Name Your Victory – Take It All Back Vol. 2 | Dr. Bill Winston

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Name Your Victory – Take It All Back Vol. 2 | Dr. Bill Winston

We have a covenant obligation to take back everything—property and people—that the enemy has stolen. We see this in 1 Samuel, chapter 30, where the Amalekites have captured the wives and children of David and his men along with animals and much property. Then, the Lord instructs David, “Pursue them, for you will surely overtake them and without fail recover all.” In this dynamic, new series Take It All Back –Volume 2 by Dr. Bill Winston, you will discover how you can recover all that the enemy has stolen from you—your health, family, finances, or whatever else belongs to you.

The believers walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries Partners and viewers.
Up next on the believer’s broad of faith.
It’s time to think how This time to think be.
God did not put you in this big auditorium so you could think small.
He did not put you in this ministry so that you can just think barely getting enough.
Your thoughts have not been his thoughts.
But from now on, I that thought, and you better come out of your past and get a hold of your future.
God’s about to give you something big. Can you receive it?
We’re moving up to four d.
Let’s call it this one. Shifting to four d.
Shifting to 4 d. Alright. Now that’s what I got with that one.
4 d. Alright.
When, um, when I was young, High School College.
Um, we had, cars that the car that you got, you wanted to have 4 in the floor.
Now, some of y’all don’t know what that means. Let me explain it.
That means that your gift gear shift was not on the column here up here.
It was on the floor.
And it was a gear shift, uh, rod that had the ball on the top of it.
And you could put it in reverse, or you could bring it down to 1st gear.
And then you shifted the second. Then you shifted the third.
Laws have mercy. Somebody will be pulling this thing out, man.
And then you to the floor. Four in the floor.
Are you following what I’m saying now?
So whether you had at that time, when I graduated, that was a a a a car that they had just come out with in Pontiac called a GTO.
And my friend got a GTO with 4 in the flow.
It’s actually floor, but I’m I’m trying to make a crime. 4.
Uh, are you and and and I’m telling you, it it was tight.
It was tight. My friend’s name is Eldridge.
Uh, I, you know, I mean, you put it in first seat.
What happens If you run it saying the same gear, you can’t go over so fast.
You you’ll run that gear. Uh, and you can’t go any faster now.
You have to shift it. Oh, let me come back.
Let me come back over here.
Are y’all following what I’m saying? Yeah.
And and each time you can have more speed. Yes. Each time, come on in.
You can you can you can break some records.
You can so the idea about it and to see how fast you could take off and how fast you could shift.
You follow that and you’re burning rubber all the time.
I know somebody else said, what kind of preach is this?
It’s the kind of preaching you need, what you need for in the floor.
You don’t go on as far as you can go in three d.
You need 4 in the flow. 3 d won’t get it no longer.
3 d is where you’re gonna be affected by time, space, and matter. But when you shift and forth.
You will rise up. And anything in four d is gonna take care of anything in three d.
You can heal the sick You can raise a debt. You can you follow what I’m saying.
It’s on Sit out. Sit out.
Shifting Yes.
To 4 d. Alright?
So now in 4 d, my boundaries are no longer natural.
I’ve left that camp. They’re no longer natural. All my boundaries now are spiritual.
Same into that. Over here in 2nd King chapter 6 and verse 16 here, and surrounded the man of god surrounded by the enemy soldiers and the man of god’s servant panicked.
He said, what are we gonna do now? We’re surrounded. We can’t get out. He said, cool it, man.
There’s more with us than be with them. And he began to count.
I’m sure the gehazi to serve it who is walking in three d set 10,021,001,005,006,007,000 1, 2.
The men start to come down at, uh, the prophet. The prophet said, lord, Blind them.
The next time the devil come to you, God’s gonna say, whoop.
Say amen. Now time he comes after your children, the gods gonna say, whoop.
In Jesus’ name.
So now, I’m telling you, I’m giving you a that’s a word for you.
When you get in trouble the next time, just say, That’s a word from god.
I believe. One time, let’s practice it.
Woo hoo.
My goodness. Every demon just shot out of here. In the name of Jesus.
Moving up to 4 d. Um, ship thing now. Because I gotta get more speed.
Yes. Come on. I gotta make things happen quicker. Yes.
