Seize The Day – All Power

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Seize The Day – All Power

Faith Favorites: All Power – Seize the Day

Available on CD, DVD, MP3, & MP4

The believers walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries Partners and viewers.
Hello. This is Bill Winston. I’m inviting you to the Business And Leadership Conference.
I want you to be there. I’m telling you not only gonna have But that’s gonna be some impartation.
You’re gonna leave with more you came with. This is gonna be a powerful conflict.
1 of the best that we’ve ever had. We’ve had some excellent conferences.
March 22nd 23rd, don’t miss not only information, importation, something is gonna happen that’s supernatural.
I’ll see you there.
Up next on the believer’s walk of faith.
Jesus operating in 4 d can clean up three d.
Anything that has happened to you that has caused you, uh, uh, any kind of or suffering or sickness or disease or malfunction, or or no function, whatever it is.
Jesus can clean it up. Watch this so that there was no trace than it ever been in your life.
Now three dimensions in this earth, natural earth.
There’s a dimension of what I’m talking about here I’m saying there’s time, space, and matter, these three dimensions.
But when I am dealing with the things of god, he takes me up to the 4th Amendment.
And the 4th dimension has power over the 3 third dimension, 3 dimension.
So I’m going up higher. Yes.
So where it would take time for something, I don’t need to take time.
So I don’t need to get out of debt over 6 years.
I can get out of debt over 6 days.
Are you comfortable saying? Because because I’m operating in the 4th dimension. See?
And that’s where you wanna save. So Let’s take an example. I use the example.
I’ll come back to it again. Jerry’s watch. Alright. So what happened?
So Jerry’s gonna speak, And he’s at this meeting.
Before he spoke, he said, how long did I have to speak? I see you have 1 hour.
And he said, who speaks after me? He said, Charles speaks after you.
And he said, I think I’ll take Charlie’s time too and laugh about it. Well, what happened?
He kept speaking, kept speaking, kept speaking, looking at his watch, But then he looked at watch, and he noticed his watch had stopped.
Now, then he asked, what time is it?
And they said, you have not only taken your time, but you’ve taken Charlie’s time too.
I want you to get this. Because this is key for four d.
Is there anything?
Charles said this. Let me just say one thing.
Jerry has trained his spirit to bring to pass everything he says.
It? Yes.
Now, this 4 d, this 3rd area 4 d, is that we’re gonna produce things through either decree or the spoken word could be confession or whatever.
And we’re gonna bring things to pass and do it by words only by words only.
Now is not this acting like god? Yes. Am I right about it?
Jesus, 99% of the things he did, he did with only words. Why? Because he’s acting like a father. Yes.
He wants you to tell the truth.
Now I don’t care what the diagnosis is. What did god say?
You see what I’m saying?
See, you you’re getting to the place now where he’s gonna use you to turn around cities.
And you can’t go in the city talking about, woah, ain’t it dark out there?
I mean, no, you gotta call darkness.
Like, So Jerry has trained his spirit.
Now get me now. To, um, to produce everything he says.
Now with that, kind of condition, you’re gonna have to watch your what? Yeah.
You’re gonna have to watch them out.
Yeah. Yes. And, mister.
See? You don’t have to watch them out. Well, see them kids out there playing.
Now watch what I’m gonna come in here, that swing, go hit them on the head, and they will come in here with the head, but said, oh, what wiping seat.
And then the kid coming out of the head, busting it over.
See, I told you, I I didn’t I tell you? No. No.
You in the middle of adversity, you’re gonna tell the truth.
In the middle of are you following what I’m saying? That’s where he’s taking you.
And that’s where the church has not been. The church, for the most part, had been carnal.
Right. Right. Right.
And that carnal allergy is saying, no. I know what I feel. I I know when I’m sick.
You know what I mean? Now I’m not saying that the sickness doesn’t exist.
I’m just saying, don’t let the sickness have dominion for you. That’s all I’m saying. Okay.
So let’s talk about Jerry’s watch again, because that’s this is the key.
