Reclaim Your Destiny X Sarah Jakes Roberts

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Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week.. Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
Listen, let me tell you, I get so excited when I get the opportunity to just sit before God to sit with Jesus.
And to think about you and to consider what is it that you need to hear?
And I have to remind myself not to be selfish and say, Lord, this is what I need you to say.
But instead to just lay down my own desires, lay down my own issues and say God, what it is it that you were speaking because I recognize that when I discover what God is speaking, that it will automatically apply to my life.
And that is exactly what happened when I started studying for, hey, you this month it is, is a word that I believe that is gonna help you.
You already know, hey, you is not fully about me just like going ham when it comes to preaching.
But I do have something I wanna share with you from the overflow of my own studying.
And we’ve been talking about strategy all month. We’ve been talking about revolutionary strategy.
If you like sis, I’m plugged in and I ain’t heard you say nothing.
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You wanna make sure that you are plugged into everything woman Evolve.
We’re here to serve you to give you inspiration when you need it.
So every week, every day on the social media, we’re trying to constantly make sure that you are not doing this thing called Life Alone.
So sign up for the newsletter woman evolve dot com slash connect. Sign up and text me. I’m a girl.
I’m gonna get on your nerves. I’m gonna be your favorite stalker in a minute.
But we’ve been talking about strategy all month long. God gave me this word.
I have to tell you when I was first studying and praying about the word of the month for the year that this word had this month had a different word.
But the more that I began breaking down a story in the Bible, I saw that what I was calling provision was actually strategy.
So God changed this word for the month of April and I think it has a lot to do with who’s on the other side of this word.
I don’t know if, if you’re like me, you start off the year with this strategy.
You start off the day with this strategy and then something happens along the way and all of a sudden, you cannot remember the strategy anymore.
You’ve gone from strategizing to simply surviving.
You’ve gone from being proactive to just reacting and I wanna speak to you tonight about reclaiming your destiny.
I wanna talk about reclaiming your strategy because our strategy is ultimately to lead us to a a destined point.
We’re moving towards destiny. And yet, if we are not intentional about reclaiming our destiny, then we will find ourselves lost in the sauce.
I don’t know who you are.
But one of the things that I want you to know right now is that your destiny is not to be lost.
Your destiny is not to be confused.
Your destiny is not to just be wondering about wondering where you will be planted when God created you.
When God breathed his breath inside of your lungs, he said, I have a strategy for the earth and that strategy cannot happen unless this person is in the earth.
And while you may not understand God’s strategy in fullness, you know what God does not want you to do.
And if we start focusing on the areas where God doesn’t want us to show up, then we begin to make room for the strategy to become, to become clear.
We’re gonna talk about reclaiming your destiny.
And I want us to reclaim it from narratives that make us feel less than I want us to reclaim our destiny from experiences that have made us stop dreaming.
I want us to reclaim our destiny from heartbreak.
I want us to reclaim our destiny from grief, from sickness, from illness.
There comes a point in your life where you have to draw a line in the sand and say I am gonna stand up and take ownership of this life that I’m living in.
I’ve been going through this depression, but this depression can’t continue to go through me.
I’m going through, I’m going to therapy because I need to reclaim my destiny.
I’m gonna get on this medication because I need to reclaim my destiny.
I’m getting back in the gym because I need to reclaim my destiny.
I’m forgiving you not because you deserve it, but because I need to reclaim my destiny and it takes too much energy for me to be bitter with you.
It takes too much energy for me to be angry with you. I’m reclaiming my joy. I’m reclaiming my peace.
I’m reclaiming my creativity. I receive rejection after rejection and rejection took over my destiny.
But I feel that somebody’s gonna reclaim their destiny from rejection. You’re gonna reclaim your destiny from insecurity.
I don’t know if you can tell or not, but you need to start texting some people who feel lost in the sauce.
You need to start texting your friends who’s been wondering, I don’t know what I’m gonna do from day to day.
