Talking Faith Episode 1 – Talking Faith Series
Talking Faith Episode 1 – Talking Faith Series
Talking Faith Episode 1 of the “Talking Faith” Series.
The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers.
The church is designed for the supernatural.
If you can do it, it’s not what faith is for.
If you can’t do it, that’s what faith is for. No.
Let’s go to John and look at John and John chapter 15 verse five.
He said, I’m the vine and you are the branches and he that abide in me and I and Him the same bringeth forth much fruit for without me, you can do nothing and see what he’s saying.
See, it takes faith to trust God.
I don’t think I’ve ever said that you, it takes faith to trust God, it takes faith to trust God.
You know, because you gotta trust something you can’t see, you have to God is invisible.
I mean, you can see the evidence of it, but it takes faith to trust Him.
So as I have faith or faith and trust God, and that means I lean on him.
Well, when I lean on him, notice one of the first things that happened is that revelations start coming, starts coming and it starts coming because I’m trusting in Him.
My commitment to God brings creativity. It happens every time.
I don’t care how many people shout and stomp and turn over the church benches and so forth.
You look to see what’s coming forth out of their lives.
A good man out of the good treasure of the heart brings forth good things.
That’s Matthew chapter 12 and verse 35 brings forth a good thing.
So I’m just saying God intended for you to bring forth what something that’s already in heaven?
Why he’s gonna drop it in your thinking?
It’s gonna be a thought at first and you gotta grab that thought.
Remember what he said in Matthew chapter six?
He said, take no anxious thought so you can take a thought or you can pass it by, you can take it or you can pass it up thought, turning jails into boarding school.
I took it. Next thing, you know, I incubated it in my spirit, your spirit, um, has the kingdom of God, which is your, um, uh, basically your production center.
And so I put it in there and start developing inside.
Next thing, you know, it came out of my mouth, out the abundance of the heart, the mouth is gonna speak to turn in jails in the boarding school.
Ever since things been happening, we’re gonna turn the west side into Wall Street, put the Wall Street on the west side.
I’m just saying, God’s can take the worst of circumstances and make the best out of them. Why?
Because he didn’t have to work with what you’ve got. They create something new.
Say he creates something new.
All that for the finest streets and the finest buildings and all of that and people uh living in peace and harmony and prospering all of that’s written in heaven that, that if you go to heaven now you’ll, you’ll get one man say he went to one of the uh uh uh uh big facilities that was in heaven and, and all kinds of plans uh were on the table, architectural plans.
They were on the table and, and, and all thing and he roll them over and you could see whole city blocks and so forth and they were all planned out by God and you and I are put here to get heaven to earth.
So the next thing you know, a thought comes, what is that thought part of that plan?
Boom. Come to the earth. Next, you incubate it. Hold on to it.
Watch out now because the enemy wants to steal that thought why he didn’t want heaven on earth?
He wants hell on earth. And so what you gotta do is OK. Got it, got it, got it.
Then let it come to fruition just like Mary at this point in time, give birth, speak it and once you speak it and speak it with faith, that devil can’t get it out.
It’s, it’s a done deal. God said, I’ll watch over my word to make it good.
See, when you speak with faith, you’re speaking like God. Isn’t that wonderful?
So it’s no struggle, no toil.
Now, this is interesting about this, this word toil because this, this, this is something.
Now, I’m still back here and let me put something right here in um in, in uh Mark chapter 11, let me put something here.
I’m still back here in Mark chapter 11.
But let’s, let’s, let’s look at this whole idea of toil again because that, that, that is one of the things that discourages people because you were not designed to toil.
Um, let’s go back to Genesis chapter three. Genesis chapter three. Well, let’s look at Genesis chapter two.
Let’s look at not to first and then let’s look at to, I’m just gonna declare right now.
If you’re watching me and listening to me, whoever you are, your days of toiling over no more toil, it’s over in Jesus name.
All right. Look what it says here. This started verse 19 of chapter two.
This is God now giving Adam a assignment to name the animals. Got it.
So now he’s gonna tell him to do something to be fruitful.
Well, he’s got to give him the seed for the fruit. See, he’s got to give them the names.
If Adam’s gonna bring forth something you’re not designed sovereign that you do things without God.
And that’s what I’m saying that the, the school system in the public system and so forth, they voted no more prayer in schools.
That means you get, get God out of here.
