T.D. Jakes Sermons: Nothing Just Happens

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T.D. Jakes Sermons: Nothing Just Happens

Nothing can stop God’s purpose in your life. Watch, listen, and be encouraged from T.D. Jakes’ sermon, “Nothing Just Happens.”

Bishop Jakes preaches from the story of Ruth and Naomi. This is a classic, biblical story of sorrow turning into joy, famine turning into a blessing, and God taking what was meant for ill and turning it into good.

Nothing just happens.

Naomi faced seemingly insurmountable trouble and sadness. First, her family had to leave their ancestral home because of a devastating famine, then her husband and her two sons died. Feeling as if everything was lost, she headed back for home.

Her daughter-in-law, Ruth, decided to stick by Naomi and followed her to a new homeland. There, God gifted them more blessings than they ever could imagine – even to becoming an integral part of God’s Messianic plan of grace.

Nothing just happens.

T.D. Jakes reminds us that our destiny is purposed by God. No detour, no mistake, no failure is outside the power, the creativity, and the order of God.

Watch “Nothing Just Happens” and subscribe today for more encouraging T.D. Jakes’ sermons.

I wish I had time to talk about time.
What what do you do when the clock is against you?
And and and you have enough wisdom to do it over, but you don’t have enough time to do it over.
What do what do you do when you’ve missed your season? And You’ve missed your window of opportunity.
What what do you do when you you know that you’ve got the desire to do it?
You’ve got the passion to do it, but but you look in the mirror and and the wrinkles in your face and the sagging of your body indicates you don’t have time to do this all over again.
She says I don’t have time to get pregnant again. I don’t have a second chance in life.
My life is over. Go away. Don’t hang around me. I have nothing left to get.
There are people that when you start running out of time, You get bitter. You get desperate.
You start pushing people away from you because they’re asking something of you that you don’t think you can give anymore.
And you find yourself in a place of completion, and it feels like god has forgotten you, but I remind you nothing just happens.
Greetings, rather than sisters in the name of Jesus Christ our king.
I am so blessed and so excited to
have the opportunity to share the word with you. I’m excited about
the word. I still get excited word. Been preaching 30, 70 years. I still love his word.
I love what it does in your life and in your heart. I love how it strengthens you.
I love how it house. I’ve got a message that I believe you are going to love.
Take a look.
When we look at the theology in the book of Ruth, we that the book of Ruth is a template for a far larger issue loaded with shadows and types.
It brings to us significant issues, and that challenges us to understand that all of the characters in the book of Ruth are the backdrop for historical data that points to a panoramic view of the life of Jesus Christ and the fulfillment of Jesus Christ and suddenly be we began to wreck knives that when we look at a character like Limmelek, we are looking at a relationship between him and his wife and when Limalak died, uh, Naomi became very, very bitter.
And and in the same sense, Israel became very bitter if it lost relationship with Jehovah.
And and it was widowed as it were an estranged attached away woman who had become very bitter because she was denied relationship with Jehovah.
And we see the 2 sons and seeing the splitting of the nation of Israel down to the tribe of Judah.
And we begin to see how they break and divide and then die.
And through their death and the famine thereof, we see Ruth, who is a more white woman who is connected to them, uh, by marriage.
And now her husband has died, and she is estranged And she goes back to Moab, goes back to Bethlehem, uh, with Naomi.
Ruth’s being a type of the church.
Naomi being a type of Israel, the church gets connected to god through Israel who walks her back home to Boaz, who is a type of Christ.
And Boaz who stands here and sees Ruth over in the corner, gleaning in the corners of the field, spies her and brings her from the background to the forefront, covers her with his skirts, makes her, his wife legitimizes her, authenticates her, causes her to be an error of a grace of which she would have been estranged had her blood prevailed.
But because his blood prevailed over her blood, he was able to it’s just a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful story.
A famine has arose in this text in a family who is headed by Elembalek and they leave Bethlehem, the house of bread because of the severity of the famine, and they go to Moab.
Everybody’s running for their lives, running for their lives, they go into Moab for survival, say, thinking that they were going to be there a short time end up being there 10 years.
Ilimilec is strong enough to get Naomi out of there with their 2 sons and get them out of, uh, Bethlehem to Moab, but he dies in Moab.
He dies in Moab. And now Naomi is widowed, surviving a famine, raising 2 sons in a foreign country, unable to get back home because of the famine trying to survive against adversity, and then she loses her 2 sons. 2 sons.
Now the woman has had a dead husband and now lost 2 sons.
The husband you might could tolerate, you might could say, well, it was he was up in years, he was up in age.
It makes sense. But to lose 2 sons, in the space of 10 years, she has lost every man she has ever loved, exasperated and frustrated she makes up in her mind.
This is enough for me. We’re coming to the end of the famine. I want to go back home.
There is nothing left for me. She makes a statement.
