Private Battles, Public Victories | Jentezen Franklin

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When you read your Bible, only you and God see it. When you pray, only you and God know. But when you experience victories in public, they are the result of the time you’ve spent with God in private. This is the power of consecration—the ripple effect it creates.

In 2 Samuel, after David defeated Goliath, five other men rose up and conquered more giants. Why? Because they witnessed David’s victory and were inspired to act. Goliath had four brothers and a son, and those men saw David’s faith in action. His commitment to God sparked their courage.

All it takes is one young person in a youth group to stand up and declare:

  • “If I’m good-looking, it’s because God wants to use me.”
  • “If I have talent, it’s because God has a purpose for me.”
  • “If I have intelligence or advantages in life, it’s because God has given them to me for His glory.”

When one person in a group decides to be fully dedicated to God, it creates a ripple effect. Just like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego influenced those around them, one person’s bold faith can impact an entire family, youth group, or even a community. Amen!

A Personal Testimony: The Power of Fasting and Prayer

My brother Richie, who is now with the Lord, lived a life of deep consecration. He fasted more than anyone I knew. Once, he went on a 40-day fast, drinking only water. I warned him, “You’re going to die!” But he didn’t. Instead, his faith and dedication grew stronger.

I’ll never forget the day I got saved. As a rebellious teenager, I had no intention of surrendering to God. My father was a pastor, and I was just waiting for the Sunday service to end so I could do my own thing. That morning, I wasn’t interested in the sermon. But something powerful was happening behind the scenes.

After church, my family gathered for a big Sunday lunch, as we always did. Someone asked, “Where’s Richie?” The answer stunned me: “He’s fasting.” I later learned he was fasting for me—praying that I would surrender my life to God.

That evening, I went to church again. Before my dad could preach, Richie felt led to sing At the Cross. The moment he started singing, the conviction of the Holy Spirit hit me. My rebellion didn’t matter anymore. I couldn’t even wait for the service to end. Embarrassed, unsure of what would happen, I walked to the front of the church with tears streaming down my face. I dropped to my knees, and the whole church surrounded me in prayer. That night, I gave my life to Christ.

And then something incredible happened—others started coming forward. People who knew me, who had been influenced by my life, were moved by what they saw. They surrendered to Christ, too. The ripple effect continued.

Where Does True Consecration Begin?

The story of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego reminds us that consecration starts with one person. But where did Daniel’s commitment begin?

The Bible tells us in 1 Kings 22:1 that Daniel’s influence shaped Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. But who influenced Daniel? When he was just a child, King Josiah was on the throne. Josiah became king at eight years old and reigned for 31 years in Jerusalem.

Even as a child, Josiah’s dedication to God sparked a revival in Israel. And his devotion left a lasting impact on generations to come—including Daniel. That’s the power of consecration!

When one person dares to live fully for God, it inspires others to do the same. That ripple effect can transform families, churches, and entire communities for the glory of God.

Are you willing to be the one who starts the ripple effect? Say YES to God today!

This version is optimized for clarity, engagement, and SEO. It highlights key themes, uses bullet points for readability, and includes strong calls to action. Let me know if you’d like any adjustments!

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