Well, why does he want, because the enemy wants advantage and he knows that if you’ve got this, this whole colleges and schools supplanted of that, he can bring forth anything, you won’t know the difference.
All right. Look what it says here in verse 19 and out of the ground, the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every of the air and brought him to Adam to see what he would call them whatsoever.
Adam called every living creature. That was the name there of so whatever Adam called him, he got it from God.
Boom, the thought boom named him fruit coming forth, naming animals now and whatever he named him noticed he did it in faith and those names are with him today.
They didn’t leave, crawl us, bug us, whatever the name, gene genetic name is or whatever he, he he called them.
And that was the name there. But notice no toil, no toil.
Well, let’s, let’s, let’s let’s look at that word to, to labor with pain and fatigue, to labor with pain and fatigue.
Now in Genesis, in Genesis chapter two, it says here, watch this now in Genesis chapter two.
And he said in verse three and God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because that in it, he had rested from all his work, which he had created and made now notice what he had done.
He had rested. Now, it sounds like I need some rest.
Now, you can’t imagine God doing that.
So, you know, that’s not what it means, it means he was finished.
He’s not taught, not tired, so tired and toil didn’t come until the curse and it came in Genesis chapter three verse 17 where it says here that cursed shall you be and in sorrow, shall you eat of the ground all the days of your life.
So toil, struggle so forth, it means labor that oppresses the body or the mind.
Faith and the anointing are the thing that things that we use to alleviate all struggle in our lives.
So no more struggle, faith coming. That enemy knows that he can keep you struggling.
You’re gonna watch this. You ask somebody, you know how old are you? You know what I mean?
You have to ask him that what that struggling life has put age on it.
I’m gonna say something. You can take it by faith. You’re supposed to get older but not age.
I really believe that.
I really believe that if you can get under this thing right here, you can get an anointing that will do the same thing for you that it did for their shoes and clothes in Deuteronomy chapter chapter seven or eight or whatever it was where they wouldn’t even wear out.
You’ve gotten anointing to keep you at 60 anointing to keep you at 70.
Anointing to keep you at 80. Anointing to keep you at 90 so forth. You know.
So I’m just saying, I’m, I’m going for God’s best. I, I, I just want his best, you know.
So I’m just saying these things are things that only come by faith because when you’re talking about faith, you’re talking about the ability to do what is impossible.
And I wanna do the possible. I wanna do what’s impossible. Oh, that’s possible.
I don’t want that. Like I was telling him before is the person I know.
He says, if there’s anything in my house that didn’t come by faith, I want it out.
That’s, that’s what we call dogmatic. You know what I mean?
I mean, the good faith is the way he lives.
It’s the way he lives should be the way you live do anything because it connects you with the unlimited power of almighty God.
All right. Let’s go back to, um, um Matt Mars Gospel chapter 11.
Again, the three, I want you to see this because verse 13 it says, and seeing the fig tree of far off having leaves, he came, if happily, he might find anything there on and when he came to it, he found nothing but leaves.
So the time of figs was not yet.
And Jesus answered and said to it, no man eat food of the hereafter forever.
And the disciples heard it most every Christian must plant new seed, plant new seed.
What are the, what is the seed?
Luke chapter eight verse 11 says the word of God most every Christian was plant new seed.
Now, when you plant that new seed, that seed gives you the new knowledge and wisdom as to how to get things done, the seed is the word of God.
So inside of this seed, the word is wisdom inside of this seed is might inside of this seed or the ability to bring itself to pass inside of this seed is power.
Now, most believers don’t know anything about miracles.
Most of them, matter of fact, some of them say that miracles have passed away and, and some of you say, well, that was a miracle.
Oh God would have done that anyway, that would have happened anyway, so forth.
So and I think that’s why in acts chapter 19, he had Paul to work unusual miracles because just a plain miracle wouldn’t convince him because some of them didn’t believe jesus’ miracles and they want to stop him.
Why? Because that miracle shows proof of what he’s telling is true. And so they wanted to stop him.
But what I did when I was starting out, I studied miracles.
Matter of fact, I had my wife and I had a little business card and on the back of it, you know, we weren’t in, I was, I was still working for I B M.
But you know, we were just, we were just thrilled with this new born again experience and we wanted all we could get.
And on the back of the card, it had the scripture from First Corinthians chapter two in verses four and five, the Apostle Paul saying my speech and my preaching is not in the enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in the demonstration of the spirit and the power that your faith will not rest in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
Now, in that, we said that over and over again, it kind of led us to miracle ministries like Charles and Francis Hunter, for example.