She says, I went out full and I came back empty.
In other words, there was a famine, but I still blessed.
It’s amazing because sometimes you cannot know you’re blessed because you’re going through a famine only to find out that the thing that you were worried about is nearly as significant as the thing that you had.
In the midst of her family, she still had her husband and her children Sometimes you can have something and not appreciate it until you lose it.
After that, she lost her husband and her children, the famine seemed insignificant by comparison.
I say that because sometimes you’re whining about things that really don’t matter.
You have said about things that really don’t make any difference in your life.
And if you were smart, you would learn how to couch your blessings and to thank god for what he’s done in your life.
It looked like all hell had broken loose in her life.
The famine, who would have thought that a famine come and disrupt this relatively wealthy family and cause them to flee like vagrants and move into Moab and uproot all of their heritage and leave their home and their surrounding and their friends and find themselves in Moab.
Who would have thought that having gone to Moab that she would lose the husband she was relying on to be her sustenance, her source, her friend, and her support.
He died and left her there. Who who who would have thought that having lost her husband.
She goes to rely on her sons and both not one, but both sons die.
Who would have thought that this woman would end up, uh, in a a female feminine trinity of 3 women whose only thing that they now and common is that all of them have gone through death.
3 women, Naomi, who is the older woman and Ruth who would have who was her daughter-in-law and Orpa, who was her other daughter-in-law, 3 women whose common, uh, commonality was pain.
Pain is a strange company keeper. It brings the artist people together.
They’re the secret fraternity that exist amongst those who have been in pain that is mind boggling.
It transcends the color of your skin. It transcends your background.
When you’ve been through certain things, you feel for other people who have been through those things because you relate to them.
And so the women shared it to you together. They wept together. They cried together. They shared pain together.
They shared burial together. They shared their losses together. They shared their emptiness together. And Naomi decided this is it.
Gotta split I’m gonna quit. I’m going back home where I came from gotta go. Can’t take anymore.
I’m going back home. I’m bitter, but I’m going back home bitter. I’m frustrated, but I’m going back home.
And they fell on Naomi beginning the week because Naomi had left significant impression on them.
And all of a sudden, in the midst of this pain, Naomi starts reasoning with them. Stop crying. I’m crying.
I have no options. Like, what am I going to do?
She said if I’m married today and had more children, what are you going to do?
Wait for the children to become grown that they might be your husband’s against you.
He says I’m out of the game. The clock is against me.
Oh, I wish I wish I had time At at this age, at this stage, they’re the reason why it happened at this age.
They’re the reason why it happened at this level life. It’s not a mistake. It’s not an accident.
God didn’t fall asleep on the job, and the devil came in and wrecked the car. No.
God never sleeps and he never slumbers.
He’s in complete control, and he knows where you are, and he knows how old you are.
And he knows how much time you spent. And he knows what happened to you.
And he knows who walked out and left you. And he knows who betrayed you.
And he knows who molested you. And he knows who raped you. And he knows who rejected you.
And he knows where you are in life, and he knows about your bills, and he knows about your degree.
And he knows you dropped out of school, and he knows about what you didn’t get, and he knows about the health of your child.
And he knows about the condition of your neighborhood under stand that and tell yourself nothing just happens.
And so Oprah walks away. She walks away.
I may have to turn this into a series because I can’t I can’t get out of this.
A oracle walks away and she cries and she goes back.
But and she and and there are people who can walk away from you and hear me when I tell you this when people can walk away from you, let them walk.
When people can walk away from you.
Let them walk. I can sit down now. I preach. I can sit down.
I don’t need to make all the call or nothing. I can sit. I don’t have to who?
I don’t have to make you shout.
I have just preached right now when people can walk away from you, let them walk.
I don’t want you to try to talk another person in the stand with you.
Loving you, calling you, caring about you, coming to see you, staying in touch with you.
I mean, hang up the phone when people can walk away from you, let them walk.
Your destiny is never tied to anybody that left.
The Bible said that they came out from us that it might be made manifest that they were not of us.
For had they been of us, no doubt they would have continued with us people leave you because they’re not joined to you.
And if they’re not joined to you, you get super glue and you can’t make them stay. Let them go.
Ruth on the other hand coming to the crossroads.
She looks at Orpa who left roof turns to Naomi and says, as the lord limiter, I shall not leave the.
Occasionally, in the whole bible, you see it you see it happening with people who are not even blood related spend their lives together in the most intimate connection possible and and and and theologians and scholars and preachers stumble about it because they don’t know how to talk about it because they don’t understand the power being joined together.
