How To See Past Satan’s Deceptions, Facades and Illusions this year! | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
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How To See Past Satan’s Deceptions, Facades and Illusions this year! | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Jonathan Cahn shares the keys in resisting and turning away from evil is to be able to see past Satan’s facades, deceptions, illusions and mirages for this year!
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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.
Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)
Look to the long term whenever you’re being tempted. Look to the end.
How am I gonna feel the next day? How am I gonna feel after I do it?
How am I gonna feel 10 years from now when I keep doing this.
Faithful are the wounds of a friend.
But deceitful are the kisses of an enemy.
This tells you right there, you cannot always judge the way something is what it is, by the way, it looks or feels.
Evil can appear good and nice and pleasant. Good can appear hard, harsh, and wrong.
People with selfish motives can appear to be nice and pleasant.
A salesperson is gonna be nice because they want something from you. I mean, not all, but that’s general.
Someone may flatter you a flatter. They want something from you so they flatter you.
Someone tries to pick up some, uh-uh, someone in a bar is gonna be nice because they want something.
It’s all disguised. There’s a guy who came here years ago to Beth Israel years ago.
He wanted a position, wanted the spotlight and he would speak so well of me.
He would tell me how much. I was like, Jesus and all these things.
Then when we said no to certain things that he wanted, he started speaking against me and the others.
And, eventually, he went somewhere else with it, and I got a call from the pastor.
He asked me about him because he calls a disaster there. It was all just kisses of nothing.
Be careful. And that’s what it’s saying here in proverbs is about wisdom.
Be careful because we tend to hear what we wanna hear. And we tend to see what we wanna see.
And we tend to not see what’s there, but we don’t wanna see it or not hear what’s there because we don’t wanna hear it.
And we fool ourselves into thinking something is there that’s not or thinking something’s not there that is.
Many optical illusions are based on this principle. Because your mind fills in the gaps.
Like, it fills in by what it’s expecting to see.
So there are optical illusions based on the fact that your mind is going to fool you by filling in things that are not there because it expects it to be there.
And so in your life, this is a a something to be aware of your past experiences color your present reality.
If you’ve been betrayed, you couldn’t trust, will that often’s gonna carry on how you are with people.
If you were rejected or wounded, that’s gonna very likely.
Again, god’s power overcomes that, but it in a flash if carries on.
You’ll see rejection when there’s no rejection, or you’ll see things based on the way you saw them or what have or you can be going through your life repeating and repeating the same pattern because of the way you saw it and the way what happened to you early on.
Someone was once here who who, uh, if you ever ever said no to them or didn’t agree or the slightest little thing the the the man would literally winced like he was being struck in the face and and and he had problems with authority.
And then we found out later that short enough, his father used to beat him like that, and that he was still reliving it.
We had a sister had a lot of problems in our past. That is one service so beautiful.
The spirit, their celebration, freedom, praise. She walks away. And she says, I all upset and said, why?
Cause she sends demons all over? It wasn’t all over. That’s what she was dealing with.
We have to be careful in the opposite direction.
In the bible, we are told to be careful of hearing what we want.
Because the back in Israel, Israel had turned away from god and judgment was coming, and you had the true prophets of god who told them what they didn’t wanna hear.
At the same time at the same time, you have the false prophets who told them what they did wanna hear.
Everything’s gonna be great. Everything’s gonna be great. You know, comes against Jeremiah. Jeremiah is saying judgment’s coming.
This prophet prophesies against Jeremiah. It’s all it’s all think what happened is they listened to the false prophets, not the true prophets.
They heard what they wanted to hear and refused to hear what they didn’t wanna hear, even though it was true.
And then judgment came and they were destroy.
There are people in the lord now who just say what people wanna hear.
They gotta tell them what they want to hear This everything’s gonna be great. This is this.
God’s gonna do this, this, this. Nothing about repentance. Nothing about god’s will.
Just accept that it’s that, and it’s not god.
Why is it that when you look in a mirror, you can see yourself all the time and say, hey.
That looks pretty good. And then all of a sudden, you see a photograph of yourself. Yes.
And you say, who is that? Over you know, what was that? Well, why?
Because in the mirror, even though sometimes the mirror also can do it. But the mirror, you’re more prepared.
You’re prepared for what you’re seeing.
You’re used to But a photograph comes out of the blue, and it’s you, and you don’t have the filters up.
We fool ourselves without even realizing it. People see things through filters and lenses.
The communist then and now see everything through the lens of Marcus Marxist dogma. Everything is exploitation.
Everything is class warfare. Everything is the capitalists.
The radical left saw innocent Mother’s children being murdered 2 weeks ago and tortured, and they said it was justified.
Because it was colonialism. The filter is so great that they stopped being human.
Those who ran concentration camps put up their filters And so they were fine with it because they had the filter that they were doing right.
Radical feminists, for them, everything is male oppression, everything. For conspiracy theorists, everything’s a conspiracy.
And if you don’t agree with the conspiracy, it’s only because you’ve been brainwashed by the conspiracy, which only further proves the conspiracy is real.
Be careful be careful of your own fooling of yourself.
When I was in college, I took a course. I was coming to the lord.