I feel lost because now is the night where we’re gonna put our stake in the ground and we’re gonna say not anymore.
Not on my watch. I am reclaiming my destiny first Samuel 25. Gonna start in verse 30.
I want to show you how God uses a woman to help who he has anointed to reclaim the destiny that God has for his life.
Because there are moments when we are so off track of our destiny that it takes someone waving a flag to say, hey, this isn’t you man?
I feel that for somebody. The moment I said that you felt something in your spirit.
I don’t know how you’ve been talking to yourself. I don’t know how you’ve been showing up in the world.
I don’t know what you’ve been drinking or using in order to make yourself feel better.
But I feel like you need someone to wave a flag and say this isn’t you?
That you’re living less, then you need to, that you’re living us less than who you’ve been anointed to become.
I came here to let you know that this isn’t you. That relationship is not you.
That addiction is not you. That job is not you the way that you keep putting yourself on clearance trying to convince everyone else that that is the price that is not you.
I hear God saying it’s time for you to raise your standards, raise your level and those who can afford to pay it will pay and those who can’t, cannot afford to play and you need to thank God they couldn’t afford to play because them being able to play would mean that you would have to decrease your value in order to be connected with them.
But when you reclaim your destiny, you make a decision within your mind, you make a decision within your spirit that I’m gonna be who God has called me to be.
And I’m not, I’m gonna stop showing up as less than first Samuel 25 verse 30.
God has anointed David to be king, but David is on the run because even though He has been anointed, it is not yet time for him to be appointed.
And so what he does in this in between season is gonna be very important to determine whether or not he proves himself worthy of that, which he has been anointed to do.
Just because you have been anointed to do something doesn’t mean that you automatically get the position because there is something that happens in between the stages of anointing and positioning that makes you worthy of what you have been anointed to do.
When we find David in this text, he’s about to risk it all.
And yet God sends this woman, this woman abigail to him.
And my Bible says in the new king James version, this is Abigail speaking to David, maybe I should give you a little bit more back story.
So David is on the run.
He’s not allowed to be in the place where he will ultimately reign.
And because he’s on the run, he’s been taking favors from people and trying to help those he has encountered, he encounters a man named Naba and he does favors for him.
But when he needs a favor and Naba tells him kick rocks with no shoes and no socks.
He says get blisters on your toes. I’m not gonna do it. Abigail is Neal’s wife.
And when she hears this, she realized that Naba is a clown.
He’s got a big red nose and she says you about to ruin it for us all because David is a warrior.
Now, David has packed up him and his squad and his goons and guess what?
They’re coming to show who they, who he really is.
So they’re packing up, headed toward Abigail’s home and Abigail is on a mission to make sure that David does not come and ruin everything that they have built just because her husband is a fool.
And in order for her to intervene, she needed a revelation from God.
In order for her to be effective in what she was called to do, she needed to understand what would move David.
And in verse 30 it begins, she speaks to him and she says, and it shall come to pass when the Lord has done for my Lord, according to all the good that he has spoken concerning you and has appointed you ruler over Israel that this will be no grief to you.
This thing that you’re worried about right now, this will be no grief to you when you finally make it to where you’re, where you’re headed.
Nor offensive heart to my Lord.
Either that you have shed blood without cause or that my Lord has avenged himself.
But when the Lord has dealt well with my Lord, then remember your maid servant, I wanna focus on just those two verses and how the power of her painting a picture of where David was headed even though he wasn’t there yet helped him to reclaim the mindset of destiny.
God, we need a destiny mindset so often our lives are hijacked by living day to day.
And God, there are some pains in the day to day that feel too heavy for us to bear.
And we position ourselves to just survive to live guarded and on defense, not realizing that we are at our best for you when we think with destiny in mind.
