Pastor Kent Christmas | The Trial Of Your Faith | June 12, 2024
Pastor Kent Christmas | The Trial Of Your Faith | June 12, 2024
Pastor Kent Christmas Podcast
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Well, I wanna share something with you today that I I don’t think a lot of Christians really think about, and it’s absolutely paramount that you get a revelation of this, especially when you’re going through, uh, difficult seasons that, you know, your faith needs to stand.
And in first Peter chapter 1 in verse 7, it says this, that the trial of your faith being much more precious than gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found under praise and honor at the glory and the appearance of Jesus Christ.
And so I just wanna extract from that.
The first part of that verse talks about the trial of your faith.
And, um, I think there’s another verse that says, brethren, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial that you’re going through as though some strange thing has happened to you.
And so when faith is what makes everything work, the Bible says that the just shall live by faith.
And we, as believers, we we talk about faith and we shout about faith, but being able to walk in faith is much different than just talking about the mechanics of it.
Because once you once you get in a realm where you have to walk by faith, it means that the supply, the abilities, whatever that normally would meet that need, they don’t exist.
And unless God comes through, then you’re gonna suffer loss.
And so it’s it’s very difficult for human beings who operate by their 5 senses to be able to shift over into the spirit realm and believe that, uh, God is going to come through.
And so when you, as a believer, take a stand, the Bible says that, uh, when you take a stand of faith that the enemy, the devil is gonna put your faith on trial.
Uh, in Revelations, um, chapter 12 and verse 10, this is what it says about the devil.
It says, he is a accuser of the brethren.
And, um, we know that he is going he he comes against you, and he it’s not that he’s accusing you.
He is accusing you to God the father because he wants God to indite you.
And so, um, the spirit world, uh, it it mirrors the natural world, it mirrors the spirit world.
The spirit world mirrors the natural world.
The natural world that you and I live in is set up on a legal system.
In the United States, especially where we live in, every every major country, there is a legal system.
There are laws that have been ratified by the people through the congressmen, the leaders that they voted in, and they are made a law.
And what they are there for is to monitor and to make sure the behavior of men is what it should be.
It keeps the behavior of men in line because we know that if you violate a law, there’s a penalty to it.
And so the the legal system in America is to control the behavior of people, so anarchy doesn’t take place, and and all kinds of of things happen.
But in the spirit world, and this is what a lot of Christians don’t realize, the spirit world is set up on a legal system.
There is a court. There is a judge. There is a defense system. There’s a prosecuting system.
There are penalties and all of this.
And so in the spirit world, understanding the legal system.
This is why Peter is talking about he understood this.
He said, when you decide you’re gonna walk by faith, he said, the enemy is going to make an accusation against you that requires a judge to rule on.
And so when you go to the book of Daniel, there are different courts in the spirit realm.
There are several of them, but the one that I wanna one I wanna focus on would be equivalent to the supreme court in the United States.
We have circuit judges, we have circuit courts, we have state courts, we have federal courts, and you’ll see this a lot of times when somebody’s went to trial, they’ll make an appeal, and it’ll go to a higher court.
We have one court in the United States that once the decision is made there, there’s no more appeal.
That court system is the final word, and it’s called the Supreme Court, and it’s ruled by, I think, 11 or 12 justices.
In the spirit realm, when Daniel’s talking about this, the father is the judge.
And he talks about this.
He said, I saw the Ancient of Days, who is the father, sitting in the court.
And he rules over that supreme court.
And whatever, uh, ruling is made in the Supreme Court of God, that is a final ruling.
But a judge does not make a ruling until he hears both sides.
He hears the prosecutor’s side, and he hears the defense attorney’s side.
Now, as a believer, when you start standing by faith, the devil is going to levy against you before the supreme court judge, god almighty, an accusation.
This is why the Bible says that the devil is an accuser of the brethren.
So now because there has been an accusation leveled against you, against your faith, the hell hates faith because faith supersedes any power of the enemy.
It creates things that should not be created.
It brings things from the spirit world into the realm of the kingdom of darkness, and the devil doesn’t want that.
So if he can get God to rule against you and rule that you have unbelief or doubt, then he wins.
And so the bible says, you know, out of the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses, let every word be established.
So now you have this accusation against your faith that has been leveled to the father in the supreme court in heaven, the court of heaven.
This is why, uh, and I love this, in first John chapter 2 and verse 1, it says that that you and I as believers, we have an advocate with the Father.
The word advocate here, one of its words means a counsel for defense.
And so when our faith is put on trial, we don’t represent ourselves.
You know, every once in a while, there’ll be somebody who goes to trial, and the judge will say, who’s your who’s your representing attorney?
And they say, judge, I I’ve decided to represent myself.
And most of the time, that does not go well because they are not fully schooled and understanding in how the legal system works.
There’s a lot of nuances to it.
So God says that when your faith is put on trial, which means you’re put on trial, that the enemy has leveled an accusation against you.
God says, I am going to provide you a legal defense, a council, a lawyer, who is Jesus Christ.
So now this thing goes to court, and it’s before God the father, sitting in the Supreme Court of Heaven, and on one side, you have the prosecuting attorney which is the devil and on the other side, you have Jesus Christ who is our legal defense.
Now, the devil begins to level charges against you before god.
He begins to make up all things and I love this about Jesus. He Jesus never called himself faith.
He operated by faith but, uh, he calls himself truth.
And he said, I cannot lie. It’s impossible for me to lie.
So, when you look at that, you realize, okay, my legal defense is truth. God cannot lie.
The prosecuting attorney who is the devil, the Bible, Jesus said this, he said, he is a liar and there is no truth in him.