I mean, I mean, they be in town, we go there every night, sit on the front row, get, stand in line trying to get, trying to get there.
What, what are we doing? We’re feeding our spirit because we are changing from being bound by human wisdom and human reason into the reality of God’s righteousness and God’s wisdom and how God works.
See because we’re, we’re, we’re just looking at this. This is, this is what you know, the guy says.
She said she had a prayer line there said, came to this one, ok?
What can we help you with?
Well, I got heart problems, I got diabetes, I got and all of that, I canceled all that Jesus.
And so what happened? She said, ok, God says he’s gonna give you a new heart.
Boom, took the flat of her hand, slapped him on the chest.
You know the buckle, of course, and he went down under the power of God, come back.
Three days later said he went to the doctor got a heart of a 19 year old God notice they were transferring the unseen heart that was in the storehouse of heaven into this earth through action, words or actions.
And that’s what Jesus did. Now look at Matthew’s Gospel chapter 15 and starting reading at verse 29.
Now this is, this is Jesus now doing what Charles and Francis did because Jesus said what I did, you can do two, right?
John chapter 14 verses 10, verse 12.
He says this in verse 29 Jesus departed from then and he came unto the sea of Galilee and he went up into the mountain and sat down there and great multitudes came unto him having with them.
The those that were lame were blind, were dumb, were maimed. That that’s gonna take new body parts.
We’re maimed. OK? And many others and cast them down at Jesus’s feet and he healed them in so much that the multitude wondered when they saw the dumb to speak the maim to be made whole and they glorify the God of Israel because that’s what he wants.
He wants the earth to be filled with his glory. What is his glory? His glory.
Is heaven through you and manifested in the earth.
That’s the glory, the full essence of the being of what God is all about.
Now notice I’m saying here that he got an invisible part and what I’m reading to you is, is Jesus cursing the fig tree.
He’s giving a principle here by which faith, how faith works.
Faith is not designed for the visible, is designed for the invisible which will replace the visible.
Did you follow that?
Look, look at, I’m coming back to mark chapter chapter 11, look at first Corinthians and first Corinthian in this a good study.
First Corinthians and chapter one verse 27.
But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things that are mighty.
Watch this and base things of the world and things which are de despised.
Has God chosen yay and things which are not to bring to the things that are see, he’s chosen the things that are not seen to bring to.
Not the things that are are seen. Isn’t that powerful.
He chose the things that are not seen to bring to not to nothing. Things that are seen.
Healing is yours. Where is it invisible? How do you get it by faith?
What will it do? Replace sickness? See it, it’s not. Well, let me go about six months.
So the thing will be healed that that’s not it because faith has no time. It’s right now.
It is right now, folks, you don’t have to wait. No.
Let’s let’s look at this because see God has already declared your healing. Your name is already in the paper.
Headlines. Extra, extra. So Suzy got healed of, of, of, of uh of, of whatever uh diabetes or, or lupus or whatever it is.
He got healed in Jesus. That’s it. Now you’re gonna take that.
And what do you, I’m looking for a word.
Now you’re gonna take that and super impose glory to God. Hallelujah.
Super impose heaven on this earth and that thing would disappear.
No reason will keep you from doing that because reason has to know how that’s gonna happen before it happens.
No, that can’t happen now that, that can’t happen. I mean that you got first place.
Uh You don’t know what I’ve got. It doesn’t make any difference.
What you’ve got the word is medicine for anything doesn’t make any difference.
You, you put the word on it, it seeks and destroys it.
It’s seeking out your body and, and going into what’s causing that right there.
It’s going to the root cause of that emphysema, you know, maybe cigarettes, you know, then you know, whatever it is it’ll root it out.
So it superimposes what is written in heaven in the earth and no things can occupy the same face at the same time.
That’s a basic law of physics, you can’t do it. So boom, that’s it.
So this is, this is the power of God.
This is the way God works and this is what you see.
So let’s go back to uh um again, uh well, look, look at, look at 2nd, 2nd since we have the Corinthians second Corinthians in.
Uh let’s look at verse uh uh chapter four.
Please look at verse 16 for which cause we faint not but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.
Now, 22 people, your body and then you OK, verse 17 for our light affliction which is, but for a moment worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory while we look not at the things that are seen, but if the thing is not seen, so once you get the revelation of it, you can see what’s not seen, you could see yourself healed and that’s what the enemy doesn’t want you to do.