So God, my prayer is that you would expand the mindset and the capacity of everyone who hears this message that as they listen, that they will begin to recognize that though they had begin to think day by day or hour by hour that you are a God who sees the end from the beginning and that you see a picture that is bigger than anything we see.
We lean into that vision.
We lay down today’s sorrows, today’s frustration and today’s stress and we press into the bigger picture that is at hand, make it clear, great God that you are let this word flow through me and to them in Jesus name, I pray.
Amen. It is no secret that it is possible for our strategies to be hijacked when we go throughout our lives.
We know for certain that a trip to target for toilet paper is not just gonna be a trip to target for toilet paper.
You didn’t know that they had the Easter things out.
You didn’t know that they had new shoes, you forgot that you needed batteries.
How often have you had your strategy hijacked?
If you’re like me, you wake up and you say I’m not gonna eat any carbs today and then by 1 30 it’s just like it’s early enough in the day for me to eat the carbs.
Why would I deny myself or you say to yourself? I’m gonna forgive this person. I’m gonna stop being angry.
I’m finally gonna move on. And then there is a trigger. There is a meme. There is a song.
There is a second hand experience that hijacks our strategy for forgiveness. Today.
I’m gonna find joy today. I’m gonna be grateful today. I’m not gonna be bitter and little by little.
The world keeps turning. Minutes keep passing.
And we find out ourselves with a strategy that slips through our fingers because our strategy is hijacked.
I am beginning to think for myself.
And perhaps this is true for you too that I need to spend less time thinking about the strategy and more time thinking about the defense connected to the strategy because one thing that I have noticed that happens over and over again, it is a guarantee that my strategy is going to be up under attack.
That my strategy is not just gonna happen without there being some war connected to it.
My strategy is not just gonna manifest without there being some contesting of it that there is gonna be someone or something, some circumstance that decides to thwart the very thing that I am strategizing.
So what is my strategy when I’m healthy eating when life begins to turn upside down?
And I want comfort food instead of going to my prayer closet.
I need a strategy that helps me to take into consideration the fact that life is going to happen just because I wanna get wrapped in my strategy.
Doesn’t mean that my strategy doesn’t have to exist within this world.
What is my strategy gonna be when I feel triggered?
What is my strategy gonna be when I decide to speak up?
But then someone tells me that my voice has no value. I need a strategy for my strategy.
I need a defense for my strategy or otherwise I’ll start off with the strategy, get wounded and throw the strategy away instead of building a better defense so that the strategy can live.
I don’t know who I’m talking to today, but I want you to understand that the strategy must live.
The strategy is not up for debate, you have to grow, you have to evolve, you must become a better person.
And if you feel pressure connected to those words, I’m sorry and not sorry.
All at the same time because my goal is to get you to a point where the strategy is not up for debate, you gotta lean into this thing, you gotta press into this thing because as long as it’s up for debate, it can be snatched.
But when you plant yourself and you anchor yourself in the reality that this is who I am and this is what I am going to do, then my strategy then becomes, how do I protect what God is doing in my life?
How do I protect who I’m gonna be in the earth? How do I protect my development?
My strategy, my strategy is going to be under attack.
I’m not just gonna walk into that room and not feel insecurity.
I’m not just gonna walk away from that relationship and not feel loneliness.
I’m not just gonna start that business and not question whether or not I should start it in the first place.
I’m not just gonna raise these Children perfectly without having the moments where I feel like I got it wrong and I cannot throw away the baby with the bath water, which means I gotta figure out a way to protect the strategy.
That strategy that God gives you has to be so anointed, it has to be so powerful, it has to be so necessary that throwing it away is not an option.
If you’ve got a strategy that you can throw away, that’s your strategy, not God’s strategy.
But when God gives you a strategy, the strategy is not up for debate.
When God gives you something, I’m thinking about woman evolve.
And when the pandemic first hit and woman evolved, started as a conference, woman evolve, started around gatherings and then the pandemic hit.