I took a course on biblical archaeology. It was a secular school, but it was biblical archaeology.
And the guy who taught it was an orthodox Jewish guy, and the guy next to me was a guy totally into UFOs.
All the time, UFO’s nonstop.
Every archaeological site for him, he knew that it was built by the aliens.
The pyramids, aliens, the Sphinx, aliens, the col coliseum aliens, the Brendan Burn arena in New Jersey aliens, And he’d always be challenging the orthodox Jewish teacher as if the orthodox Jewish teacher was part of the spears who was holding out and not revealing that the guy that orthodox Jewish didn’t know what to do with them.
And he kept talking about the U of O’s and the spaceships and getting beamed up.
And one day, he just disappeared. That was it. I mean, he was gone.
And we figured he just got beamed up by the aliens because they were embarrassed by him, but But it’s not just those people who do it.
It’s also believers who do it with the Bible.
They read the Bible, They hear the word through the glass and the filter.
They see in the Bible what they wanna see and they block out what they don’t wanna see.
Hypercalvinists will block out all the scriptures about free will.
Grace ministries block out the scriptures all about warning of the consequences of sin and judgment.
Prosperity ministries will block out the scriptures that say you may not necessarily get rich. You may actually be persecuted.
You may actually end up like Paul in a pre you might but god’s still gonna be with you and he’s gonna bless you, but that part doesn’t go.
One of the greatest indictments of the Bible, it says they they have ears, but they can hear.
They have eyes, but they cannot see.
You made to be doing it yourself with your own reading of the Bible.
You may be glossing over scriptures that you don’t wanna hear that you don’t wanna that don’t that challenge you that convict you or that don’t give you that that thing.
So there have been people I mean, it went before I was married.
You know, when you’re a single pastor, this is just part of it.
You know, there are women who hear from the lord that they’re supposed to marry you, and there’s more than one of them.
And they only see what they wanna see in every sign.
And, you know, and you have to be careful. Yes. Say, let’s say you wanna be married.
Be careful because it’s very easy for you to fool yourself and take anything as it’s the lord.
So there was a woman who came up to me and just said they would say just say it.
Admit it. I said, what do you mean? You know you wanna marry me.
I said, I don’t know that I wanna marry you. Why are you denying it?
Why are you fighting the lord? Well, the lord never told me. Yes. He did.
How do you know that?
Because he told me he told you Well, he didn’t tell me that he told you that he told me.
There are those who heard me teaching on the radio and were convinced real thing.
That I was sending secret messages in the the teaching about to them, I mean, to them in a romantic way.
You know, one woman once said pretty much word for word said, you you mean you don’t are you saying you don’t have any romantic feelings for me?
I said, that’s right. I don’t. You’re kidding. No. I’m really not kidding.
If you tell me you tell me straight out, you don’t have that you never had feelings I’ll accept it.
That’ll be it. Okay. Listen close. I don’t have never had for you.
What are you trying to say to me?
When you’re in love, you’re especially vulnerable to fool yourself because you believe what you wanna believe.
And it’s shocking, but the person’s not gonna be perfect.
Even though when you’re in love, you’re thinking they are. Well, okay. We know that part.
But in some cases, this this function of fooling yourself can lead you into disaster.
I cannot tell you how many believers I’ve known have fooled themselves in the area of romance because it’s so strong into doing what was either foolish, dangerous, ignoring every red flag or going against the word of god.
Something that they knew wasn’t the word of god beforehand But once they had the emotions and the vested interests, they went against it.
They grasp at anything to believe that it was god telling them. And that’s true in everything. Listen.
You want god’s will in your life. That’s the best thing you could ever have. God’s will.
But if you want god’s will in your life, you have to divest yourself from any vested interest in the answer.
In other words, you have to say, lord, I’m okay if you say yes. I’m okay if you say no.
That’s the only way you’re gonna be open.
I’m okay if you say yes or I have to or Isaac has to be offered.
And be careful because the one who’s deceiving you may be yourself and the enemy uses that.
Be careful. Faithful are the wounds of a friend and deceitful are the kisses of an enemy.
And here’s another secret. You are if you are born again, you’re a child of the kingdom.
You’re a citizen of Israel and you are a child of Jerusalem. The Bible says.
In Jerusalem, for those who have never gone, there are gates.
And in the gates, you have a gate like the Damascus gate, the Jaffa gate.
Why is the Damascus gate called the Damascus gate when it has it’s nowhere near the city of Damascus or Syria.
Why is the other one called the Jaffa Gate? That’s by the Mediterranean. Why?
Because the gate is called not by what it is, by what what it leads to.
The gate, if you go through the Jaffa gate and you keep following, you’ll end up in Jaffa.
If you go to the Damascus gate and you keep walking that direction, eventually you’ll end up in Damascus.
So what does that tell you?
You cannot judge any situation by the way it looks, feels, or seems.
You judge any direction, any situation, any road, any gateway, any door by where it’s bringing you, where it’s bringing you, You may be on a hard road, but it’s bringing you to something beautiful.
It’s a beautiful road. You may be at a very an an ugly gate, but it’s leading to something beautiful.