He doesn’t want you to get your labor in the word.
He doesn’t want you to spend time in that world.
He doesn’t want you to hear tapes over and over again and so forth.
I mean, folks, I’m still playing last Sunday’s seven o’clock tape.
I mean, of course, why I first place I gotta preach this, preach this Sunday, but I’m just seeing that thing.
Who, who, who I, I preached that and didn’t even know I preached it, you know, that kind of thing.
But if you could see it, God, you live it, that’s all you wanna do is see it.
Whatever you see is what he delivers.
Today’s message was from our Facebook live series, Talking Faith.
The full message is available in its entirety free of charge on our youtube channel at Doctor Bill Winston.
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Everything around us was created by the word and faith of God.
Learn how to recognize, develop and use your faith as a creative force in the earth to manifest what God has promised you get your copy of the force of faith.
Today. Faith has no limit.
There is nothing that faith cannot accomplish the word and your faith become the controlling factor in every situation, not what the doctor said, not what it looks like.
It’s what my faith says.
The enemy wants to starve your faith and feed your flesh.
But I’m here to tell you right now, you’re going to feed your faith and starve your doubts to death.
Faith has got to be acted on.
You’ve got to speak it because you can’t go by how you feel.
You’ve gotta go by one thing, the word of God.
When God says something to you in his word, you take his word and you choose to believe and what you do, you start moving out on his word and you will reach your promised land.
Nothing shall be impossible for you when you receive the word and mix it with the powerful force of faith to order your copy of Pastor Winston’s dynamic, teaching the force of faith.
Contact us online at Bill Winston dot org or by phone at 1 807 119327.
My name is Mary Lucas and I’ve been a partner with Bill Winston about 20 years with the faith that I have built in my life through his ministry.
I actually believe for a miracle. My brother Jerry is in the hospital.
We got a call that he was to the intensive care unit because he was in respiratory stress where he could not breathe and that they had uh took him to surgery and immediately the simple little surgery and the simple going in the hospital turned into a big problem for him.
My brother Jerry was in a coma for 21 days and they said they had induced a coma.
So they had him on a vent that vent helped push oxygen in his lungs that would keep him alive.
They had done everything they could at the hospital and the intensive care unit.
So they moved him to a hospital that would monitor him and it would be a rehab where they would take the trachea and help him learn to breathe when he woke up.
And then we got to the fourth day that he was moved to the smaller hospital and the doctor had come in and said that they thought that he was not gonna wake up from this coma.
His blood pressure had dropped down very low, uh lower than it should ever drop.
Uh Usually people die when it drops so low and his heart rate went up and they said, well, we don’t think he’s gonna make it.
And I knew I had to get somewhere and get an agreement with somebody leaving for America.
And that’s when I went down to the prayer chapel and I was by myself and I sat down in the seat, I was crying and I was emotionally just stressed and drained from this long trauma that my brother had went through.
I heard the Lord say, call your partner, Bill Winston Ministry.
They have a prayer line center there all the time for people that need prayer.
And I immediately called there and there was a young man who answered the phone and I was crying and the upset so bad that I just said, could you pray for my brother who needs a miracle right now?
They said he’s not gonna make it. They said he’s gonna die.
And that young prayer warrior, Rafael, he had such compassion.
He prayed, he poured out his heart with prayer for my brother. And then he did not stop there.
He had such compassion for me, knowing that I needed strength and encouragement myself.
And he agreed and he prayed over me. And that’s when I felt like the battle was turned.
So I walked back up to the hall and went back into his room and I laid hands on him in the name of Jesus.
When I laid my hands on him, I heard Bill Winston’s voice from his teaching saying rebuke the spirit of death.
And then I heard Bill Winston’s voice say speak life in Jesus name.
And I had left a little while after that. And then I get a phone call early.
The next morning, your brother has woke up, praise God.
Your brother is awake and I believe with all my heart and soul that if we had not prayed, we had not called Bill Winston.
M we had not had people interceding with us that my brother wouldn’t have had been here.
My brother is heal. He’s at home now. He is uh uh thank thanking God, praising him.
And I thank Bill Winston and his whole prayer team and his whole church and everyone there because we got our miracle and my brother is so thankful and he’s praising God and my family and the nurses and the doctors, they’ll all tell you it’s a miracle.
