Our Friend the Holy Spirit | Vlad Savchuk and David Diga Hernandez
Our Friend the Holy Spirit
God’s Messages 💌
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week.. Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
Hello, David Deger Hernandez here. I’m joined by my friend, pastor Vlad softchuk, and we’re talking about hosting the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Pastor Vlad, well come to the broadcast. Thank you for
being here, my friend. We’ve had a powerful week of ministry. Just recently, you ministered here in our studio.
The Holy Spirit moved tremendously. You ministered on communion with the Holy Spirit.
So I wanted to continue with what you’ve been talking about communion with the Holy Spirit.
Talk to us about hosting that beautiful presence.
I think that the foundation of the communion the Holy Spirit comes from the communion of the Holy Spirit that the Holy Spirit wants to commune with us.
He wants to fellowship with us.
And I think having a revelation that the Holy Spirit wants to be our friend versus us just constantly begging for something that he doesn’t really want to give to us, that he wants to be our friend.
I think that’s that is what changes a process, that would change my relationship to the Holy Spirit knowing that he is the one that wants to have a relationship with me.
There was a time that you felt that he didn’t want that?
There was a time that I felt like I wasn’t good enough or what that he only talks and speaks and has a friendship with people that who have a destiny that will touch the world on a global level or who have this particular gift in their life and those are the ones that he’s specifically keen to, but the rest of the average people, like myself, I felt like he’s simply just he’s I’m still with the Holy Spirit, but to have a relationship with him and to have his relationship with me, he wouldn’t want to bother to have a relationship with somebody like me.
Because the problem is that I am aware of my weaknesses.
Unlike everyone who knows me online, they don’t know my struggles. I know my own struggles.
I know my own doubts. I know my own fears.
And so if the Holy Spirit lives in me, he’s aware of them too. I don’t like those.
So I can imagine he doesn’t like them either.
And so what if that’s the basis upon which he would say, Hey, I don’t want to have a relationship with you, and that was my biggest fear that he will not want to have a relationship with me because he’s aware of all the stuff that I have on the inside that it still needs to be changed.
Do you feel many Christians deal with that or perceive the Holy Spirit as almost just barely tolerating them?
I do I do believe that. I do believe that many Christians struggle with the same thing.
It’s that sin consciousness, and a lot of times what it does is it destroys our faith in receiving, because it’s it’s we receive the fellowship of the Holy Spirit through faith.
We receive the love of god, the grace of Jesus, the communion of the Holy Spirit through faith, and it jams our faith because we begin become more conscious of our weakness, our struggles instead of the cross.
Instead of the blood because the Bible says that the spirit was not given because Christ wasn’t glorified.
And so as long as my weakness is glorified, as long as my, um, struggles are glorified as long as I am obsessing with me, the Holy Spirit won’t come He will only come because Christ is exalted.
I had a situation one time I was ministering at the camp, and I felt so terrible, uh, emotionally, spiritually, just an every way, just just felt disconnected from God.
Um, to the point I didn’t think I was even wanting to minister that night.
So I got into my room, and I’m praying, and it’s one of those times I’ve tried everything I would worship and read and confess, and and I just feel the ceiling between me and the lord.
And that night, I supposed to talk about the Holy Spirit and pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
I’m like, how can I talk about somebody? I feel like he blocked me.
I was like, I I I can’t. I I’m I so I am so lost.
I felt lost spiritually and this one verse that the spirit was not given because Christ wasn’t glorified. Wow.
That just changed everything. And I remember, I felt the Holy Spirit said this.
He says, you’re so obsessed with yourself. He says it has nothing.
He’s like, I’m not feeling you, using you, or loving you because you’re special.
Says, because Christ has redeemed you. And he says, that can’t change.
And he said, get your eyes off of yourself.
Uh, for what you’re feeling, what you’re experiencing, and he said, just fix them on the cavalry.
He says, if you do that, my power will come on you and throw you in a way that is gonna be supernatural.
That’s exactly what happened when we came to service, still feeling all of that.
And during worship, I just learned link, the lamb who is worthy. I’m not worthy. He’s worthy.
It was never been about me. Always been about the lamb that is worthy.
So Vlad doesn’t have to be worthy because Vlad didn’t feel worthy, but the lamb is still worthy.
Started to exalges and just this thing that he is worthy, I don’t have to be.
I didn’t do any bad since.
I didn’t do anything bad, but it’s just that that feeling was there and maybe 4 or 5 minutes.
And just the rush of the presence of the Holy Spirit came upon me, and then the lord started to use me powerfully in that service.
And that became my template of how I deal with those moments because I experienced them, like every other human being experiences them.
I just remember that if I focus on myself, I will never be good enough.
The moment I take my eyes off of myself, and I fix them on jeez, us, then the spirit begins to flow mightily through me.
