Live By The Power Of The Gospel (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

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Live By The Power Of The Gospel (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

Join Pastor Prince as he revisits the key tenets of the gospel, and see how it reveals God’s grace and gift of righteousness for us, and how being established in the gospel will give us the answer to every need in our lives.

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About this episode

You are watching the sermon, Live By The Power Of The Gospel, preached on Aug 18, 2024 by Joseph Prince.

This episode was made free on YouTube because of the support of our gospel partners. Thank you for partnering with us!

[Music] today I just want to help you understand how important the word of God is and how you can receive from the word of God the gospel has answers not just for your body but also for your marriage for your parenting for your entire life you know we we are so quick to say Lord I only have this um little Talent Lord I only have this amount in my bank but what is it compared to my friend what did Jesus say bring it to me the gospel is not just for the Lost the gospel is for the saved come on people we all need the
blessing of God in our life praise the Lord you ready for the word okay see the reason I open up the Bible sometimes is let youall know the Bible is our main stay for all instruction for all Doctrine amen it’s God brief so but the thing is that when you have meditated on the word of God and you internalize is it a lot of it is inside you don’t always have to show people the the verses up there right it’s for you to note that verse or that statement I make and then search it out and see whether there is in the Bible all right in that
way we can share a lot more in a compact way okay say I don’t understand what you just said never mind you enjoy it you enjoy it some some people are learn wanting to learn about the Bible more and more and that is a Great quest because I’m telling you the word of God must be a an integrate part of our lives our daily lives we receive the word the example is given in in in the wilderness experience when God gave them Mana God gave them Mana every morning God gave them mana and for me morning starts after 12 early morning so it’s earlier
than any of yours because I’m a night hour you know I I study at night and then for it’s still morning for some of you is early morning it’s best and before the manner melts the Bible says when the the Sun comes out so before you meet the trials of day the day it’s best that you spend some time with the word of God you want to get started you don’t know how to go about it or you want a a a a more consistent way of doing it you can get one of the devotionals I got a devotional is I got a few devotionals
day by day kind of thing you don’t like my devotional find somebody else okay that you can um have an affinity and and a flow with when you study read the word but I love the word of God I love the word of God and um I just want to share some things again about uh how we need to be reminded again and again about the essential doctrines of scripture of the Gospel actually because today we hear the word gospel but a lot of people don’t really understand what is the gospel they’ll say repentance is the
gospel it’s not the gospel the gospel all right listen involves repentance but many of times that repentance might even be unconscious amen the gospel is not there prophecy is the gospel is not the gospel talking about the end times is not the gospel are you listening by the way the word gospel is good news and the gospel has answers not just for your body but also for your marriage amen for your parenting for your entire life so people think the gospel is like after Billy Graham preached in a in a in a rally
somewhere people are Sav oh we we said that he preached the gospel yes he preached the gospel but the gospel is not just for the lost the gospel is for the saved because the gospel means salvation good news about the salvation that God has brought that wasn’t really there in the Old Testament under the old Covenant they all long for this the the Bible says the the holy spirit in the prophets of the Old Testament long to be in your day so what is the gospel Paul says in Romans 1 I’m not ashamed to preach the
gospel of Christ for why he said I’m not ashamed to preach the gospel because in it in the gospel listen carefully this is the gospel in it the righteousness of God is revealed from Faith to Faith there was a time the Puritans in in Great Britain I mean UK then and and the and the the reformers the Calvinists the lutherans they brought the gospel back in its Purity during that time and it spread it brought civilization wherever the gospel has gone it brought civilization women were elevated they were honored uh
courtesy considerateness caring unselfishly for your fellow men reign supreme in all these nations and they became creative they became Innovative people leave uh uh uh wealthier lives than before the gospel came to them amen they leave healthier lives but it’s the gospel that is in charge of this the reason for all these things because of the gospel and they will say things instead of the righteousness of God that that I use more often is the same word they they they say the gospel is all these people lutherans amen all the the Puritans in
the in the past and all that all of them will say the gospel is justification by faith through Jesus Christ on and what is justification by faith righteousness by faith because the word right just and the word righteous if you look in the Greek is the same word amen de which is declared rightous many many years ago God called a man a man Advan in his years actually and God says I have called you and God brought him out of his tent under the starry night and it was the most starry night one has ever seen because out there in the Middle