Uh, how can we explain what made Elijah leave his natural mother and father and run after Elijah to wait on him, to clean his clothes, to pour water on his hand, to set up his tent, but some kind of way, Elijah sensed that his destiny was tied to Elijah.
How can we explain Timothy who walks away from everything that he owes to hang out at the outside window of a jail cell pairs to be beheaded.
He peeks in the window, handing him books and blankets, ministering to him.
The young man understood I’ll never be who I was meant to be without you in my life.
Do you hear what I’m saying? There’s something there’s something about the way you talk, it feeds me.
It’s something about the way you speak that changes me.
It’s something about your spirit that motivates me, and I’ll never be completed without you and I didn’t meet you by accident.
I didn’t stumble up and meet you. This this this of kombosha.
The the the the the the the the the the the this didn’t just happen.
The the the reason that I’m in this place.
I’m so sick of talking to people who think that everything just have to I guess I’ll go to church I guess I’ll get sick.
I guess I’ll move to Chicago. I guess I’ll move to dollar.
That’s not how it is the steps of a good man are ordered by the lord.
Your steps were ordered If you hadn’t got the phone call that you got, when you got like you got it, you wouldn’t even be here right now.
If you hadn’t made the turn that you made yesterday, you wouldn’t be experience what you’re experiencing today.
God has been behind the curtain like a puppet master pulling strings in your life.
It’s not that you’re smart. It’s not that you’re great. It’s not that you’re holding. It’s not that you’re perfect.
It’s not that you’re good, but god winded you up, pointed you in the right direction, released you into your destiny, and you are here, and you can’t get away, flop somebody, and tell them nothing just happens.
Still to come on the potter’s touch.
Think about the most impoverished financially completing thing that ever happened in your life and shout nothing.
Think about the worst who loved you and walked out and left you and shot nothing.
Think about betrayal of the highest level of your life and shot nothing Think about the struggle going on on your job right now and shout nothing.
To live a satisfying, productive life you must be filled to capacity.
God, so there’s no question. My seed is potent. My word works.
The question is Do you have the capacity to receive? My word.
For helping us reach others with your gift of any size, you will receive bill to capacity on CDs.
She’s not cessive without purpose. He’s got something inside of him and out of the pregnancy of his own divinity.
He begins to speak things into existence.
And when your gift is $70 or more, we will give you both messages from awakening on DVD as well.
Whatever. A you have a need for. God has a feeling for. He can fill your need.
However, when your gift is $125 or more, we will also add Sarah Jake’s book, colliding with Destiny, a 30 day journey through the book of Ruth, and the Bee Still Journal.
Just write us, visit our website or call 1 800 Bishop 2.
This means that I’m up under the banner of his will.
I’m up under the banner of his will.
Even in the midst of death, I’m up under the banner of his will.
Even in the in the midst of pain, I’m up under the banner of his will, even in the midst separation and disappointment.
I’m up until the banner of his wheel. Uh, can I take it to the next level?
Jonah was sent to Nineveh, went to Tarsis, headed for Tarsis, not obeying god.
Got thrown off the boat into the belly of the fish, swallowed up for 3 days.
Even though god told him to go to Minneva and he didn’t go, He was still in the wheel.
I’m not sure you can handle this.
He he went the wrong way, and he was still in the wheel.
They threw him off the boat. He was still in the wheel.
I’ll prove to you he was in the wheel.
It just happened to be a big fish.
It just happened to be a big fish swimming beside the big boat so that when pit men dumped him over, the fish just happened.
This is too strong.
You can’t take The fish carried him down to the bottom of the mountains with seaweed wrapped around his neck.
He stiles of the feet below sea level, and god sustained him.
Sustained in not one day, not 2 days, not 4 days, but 3 3 days. 3 days.
Nothing just happens on 3rd day.
On 3rd day, the back slid rebellious, reprobate, disconnected, disjointed preacher, comes up out of the water.
And thousands of years later, Christ says, even as Jona was in the belly of the fish 3 days.
So shall the son of man be in the grave.
He had to get up when it got up, and he had to go down when he went down because nothing just happens.
Oh, god.
Your mistakes were in his will.
Your trouble was in his will. Your pain was in his will. I don’t care what you went through.
David said if I make my bed in hell, die out there.
If I take the wings of their morning and ascend, to the utmost parts of the earth.
God is still there. He was with you in the middle of your trouble. He was with you.
He the middle of your pain.
That’s why Paul said I’ve learned whatever state I’m in, they’re with to be content.
I know how to be rich I know how to be poor. I know how to be free.
I know how to be back. You ought to shout.
I don’t care where you are because nothing just happens.
To seven people and tell him he’s got a plan.
He’s got a plan. Whatever god has predetermined to happen.
Whatever god has predetermined to happen.
Will come to pass, and no devil in hell has ever been able to abort the purpose of god not once.
And, yes, god gave you a human will, and you’re a free moral agent.
But if you think that your human will is strong enough to change his divine will. You are tripping.
You are out of your mind. God is gone.