He said to know him, Amos, to 9 verse 13. Message translation, please. Ready. Read.
Yeah. Take that.
So moving up, And first thing is I gotta understand, I got new boundaries.
So Proverbs chapter 4 verse 23.
Keep you guy hard with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life.
Now here is this man of god. He blinded everybody.
And then the to serve it with his carnal self, say, are you gonna kill him? Said, no, we’re
not gonna kill him. Why do
you need to kill him? So I’m just saying, uh, there are some issues that are happening in the earth today is that you, uh, they blinded him.
And then when he got down and fed him, he opened their eyes.
So I’m just saying, I think the world is waiting for kingdom solutions. Amen. Amen.
So that won’t have to be so much lost of life. Yeah.
But god can fix things without life being lost. Yeah.
The Bible says wisdom is better than weapons of war. Yes.
So we can have the wisdom that can fix something and leave people alive.
Cause god desires that how many be saved? Oh. All be saved.
Next I want you to think big.
If you’re going with me, you’re gonna have to think big.
You’re walking with Jesus. Yes, sir. You will have to think big. Yes, sir.
Now, the tendency that we have in the church is the thing small.
Now let me show you why I started out. But you notice I didn’t stay there.
This is why I started out. This held about twenty people.
And, uh, 20, if we had 20, we had a crowd. So twenty people.
But but I didn’t stay I had to keep moving because this is where I am now.
This is one of our malls. I’m just saying How about some more malls?
Now, I’m saying this because you’re, as a man, thinketh, so is he?
So if god can’t get you to think there, you can’t go there. Yes. That’s right.
But god’s precious promises are designed for big think
One more time. God’s precious promises are designed for big thinkers. Here’s what he said to Joshua.
Watch this Joswood chapter 6 and verse 1 and 2.
whole city. Yes. He probably.
I’m not only gonna give you the city. I’m gonna give you the mayor.
But this I don’t want you to only take the city.
I want you to change the laws in it. Take it all.
I’m telling you, I want you to make it so that every neighborhood the children can go to school.
Yeah. Come on. I want you to are you following what I’m saying? Yeah.
He’s not the only talking about ownership. He’s talking about storage Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. And I’m saying only a big thinker would think like that. You don’t need to think.
Well, I I’m a just take it tunk down now soon.
It’s graduating on what you wanna be and what kind of company you wanna have.
Oh, I wanna have a t shirt manufacturer. A t uh-uh what a t shirt.
Now, it’s alright if I’m gonna put on that t shirt and the t shirt is is able to to yield diseases and So for that, that’s another thing.
But I’m saying I want you to think big because I just want you to don’t want you to think of another monogram t shirt.
I want you to think of something that other people haven’t thought of.
Watch this and take the world somewhere they never thought they could go.
George Washington Carver, he was interested in changing the economy of the south. Yes.
He must 300 products out of them, learning to take the soil so it’ll produce gear around.
Yeah. Yeah. They had planted so much cotton that depleted the saw and the cotton didn’t have enough, but a little bit of cotton on it and so forth.
George wants to say I can change that. Amen.
So you come into a city and it’s messed up. You say I can change that. Come on.
We’re gonna think big. We’re we’re not I know you want a big car, but get it cash.
I’m is it the right section over here?
I know you want a 5 car garage, but get cash. Alright. Here you go.
The only thing I’m saying is I gotta think how. I gotta think big I gotta think big.
When Joseph thought big, he thought big, he dream big, didn’t he dream big? He told his brothers about it.
The brothers want telling. He told his daddy about him. The daddy wanted to rebuke him.
I’m telling I’m telling you, when you see me, when I’m jumping off that house, put my Superman paint off that thing.
When I’m jumping off that house, I’m thinking big, man. I’m thinking flying down the window’s house.
I’m gonna run down there today. I’m I said, I’m going down there today.
Are you following what I’m saying? I know I didn’t make it, but I was sick of it.
I’m saying from now on, I decree that you’re gonna be a big thinker.
I said, you’re gonna fig big from now on. Woo hoo.
We you’re gonna have all the cash it takes to buy the house before you ever buy.
With some leftovers.
Look what look what the man of god did. Watch watch this now.
This is subtle, but this is something I wanna show you. Look at Second King chapter 4. Alright?