The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministry’s partners and viewers now, remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
So don’t forget to subscribe and click on the notification bell so that you don’t miss any of our videos.
This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
The church is designed for the supernatural.
If you can do it, it’s not what faith is for.
If you can’t do it, that’s what faith is for. No.
Let’s go to John and look at John and John chapter 15 verse five.
He said, I’m the vine and you are the branches and he that abide in me and I and Him the same bringeth forth much fruit for without me, you can do nothing and see what he’s saying.
See, it takes faith to trust God.
I don’t think I’ve ever said that you, it takes faith to trust God, it takes faith to trust God.
You know, because you gotta trust something you can’t see, you have to God is invisible.
I mean, you can see the evidence of it, but it takes faith to trust Him.
So as I have faith or faith and trust God, and that means I lean on him.
Well, when I lean on him, notice one of the first things that happened is that revelations start coming, starts coming and it starts coming because I’m trusting in Him.
My commitment to God brings creativity. It happens every time.
I don’t care how many people shout and stomp and turn over the church benches and so forth.
You look to see what’s coming forth out of their lives.
A good man out of the good treasure of the heart brings forth good things.
That’s Matthew chapter 12 and verse 35 brings forth a good thing.
So I’m just saying God intended for you to bring forth what something that’s already in heaven?
Why he’s gonna drop it in your thinking?
It’s gonna be a thought at first and you gotta grab that thought.
Remember what he said in Matthew chapter six?
He said, take no anxious thought so you can take a thought or you can pass it by, you can take it or you can pass it up thought, turning jails into boarding school.
I took it. Next thing, you know, I incubated it in my spirit, your spirit, um, has the kingdom of God, which is your, um, uh, basically your production center.
And so I put it in there and start developing inside.
Next thing, you know, it came out of my mouth, out the abundance of the heart, the mouth is gonna speak to turn in jails in the boarding school.
Ever since things been happening, we’re gonna turn the west side into Wall Street, put the Wall Street on the west side.
I’m just saying, God’s can take the worst of circumstances and make the best out of them. Why?
Because he didn’t have to work with what you’ve got. They create something new.
Say he creates something new.
All that for the finest streets and the finest buildings and all of that and people uh living in peace and harmony and prospering all of that’s written in heaven that, that if you go to heaven now you’ll, you’ll get one man say he went to one of the uh uh uh uh big facilities that was in heaven and, and all kinds of plans uh were on the table, architectural plans.
They were on the table and, and, and all thing and he roll them over and you could see whole city blocks and so forth and they were all planned out by God and you and I are put here to get heaven to earth.
So the next thing you know, a thought comes, what is that thought part of that plan?
Boom. Come to the earth. Next, you incubate it. Hold on to it.
Watch out now because the enemy wants to steal that thought why he didn’t want heaven on earth?
He wants hell on earth. And so what you gotta do is OK. Got it, got it, got it.
Then let it come to fruition just like Mary at this point in time, give birth, speak it and once you speak it and speak it with faith, that devil can’t get it out.
It’s, it’s a done deal. God said, I’ll watch over my word to make it good.
See, when you speak with faith, you’re speaking like God. Isn’t that wonderful?
So it’s no struggle, no toil.
Now, this is interesting about this, this word toil because this, this, this is something.
Now, I’m still back here and let me put something right here in um in, in uh Mark chapter 11, let me put something here.
I’m still back here in Mark chapter 11.
But let’s, let’s, let’s look at this whole idea of toil again because that, that, that is one of the things that discourages people because you were not designed to toil.
Um, let’s go back to Genesis chapter three. Genesis chapter three. Well, let’s look at Genesis chapter two.
Let’s look at not to first and then let’s look at to, I’m just gonna declare right now.
If you’re watching me and listening to me, whoever you are, your days of toiling over no more toil, it’s over in Jesus name.
All right. Look what it says here. This started verse 19 of chapter two.
This is God now giving Adam a assignment to name the animals. Got it.
So now he’s gonna tell him to do something to be fruitful.
Well, he’s got to give him the seed for the fruit. See, he’s got to give them the names.
If Adam’s gonna bring forth something you’re not designed sovereign that you do things without God.
And that’s what I’m saying that the, the school system in the public system and so forth, they voted no more prayer in schools.
That means you get, get God out of here.
Well, why does he want, because the enemy wants advantage and he knows that if you’ve got this, this whole colleges and schools supplanted of that, he can bring forth anything, you won’t know the difference.