The reason we worship him as god is because he is the CEO. He is in charge.
He runs the universe. And when god gets ready to make you and when god gets ready to break you and when god gets ready to take you, he’s never been without the power to make you yield to his will.
He’s never not one moment on time, not been able to orchestrate your affairs and nothing in your life.
Think about the most damnable thing that ever happened and shout nothing.
Think about the most embarrassed thing that ever happened in your life and shot nothing.
Think about the most impoverished financially, completing thing that ever happened in your life and shout nothing.
Think about the worst candle that you ever went through in your life and shout nothing.
Think about people who love and walked out and left you and shot nothing.
Think about betrayal on the highest level of your life and shot nothing.
Think about the struggle going on on your job right now and shout nothing.
Think about the attitude of your kin folks and your family members and shout nothing.
Think about how your boss is treating you on your job and show nothing.
Think about that disagreement between you and your children and shout nothing.
Think about your past life of sin, your hormungry, your inappropriateness, your attitude, your dysfunction and shout nothing.
Show nothing. Let the devil hear you say nothing.
That devil would think he won if you don’t shout nothing.
The devil would think he’s in charge.
If you don’t shout nothing, he’ll think he’s gonna win, but you gotta shout nothing in the midst of hell and high water, shout nothing.
In the to pain and despair, shout nothing. When your credit is denied, shout nothing now.
When you’re evicted out of your house, shall nothing. When your boyfriend married, somebody else shall nothing. Nothing.
We’ll be right back after this.
Learn to rely on god with Bishop’s latest series, nothing just happens.
Was in the belly of the fish 3 days.
So shall the son of man be in the grave?
He had to get up when he got up and he had to go down when he went down because nothing just happens.
God has a way of just choosing to bless you and say, that lady right there, I’m gonna leave that house for her.
Can’t nobody buy the house but her. Everybody else who tries to buy it. Everything’s gonna be tied up.
That’s her house. Nobody’s gonna get it by her. Save up.
What are your copy of this dynamic series on CD or DVD?
When you write to us, visit our website or call 1800 Bishop 2.
To live a satisfied productive life, you must be filled to capacity.
Gotcha. There’s no question. My seed is Polton. My word works.
The question is, do you have the capacity to receive my word.
For helping us reach others with your gift of any size, you will receive bill to capacity on CD.
She’s not excessive without He’s got something inside of him.
And out of the pregnancy of his own divinity, he begins to speak things into existence.
And when your gift is $70 or more, we will give you both messages from awakening on DVD as well.
Whatever you have a need for, god has a feeling for he can fill your league.
However, when your gift is $125 or more, We will also add Sarah Jake’s book, Coliding with Destiny, a 30 day journey through the book of Ruth, and the Bee Still Journal.
Just write us, visit our website a 1800 Bishop 2.
I tell you right now, it does not matter where you start.
It matters where you finish. You’re getting practical information from leaders that have been proven and been through there and done that and overcame and been victorious I started to think how many conferences would have to take place to reach this many leaders at one time.
We came to get a deeper understanding of how we could take the vision that god has given you and take it to the next level.
It refocused my my thought process, my hearing, my ability to see the word much differently.
Let’s begin to think beyond just our
tradition on a mindset,
challenging us on a whole new level. I’m loving the cross pollinization. I’m loving the alphabet thinking.
My hands were hanging down, but I’m strengthened through this conference. I’m excited.
I’m gonna challenge your brain to think through some things to go to the next level.
Are you ready? I feel a glory in this place.
Some of you just wouldn’t have ever thought you would never do it again.
God made milk gush out of your grasp. I tell you it’s not over till god says it’s over.
Tell me this, what is she doing?
Nursing a baby anyway. Even a young woman, Kate, nurse a baby, and she didn’t have one.
She didn’t birth the baby, so her body’s not even supposed to be milking making milk.
And she’s too old, even if she had birth the baby, but What? Gone.
That’s why god doesn’t wanna hear your excuses because your excuses for not doing his will are based on your understanding, but god’s gonna do some things in your life that you don’t understand.
So it makes your excuses foolishness because you’re making excuses based on what you’ve seen happen before.
What you see happened before, but nothing just happened. God’s gonna do something. I god. God.
I gotta get this. Oh, I can’t do god’s gonna do something for somebody in this room that you have never seen happen before in your life.
You’ve never seen him do it for anybody else. You’ve never heard about him doing it.
You can’t lane how he did it, but god’s going to make it happen.
I’m out of time.
I’ve gotta stop there, but it’s been a real joy, precious joy, a deep and fortifying blessing it, to share the word-of-mouth with you and to
be an instrument to encourage you.
I pray he used me well, and I pray you become all that God has called you and I pray above everything else that you do not quit.
For you who are closer now than when you first believe. God bless you.
Hold on.


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