What stopped the watch. The words that he spoke.
Now this word that he spoke obviously control something in the spirit.
So your boundaries are not natural. Your boundaries are spiritual.
You got what I’m saying? And god wants to get you back to your spiritual boundary.
I want you to take you back to Eden and live on top of the world. Amen.
There you go. David this day, suppose I say next Tuesday, then god will have to honor my authority.
See, you’d have to wait till Tuesday to deliver me.
So what put off for tomorrow on I can have today? Alright.
Let’s look at this place. 1st place is called seeds of dominion, seeds of dominion.
I think a Joel, Joel chapter 2, and verses 1 and 2.
And He was showing any more accurate, even to the years of many tourists.
Now, isn’t it interesting? He is talking about you. This prophetic word about you.
He is saying that there’s coming of people, that there’s never been anything like them.
They’re gonna be a great people and strong people. Yes.
And after they leave, there’ll be nothing like them.
And let’s look at the same scriptures in the new living translation, please. Ready Reid.
The church, the local church is supposed to be a place of the miraculous.
Because, again, these miracles are the way that we ring the dinner bell.
For the unsaved. Here’s what he says in John. John, and John chapter 4 in verse 48.
I want you to read the scripture, please.
Ready Alright.
Now you’re saying that there are people that are gonna have to see something.
Now there are people that can get get saved without it. Yes.
But there are people that are out there that they’re gonna need a miracle.
And when you don’t demonstrate anything, then you haven’t given all of what god gave you, so get them into the kingdom of god.
So we need to church to be a place of signs and wonders.
We need Paul said my speech and preaching, uh, not in the enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in the demonstration of the spirit and the power that your faith will not rest in the wisdom of men, but in the power of god.
Do you follow what I’m saying? Yes.
So god has made it so If somebody doesn’t believe what you say, then they’ll believe what you do. Amen.
And you can demonstrate the power of god’s aim into that. Amen. Alright. Satan pushes religion.
Now, Jesus didn’t say, I’ve come that you might have religion. What did Jesus say?
I’ve come that you might have life. And have it, how more abundantly. Alright.
So Satan tries to push religion. So miracles are dangerous to religion.
They’re dangerous to religion. Look what it said in John. John chapter 9, Let’s read that. Freddy Read.
These are religious leaders coming against the family of a son that was born blind.
And Jesus healed him. Yes. Now religion doesn’t like that.
Right. Right.
Because even the man who couldn’t walk for 38 years, once he took up his bed and walked, the religious people said, what you doing?
They didn’t even compliment on him on the fact that he got healed.
They weren’t concerned about that. They were concerned about keeping this thing going that they had started going.
You know? Alright. So uh, is this not your son?
Now, the parents were reluctant to say he was. But they weren’t gonna disown him.
They said, yeah. They said, well, how was he healed? That’s when they backed up. I don’t know.
Ask him. He’s of age. You can ask him yourself. You follow what I’m saying.
Because the Bible said they fear getting thrown out of the synagogue.
This young boy got healed by the power of god. Amen. Alright. Now what happened?
Jesus told him, He said, the disciples pointed out, said, who did it send him, or his parents said he was born blind?
Jesus said, neither, at this mansion nor his parents but that the works of god should be made manifest in him.
Amen. And now notice that he puts spit on his on the ground and put a clay on his eyes and he told him to go wash in the pool of silo.
He came, wash came back see. Now, What happened? Here’s the big issue right here.
Who did say it? See, who did sin?
Now, I know all have sinned. Am I right about it? Yes.
So Jesus said neither.
Has this man sin nor his parents, but that the works of god should be made manifest.
In in other words, let’s go all the way back to who sinned because the one who sinned was in the garden.
That’s who got you into this.
So when god sees you, he sees who sin. Yes.
And this thing, just because of of Adam. Now all of humanity is born in sin.
So Jesus came to get us out. But he had to go back to whose sin.
He had to go back to and pay the price for the one who sinned and not everybody can be made free.
