Let GOD Be True – Speak the WORD Only | Dr Bill Winston Sermon
Let GOD Be True – Speak the WORD Only
As children of God we are production centers. We are here to produce solutions, ideas, and products that this world has never witnessed. We are meant to bring Heaven’s solutions into the Earth.
The believer’s Walk of Faith is paid for by Bill Winston, Ministries, partners and viewers.
Hello, this is Bill Winston and I’d like to share with you a new book that I’ve just written.
It’s called Miracles In the Marketplace.
Now, traditionally, with thought of miracles happening when people get sick and get a miracle or something’s wrong with them physically, they get a miracle.
Now, miracles can happen in education, in government, in business and economics anywhere and you can have a miracle in your life.
We’re up against things and challenges today that let me tell you the natural solution just won’t do it.
We need a miracle. This book develops not only a miracle mindset but how you can produce miracles in your life.
It is a phenomenal book, powerful praise God. You need to get it today.
This is Bill Winston saying God bless you and keep walking by faith.
Hello, I’m Bill Winston and welcome to another program.
The program that you’re watching is called the Believers Walk of Faith where we walk by faith and not by sight.
We have another exciting teaching for you today. I know I say that all the time because they’re all exciting.
Praise God. The word of God is forever exciting while we’re talking on this subject of the law of confession and we’re still in this area, we call speak the word only.
Now if you want to reach your destiny that God has planned for you, you’ve got to believe and you’ve got to speak.
Now, if we don’t speak God’s word, chances are we’re gonna end up somewhere that God didn’t intend us for us to end up.
So we’ve got to come back to speaking God’s word.
Now, the circumstances may not look like God’s word is appropriate to speak, but don’t be concerned about that because when God, God looked out over the earth and the book of Genesis and saw only darkness and the earth was without form.
God said, let there be light notice. He didn’t say who ain’t it dark out there? Praise the Lord.
No, he called darkness, light and light was. Well, let’s get your Bibles and pencils and paper.
Let’s find out how to do it. Let’s go into it. It’s called speak the word. Only.
What I’ve got to do is I’ve got to believe for the impossible, for example, Abram.
Alright, let’s start with him because that’s where God started.
God came to Abram said, hey, you’re gonna have a kid. You have a child.
Now between you and Sarah, the Bible says I showed you last time that Sarah laughed because she knows she had never had Children, never able to have Children.
They’ve been trying, never even happened. Now, she’s past the age of childbearing.
Now, her physiological systems anymore would not allow her to have a child. So impossible. Abram.
The Bible says he was old. I’m just thinking what old is.
So I guess that he couldn’t have one.
But notice God said now this time next year you’re gonna have a child between y’all.
Now, I didn’t have any artificial what disseminate.
They had none of that in that day. Okay.
But my point to you is, is now notice how God waited until it was impossible.
See now what is confession?
Confession is Homola geo in the Greek, it means to say the same thing.
It means to say what God says and to agree with what God says about you.
So God comes to Abram in Genesis chapter chapter 17 says, hey, I am Almighty God, I am the Almighty God, that’s the El Shaddai.
And he said, walk before me and be thou perfect.
He said now, what am I gonna do is this no longer call yourself Abram, but call yourself now what Abraham for a father of what many nations keep going have I made the So now he’s changing his name from Abram to Father of a multitude.
Now, the word Abraham means father of a great multitude. Alright. So he is calling him something.
He God in his dialogue with Abram told him don’t call yourself this. Call yourself that.
Now say what I said about you. Don’t, don’t say what they called you before.
Say what I said about you.
Now, when you say what I said about you, then Sarah don’t call her Sarah anymore. Call her Sarah.
Lord have mercy. Prince, prince, princess of nation.
But he is now God is renaming them, but he’s more than renaming them. He is now changing their confession.
Yeah. See, he’s changing their confession because what they were saying about themselves wasn’t gonna get them to the destiny that God had planned for them from the foundation of the world.
Yeah. Yeah, they’re calling themselves something that God didn’t say.
So what God now has to do is he’s got to come in now and he’s got to change the way we’re going.
So you and I have to now getting God’s word, we have to start saying what God said about us because if we want to go where God wants us to end up, we’re gonna have to say what God says.
Now, understand all of the natural reasoning will tell you don’t say that because that’s not true.
Well, what is true? See what is true.
See, he said truth is in Jesus and in other words, let God be true and every man be a liar.
So if God said this about you, that’s what you’re supposed to say. Are y’all with me?
All right. So he did that and when he did that something happened, something happened to their physical logical state.
Now all of a sudden, Sarah conceived, now notice what those words? Did?
Those words change? The Dick Lourie to God. It changed Lord Jesus. You’re with me.
I’m trying to figure out a way to say all of this here. I got it in my spirit.
Let’s go to John chapter three, please. John’s Gospel chapter three. Natural things.
Y’all with me are controlled by the more powerful word.
No, no, no, by the more powerful realm of the spirit.
Let me say it over here.
Natural things are controlled by the more powerful realm of the spirit.
The way this earth is still in orbit, the way that light is still expanding at the speed of light in the universe is because a spiritual being released it and because of that spiritual law, it’s keeping going natural things.
Oh my God. Now you are a spirit and when you speak and believe, you don’t believe with your hand, you believe with your spirit and out of the abundance of the heart or your spirit, come on the mouth speaks and when you release something, it’s more than sound, it is spirit and it will control natural things.
Are y’all with me right now.
Now look at this now. Glory to God verse 34. No, no, no.
Look, look at before you put something right there and just look at John chapter six. Put something right there.
