The Ancient Mystery Behind Barack Obama!

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The Ancient Mystery Behind Barack Obama!

“So open now your mind, your heart, and your life. For it is only the open vessel and an open heart that can contain the infinity of God.” The Mission: Today, open your mind, your heart, and your life to that which you don’t yet know, that you might contain that which is greater than yourself. Isaiah 55:1–9; Jeremiah 33:3; 2 Corinthians 4:7 Filled”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Book of Mysteries

This is Jonathan Kahn, the author of the Paradigm, the ancient blueprint that holds the mystery of our times.
And we are doing the paradigm mysteries.
And this one, this is clip 10, we’re going to open up touch on the mystery of Barack Obama.
Now we’ve seen how this the paradigm is this ancient blueprint that’s revealing everything that’s happening.
Now, what we, what we’ve been living, we’re replaying it the people of our times, the events of our times, the times of our times, the dates of our times and we have looked at the years of Ahab and Jezebel and we saw the, the link to, to Bill and Hillary Clinton those years and it’s not about the people, they don’t know what they’re doing, but it’s about the signs.
But what happens now is, you know, remember in uh 2008, Hillary Clinton ran for president, but according to the paradigm, it wouldn’t go to her, it would go to a man, a younger man.
And this is now the mystery of Barack Obama who’s the younger man, the younger man is the king called Jorum is a younger man.
Joram is in the, in the chapter in the book called the Heir because he’s an heir to the, the reign of Ahab and Jezebel.
And so he will follow in the policies of Ahab and Jezebel.
Well, Barack Obama would end up following in the policies of, of the Clinton years. I mean, exactly.
You have Hillary care becomes Obamacare. You have the issue of abortion continues on.
You have the issue of morality continues on.
He brings it, It’s as if he takes up where they left off and it’s not about motives, not about people, but it’s about that.
Now, actually, one thing about personality, the paradigm also reveals the personalities of the people in, in our, in our, in our, in each one in our.
And so what about, what about this one?
Well, is not like Ahab, ahab is very emotional back and forth, divided compromise goes back and forth one day, he’s repenting next day, he’s hunting down the profits.
But Joram is a his temperament is a cooler temperament very much as was Barack Obama.
In the years of Joram, the nation continues to move away from God in the years of the Obama years, America, even by every statistic moved farther and farther away from God and, and the policies were noted of Joram were noted for the hostility to the ways of God and hostility to His people.
So also in the Obama years, the policies were noted for that as well when Joram came to the palace.
He didn’t come alone. He came with in the palace.
It was Joram and the queen mother, the former first Lady Jezebel.
When Obama came to the White House, he wasn’t alone.
He was there with for the first time in American history.
The former first lady answering to the same paradigm they were together, she became his secretary of State.
Now how long see the, the paradigm gives the exact times when each leader will have on the national or world stage.
How long was Barack Obama on the national stage?
Well, we know exactly when he came on, it was very dramatic. It was at the Democratic convention.
He was giving the keynote speech overnight before that people didn’t know him even outside of Chicago, they didn’t know him.
He had no national office. He wasn’t even a AAA national senator, he was a state senator.
So here’s the question, when was that? He made that speech overnight.
He was catapulted and four years later he would become president. So when was it?
It was the year 2004? When was his last year as president? It was the year 2016.
How many years of Barack Obama? 2016?
12 years, 12 years of Barack Obama Open up the Bible to his prototype, Joram.
Joram reigned in Samaria for a period of 12 years.
In fact, Obama would make a speech at the convention to nominate Hillary Clinton where he would, he would say, he kept saying 12 years, 12 years and he gave it exactly 12 years to the day of the, of the speech he gave that began his time on the national stage.
Amazing. But now we’re gonna go across the world to and uh a foreign figure and we’re gonna see eerily how the paradigm actually gave the exact details of the event that took place around the world.
And you probably remember the day it happened.
And so I can only touch on just a little of the paradigm.
Just give you a taste of it, of course, to get the full thing.
It’s get the book, the book, the paradigm is available everywhere online and, and all over.
Um And next time is going to be CLIP 11 and it will be the assassin on the paradigm.

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