This woman, when she went to the prophet, say, hey, my husband’s dead.
Now you’d like to come to get my kids to work off the debt.
Now what are you gonna do about it? Now look what he says to her. Watch this to verse 2.
And Alexis said unto her, what shall I do for thee? Telling me what has fell in the house.
And she said, my hand made has not anything in the house.
And we are coming out shall shut the door behind me and abide my sons and shall pour out into all of those vessels And that was so set aside that which is cool.
So so she went from him and shut the door of unbur who brought the vessels to her, and she bored out.
And it came to pass when the vessels were told that she had up to her son. Read.
And he had a vessel, and he said much on her.
There is not a vessel war, and it’s all staying.
Now that’s it’s interesting. That is not a vessel more in the Allstate.
Now he told her, don’t borrow a few. No.
He he’s not trying to just pay off the debt.
I’m saying god is a god of too much.
And it’s time for you to believe him. So for some and big.
You’ve been trying to just believe him to do this and do that. No. No. No.
You’re gonna come big now from now on. Duteronomy chapter 6 verse 10, and look at it verse 11.
And let’s look at the way you read that. Ready. Read.
Give you what city?
We’ve got a 10 city thing going on right now.
Because I’m believing for cities. Put the scripture back up there.
Keep reading. Ready read.
Ask. Oh, to me.
She is not promising you one house. Yes.
I better come back over my I better go I better go back over here where the big thinkers are.
Say amen. You need a summer house or winter house Spring House. Say amen to this. Amen.
Set out. Appreciate you, sir. So hey. Hey, man. Amen.
It’s time to think how? Amen. It’s time to think big.
God did not put you in this big auditorium so you could think small.
He did not put you in this ministry so that you could just think barely getting enough.
Your thoughts have not been his thoughts. But from now on, I erase that thought.
And you better come of your past and get ahold of your future. God’s about to give you something big.
Can you receive it? He didn’t tell Mary you gonna have a baby.
He told Mary you gonna give birth to god. What takes a big thinking.
She said, well, be it onto me.
And that’s what you ought to say when god comes to you in a dream in the neck 7 days, and he’s gonna give you something in that dream.
You wake up and say, be it on to me in Jesus.
The church is powerful enough to fix anything.
Say that with me. The church is powerful enough to fix anything.
Say it one more time. The church is powerful enough to fix anything in Jesus’ name. Now, that’s you.
That’s why you’re here. You weren’t meant to be born back in 1800 or 1492.
It’s meant to be born right here when we got these problems right here.
And you’re gonna be able to fix how much in all things. It doesn’t make any difference.
You’re taking it all back. I said you’d taken it all back. Alright. Jerry’s watch.
Now, this is 4 d operation.
And in 4 d operation, it comes out of your spirit.
Everything comes out of your spirit.
Now in Jesus cursive victory, It dried up from the where, from the roof.
How much time did it take? Okay. Hours, it took less than a day.
Am I right about? Yes. Yes. Okay. So there’s a law of Genesis
And let’s look at Genesis and
chapter 1 verse 112. Alright. Ready. Read.
Uh, everything is designed to produce what?
After it’s gone. Once you get into 4 d, you override treaty Now, these laws were meant for the earth that four d you suspend natural laws.
You become the governor of time.
Or you hear what I’m saying?
So where things would take this law that don’t take that long anymore because I’m operating in for d.
It won’t take that long.
Where I have to go for treatments, I don’t have to do that anymore.
Are you with me now?
Now, as a man, thinketh in his heart, so is he?
So I’ve got to program my system to think like god. Yes. Am I right about that? Yes.
And so here is god operating and showing man how this works.
Matthew chapter 3 in verse 17. Watch this. Ready? Read.
this is god naming seed.
He’s naming his seed. Yes.
This is my beloved wife, sons.
And over to New Testament, it says, beloved now are we the sons. God. You got it?
Yes, sir.
You see, you’d once you get in 4, then you could override Time. Time, space, and matter.
So he’s calling his son out of Jesus. See, you can call things.
And and when you got a seed to sew, you can sew it Yes.
And it will produce after its con Yes. Unless overridden Yes. By you’re calling it something else.
Uh, y’all with me here.
So you can have a of financial seed and call it pay off.