I’ve noticed that in my life, it’s similar.
I’d imagine it’s the same for many believers around the world where when you’re conscious of your own flaws and to some degree, it’s good to be conscious of your flaws because the Holy Spirit sync find you.
There are areas you need to surrender, repent of, and so forth.
But I find that when I’m so obsessed with myself, as you’re describing here, I’m so focused on my own flaws.
It’s very difficult to believe that the Holy Spirit wants to connect.
And it’s difficult to have faith that that presence abides with me when I’m still consumed by my own flaws.
And then the enemy will use that too.
He uses your fillings, of shame about your past insecurities and so forth.
He uses these lies to endorse his power, to endorse this lack of connection that you think is there.
And so he’ll use your emotions and how you feel about yourself to make his lies seem more believable. Yes.
So it sounds like the turning point for you was when you took the focus off of self and begin to focus on Jesus.
So you’re doing that now. Focus not on self, but on Jesus, what are some of the things now that have began to come about as a result of having the faith to focus on him and realizing that this communion is for you too.
I think the Holy Spirit, um, stopped becoming he stopped being in my mind and in my life a force.
He became a, um, a friend.
He stopped being like this power that I would experience and more became a friend that I could know and it started to happen where I used to limit my communion with the Holy Spirit to prayer.
And what started to happen in my personal life first is that I started to develop abiding in the holy spirit that’s not limited to prayer and prayer is an overflow of that versus prayer being it.
And in John 15, Jesus abiden me, let my words abide in you, and then at the end, he says, then you ask the father.
So it’s almost like abiding is not limited to prayer. Abiting is what I do throughout my day.
It’s throughout my everything that I do.
And then I have moments when I pray Um, when the Holy Spirit became real and his the grace of Jesus through which he flows through me, I started I became free to enjoy the communion of the Holy Spirit, the friendship of the Holy Spirit throughout my day, not limiting it to prayer, There was a time when I thought that the real secret of power is the amount of hours I pray.
And I started to recognize that that’s not the case.
It’s the amount of abiding that I do and abiding is not hard.
A biting is is easy because it it flows through the understanding he is with me.
He’s not with me because I am praying he is with me because I am purchased by the blood.
That doesn’t change. And then the moment I have free moments as I begin to give attention to him, as I begin to hear his promptings and begin to feel his direction in my personal life that strengthens my union with him, my awareness of him, and then prayer is an overflow of that.
So then I don’t go to prayer to get close to god and it’s actually one of your statements in the book said is that I go to prayer to become more aware of how close he is.
And that changes makes a prayer from being an idol to being a tool, prayer from being this thing that we have a lot, a lot of times exalted and there are people who pray a lot.
They don’t know the whole pivot. Ferrisies were praying a lot. Uh, Muslims pray a lot.
So prayer doesn’t necessarily guarantee intimacy with the Holy Spirit if you don’t understand that he loves you, he wants to be with you, and he wants to develop and abiding with you, and then we abuse prayer or we use the prayer to try to do something, accomplish something in the relationship with the holy spirit that cannot come through prayer.
I believe prayer is supposed to be an overflow It’s not supposed to be just limit or a or a biting is limited to prayer.
And I find that many believers look at prayer like it’s a point space system.
The better I do in prayer, the closer I draw to god. Mhmm.
The worse I do in prayer, the further he goes from me, not realizing that we don’t pray to connect with god.
So we pray from connection with god.
I’m already connected with him, and it’s because I’m connected with him that I can enjoy that communion of the Holy Spirit.
Now you said something recently about the communion of the Holy Spirit.
I love the way you elaborated on can you talk to us about the difference between communion with the Holy Spirit and the communion of the Holy Spirit, which is what the Scripture says?
So the church I grew up in was a Pentecostal church, and the way we finished our services is we would quote that verse.
So that’s the first verse I memorized as, like, a seven year old.
The moment in Russian, it would be it would start the first word. I already knew the whole thing.
Can you say it in Russian?
So the moment that the word that was mentioned, it it triggers that joy in me because the service was over.
So that’s that verse was one of my favorite verses in the Bible for the wrong reasons.
And as when I started to get to know the Holy Spirit, that verse would really became my, I would say, the foundation for knowing the person of the Holy Spirit is there is the the father gives us love.
Jesus gives us grace, and then it switches to the Holy Spirit, giving us communion, giving us fellowship, and how I always read it is that the communion with the Holy Spirit, and I used that verse in my earlier teenage years to argue that we should talk to the Holy Spirit
that he’s a person because, look, the Bible says communion with the Holy Spirit.
Until one day I read it, I said, wait, that’s that’s not what it says.
It doesn’t say width and then it uses grace and love of the father of Jesus, of god of Jesus.
