Seek to be Great | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Seek to be Great | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
Hebrews 10:24 says, “Let us … provoke unto love.” The word provoke can also be translated; call forth. Messiah called forth Lazarus from the tomb when he was dead. In the same way, we’re to call forth that which isn’t as if it were. Call forth love from others, even when they have no love and the situation seems as dead and hopeless as Lazarus’ tomb. Start with yourself; start provoking and calling forth love, joy and hope when you don’t feel it. In Messiah, you have the power to call forth that which is dead and doesn’t even seem to exist. Then provoke others. Love the unlovable, bless the unblessed, do good to those who don’t deserve it. Love your enemies as if they weren’t your enemies. Become a holy provoker. Call forth that which is not as if it were. Just as God said, “Let there be light and there was light.” When there’s no light, hope or blessing, call it forth. Provoke love where there’s no love and joy where there’s no joy. When you were dead, God called you forth to life. Go and do likewise.
Starting with Abraham, Genesys 12, the calling listen to the calling.
I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you I will make your name great, and you shall be a blessing.
Now think about that. Say, listen to the calling. I will make you a what a great nation.
I will make your name great. Great.
He’s gonna I’m gonna make you one man into a my into a nation of millions has god done it.
He did it. Or in Hebrew, I will godal your name. I will godal.
I will I will magnify your name. I will make your name large, Abraham. I will enlarge your name.
Amazing. Because the first thing you did was actually enlarge the name. It was Abram, a few letters.
He made it more letters, Abraham. Father of the many, but then he actually did it.
He did it, and then he he made the name of Abraham Great.
That 4000 years later here in in the 21st century, it’s known all over the world.
What are called the 3 monotheistic faith are all call also called the Abrahamic faiths.
The peace agreements that were done to the Middle East were called what? The Abraham accords.
Now Abraham actually actually lived in a tent, and god enlarged the tent of Abraham so much so, it embraces much of the world, stretches 4.
He stretched the curtains of Abraham.
And you who are hearing the message here, you’ve come into the 10th of Abraham. You’re a child.
The Bible says you’re actually a child of Abraham. He’s your father, either by either by birth or rebirth.
The father of the faithful. Your salvation is part of what god said.
Back then to Abraham, look at the stars. That’s the Jewish people, but it’s also you in the spirit.
If you’re a child of Abraham, you are a child of the one who is enlarged, in law, who the tent is enlarged, You’re a child of the one who god calls to be great?
You’re called to be great.
You’re called to live a life of greatness, not just a nice life, not just a a life that doesn’t get into trouble, but a life of greatness.
Should you aspire to greatness? Should you seeks. You wanna be great.
Now Messiah said, let the one who would be greatest among you. Let him be the servant of everyone.
Now you may have somebody who might take that. Well, he’s, well, he’s rebuking.
Sounds like he’s talking to Peter. He went some ways.
But it’s that, you know, they take that he’s rebuking the idea of aspiring to is that’s not what he said.
He could have said, don’t aspire to be great. Instead, he’s telling how to do it.
He’s not saying don’t seek to be great in con don’t say don’t aspire.
He’s saying seek to be great, but do it this way. Be great in the kingdom.
Be great in god. Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you are blessed with the video.
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