All right. Look what it says here in verse 19 and out of the ground, the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every of the air and brought him to Adam to see what he would call them whatsoever.
Adam called every living creature. That was the name there of so whatever Adam called him, he got it from God.
Boom, the thought boom named him fruit coming forth, naming animals now and whatever he named him noticed he did it in faith and those names are with him today.
They didn’t leave, crawl us, bug us, whatever the name, gene genetic name is or whatever he, he he called them.
And that was the name there. But notice no toil, no toil.
Well, let’s, let’s, let’s let’s look at that word to, to labor with pain and fatigue, to labor with pain and fatigue.
Now in Genesis, in Genesis chapter two, it says here, watch this now in Genesis chapter two.
And he said in verse three and God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because that in it, he had rested from all his work, which he had created and made now notice what he had done.
He had rested. Now, it sounds like I need some rest.
Now, you can’t imagine God doing that.
So, you know, that’s not what it means, it means he was finished.
He’s not taught, not tired, so tired and toil didn’t come until the curse and it came in Genesis chapter three verse 17 where it says here that cursed shall you be and in sorrow, shall you eat of the ground all the days of your life.
So toil, struggle so forth, it means labor that oppresses the body or the mind.
Faith and the anointing are the thing that things that we use to alleviate all struggle in our lives.
So no more struggle, faith coming. That enemy knows that he can keep you struggling.
You’re gonna watch this. You ask somebody, you know how old are you? You know what I mean?
You have to ask him that what that struggling life has put age on it.
I’m gonna say something. You can take it by faith. You’re supposed to get older but not age.
I really believe that.
I really believe that if you can get under this thing right here, you can get an anointing that will do the same thing for you that it did for their shoes and clothes in Deuteronomy chapter chapter seven or eight or whatever it was where they wouldn’t even wear out.
You’ve gotten anointing to keep you at 60 anointing to keep you at 70.
Anointing to keep you at 80. Anointing to keep you at 90 so forth. You know.
So I’m just saying, I’m, I’m going for God’s best. I, I, I just want his best, you know.
So I’m just saying these things are things that only come by faith because when you’re talking about faith, you’re talking about the ability to do what is impossible.
And I wanna do the possible. I wanna do what’s impossible. Oh, that’s possible.
I don’t want that. Like I was telling him before is the person I know.
He says, if there’s anything in my house that didn’t come by faith, I want it out.
That’s, that’s what we call dogmatic. You know what I mean?
I mean, the good faith is the way he lives.
It’s the way he lives should be the way you live do anything because it connects you with the unlimited power of almighty God.
All right. Let’s go back to, um, um Matt Mars Gospel chapter 11.
Again, the three, I want you to see this because verse 13 it says, and seeing the fig tree of far off having leaves, he came, if happily, he might find anything there on and when he came to it, he found nothing but leaves.
So the time of figs was not yet.
And Jesus answered and said to it, no man eat food of the hereafter forever.
And the disciples heard it most every Christian must plant new seed, plant new seed.
What are the, what is the seed?
Luke chapter eight verse 11 says the word of God most every Christian was plant new seed.
Now, when you plant that new seed, that seed gives you the new knowledge and wisdom as to how to get things done, the seed is the word of God.
So inside of this seed, the word is wisdom inside of this seed is might inside of this seed or the ability to bring itself to pass inside of this seed is power.
Now, most believers don’t know anything about miracles.
Most of them, matter of fact, some of them say that miracles have passed away and, and some of you say, well, that was a miracle.
Oh God would have done that anyway, that would have happened anyway, so forth.
So and I think that’s why in acts chapter 19, he had Paul to work unusual miracles because just a plain miracle wouldn’t convince him because some of them didn’t believe jesus’ miracles and they want to stop him.
Why? Because that miracle shows proof of what he’s telling is true. And so they wanted to stop him.
But what I did when I was starting out, I studied miracles.
Matter of fact, I had my wife and I had a little business card and on the back of it, you know, we weren’t in, I was, I was still working for I B M.
But you know, we were just, we were just thrilled with this new born again experience and we wanted all we could get.
And on the back of the card, it had the scripture from First Corinthians chapter two in verses four and five, the Apostle Paul saying my speech and my preaching is not in the enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in the demonstration of the spirit and the power that your faith will not rest in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
Now, in that, we said that over and over again, it kind of led us to miracle ministries like Charles and Francis Hunter, for example.