Now, I’m just saying that because there might be a weakness in your life.
Let’s say something happened, and and there’s a weakness in your family.
And and this thing, the doctor would say this, well, it travels in your family.
You know, that you catch this or asthma, whatever have you. Well, wait a minute. Wait a minute.
That once you get saved, you can cut off.
You you can cut off
those genes
being passed down from whose sin. Now you can go free.
And everything Satan has done can be undone.
Everything Satan has done in your family can be undone in your life.
You can cut off the genes right where you stand.
Cause he not only heals you, he makes you whole.
So he corrects the genes. He corrects the chromosomes. He corrects the alleles.
All of the things that I learned in the in ready to class, he can correct everything there and make it so that you’re a whole Now as you produce more offspring, everybody will start from being home.
Is it the right bunch I’m talking to?
So Jesus said something.
1st, John, and chapter 3 in verse 8, Jesus said this And this is in the AMPC translation.
Ready Read.
So everything, Satan did The reason why the son of god was manifested is to undo every work that he’s done.
Now the enemy hates miracles because miracles leave no trace.
Yes. See, they erase all traits. Say erase all traits. Be erase all. In Jesus’ name.
So they raised all traits. Here’s the man.
He was found in Mark chapter 5 and verse 15 and look and see what happened to the man who was out of his mind, who had full of demons, who had cut himself and was naked.
Yes. Now when the disciples came back and Jesus got an encounter with a man, look what happened, ready, read.
Say 4 d. 4 d. 4 d.
See, Jesus operating in 4 d can clean up 3 d.
Anything that has happened to you that has caused you, uh, uh, any kind of pain or suffering or sickness or disease or malfunction, or or no function, whatever it is, Jesus can clean it up.
Watch this. Show that there’s no trace that it ever been in your life.
Now that’s what you want. Say no trace. He wants no trace.
First of all, the man was out of his mind. He was just a crazy as a betsy bull.
Again, dear, he was running around. And the next thing you know, he was close and what?
He was in his right mind. Some people have smoked so much reefer and dumped so many drugs.
They are crazy. But Jesus gets a hold of them. Come on.
And in one second, puts them in their right mind. Glorita. God.
I said, Glorita. I remember that time we were at the other location, and the man just got got saved.
He was in a wheelchair, and he came, and they put him in the water in a wheelchair, you know, It took him in, and put him in the water because they’re gonna baptize him in Jesus’ name, the name that is above every name.
And so what happened is they took him and baptized him in there, and then they did and pulled him back up, and he stood up.
Yes. Why is it? Step out of the pool and walked upstairs. Yes.
Now there was no trace Come on, come on, come on, come on.
God can wash you so clean that there’d be notes right that you smoked that much refund.
It’d be no trace that you did the kind of drugs. One lady had been married How many times?
Five times. But when Jesus got an encounter with him, he turned her into an evangelist, and she told all the men Come see a man that told me everything I ever did.
Go at the top. Sit out.
God can make it so that your relatives don’t even recognize you.
And that’s what you’re gonna do if you let him get a hold of him starting tonight.
Today. Now now notice this one right here turned to mark and Mark chapter 7 verse 25 to 30.
Ready, read. Had a what? I’m being stupid.
Say it again. I’m being stupid. On clean spirit. Keep going.
Women women, women, cast forth to what?
Yes. Out of her who? Daughter.
So she had an unclean spirit that a devil had brought into her life. Keep going.
Now let the children first be filled.
Now this gospel that Jesus was preaching was not for the Greeks first. Yeah. It was for the Jews first.
So in other words, let me take care of the Jews and I’ll be with you shortly.
But she said something. Keep reading. Ready. Read.
Now, notice she jumped up into 4 d.
She she canceled 3 d. She canceled time. And she said, I want my healing.
I want my daughter heal. I want my money. Come on. I want my joy.
I want my promotion. Now we’re not done yet. Betty Reed.
She has to get caught up in a lot of people on me.
Now notice what happened. Jesus didn’t come to her house.