East where there are no other lights to intervene your view or to shed off the light of the star you can see an abundance of stars myriads of stars innumerable isn’t it wonderful the Bible says that just before it says he heals your heart broken he heals the broken heart he says he tells the number of stars in The Book of Psalms no one can name the Stars no one can Number the Stars they actually have Suns we know the Sun but the stars are like sons and there are myriads of stars that sign scientist today with all their
advancement in technology cannot calculate they cannot even name them God tells the number of stars and he calls them by name and then he says he heals the broken heart isn’t it beautiful one is so vast and one is so tender this is this is our God the same God amen and this God sent his son Jesus Christ for what purpose to die on the cross he was not murdered that’s why I don’t like to use you know here people use the word the you know Jesus was murthered he wasn’t murdered in fact no one can arrest him without his
permission they came to arrest him all right the arresters became the arrested he just spoke one word the name of God he says home sick ye they said Jesus of Nazareth he says I am they all fell to the ground he could run off and they were pinned To The Ground by the way until he allowed them to get up amen he says this my father gave me this commandment I have power to lay down my life and I have power to take it up again no man takes my life from me amen amen that’s power man that’s power so I believe you look carefully he laid down
his you know in the Gospel of John you read carefully it’s beautiful how is this this little phrase went forth and jesus carried his cross he went forth and before that when pilate sced him with all the blood all blooded and all that the Bible says he went forth to face the crowd went forth means he went with determination am amen wasn’t that he was Dr before the crowd it wasn’t that he was Dr to be under the cross he went forth amen although I’m I’m sure with pain with suffocating pain he went
forth all right his initiative because he loves you and me it’s all part of the plan of God am that God would love sinful men who don’t care about him who blaspheme his name amen live our lives as if there’s no God God loved man while man was still unlovable so child of God what makes you think that God loves you any less why is it that you’re worried about the natural things of life and the provisions and all that when he says look look look at the birds of the air look at the Lees of the field the birds of the air they sow
not like the farmers do he’s talking to people who were in husbandry right he say look they s not neither do they reap and yet your heavenly father feeds them are you not of more value than they praise the Lord H and look at the the lies of the field they toil not that’s man’s work used to be toiling in the field look at the lies they toil not neither do they spin women’s work used to be there they spin to to make a dress right this Lily doesn’t doesn’t toil doesn’t Spin and yet I tell you your
father clothes that Lily even Solomon he says I tell you even Solomon the richest man that ever lived was not in all his glory was not array like one of this and by the way you look at the clothing of the Lily doesn’t purchase from outside or online in other words he’s talking about our bodies do you know that because the moment he points to the Lily the Lily’s clothing comes from inside if a lily is sick and withering the clothing just becomes brown right and Fades and dies so is talking about our health why
are you worried about your health the problem you the reason why you’re not healthy is because you are toiling so much in your mind you are worried so much in your mind you are holding back the healing from me are you listening you can walk anxious and worried you can exercise with a greet but instead of like like we saw last week a smile I don’t know how the guy can smile now really you know carrying that that crazy stuff that that heavy stuff he can smile I tell you this Pastor Mark is a unique breed very
unique amen stop smiling you know it’s like just smiling heing the heavy stuff huh spoiling the market you guys are you not of more value than one bird then he says this the lies of the field I tell you what the Lord says today they are here right tomorrow the Sun comes out is searched it’s only a temporary thing because that Lily will die it die younger than you and God closed it God cares for its Health its beauty which was designed for you God didn’t create flowers for flowers sake God created flowers for man’s sake
so there are things that God put in us to appreciate Beauty because it came from him and the smell the fragrance God ordained that most of the fragrance of herbs or flowers and the perfume thereof is only released when you crush it you don’t crush it it’s not released there is the gospel of Jesus Christ am that man cannot see God’s love until Jesus was crushed prise the Lord and the fragrance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that God tells us to diffuse everywhere we go is released amen because the Bible says
that Jesus in the in the revelation of the levitical offerings it says that he is also our meal offering fine flour his character is like fine flow he says I’m the bread of life so he’s like fine flow you know fine flow there’s nothing coarse nothing uneven in his character so already the offering was referring to him nothing uneven I always say you know he’s got that steel and velvet he’s got that that gentleness and yet that wonderful Authority that princeless that nobility that belongs to
royalty and yet when he bows to to lift someone up or to touch a leper and by the way the Bible don’t talk about smell and all that the smell is stench is really bad but when he bows down there’s nothing surval there’s nothing surval in his servanthood in fact there’s royalty in the servanthood and there’s service in that royalty and he totally you can say balance you call it balance but the way we think of balance it’s all together lovely and the Bible says everything about the meal offering exits a