And I’m like, wait, that’s actually what Holy Spirit offers us, which just exploded my understanding.
So I’m like, wait, So this is not just something I can talk to him.
He actually is the one that’s offering that to me, and it does confirm the fact that I can to him because you cannot have communion with somebody.
It’s not a one way street.
You know, if a husband says I I have a communion with my wife and only she talked, they didn’t have a communion.
That’s not a one way street. They have a marriage problem. Right.
You know, so communion is two people talking. It’s a fellowship, and communion is different than prayer.
Because in prayer, I talked to the father in the name of Jesus by the help of the Holy Spirit.
Communion is what I do with friends, I don’t get on the on my knees and besiege and plead and use Greek or Hebrew.
I use plain language to communicate my thoughts and to communicate my my desires, and it’s not always asking for something.
It’s just keeping a relationship flowing.
And this idea that the Holy Spirit has that to offer to me because then this verse says, with all of you, So it’s not just with the apostles or the fivefold minister, those who have the gifts or
the elite spiritual Christians or the special
all of us, but all of us that he has that to offer to me, that was, to me, that was a game changer.
And how I started to practice that, is I would set up a chair in my prayer room, and I would, uh, put a piece of paper, say, holy spirit, and I would stick that on the chair, and I would would finish my prayer.
And then after I would be done with my prayer, I would sit across the chair and imagine.
Now, this was just my child like um interpretation of that.
You’re not giving us something. No. You’re not giving us a model to follow.
Absolutely not. That is not a formula.
This is just simply helped me because it was such a shocking truth for me that he is a person who wants to have a communion with me, and so I would take few innocent.
I would just imagine that the Holy Spirit is stating that theological is not necessarily accurate because he can’t be limited to one place, and he lives inside of me.
So I I understand that. But it helped me to embrace the idea that I have a friend, and he’s very close to me.
And he loves me, and he wants to talk to me.
So I would just talk to my friend, and I would feel the impressions, the scriptures coming alive.
And I would receive that as him talking to me.
I practice those childlike things in the beginning to help me establish the truth that he is a person.
He wants to have a fellowship with me as much as Jesus gave me grace, and the father gave me love, Holy Spirit wants to give me friendship.
And one of my statements that I to say is that I can have the same relationship with the Holy Spirit that disciples had with Jesus.
That’s beautiful. The Holy Spirit is not a force or a feeling. He’s a friend.
And the scripture says, Ephesians 430, that we can grieve him by the way we live our lives, what are some of those things that believers do that break the Holy Spirit’s heart and disrupt not necessarily disconnect, but disrupt this communion.
I think one of them is definitely a disobedience to his voice because when nobody likes to be ignored, and nobody likes to ask for something, and then those things are not being granted.
Especially if it’s those people that are seeking to have a relationship with us, and they intentionally ignore your wishes and your requests or do things that you know grieve you.
And so and and I know that in in my own life, if I ignore the promptings of the Holy Spirit, and I keep on ignoring them that I know that he is grieved and he will withdraw.
And the other way is definitely even in a scripture of do not believe the Holy Spirit, it deals with how we deal with people, how we are with people, how I am with my wife.
How I am with my, um, employees, how I am with my brothers and sisters in Christ, how I am with them is very important to the Holy Spirit.
And there has been so many times where I have, um, I remember one instance. One person was pregnant.
And they told us a secret to me and my wife that they were pregnant.
And, um, I was in a family gathering, and this person worked for me.
And I it slipped my my mind that she was pregnant, but I promised her that I wouldn’t say anything to anyone.
Next morning, I am in prayer.
This person did find out that I just revealed her secret to my family.
I am in prayer, and this just stands between me and the world.
And I was like, what she doesn’t know, and I’m justifying it.
And I feel the Holy Spirit said, You broke your word. Yeah.
And I was like, I feel so ashamed. And he said, well, you didn’t just grieve me.
You actually broke her word. You need to ask her for forgiveness. I mean, she works for me.
I don’t have to kind of, I think, and I’m justifying, I’m trying to find every justification to go through, not to go through this embarrassment of repentance, And so and then I’ve I’ve repented and I, you know, sent her a message and I said, I am so sorry.
I broke your word. I have excuses for that.
None of the matter because those are not I don’t I wanna change as a as a leader, as a pastor.
And so and to me, it was more important that the Holy Spirit pleased with my repentance, then I protected my reputation.
And so and that’s what I see is that the Holy Spirit sees how we treat people, how we, how is our integrity, how we are with our spouse, and those things they affect our relationship with him, and they can greet him.
There are people watching right now who as we’re talking, their faith is being stir for this communion with the Holy Spirit.
And I’m sure that there may be even some watching who acknowledge that there are corrections that need to be made.
