Prayer of the Day: Tuesday July 23, 2024

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Prayer of the Day: 

Father God, please help me to focus on You today and forget about what I see as my flaws, shortcomings, and the other things that are worrying me. I give it all to You, amen.

Heavenly Father, I ask that you would bless this Tuesday. That it would be a fruitful day. Let Your hand be with me to guide me and to protect me. And let Your face shine upon me to give me peace and grace. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Lord, on this Tuesday I ask that you would give me the grace needed to achieve all that is in store for me today. Help me to make wise decisions and to be used for Your glory. In Jesus’ name, amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Lord, thank you for letting your light shine on this new day you have given me. Today, I ask that you pour out your Holy Spirit upon me, fill my heart with all your inheritance, and teach me to be patient with your word.

My Father, may positive feelings be reborn in me and my brothers and sisters every day. Ignite the fire in our hearts so that we may completely dedicate ourselves to you and our gratitude be eternal for the many blessings you give us. The situations I face are temporary, but I cannot help but feel weak. That is why I need your help, and I require you to give me strength, encouragement, and the drive to continue.

This morning, I ask that you bless everyone, especially those I love and those I should love more. Take away all feelings of resentment that affect me and prevent me from being free to love, following Jesus’ example. Thank you for your love, for always allowing me to experience your mercy and grace.

Give me the strength to stand firm against temptations and to never stray from your side. Today, I ask that, with the power of your love, you break all the chains that bind me to superficial things and prevent me from living fully. Teach me to know that your promise is fulfilled in my life, that there is no situation or power that can take me away from your hand.

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I humbly ask that you fill my life with all the gifts I need, those gifts of your great love that allow me to enjoy life. Let nothing take me by surprise; help me to always be attentive and to resolve everything that comes my way in the best way possible. Grant me the ability to discern so that I may always walk the path of holiness. I do not want to be a slave to vices or negative feelings that make me forget you and stray from your path.

I ask that you protect my soul and not let the enemy have power over my life and spirit. I can do nothing if you do not go with me, if you do not take my hand and show me the way I should follow. Lord, once again, I come to you with full confidence that you receive me and give me the strength to begin a new day. Today, you have allowed me to wake up and see in my family the greatest sign of your love.

Come into my soul so that I may know you and be closer to you today, to love and desire you always. I love you and place all my dreams in your hands, so that you may help me fulfill them. Lord, I trust that you pour out your divine blessings upon me on this beautiful day, so that I may act according to your will.

Amen. I will dedicate time to teach someone something new, sharing my knowledge and skills with others.

Deliver me from bloodguilt, O God, O God of my salvation, and my tongue will sing of your righteousness. Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise. Psalm 51.

May the Lord bless us on this day. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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