And the enemy told me, see woman evolve doesn’t exist anymore.
And I told the enemy, you lying straight to my face because woman evolve as a strategy that begin with God, which means that if my strategy is under attack, then I do not throw away the strategy.
I find a way to make it work.
And now look at us meeting every month doing hey, you because at the end of the day, I said, if I cannot get to them physically, then we’ve gotta find a way to get to them virtually because this is God’s strategy for my life.
God’s strategy for my life is not up for debate and I know what it’s like to have all of my other strategies fail and to finally stumble into a strategy that I will not lose.
I’m not saying that I won’t have moments where I’m disappointed.
I’m not saying that I won’t have moments where I don’t do everything the right way But what I’m saying is that as long as God has me planted and woman evolve, that I am committed to learning and earning every scar connected to it because the strategy is not up for debate.
You have to plan for your strategy to be under attack.
I was reading P T S book P T s. Book Balance is coming out.
It’s probably already out if you’re seeing this past April 26 But P T S book Balance is coming out and the book is beautiful and it talks about, I don’t know how much I can give away.
You need to order it so that you can just be in line with me.
But one of the things that P T talks about is finding balance from the inside so that you can be positioned within yourself to do all things well.
But one of the things that I I love about my brilliant, talented, incredible husband is that he also included a chapter called Balance after the Blow because his strategy was to get you to balance.
But the reality is that he knows that life is gonna throw you off balance.
And so part of his strategy was saying I wanna have a defense for my strategy and that balance after the blow is the defense for my strategy because the blows are coming.
The greatest terrorist of our destiny is temptation because temptation is the guarantee that your strategy is gonna be hijacked.
Not the fact that temptation exists within itself.
But the reality is that if you indulge in temptation, if you indulge in temptation, it means that it’s gonna hijack your strategy.
The only reason why it’s called temptation is because it is tempting you to stray away from something.
And that something is a strategy that ultimately, you know what’s gonna make you better, it’s gonna make you more healed, it’s gonna make you more whole.
But it is so tempting to derail our destiny.
When we experience temptation, Jesus is in the wilderness with Satan and Satan is trying to tempt him with all of these different things, turn this stone into bread.
He cast himself off of this cliff. He’s trying to tempt him into demonstrating his power.
The only problem is that if Jesus surrenders to that temptation, that means that he strays away from God’s strategy, Jesus is so committed to making sure that he stays within the confines of God’s strategy that he recognizes that the say that the temptation is meant to really thwart God’s strategy.
I gotta say that the way that I feel it in my spirit because I want you to understand that this notion that temptation thwarts God, that strategy goes back to the biblical days.
It goes back to my home girl Eve in the garden.
We see it again in the New Testament with Jesus. Temptation thwarts God’s strategy.
But I want you to understand that even when you indulge in temptation.
It doesn’t mean that there is not an opportunity for you to get back on track just because you experienced temptation fell for.
Let’s talk about that for a minute.
Those moments when temptation succeeds and you feel that part of yourself crumble because you thought that you could do better.
But there was a part of you that betrayed yourself on the route to better.
Those are the moments where we begin to question whether or not we have what it takes in the first place.
That temptation to stay silent, that temptation to shrink, that temptation to quit altogether.
That temptation to walk away, that temptation to call that person to drink that drink the temptation to just get high one more time.
That temptation to say goodbye just one last time. I know it’s not good for me.
I know it leaves me wounded. I know I’m trying to heal my heart.
I know I’m trying to walk away.
But the temptation is to stay because staying makes me look like I have it all together.
Staying makes me look like I’m headed down the right path.
And what I am really avoiding is the reality that I don’t wanna be alone.
What I’m really avoiding is the reality that I feel weak, not realizing that we build our strength by resisting temptation.
Those moments where you find it within yourself to resist, no matter how many times you have indulged when you finally say I’m gonna resist.
It gets us one step closer to building the strength for the strategy.