I mean, I mean, they be in town, we go there every night, sit on the front row, get, stand in line trying to get, trying to get there.
What, what are we doing? We’re feeding our spirit because we are changing from being bound by human wisdom and human reason into the reality of God’s righteousness and God’s wisdom and how God works.
See because we’re, we’re, we’re just looking at this. This is, this is what you know, the guy says.
She said she had a prayer line there said, came to this one, ok?
What can we help you with?
Well, I got heart problems, I got diabetes, I got and all of that, I canceled all that Jesus.
And so what happened? She said, ok, God says he’s gonna give you a new heart.
Boom, took the flat of her hand, slapped him on the chest.
You know the buckle, of course, and he went down under the power of God, come back.
Three days later said he went to the doctor got a heart of a 19 year old God notice they were transferring the unseen heart that was in the storehouse of heaven into this earth through action, words or actions.
And that’s what Jesus did. Now look at Matthew’s Gospel chapter 15 and starting reading at verse 29.
Now this is, this is Jesus now doing what Charles and Francis did because Jesus said what I did, you can do two, right?
John chapter 14 verses 10, verse 12.
He says this in verse 29 Jesus departed from then and he came unto the sea of Galilee and he went up into the mountain and sat down there and great multitudes came unto him having with them.
The those that were lame were blind, were dumb, were maimed. That that’s gonna take new body parts.
We’re maimed. OK? And many others and cast them down at Jesus’s feet and he healed them in so much that the multitude wondered when they saw the dumb to speak the maim to be made whole and they glorify the God of Israel because that’s what he wants.
He wants the earth to be filled with his glory. What is his glory? His glory.
Is heaven through you and manifested in the earth.
That’s the glory, the full essence of the being of what God is all about.
Now notice I’m saying here that he got an invisible part and what I’m reading to you is, is Jesus cursing the fig tree.
He’s giving a principle here by which faith, how faith works.
Faith is not designed for the visible, is designed for the invisible which will replace the visible.
Did you follow that?
Look, look at, I’m coming back to mark chapter chapter 11, look at first Corinthians and first Corinthian in this a good study.
First Corinthians and chapter one verse 27.
But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things that are mighty.
Watch this and base things of the world and things which are de despised.
Has God chosen yay and things which are not to bring to the things that are see, he’s chosen the things that are not seen to bring to.
Not the things that are are seen. Isn’t that powerful.
He chose the things that are not seen to bring to not to nothing. Things that are seen.
Healing is yours. Where is it invisible? How do you get it by faith?
What will it do? Replace sickness? See it, it’s not. Well, let me go about six months.
So the thing will be healed that that’s not it because faith has no time. It’s right now.
It is right now, folks, you don’t have to wait. No.
Let’s let’s look at this because see God has already declared your healing. Your name is already in the paper.
Headlines. Extra, extra. So Suzy got healed of, of, of, of uh of, of whatever uh diabetes or, or lupus or whatever it is.
He got healed in Jesus. That’s it. Now you’re gonna take that.
And what do you, I’m looking for a word.
Now you’re gonna take that and super impose glory to God. Hallelujah.
Super impose heaven on this earth and that thing would disappear.
No reason will keep you from doing that because reason has to know how that’s gonna happen before it happens.
No, that can’t happen now that, that can’t happen. I mean that you got first place.
Uh You don’t know what I’ve got. It doesn’t make any difference.
What you’ve got the word is medicine for anything doesn’t make any difference.
You, you put the word on it, it seeks and destroys it.
It’s seeking out your body and, and going into what’s causing that right there.
It’s going to the root cause of that emphysema, you know, maybe cigarettes, you know, then you know, whatever it is it’ll root it out.
So it superimposes what is written in heaven in the earth and no things can occupy the same face at the same time.
That’s a basic law of physics, you can’t do it. So boom, that’s it.
So this is, this is the power of God.
This is the way God works and this is what you see.
So let’s go back to uh um again, uh well, look, look at, look at 2nd, 2nd since we have the Corinthians second Corinthians in.
Uh let’s look at verse uh uh chapter four.
Please look at verse 16 for which cause we faint not but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.
Now, 22 people, your body and then you OK, verse 17 for our light affliction which is, but for a moment worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory while we look not at the things that are seen, but if the thing is not seen, so once you get the revelation of it, you can see what’s not seen, you could see yourself healed and that’s what the enemy doesn’t want you to do.