Come on. Come on. You’re with me here.
You you can name your seed.
And override natural law.
Do you do you hear what I’m saying?
I’m saying, do you get what I’m saying here? Now, I’m saying that because Abraham call things.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Law, have mercy. I it it and and here’s Peter walking on waters.
He’s had the Jesus If that’s you, tell me to walk to you on the water. What did Jesus say?
Uh. Come. Did he walk on the water? Yes. Because he could spend natural laws.
I’m saying you can call things and you can suspend things.
Look what happened over here in Joshua chapter 10 and look what he says ready Read
This fake Joshua to the lord in the day when the lord delivered up the Amyris before the children of Israel.
And he said in the side of Israel, some stand out still upon you giving me, and now who he did it that way?
Oh, you followed what I’m saying. He is operating on this next level.
And he said, sun stands still and moon in the valley of Agilent. Look what it says. Ready read.
And the sun’s to the scale and in no shade until the people had administered themselves upon their name.
Notice for him to get to victory. He needed more daylight, so he just stopped everything. Yeah. Yeah.
And I’m telling you, you can play you don’t need to wait till payday.
You don’t need to wait till payday. Bring the day to you.
My name is Bill Winston, and I approve this message. Come on.
Give god some praise and give him shop.
wage is over. Everything he promised you is already done.
Hello. This is Bill Winston.
I just wanna give a shout out to all my partners and All those who have been supporting our ministry, you’ve been watching this ministry.
It’s been a blessing to you. Thank you so much. For being my partner.
I’m telling you, Oven Philippians chapter 1 verse 7, it talks about I have you in my heart, and that’s where I do. I go overseas to the different nations, and I think about my partners.
As a matter of fact, we try to make a little video for our partners a lot.
And also, I went to the that you’ll partake of my grace that when I didn’t have much as a beginning new startup ministry, I remember I partners with people who were really doing it big in terms of ministry, and my ministry began to supernaturally grow.
Now I know that God is behind it all.
But I’m saying there’s a benefit to partnership and that a lot of times you have a need.
You sow a seed, and this is rich soil.
Look at the people in the a nation that are getting saved. I tell you it’s just a blessing.
We went to South Africa. I think about 300 people got sick. I don’t know. Some big number.
We’ll kind of flash it up on the screen for you, but some huge number of people came to Christ.
But it’s just what we’re doing is we’re doing the work of the kingdom, preaching the gospel of the kingdom all over the world, and you’re helping us to do it.
If you’re looking at this broadcast and you are not a part I’d like you to consider being 1.
Ask the lord what should you do? And he says, yes, we welcome your board.
It’s a train that’s moving fast, and we want you to get on board. Praise god.
Well, this is Bill Winston saying to all of our partners, those who are supporting the industry, and those who are being blessed by it, I wanna say, we love you.
And keep walking by faith.
Take it all back. Volume 2.
Today’s powerful message is available in its in the 800-711-9327, or online at
In this dynamic series, take it all back volume too.
By doctor Bill Winston, you will discover how you can recover all that the enemy has stolen from you, your help, family, finances, and everything else that belongs to you.
I wanna ask you a question. If you left this or today, where would you go?
Glory to god. I got good news for you. You can choose the place. Hell, I love you.
I don’t know about you, but I’m going to be with them when I leave this earth, and I’m gonna live a long life.
Well, here’s what I want you to do. To be certain, wanted to pray this prayer with me.
Dear lord, come into my heart.
I believe that you die of my sins, and you rose again, and now I believe in you.
Thank you, lord, for saving me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Now, if you prayed that prayer, I want to send a book to you. It’s called Born again.
It’s Spirit Filled. It’s talking about what your next steps are send forth today. I want to congratulate you.
You have just made a decision, and now you know where you’re going. God bless you and walk by faith.
The mission of Bill Winston Ministries is to preach the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world.
This broadcast has been made available to you through the faithful support of Bill Winston Ministry Partners and France.
We invite you to become a partner and join doctor Bill Winston as he trades believers how to live independent of this world’s system and have dominion over it.
Thank you Bill Winston Ministry Partners and viewers for your continuous support of the Believer’s Walk of Faith Broadcast.
Remember, you need faith to get to your destiny.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking. By faith.

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