Liberty, But Not License – Liberated by Faith: A Study of Galatians – Part 11 – Dr. Charles Stanley

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In today’s study, Charles Stanley reflects on Galatians 5 to unpack the profound truth of our freedom in Christ. He begins by addressing a common question: What does it mean that God has no expectations of us? Stanley explains that this does not imply a lack of responsibility as believers but rather emphasizes that God’s favor is not earned.

Through faith in Jesus Christ, we are clothed in His righteousness, fully loved, and accepted by God. There’s nothing we can do to increase His favor—it is already complete through the work of Christ. While obedience remains a vital aspect of Christian living, it is not to gain favor but to live out our calling as God’s children.

Understanding Paul’s Message to the Galatians

In Galatians 5, Paul rebukes the Judaizers—those who insisted Gentile believers must adhere to Jewish laws like circumcision to be fully accepted by God. Paul asserts that salvation is by grace through faith alone, not by fulfilling the law.

Let’s explore Galatians 5:13-26, where Paul shifts focus to practical Christian living:

  1. Called to Liberty, Not to Indulge the Flesh
    In verse 13, Paul reminds believers that their freedom in Christ should not be used as an excuse to gratify sinful desires. Instead, it should lead to serving one another in love. He encapsulates the essence of God’s law:
  2. The Danger of Conflict
    Paul warns in verse 15 that constant bickering and division can destroy the unity of the body of Christ. Instead of devouring one another, believers are called to walk in the Spirit.
  3. The Flesh vs. The Spirit
    The battle between the flesh and the Spirit is real. Paul writes in verses 16-18:The works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, idolatry, hatred, and other sins. Paul warns that those who persist in these behaviors without repentance will not inherit the kingdom of God.
  4. The Fruit of the Spirit
    In contrast, Paul describes the fruit of the Spirit—the evidence of God’s transformative work in a believer’s life:
  5. Crucifying the Flesh
    Paul concludes by affirming that those who belong to Christ have crucified their sinful nature and its desires. Walking in step with the Spirit ensures a life of freedom, victory, and fulfillment in Christ.

Key Takeaway: Our Liberty in Christ

The big message of Galatians 5 is this: We are free in Christ. This freedom is not about meeting external expectations or striving for approval—it is about living in the grace already given to us. By walking in the Spirit, we are empowered to love, serve, and grow in righteousness, fulfilling God’s purpose for our lives.

As Charles Stanley reminds us, our relationship with God is settled the moment we are saved. His love is unconditional, His grace is sufficient, and His Spirit enables us to live victoriously. Let us embrace this freedom and reflect Christ’s love to the world.

Encouragement for Today:
Remember that God’s love for you is not based on performance. Live in the assurance of His grace and let the Holy Spirit guide your steps. Share this message with someone who needs encouragement and subscribe for more reflections on God’s Word!

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