Priscilla Shirer: This is How YOU Will Hear God’s Voice | Women of Faith on TBN
Priscilla Shirer: This is How YOU Will Hear God’s Voice
Priscilla Shirer joins Laurie Crouch and Holly Wagner on TBN’s Praise to unpack how clearly you can hear God’s voice if you bring everything in your life to Him. This video was brought to you by TBN Networks®. Watch More TBN Content for FREE:
There’s a misconception that the enemy sort of pushes on individual believers, that there is some special hotline connection that God has with some of us that He does not also offer to everyone that if you haven’t been to seminary, that if you’re not in ministry, that if you don’t have this religious devoted elevated life of spirituality, that you don’t also have the opportunity to hear from God.
But I’m so grateful that it’s just that hearing God is for regular women, what do you think your life’s message?
Is, is it one particular thing or is it just, I mean, you talk about everything?
But it really is that the scriptures that from beginning to end, they really are a meeting with a person.
And that if I can encourage people to see that the Bible itself is not just a book that we’re not just supposed to know it here, but that it literally by the Holy Spirit’s power is translated into an experience with a person in our regular everyday rhythms of life where you experience His passion, his peace, you actually sense the joy, the comfort, the, the nearness of God through the scriptures that’s what I wanna be able to communicate.
I want the scriptures to come alive as it did for me.
Not only in church as my dad preached faithfully every Sunday as he still does to this day.
Um And not only sitting at the knees of my mom with her little flannel ward pieces as she would, you know, put them there on the little, you know, the little we all Sunday school kids.
So, you know, not, not just in those instances, but when we’re just quietly at our kitchen table, just reading whatever our quiet time is for the day that that’s not supposed to be a duty just to check off that we did our quiet time.
This is his love letter to you.
And if we open our hearts up to the reality that that’s his intention is to speak to us, then we meet the author of the letter, not just the letter itself and it is the living word of God.
If, if, if you don’t have some of these books, you better get some.
I’ve been listening to the audio version of this for the last couple days and I’m telling you, um hearing the voice of God, you know, and discerning um the voice of God and starts first with listening.
It does, it starts with listening and to be listening to the scriptures, I think we’re listening to everybody and everything else hoping to find the voice of God elsewhere.
When we are, um, really turning our, our noses up at and ignoring the main means of communication that we have access to, straight from the hand of God himself.
And that’s the, the Bible. If you want to hear from God and you don’t never read the Bible, then you don’t really want to hear from God because that’s the primary way He speaks.
People want it, you know, sky writing and smoke signals. It’s like no open, the Bible.
God will speak to you. That’s exactly right.
And think about this, you know, we look at the people in the Old Testament who had some of those things that we desire, you know, the, the the fiery pillar by night and the cloud, you know, in the day and, and all of these different things and we look at the dreams and the visions and donkey speaking and all this stuff.
We were like, Lord, if you could just do that, we’d appreciate that, you know, if lightning would flash at noon tomorrow, if you want me to take the job or not, we want that.
But think about the fact that the psalmist prayed and said, Lord, please do not take your spirit from me.
They want it in the Old Testament, what we have access to. That’s right.
The reason they needed all of that and not that God can’t still do that because he can’t be chooses to.
But the reason they needed those things is because they didn’t not have the gift that we have.
And that is the Holy Spirit Spirit living every single, that’s exactly right.
You know, we were just actually um at church recently talking about the Holy Spirit and who he is.
And, and it, um one of the, you know, the is the word that would be used to translate him.
And that’s actually a battle term which you’re probably aware of and you’re so deep, Holly and so deep, you’re so, so deeply spiritual.
Um And it’s so it’s an ancient battle term.
And so the Greeks, when they would go out to battle, you know, they would go in pairs and you would fight back to back, protecting each other’s back.
Well, your battle partner was called your, so the Holy Spirit. Hey, girl, that’ll preach right there. Right.
Yes, it does. And it so did. He’s your battle partner.
And, but if you don’t, if you actually don’t connect and build this relationship with him, right, then how, how are you going to hear?
And you’re right. So many times we spend so much time flipping through social media and getting on Facebook and we spend all that time looking for information to make decisions and he is our guide.
That’s right. Right. It’s his voice. He’s, he wants to guide and direct us. Yeah.
And I think there’s a misconception that the enemy sort of pushes on individual believers that there is some special hotline connection that God has with some of us that he does not also offer to everyone that if you haven’t been to seminary, that if you’re not in ministry, that if you don’t have this religious devoted elevated life of spirituality, that you don’t also have the opportunity to hear from God.
But I’m so grateful that it’s just that hearing God is for regular women. You know what I mean?
Housewives and people trying to fold the laundry and cook with their kids and figure out new ways to cook chicken for dinner is for us.
You know, I’m so, I’m so grateful, um, that it’s not just reserved for certain people at certain times, but by God’s spirit, we all have access to hear them because I think I’d be goon.
That’s right. That wasn’t, that wasn’t the case. I think that’s probably one of my most.
Um, if anybody, if I could open my mouth and say anything is that God loves you and that God is there and that God is with you and the Holy Spirit never leaves you.
Never, you know, that’s my passion.
If I, if I ever tell anybody that is that, it’s not just for the guy that’s up on the pulpit and, or preaching or that it’s just for us, no matter where we are, no matter for all, no matter what.
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