fragrance to the father that means every thought every word every deed that you read about Jesus in the gospels every word every deed exits a fragrance to the father so when how how how does the fragrance come to our lives he has to be crushed and that’s what happened the cross amen and when he crushed all all the blessings of God for you was released he took your place and you are now in his stad before the father can I have a good amen and that is the gospel that now he became sin with your sin that you might be made righteous with
his righteousness amen Romans chapter 5 tells us for by one man’s Disobedience many were made Sinners so also by one man’s obedience many will be made righteous this is the the Gospel of Jesus Christ This Is The Gospel do you understand this is the gospel do we have a message somewhere because you know we hear all kinds of voices and people are saying oh this is happening because there’s a lack of preaching you know the the the immorality and the abundance of lawlessness and all that we see even in
the body of Christ in churches and all that in these last days is terrible we need to preach more on character character character fine my friend accept that character in the Bible is a fruit love joy peace gentleness even self-control meekness power under control all that is the fruit the fruit of the spirit that means how you get the fruit it must be under right conditions Showers of Blessings from Heaven amen sunlight Amen in the right environment and the only way you can grow spiritually is to grow in Grace in means
the soil of Grace if you’re not planted in Grace you ought to be planted in grace that means what I’m planted in Grace means Grace friend is Supply Grace is is a unmar favor Supply constantly amen what is law law is God’s demand demand exacting from you amen Grace is supply all right law is man must work man must do do do do you shall not you shall not you shall not Grace is God says I will do this for you I will do that for you I will do this for you amen your posture then is a posture of rest but Dynamic faith that he will do amen
that he’s the one doing that even for me as I’m preaching right now he’s the one preaching teaching in and through me I got to believe that because no one wants to hear Joseph Prince in himself they want to hear me as a spokesman so I ought to preach like God says to every preacher let him speak as the Oracles of God hallelujah that means what you become you know we are more familiar with the Greek ideas and we we study the the the things of the world but actually all that’s the the demons are trying to
copy copy what God’s method where God speaks through men so they have the Oracle of this the Oracle of that the Oracle of this and it’s all leading to ways of Darkness Ness and possession but God’s way amen God speaks through a man you know sometimes we we we read the Bible right and some people say we I I just read the Bible I don’t read any other books you know no wonder you’re not growing spiritually why because you’re not following what the Bible says the Bible says God gave the church
what come on pastors teachers is the fold Ministry you all know right apostles prophets evangelists and the last two pastors and teachers and that that’s what teaching amen and you are saying you don’t need teaching so it’s a form of Pride I get my my Revelation direct amen no God God has ordained teachers to help you with the Bible as well you ought to spend your time in the word before you read any other book amen even the devotional we have the verse down there there’s a verse for the day read that verse first and then read what
what God’s servant whatever that God has ordained for that book that you have to speak to you by the gift of interpreting that word are you with me so far you see God spoke to a woman a s foration woman to feed Elijah who about to come to a house a few days later God spoke to her already how do I know listen when Elijah came right what why did Elijah come there to a house in the first place there was famine in the land by the way there’s no food is not abundant is not uh plentiful because of the famine so
God sent Elijah the man of God to a woman who is not a a Jew but a gentile into the land where she was that was the land of the wife of the king of Israel her name is Jezebel and she’s the reason why they in the famine or the king is the reason because God called the king responsible she brought in the worship of ba into Israel she’s the daughter of the king of that of that place and God told Elijah to go to that place where sin increased Grace Super amounts amen amen and listen God said this to Elijah go to the
city of zarth where actually the whole area there is where the king of zerath who is the father of Jezebel comes from so she was a princess she was a Wicked Woman Wicked it’s not a good time to turn your head bro there are no Wicked Woman in the house of God she was so wicked finally her death was the dogs ate her after she died she brought such wickedness into Israel anyway God told Elijah to go there now listen how did God say it go there to the city of Z for I there I have commanded past stand a woman to feed you so she knew that woman was
commanded by God already a man is coming tomorrow feed him right so when he came he says what do you have in your house oh we have nothing except for a few little FL and then my son and I about to gather some sticks and then we’ll eat eat the bread and then we die that’s how she said it we’ll die then Elijah says bring me a cake first it mean make a small piece for me first let me eat first you don’t eat your child don’t eat let the man of God eat first terrible right if for me I’ll say

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