Russia, Israel and What’s Next | Jack Hibbs Sermon

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Russia, Israel and What’s Next | Jack Hibbs Sermon

Well, naturally with what’s going on in the world around us, Russia. Russia not Soviet Union anymore.
Mind you listen, this is an epic moment.
If you can hear me right now, you are actually living out a prophetic timeline. How do I know?
Because for so many years, somewhat 80 years or so, there was the Soviet Union where communist ensconced many nations and its epic was Moscow, Russia Moscow via the muscovite, ancient muscovite kingdom.
Um and that was the epic.
And then remember President Ronald Reagan said, Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall and through tactics that Ronald Reagan employed from that moment forward.
Uh military economic tactics. Uh the soviet union broke up and dissolved.
That had to happen because the bible doesn’t talk about the soviet Union.
The bible talks about the Prince of Rosh MS Shock and two Ball. What is that? Today’s Russia.
Today’s Russia and Gog. G O. G is the name of a or title of a person who, who is both the military commander calls the shots and the political leader who calls the shots all wrapped up in one person, I’m not saying it’s Vladimir Putin could be , but it’s going to be someone that fits the Bill G O. G.
Gog. That is in the land of Rosh me shock into Ball or Russia. But listen, here’s what’s amazing.
That shouldn’t shock you kingdoms. Come and go.
The main thing that you understand is Russia is in the bible. Ezekiel chapter 38.
In fact read Ezekiel 36 78 and nine. Those chapters.
And when you see the word or the title of the region, Rosh MS shock and to ball.
And when you read about G. O. G.
Gog, you’re reading about Russia and what’s fascinating to me is the fact that on my shelf here uh kingdoms come and go that invading kingdom that’s gonna come, that’s going to be in the news attacking Israel.
Uh here’s here’s currency from the soviet union.
Okay, so that’s Lenin on the currency and this would be a ruble right? And it’s very very old.
But he’s gone and that currency is gone. Here’s one that some uh U. S. Marines brought home to me.
This is Iraqi uh currency and it’s now um all but gone. If not gone.
And certainly the man Saddam Hussein is gone. Why is that important?
Because like Russia uh like Persia Iran and like Babylon Baghdad, these nations are key players in the end times.
What’s amazing to me is that it appears America evaporates for this one leader to come upon the scenes that is going to get a nation coalesced around him and he’s going to attack Israel.
We’re not talking about the antichrist, we’re talking about it coming military excursion by the leader of Russia.
He’s gonna get surrounding muslim nations to join with him to go after Israel’s success and that’s in the bible read Ezekiel 36 37 38 39.
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