So this means that everything, every accusation that the devil is leveling against your faith is not true.
It is a lie, because the devil cannot speak truth.
So now you have this dialogue going.
And generally, the the prosecutor is the one who gets a start because he’s the one bringing the charges and so here, the devil begins to level all these lies against you before god the father and he begins to declare, you’re not this and you’re not that and you’re weak and you don’t believe and you’re full of unbelief and you’re sitting there and you’re listening to all of these things and you’re in your mind, you’re saying, but god I have faith and I’ve not given up and I have I don’t have unbelief in my life and the holy spirit.
Hallelujah. Jesus just reaches over and says, this is alright. I am your shield and your buckler.
I am your defense And, oh, listen.
So many times, we’ve seen a natural trial by the time the prosecutor and attorney gets done.
We think, man, this person is in big trouble. They’re going to prison but it ain’t over.
Hallelujah until truth begins to speak and when Jesus Christ stands up in the court of heaven and he begins to declare truth.
He begins to declare hallelujah how you have stood for the things of the lord and while he’s beginning to speak and you’ll see this in trials that the defense attorney will be making a point and the prosecuting attorney will stand up and go, I object.
And the judge would just look at him and say, overruled. Sit down.
I wanna declare to you that these lies that the devil declares beef before the judge against you and he’s saying, I I want to object to this and that.
God just saying, overrule. I hear the heavens declaring in the spirit, overrule, overrule, overrule that you do not get to make your point.
You’re out of order, overruled, sit down, and Jesus Christ begins to make this defense and listen, truth has a ring to it.
And, uh, I I want to read something to you out of the out of the book of Deuteronomy.
I don’t know how many have have come across this but I I love this passage of scripture because if the devil is a liar and what he is saying against us is not true, then you and I would have to agree that he’s a false witness.
You know, the only way that they could indict Jesus at at Calvary was they had to have a false witness.
Same thing with Naboth in the Old Testament.
The only way they could get him was they had to have a false witness, somebody who makes something up, who lies.
And, uh, this isn’t Deuteronomy chapter 19.
Let me see what starting with verse 15.
Says and because this is dealing with the legal system now where there’s been accusation against a a person.
One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity or for any sin in any sin that he sent it.
At the mouth of 2 witnesses or at the mouth of 3 witnesses shall the matter be established.
And I I love this. Out of the mouth of 3 witnesses, who is God?
God the father, God the son, God the holy ghost, triune, uh, God right there. Three witnesses.
He said, if a false witness rise up against any man to testify against him that which is wrong.
In other words, if false witness rise up, then he’s lying, which makes him a false witness.
Then both of the men between whom the controversy is shall stand before the lord, before the priest and the judges, which shall be in those days.
And the judges shall make diligent inquisition.
And behold, if the witness be a false witness and have testified falsely against his brother, then you shall do unto him as he had thought to have done it to his brother, and so shalt thou put the evil away from among you.
So this is what the scripture is saying.
If somebody doesn’t like their brother and they hate him to the point that they go to the legal system and they make up a lie and say, this person did this, and it it’s a it’s a real breach of the law.
Then the judges bring the false witness in and the person who’s accused, and they begin to make diligent inquiry.
They began to ask specific questions about this incident.
When it is established that the man charged was innocent and didn’t do any of those things, but the man that brought the charges is lying, And then he said, then what would have happened to the man who’s innocent if he had been found guilty?
Whatever penalty would have been imposed on him, now we’re gonna reverse that, and we’re gonna do the same thing to the false witness that he wanted to be done unto the innocent man.
And when I read that, it really rose up my spirit because when your faith is on trial and, boy, this is getting ready to happen for a lot of righteous people.
When your faith is on trial and the devil has dragged you before the supreme court in heaven and says this, this, and this about you, and has leveled accusation that’s a lie.
God is now Jesus Christ is our legal defense, and he’s going to find us with his defense innocent.
Well, it’s not that both are gonna walk out of that room and the and the devil go, well, you know, I’ll try next time.
No. This time, the lord is saying, okay.
What you wanted to happen to them, what their faith was gonna produce that you tried to kill, Now I’m gonna make that happen, and it’s gonna bring great injury to you.
I’m gonna put back on you the same penalty that you have tried to put on them.
And and I wanna declare to you prophetically, many of you, that the enemy is a liar.
He cannot tell the truth. What we’re getting ready to see is the gavel of heaven drop in the supreme court of heaven, and God is now going to levy back on the accuser of the brethren the same penalty, the same consequences that the enemy has tried to do to us.
This is why you’re gonna have to stand your ground. You don’t have to do anything.
You don’t have to defend yourself, because you already have a legal counsel in heaven that is defending you.
This is why the Bible says that Jesus ever liveth to make intercession for the saints.
What is that what’s that going what does that mean?
That means that God, Jesus Christ, is always, hallelujah, interceding in the court of heaven for the declaration of innocence and seeing that our enemy and, you know, one of the frustrations that I that I have about where we live in in the United States is we see so many people that we find out that they were lying, but nothing ever happens to them.
That’s getting ready to change, not only in our legal system and the natural.
I believe that God’s getting ready to level some great judgment on some real wicked people who think they gotten away with some things, but it’s also gonna happen in the spirit realm that God is now reversing this thing.
He’s gonna turn the tables, and your faith is gonna be declared powerful and innocent, and it’s gonna produce what god wants it produced.
So I hope this has helped you today, and and I want you to remember this.
You are not alone. It doesn’t matter what the devil says against you.
Jesus Christ is going to defend your honor, and he’s also going to punish the devil for the false accusation, the false witness that’s been brought against you.
Well, god bless you. You stand your ground, and I’ll see you next week.