4 d. 4 d, don’t have to come to the house.
See, I can speak the word from him. Come on now.
I don’t have to come to your house.
4 d says, I don’t need to come lay hands on it.
I can speak a word from right here. Do you with me?
Now, this is interesting because unclean spirit, I don’t know exactly what that was.
But let me give you maybe a comparison.
So a lady came, we had to time in in the prison ministry and some people came And this little lady says, uh, Pathwinson, I don’t know what you know me.
I’m a member. I said, oh, okay. And I work now for the city, whatever have you.
Did you I she said, I wanna tell you my story. I never told it to you. I said, okay.
What is it? She said, well, I was in in jail.
I’m supposed to do 20, I don’t know, some years in jail.
She said, but the lord came to me in jail.
Now, the lord just doesn’t just just happen to come to somebody. Come on. Somebody has to pray.
Come on. Cause he said, let them have See, he just can’t cross the line anytime he walked him.
See, there are some prophetic agendas that, yes, god is coming, and he won’t cross the line whether you believe it or not.
But, normally, god needs somebody to pray so that they’ll give him permission and he’ll have this power coming in to do what needs to be done.
Say amen to that. So she said, I was in been insane sex relationship for years, and that was my desire.
I didn’t desire any other kind of relationship, but one night, the lord visited me. Come on. Say this.
Jesus goes to jail. Jesus. See, Jesus can go to jail.
If you got somebody in jail that he can go to jail, if you believe in the 4 d, that you don’t have to be there.
But god can come there with you just pray there.
And god will come there and set the raptors free.
It did the right side I’m talking to.
And she said, within seconds, I will deliver of all desire.
And he said, I got my husband now in in a mail.
And I’ve got him and we’re buying a house and closing on it tomorrow.
Everything has turned around in my life. God, Jesus goes to jail.
Jesus can go to your place.
He wherever your daughter is wherever your son is and take the desire out of them in 2 He can change every chromosome.
He can change every desire. He can fix their mind. He can change your heart.
If you believe it, you give god some praise in here.
Well, praise the lord. I trusted you.
Enjoy that. Now that is all power. Now when we say all power, there’s nothing left out.
This is all part. This power that can stop storms.
This is power that can go to jail and change somebody’s mind.
This is the kind of power that can raise a man up. That’s been dead 4 days as body decomposing.
This this is the kind of power. This hanapower is given to the church.
In his name, we have all power.
Chlor it to God in reverse any curse that anything that the enemy has done to you in reverse it.
That’s why the enemy hates miracles because miracles remove all trace of the devil’s work.
See, he can’t advertise anymore. We’ve taken away his advertisement with all power. Closer to god.
Get that teaching. You’ll see that all power come alive in your life, and that’s what you need, especially today.
You need all power. This is Bill Winston saying we love you.
Get the teaching and keep walking by faith.
As a believer, all power has been given to you in heaven and on earth.
That power can change your world and the world around you.
It’s time for the church to access this power to take dominion and transform this world for the kingdom of god.
Today, impactful message. All power is available in its entirety on CD or MP3 on DVD or MP4.
To order this single teaching, contact at 1807119327, or online at
Hello. This is Bill Winston.
I would like to share with you what changed my life.
And that was when I came to the lord, when I confessed Jesus as lord in my life.
I switched kingdoms. I came out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of his dear son, and look what god has done.
Now I’m saying the same thing can happen to you.
I don’t know where you stand, but I do know this.
God desires that all be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.
All you have to say with lord Jesus. I ask you, come into my heart.
Live your life in me and through me. Forever, and he will.
So right now, receive him into your heart as your new lord and savior and I guarantee you, nothing will be the same again.
I want you to get my book. It’s called Born Again in Spirit Fill.
Now, you can download it free of charge It’s for you. It’ll tell you what the next steps are.
Now remember, you need faith to get to your destiny.
So don’t forget to subscribe and click on the notification bell so that you don’t miss any of our videos.
This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking
by faith.

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