The strength for the strategy is built through our resisting of temptation.
When I resist the temptation, I become more Integris in my relationship because I recognize that I can say no.
When I resist the temptation, I become more Integris in the way that I eat.
Because I recognize that I have the ability to say no.
I want someone who’s watching to understand that you may have said yes 1000 times.
But that has not changed that you still have the ability to say no, you still have the ability to walk away.
You still have the ability to make a better choice.
And I want you to understand that because the one thing about saying yes, over and over again is that you no longer believe in your ability to say no, but I came here to let you know that you can still walk away.
I want you to understand that you can still raise the standard. I don’t care how many times you’ve surrendered.
I don’t care how many times you’ve put yourself on clearance. You can still say not today.
It’s not gonna be me. You can still change the way that you’re showing up in the world.
Jesus is evidence that you can resist temptation.
Jesus is evidence that it is possible to be tempted in any number of ways and still come out on the other side, Hebrews four and 15 says it perfectly.
It says for we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are without sin.
Most of us beat ourselves up because we’re tempted in the first place, not realizing that it is possible to be tempted without sinning.
And I feel like someone needs to come to a place where they can separate the two.
That the temptation is not the sin. It is acting on the temptation that is the sin.
So if you can stop penalizing yourself for the fact that you were tempted and see instead that that is exactly what temptation is supposed to do.
But I have more power over my spirit than to allow the temptation to take control of my actions.
Temptation is not the same thing as action.
Jesus was tempted but did not send that word tempted in the Greek.
It comes from a word that means pierce. That means that you’re tempted. That means something, pierces your consciousness.
It means something, pierces your strategy. It means something, pierces, your hopes, it pierces your dreams, it pierces your focus.
But just because it pierced you doesn’t mean it has to change you just because it pierced you.
It doesn’t mean that it has to change the way that you show up in the world.
I know you’ve been pierced. I know you’ve been wounded, but now is not the time to become bitter.
I know you’ve been pierced. I know you’re wondering how you’re gonna make it and it’s, you have what it takes.
But I want you to understand that just because you’re pierce doesn’t mean that you need to give up piercing is not the end.
If you don’t believe me, then you must have missed that. It was Easter Sunday not too long ago.
And the very foundation of the Christian faith is that piercing is not the end because the same Jesus who was tempted in every way was pierced on a cross pier on his side and then was resurrected after the piercing.
And I want someone to understand that resurrection is still possible for you.
Even after the piercing, I know you’re tempted and I know you’ve been pierced, but I’m telling you to hang on to the fact that piercing is not the end.
You gotta turn your face to another direction, you gotta turn your creativity another direction because you come to a place where you recognize that.
I’m not gonna let the thing that pierced me change me.
Yeah, you had a little bit of my attention for a minute, but I’m taking my tension back because you’re trying to change my actions.
I see this for what it is.
I see the temptation is trying to take me away from God’s strategy and because this temptation is trying to take me away from God’s strategy.
I’m gonna buckle down even further into God’s strategy.
My prayer for somebody watching is that God would begin to give you faith for God’s strategy over your life.
I know God may have disappointed you in the past.
I know you may have come to a place where you feel like you can only count on yourself.
But I’m telling you, if you’re only counting on you, then you can count yourself out.
I’m counting on a higher power. I’m counting on a God a breakthrough. I’m counting on miracles.
I’m counting on a way out of no way. I serve a miracle working God.
I serve a God who knows how to turn water into wine.
I’m serving a God who understands the very dilemma that I am in and still has a way to make it turn around for my good.
I want you to understand that you’ve gotta come to a place where you gotta have faith in God’s strategy right now.
God. I’m praying for every woman watching this message, for every man who’s watching this message that you would restore their faith in your strategy, that you would restore their faith in their goods in the good strategy that you have for their lives.
God, and that they would no longer find themselves frustrated, tormented and upset because they don’t trust your strategy anymore, but they don’t trust their strategy either.