He doesn’t want you to get your labor in the word.
He doesn’t want you to spend time in that world.
He doesn’t want you to hear tapes over and over again and so forth.
I mean, folks, I’m still playing last Sunday’s seven o’clock tape.
I mean, of course, why I first place I gotta preach this, preach this Sunday, but I’m just seeing that thing.
Who, who, who I, I preached that and didn’t even know I preached it, you know, that kind of thing.
But if you could see it, God, you live it, that’s all you wanna do is see it.
Whatever you see is what he delivers.
Today’s message was from our Facebook live series, Talking Faith.
The full message is available in its entirety free of charge on our youtube channel at Doctor Bill Winston.
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Everything around us was created by the word and faith of God.
Learn how to recognize, develop and use your faith as a creative force in the earth to manifest what God has promised you get your copy of the force of faith.
Today. Faith has no limit.
There is nothing that faith cannot accomplish the word and your faith become the controlling factor in every situation, not what the doctor said, not what it looks like.
It’s what my faith says.
The enemy wants to starve your faith and feed your flesh.
But I’m here to tell you right now, you’re going to feed your faith and starve your doubts to death.
Faith has got to be acted on.
You’ve got to speak it because you can’t go by how you feel.
You’ve gotta go by one thing, the word of God.
When God says something to you in his word, you take his word and you choose to believe and what you do, you start moving out on his word and you will reach your promised land.
Nothing shall be impossible for you when you receive the word and mix it with the powerful force of faith to order your copy of Pastor Winston’s dynamic, teaching the force of faith.
Contact us online at Bill Winston dot org or by phone at 1 807 119327.
My name is Mary Lucas and I’ve been a partner with Bill Winston about 20 years with the faith that I have built in my life through his ministry.
I actually believe for a miracle. My brother Jerry is in the hospital.
We got a call that he was to the intensive care unit because he was in respiratory stress where he could not breathe and that they had uh took him to surgery and immediately the simple little surgery and the simple going in the hospital turned into a big problem for him.
My brother Jerry was in a coma for 21 days and they said they had induced a coma.
So they had him on a vent that vent helped push oxygen in his lungs that would keep him alive.
They had done everything they could at the hospital and the intensive care unit.
So they moved him to a hospital that would monitor him and it would be a rehab where they would take the trachea and help him learn to breathe when he woke up.
And then we got to the fourth day that he was moved to the smaller hospital and the doctor had come in and said that they thought that he was not gonna wake up from this coma.
His blood pressure had dropped down very low, uh lower than it should ever drop.
Uh Usually people die when it drops so low and his heart rate went up and they said, well, we don’t think he’s gonna make it.
And I knew I had to get somewhere and get an agreement with somebody leaving for America.
And that’s when I went down to the prayer chapel and I was by myself and I sat down in the seat, I was crying and I was emotionally just stressed and drained from this long trauma that my brother had went through.
I heard the Lord say, call your partner, Bill Winston Ministry.
They have a prayer line center there all the time for people that need prayer.
And I immediately called there and there was a young man who answered the phone and I was crying and the upset so bad that I just said, could you pray for my brother who needs a miracle right now?
They said he’s not gonna make it. They said he’s gonna die.
And that young prayer warrior, Rafael, he had such compassion.
He prayed, he poured out his heart with prayer for my brother. And then he did not stop there.
He had such compassion for me, knowing that I needed strength and encouragement myself.
And he agreed and he prayed over me. And that’s when I felt like the battle was turned.
So I walked back up to the hall and went back into his room and I laid hands on him in the name of Jesus.
When I laid my hands on him, I heard Bill Winston’s voice from his teaching saying rebuke the spirit of death.
And then I heard Bill Winston’s voice say speak life in Jesus name.
And I had left a little while after that. And then I get a phone call early.
The next morning, your brother has woke up, praise God.
Your brother is awake and I believe with all my heart and soul that if we had not prayed, we had not called Bill Winston.
M we had not had people interceding with us that my brother wouldn’t have had been here.
My brother is heal. He’s at home now. He is uh uh thank thanking God, praising him.
And I thank Bill Winston and his whole prayer team and his whole church and everyone there because we got our miracle and my brother is so thankful and he’s praising God and my family and the nurses and the doctors, they’ll all tell you it’s a miracle.
The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministry’s partners and viewers now, remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
So don’t forget to subscribe and click on the notification bell so that you don’t miss any of our videos.
This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.