It’s a beautiful gates. So what does that tell you about this? How do you overcome?
Whatever you’re in a situation, you’re being tempted to to do wrong.
The enemy’s putting all the pleasure thing with you, saying, come on, jump.
You have to look beyond that to where it’s leading you.
Look to the end of the matter.
If you give in because the enemy, you know, the enemy thrives in the short run, not the long term.
The enemy, he said it says he knew his time was short. The enemy thrives in the in the immediate.
That’s where his power is, but not the long term long term he’s finished.
Look to the long term whenever you’re being tempted. Look to the end.
How am I gonna feel the next day? How am I gonna feel after I do it?
How am I gonna feel 10 years from now when I keep doing this? How am I gonna feel?
Let and then use the pleasure principle and the pain against it.
In other words, take the pain from the fact that if I keep doing this, this this is the pain.
I’m gonna feel horrible. Feel the pain now and then don’t do it. You understand?
Associate it with where it’s gonna lead you.
Or on the other hand, if I turn down this in, like, in the meter, they’re being tempted there’s a little thing of pleasure.
If I turn it down right now, you know, I mean, I mean, it may be hard to do it, but when I look, if I turn it down, think how good I’m gonna feel when I’m finished, how good I’m gonna feel that I turned it down, how good I’m gonna feel 2 days from now when I’ve turned it down again.
How good I’m gonna feel and all the blessings that are coming my life because I took a step for god, and I’m growing.
And now I could go I can walk into his will because I got that out.
Think about how blessed I’m gonna be. Feel the joy. Feel the pleasure. Feel that.
Oh, and then you’re gonna be able to turn down the immediate secret, very important.
It says look to the end. Look to there. Where’s it gonna be?
There is a road There is a there is a way that seems right to man, but its end is a way of death.
Look. See the death. There is a gate that is narrow, but it leads to life.
There is that look to the end.
It says the right says in in the Bible, it says it’s better to be in a house of mourning than a house of partying.
Because the more you’re looking at the end, you’re looking at where it goes, you know, you’re looking at it and you’re not looking at the immediate that’s gonna end there anyway.
How you feel the pain now, feel the joy now.
And that will because then you’ll be living in truth, and you’ll be living god.
You see, you know, think about, you know, if you spend time in god’s presence today, you might think, oh, know, it’s gonna take this.
I won’t be able to be watching television on it. Well, I won’t be able to do this. Well, listen.
You can watch television. I’m not saying I don’t listen much of television is garbage. Be careful.
But I’m not saying all but here’s the thing. Spend the whole day in front of it.
How are you gonna feel at the end? You’re probably not gonna feel good.
You’re gonna feel like, But let’s say I took an hour away.
I didn’t do that, and I spent time in god’s presence. How are you gonna feel at the end?
You’re gonna feel great. Feel great now and do the thing.
That’ll give you the power to do what you have to do and not do what you have to not do.
Rise higher in god. What does it say about Messiah? He endured the cross for what?
For the joy set before him. He endured the cross for the greater joy.
He overcame the temporary pain, which was gigantic, for the greater eternal joy.
That’s a power that you have, but you gotta stop when you’re being tempted. Stop You know?
And even then, listen. Replace it. You’re being tempted right now.
Replace it with a thing with a joy of god. Listen, I don’t like to exercise.
I don’t like it, but I like what it does. I look at my watch.
What I’m actually saying is is it over yet? Is it am I finished? Am I there yet?
But when I finish, for the rest of the day, I feel great.
The key is focus on the blessings that will yours. The harder it is.
The more you gotta focus and rejoice. Feel it. Now you spend time in prayer.
It might be, you know, spend time in the word.
It might be hard for you right now, but think about the joy that’s gonna be all in your life, all the blessings that are gonna come in.
Here’s another secret. Use the pleasure principle to your advantage.
God told the Israelites He took them out of Egypt, and then he said every year, I want you to celebrate this.
I want you to remember what it was like in Egypt and celebrate that I took you out.
Why? Well, give thanks to god. Never forget what he did.
The fact the more you rejoice that god took you out of Egypt, the more you’re never going back to Egypt.
The more you remember the pain of Egypt, part of Passover 2, the more you’re not going back.
It’s when people forget that they go back.
So so the thing is you resist it, you know, you know, apply joy to the things of god.
One is by knowing, of course, they produce joy and and rejoicing in it. Absolutely.
But you know what? Here’s another thing you can do. God’s saying to them, you know, have a festival.
You know, thank and the things of god celebrate the things of god. You turn down that sin?
Rejoice in that. Celebrate that. Get into the joy of it. Reward yourself.
You can do it. It’s it’s only It’s holy to encourage righteousness. Treat yourself to something.
You can go out. I’m not listen. I don’t care how you do. You know what?
You can buy some I’m celebrating the fact that I did god’s will today.
Chances are you’re gonna do it again. That’s your strengthening You’re strengthening.
You’re putting you’re undoing what the enemy does. You’re adding joy. You’re putting joy back to the things of god.
This is Jonathan Khan. Thanks for watching.
The return of the goths is available literally everywhere, Amazon, wherever books are sold.
And god bless you.