And so now they’re stagnant and their destiny feels like it’s up for debate and their destiny.
Feels like I’ll just be another random. I’ll just be another person floating in the earth.
When you have called them to be a change. Agent, God, restore their faith in your strategy.
God, let me be like abigail when she comes to David and he’s tempted to show who he is.
You must not know who I am. His pride has gone ahead of him.
His ego was showing up instead and he’s tempted to act from a place of pride.
You know, all about acting from a place of pride.
That’s when we say things like I’m OK. I don’t need any help.
It’s when we don’t say anything at all.
And what we really need to say is I’m afraid and I need support.
It’s why we won’t quit the job. It’s why we won’t resign from the positions.
It because at the end of the day, we’re thinking to ourselves.
I don’t want anyone to think that I don’t have it all together instead, I wanna show them who I am.
David is acting. We catch him in the act, acting from a place of pride.
And abigail is on a mission to protect and preserve.
You can tell whether or not you can trust your strategy if you can deduce that your strategy is about protecting and preserving, not destroying.
If your strategy is about destroying something else.
I wanna destroy this person for what they did to me.
I wanna destroy myself for the mistakes that I made.
I wanna destroy myself with my words, I wanna destroy myself with my cutting.
I wanna destroy myself with my self harm because I no longer love who I am.
God’s strategy is not about destruction. It’s about protecting and preserving. Any time.
We see violence in the Old Testament, in particular, we recognize that that violence is connected to God, protecting and preserving his people.
God will always look to protect and preserve.
And in this moment, he needs someone who will stand in the gap to protect and preserve what he wants to do through LA, through David’s life.
So God sends Abigail, he sends Abigail.
Can you imagine what it was like being abigail in that moment, Abigail is in a relationship where she knows the husband’s a fool, but she’s got this community that she’s built around this relationship and she must have been thinking to herself.
God, why do you have me here? Why couldn’t I be someone who found someone who actually loved me?
Why couldn’t I be somewhere where I was respected? Why am I always the one cleaning up these messes?
And now all of a sudden, we’re gonna come into this moment and when God’s positioning of Abigail becomes clear to her because she has been positioned there to protect what God is doing.
God has some of you positioned where you are not because they understand who you are not because they treat you with as much honor and respect as they need to.
But because you are there to protect what God wants to do in the earth.
And yes, we understand and something you have to know is that ends up getting his.
So I’m not telling you to stay in a place where you are being abused by leadership or relation.
I want you to understand that God can still use where you are positioned, even if where you are positioned doesn’t honor you.
And when it’s all said and done, it’s said and done, God’s gonna make sure that whoever abused you in your position will be dealt with appropriately.
Abigail comes up to David and she offers him all of the things that neal denied him.
But then she reminds him who he is.
What she reminds David of in this moment is that you were tempted to act well within your rights, this person, he earned it.
He deserves it. But just because you have the right to do it doesn’t mean that it will lead you to destiny just because you have the right to do it.
It doesn’t mean that it is right for you to do it.
You got the right to be angry, you’ve got the right to be upset, but you don’t wanna act from that place because acting from that place means that they have more power over you than the hurt that they originally caused you.
If I act from the anger.
If I act from the bitterness, then what could have just been a momentary experience now becomes the controlling the controller of my life.
Some of you have had so many experiences and you’ve allowed yourself to act as a response to those experiences and because you’re acting from a place of response that is becoming the dictator of your life, but there is a greater word.
Abigail brings to David a better word.
She reminds him in first Samuel 25 30 that when there’s still something that’s coming to pass, I’m about to close.
I’m almost finished with you. But Abigail says, and it shall come to pass when the Lord has done for my Lord.
According to all the good that he has spoken, she basically tells David in this moment that your destiny has not finished unfolding.
And if you don’t wait to see how your destiny unfolds, then you will thwart what God is trying to do, trying to get revenge.