I wanna pray for them right now. Will you look into that camera right there?
And pray over that one watching who says, I want this communion. I want this fellowship.
I want this connection. Obviously, we know they have that, but they want to become more aware of that so they can walk in the fruit of it.
Will you pray with them, maybe even lead them in repentance, and then lead them in a prayer that would draw them closer to the Holy Spirit.
If you are watching right now, and maybe you have done things that grieved the Holy Spirit.
He is a person, and he can be grieved. He can be quenched.
But he can also come, come back his presence.
The awareness of his presence can come back if you be repented.
None of us are perfect, but if we learn to live a life of repentance, he can restore that intimacy can be restored, and whenever you are watching right now, just pause what you’re doing.
You can even get on your knees and just ask the Holy Spirit.
To forgive you and acknowledge your sin. Don’t blame it on anybody.
Don’t, um, shift it on the devil Don’t shift it on somebody else. Just take full ownership of that.
And you might need to do certain things after this prayer.
Of reconnecting, apologizing to some of those people, but intimacy with the Holy Spirit should be more important than anything else in your life.
Let’s pray right now. Father in the name of Jesus, we thank you for the grace that is available to us when we fall and when we said.
I pray right now that you will wash your people.
Jesus, you said in your word, if I don’t wash you, you have no part with me.
We want to have a part with you.
We want to have a intimacy, friendship, relationship with the Holy Spirit.
Cleanse us from our sins, cleans us from our motives that we’re not pure, from our attitudes, from the behaviors from the things we’ve done, what we cost harm and hurt to people that maybe we love intentionally or maybe not intentionally.
Washes right now. And she says mighty name lets you peace, and joy, and closeness, return to us.
Like David says, take not your Holy Spirit from me.
Stored to me the joy of my salvation in Jesus name.
And for those of you that are watching, and the Holy Spirit has always been for you as a dove, some kind of a mystical mysterious being a power, something that you can experience or someone or or some power thing, but you have never seen him as a person, your spiritual life, maybe you’re Pentecostal or charismatic, or you grew up in a place where you heard about him, but you’ve never met him.
Right now, you can have an encounter with the Holy Spirit. He can touch you right there.
He can touch you in that room right now. All you have to do is just ask him.
See Jesus, revealed the Holy Spirit to me, because guess who baptizes us in the Holy Spirit, Jesus, Jesus introduces us to the Holy Spirit.
We have to go from the cross to the Pentecost, and that could happen if you just simply say Jesus.
Introduce me, reveal to me the Holy Spirit, and then pray this press a Holy Spirit I want to know you.
Holy Spirit. I want to be a friend.
Holy Spirit I want to have a communion with you. I am open to that.
Let’s pray those simple prayers where whatever you are standing, sitting, watching this right now.
And you will see that the scales will begin to lift be lifted, and the presence of the Holy Spirit will begin to come into the room right now, and you will not be the same.
As we’re praying, I’m believing that the presence and power of the Holy Spirit will become tangibly manifested in that room where you’re watching, whether you’re watching at home, in the car, at work, I believe that you can come into an encounter with the power of the Holy Spirit.
And it’s my prayer that you would sense him right now. He’s looking at you right now.
He’s listening to you right now. He’s not off in the distance. He’s right there with you.
So precious, holy spirit, I pray. That your power would begin to flow like a mighty river.
Thank you, Holy Spirit, that you’re revealing Jesus. This.
Thank you, Holy Spirit, that you’re making your presence known, that them receive of you.
Thank you for every bondage being broke. You.
Every sickness being healed, touched to my prey.
And I want you to say it because you believe it, say Amen.
Well, pastor Vlad, you’ve recently written a book called Host The Holy Ghost, and it’s about communing with the Holy Spirit, but More than that, it’s about caring the presence of the Holy Spirit, becoming aware of that presence.
Really, it’s a book on friendship with the Holy Spirit Can you tell us just a little bit about that and also where we can go to get some information on that?
When I would teach on the relationship with the Holy Spirit, so many people would come up and say, man, It’s they started to get the importation through that.
They started to have similar experiences.
And so after a while, I’ve always wanted to write it, but I wanted to wait for the right time to kinda share my experience how and the things that I’ve learned along the way.
And so and I feel like that time has come Um, the book is available on pastorvlad.org, and, uh, there, they could pretty much get links to Amazon and Audible and Kindle and all other forms.
I love the subject, friendship with the Holy Spirit. And I have the opportunity to read it.
I love it, and I pray that you are blessed by that as well Pastor Vlad.
Thank you so much for joining me. I appreciate you joining me on the broadcast.
Remember, until next time, nothing is impossible.
With god.
- Friday Morning Prayers! 💌🙏❤️Tháng tám 11, 2023