Prayer of the Day: Friday May 10, 2024 πŸ’ŒπŸ™

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Prayer of the Day:

β€œFather, thank You for Your call on my life to rise up, to wake up the greatness You put in me. Thank You that I am not limited by fear or insecurity or by feelings of being unqualified that have been passed down through my family. I am going to confront the things that are hard and move forward. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

I do not wish to begin this day without first coming before you, kneeling at your feet, and giving thanks for the many blessings you bestow upon me. I thank you, my mighty God, for every detail you have for me. You have filled me with your love and blessed me with a beautiful family. Thank you for providing a home, putting food on my table, never ceasing to provide for my family, and meeting all our needs.

I ask that this morning you send your Holy Spirit upon me to illuminate the darkness of my understanding. Lord, grant me the grace to understand, retain, and speak with clarity. Give me your Holy Spirit to strengthen my heart and help me navigate through conflicts. Let it be your will that guides me through life’s challenges, threatening the essence of who I am. I firmly believe in you and all you do for me; I place all my worries, fears, and emptiness in your hands.

Illuminate my mind so I do not falter in the steps I must take. May all my decisions lead me on the path of holiness. You are here to support me, always ready to lift me up and help me move forward. I surrender my entire life to you, Lord, to let your mighty hand guide my steps in the right direction.

I ask you to remove all negative feelings that bind me to sin. I trust that you will sustain me and help me overcome all obstacles, so that I may proclaim you as my King and Lord. Grant me courage and strength this morning to achieve all my goals. Fill me with your team and remain by my side at all times. You are my driving force, my greatest pride, for I know that following you will bring victory.

You are my rock, my fortress, the guardian of my being, the sentinel of my steps, the meaning of all I live, do, and desire. Thank you for hearing my humble prayer on this beautiful morning, my Lord. I know you love me and will accompany me throughout this day. Amen.

I will carry out my morning activities with diligence and humility, offering the work of my hands as a gift to God in gratitude for his love. Let us bless our God and make his praise resound, for he has kept our souls alive and not allowed our feet to stumble. Psalm 66. May the Lord bless us on this day, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

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