When instead, if you just stay the course, if you just remember where you were headed, if you just remember what God has spoken over your life when you get there, this won’t matter when you get there.
This won’t matter when you get to wholeness. This Brokenness won’t matter when you get to peace.
This disruption won’t matter when you get to that stability. This Brokenness won’t matter.
There are promises about there that you have to be willing to lay hold of while you were here because the promise of there will trump everything that’s happening here.
You’re raising that child and you’re wondering how am I gonna make it from day to day?
They get on my nerves. I don’t know if they’re gonna be safe. I’m worried about them.
God, I don’t want them out in these streets. God, I want them to choose well in these relationships.
But I hear God saying that I know you’re worried about here, but when it gets finished coming to pass, I know you’re worried about the business.
You’re worried about the finances. But I hear God saying that I’m not finished bringing it to pass.
And if you start acting from what you’re experiencing now, then you’ll miss the unfolding and the unfolding is more beautiful than you can see.
And my job, hey, you, hey, you don’t stop pressing into what God said.
Hey, you, it’s time for you to get realigned with God’s strategy.
Hey, you, you allowed that piercing to change you.
That piercing, that grief, that piercing, that heartbreak, that piercing, it changed you.
But I need you to get to a place where you can reclaim your destiny.
And so yes, that may mean grieving, the piercing tending to the wound, but not allowing yourself to be forever changed as a result of it.
There is resurrection connected to piercing when we talk about reclaiming your destiny, that is only possible when we come to a place where we say God’s strategy is more important than the piercing I experienced along the way.
That means my pride and my trust and my faith is gonna have to go through some realignment, less pride, more trust, less control, more faith.
Can you imagine being David in that moment? Like I hear what you’re saying.
And yes, first of all, it’s very humbling to be reminded that you’re acting out of character and you’re acting in a way that could possibly contaminate the destiny that God has for you.
But then there’s also a vulnerability that says God, are you really gonna clean that up God?
Is it true that this really won’t matter?
Because in a moment, it feels so heavy in a moment, it feels so huge in a moment.
It feels impossible that there could ever be a moment where this doesn’t matter at all.
And yet it takes trust to say, you know what I’m gonna press into God’s strategy, even though I don’t see how it’s gonna happen.
That is how we reclaim our destiny, friend.
I wanna talk to you because over the last few weeks for me, it’s been distraction after distraction, stress after stress, issue after issue.
But I’ve been feeling lately like God is offering me an opportunity to be planted in the fact that God’s strategy for my life is not wavering.
So even when the distractions come, I don’t have to relinquish the strategy that even when the opportunities come that look like they could propel me to another space that I don’t have to let go of the strategy that God has for my life just because man has introduced a strategy that looks more appealing.
And so I am embarking on the difficult journey of trusting the revolutionary strategy that exists over my life.
And sometimes that means laying down my pride.
And other times that means having faith in the middle of hurt.
But every time it lands with me saying God, I trust you.
Sometimes I say God, I trust you and I roll my eyes at the same time, but he receives my intention even though I have an attitude when I do it because God knows that trust is a sacrifice.
When you’ve been wounded, that trust is an offering when you feel like you’ve been betrayed.
And I demonstrate that trust by no longer penalizing God or dying God about the plans that I wanted to go differently.
I trust that God’s gonna take care of this broken heart.
I trust that God’s gonna heal you.
I trust that God’s gonna bring you in the perfect truth.
I trust that those who hurt you, that God has a plan for them.
And that plan is not for them to kick rocks with no shoes and no socks.
But that plan is for them to become whole and healed so that they don’t hurt other people either.
I trust that God still wants good for me and that God still wants good for you.
So I praise God in the good and I worship God in the difficult because God’s strategy in my life is the only one that has allowed me to even have this moment with you.
If it weren’t for God’s strategy, we don’t know each other if it weren’t for God’s strategy.
