here is the key right here.
And that is the secret of approval.
You know, it sounds like we we know about branches our whole life.
Yet this can change your life if you do what the branch does. Hi.
I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with video.
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Thanks for watching, and I’ll see you next time.

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