I’m somewhere minding my business, drinking my water and not telling anybody to do the same.
But I thank God for God’s strategy because it has allowed me to connect with incredible women like you women from all walks of life, women who immediately become my home girls.
The moment that we meet women who have been scarred and wounded, but also recognized the power of a bruised heel to still crush the serpent’s head.
Those are my kind of women, which means this is my kind of strategy and it only came from above.
I wanna pray with you.
I wanna pray for those of you who are wrestling with God’s strategy for your life.
You don’t know why God chose you.
You don’t know why God believes that you’re strong enough to stand up to this present trauma or pain.
You don’t know why these people keep on testing you trying to make you act outside of character and cut up and yet you’re coming to a place where you don’t wanna act based off of what has happened.
You want to stay focused on what is becoming.
You were the becoming, you were the evolving, the spirit of the living God.
I thank you that you are yet alive.
I thank you that you breathe fresh word into our lives, into our hearts, into our identity.
Got somewhere along the way, our strategy was hijacked.
We became less like Jesus and more like our hurt, we became less like Jesus and more like our pain, less like Jesus and more like them who hurt us in the first place.
But in this moment, God, we feel a desire to reclaim our destiny. God.
I thank you for every person who is raising their hand in the spirit who’s opening their heart to this prayer, God.
I thank you that you will reorganize our priorities, that you will reorganize our strategy and that you will make it increasingly clear why you allowed us to be on this path.
But most importantly that there are still things coming to pass.
I thank you God that you still have surprises that you have unexpected blessings and unexpected experiences and memories, unexpected healing and help and voices connected to our name, God.
We let go of the expectation of hurt, the expectation of disappointment and we dare to believe in the unexpected good that still exists in our lives.
Thank you Jesus for your grace. Thank you for your role model. Thank you for your love.
We receive it as our truth and we lean into it in Jesus name. I pray. Amen.
I pray that, that message, those thoughts that God gave me, I pray that it helped you in a way that it is yet helping me.
I feel anchored and rooted. I don’t feel like I have all the answers.
I don’t feel like I know what’s coming next, but I feel like whatever it is, it’s gonna be a part of God’s strategy because I’m gonna make sure that it is a part of God’s strategy.
We have a role to play in reclaiming our destiny and it is to make sure that we protect our destiny from the experiences that try to hijack him.
I love you deeply. Listen, family, our giving for April now we shared with you last year how we helped House of Ruth.
We are again showing our woman evolve, love and support to the House of Ruth.
I want you to partner with me and making sure that we are supporting these women who are going through transition.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t wanna be a part of a community and sisterhood that just talks about it.
But we back up what we talk. I don’t know if you know or not.
Maybe this is your first time plugging into woman evolve.
But we back up that thing that we’re talking about with a real change.
We’re helping business owners get their business off the ground. We’re helping moms with their Children.
We do so many things to help women who are on a journey of evolving.
Not the least of which is what we are doing with house of.
I’m so excited to continue to share with you how your help and support of women evolve continues to allow us to get resources and tools to the women who need it the most.
I’m just pray over your seed and God thank you that there’s a woman who goes into dark places to make sure that other women feel love, supported and seen God help us to be like abigail, breaking out of our comfort zone, breaking out of our own norm and lives in order to keep an attack from happening against those.
We love God. I love the women at house of Ruth and I love the women who are in transition homes and correctional facilities and foster care and starting their businesses.
God, you’ve given us a heart to support and love other women.
And so we take this offering, we take this sacrifice and we say God, build a woman who is building her community, build a woman who was starting over, build a woman who needs to be loved and seen.
Let her know that woman evolve is coming for her and that we have decided no woman will be left behind.
She will understand the goodness of God because you will experience it through us in Jesus name. I pray amen.
I love you guys. Big, huge. I’m probably coming to a city near you very soon.
So I hope to see you in person real soon. But if not here every month.
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