John chapter six and verse 63.
I just want you to see this now because Jesus spoke to a fig tree.
And what happened to that fig tree? Come on, it dried up, dried up from the what?
From the roots? I want you to see something here. Look at John chapter six. Have you got it?
Say praise the Lord. Somebody verse 63.
It is the spirit that what quick innit the flesh, keep going profited nothing.
The words that I speak unto you. They are spirit and they are life.
See, we haven’t been aware that our words with spirit.
We haven’t been aware of the authority that we have in this earth and because of it, we’ve been running off at the mouth saying things now understand we’re coming back to a place where we’re not doing that anymore and we’re gonna change some things by words.
Are you with me? Aren’t you? Alright?
So now come on back over there to John chapter four and look what he says here. This is Jesus.
This is a comment about Jesus verse 34 for He whom God has sent speak it, the words of God for God given not the spirit by measure unto Him.
Now, what does that mean?
That means that God release the fullness of power through Christ because he never spoke out of line with God’s word.
He could trust him. I don’t care how bad it looked Jesus spoke the word amen.
Now, this is an example for us folks that we need to speak this word.
Why? Because we don’t have to do it.
If he said I watch over my word to make it good home alone vio means speak what he said.
So no matter what the situation looks like, if I say what he said, who’s gonna pull it off?
He is, he is Jesus spoke to the tree and he went on down there and took care of some business and turned on some cash registers.
He, he didn’t, he didn’t wait to see if that thing gonna work and let me see here. No, no.
Once he released it and believed it and confessed it. The law was working folks.
Y’all got to get this man. He didn’t need to check it out.
He didn’t need to come back and check and see that tree was as good as gone.
Are you following what I’m saying?
You see people now praying a lot. They’re praying. Oh Lord, every day praying. No, no, no, no, no, no.
You, you your prayers flying but most of the time you need to be confessing.
Yeah, you need to be confessing.
Now you need to be saying things you fall. I’m saying.
I mean, once I pray about something and the Bible says that this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will.
What’s this? He hears us and if we know that he hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions we desired of him.
So if I pray one time, I know I got it. So I know I got it.
Why in the world would I pray again?
The only reason I pray again is because I don’t realize that the transaction was made.
I’m looking for a feeling and it ain’t a feeling, it’s faith and I got to receive it and then confess it.
Thank you lord. I believe that I received my G4 paid for. Thank you Lord.
I believe I received my new home paid in full now.
Okay. Now you gotta get well. Okay. Yeah, y’all with me. Alright.
So now one of the things that happens is there is private words and then there is our public words.
In other words, I can confess something privately or publicly.
And what many people in the church have not been taught is that their private life is going to affect their public life.
Law deals and I’m thinking metal now.
Alright, let’s let’s work with this for just a minute. Praise God.
Let’s go Over to Matthew Chapter six. Please.
Matthew chapter six say my words are spirit and they are life, death and life is.
Where is it in the power of the devil?
No, it’s in the power of the what now? Who can stop me from reaching my destiny?
No one No 1 But me, no one but me.
God has given you the ability you believe and given you the ability, nobody can stop you and reach your destiny.
But you suppose it’s a big group of people doesn’t make any difference, opposes the principality doesn’t make any difference.
Suppose it’s a government doesn’t make any difference, doesn’t make any difference.
Folks, when Joshua and Caleb said, we are well able, let us go up at once and possess it.
You know what I’m saying? If they held to that confession, what was God’s gonna have to do?
He gonna have to bring him into that inheritance. Now ask you this.
Three million other folks didn’t believe it could.
Their unbelief stop Joshua and Caleb from reaching no, and it can’t stop you.
It’s can’t stop you.
And what has happened is somebody that told you that the man can stop you.
See, somebody told you that prejudice can stop you. Prejudice can’t stop me.
You can be prejudiced all you want.
You just just you, I don’t want you to hate me but you hate if you want but you can’t stop me.
You can’t stop me because God didn’t give you right to stop me.
He gave me right to have what I say. So you can’t stop me.
You can’t stop you. The only reason he can stop you is because you think they can stop you.
And when you think they can stop you, you’re in unbelief and unbelief can’t get to your destiny.
The only thing that can get there is believe it. And you gotta believe what God said.
God can take you if you ain’t got much education at all and I’m not against education, but he can take you right where you are, if you get your mouth right and take you to your wealthy place, right where you are, people with degrees will be working for you.
But see, you believe in your heart that maybe somebody they can’t, you didn’t heard this and so forth in that.
And you’ve been listening too much television.
The Bible said, let God be true and every man be a liar.
But what the devil has done is he’s talked people into believing the world system and what the world said about it.
See, and that is what God said about you at all. Say amen to that.
You need to come back in the Bible and say okay.
What did God say about me? Now? What? Wait a minute. How far did he say? I can go?
What did God say? I can do? Because that’s what I can do. Who did God say I am?
Because that’s who I am. I am not a sinner saved by grace.
I was a sinner and now I’m saved by grace, but I ain’t no sinner no more.
I can’t have two natures. That’s some kind of a freak.
What you’ve got is you either in God or you in the devil.
Once you got born again, your nature got changed, you got the nature of Almighty God, you’re his child.
You’re no longer the child of the devil. You’ve been translated out of the Kingdom of Darkness.
You’re in the Kingdom of God and his son. Now you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
So you’re not gonna be righteous.
You’re righteous right now.
You gotta get them scriptures and work and work and work them because he said by his stripes you hear will be take it.
I’m here. Are y’all following what I’m saying?
And don’t let the world talk you out of this, your confession.
I’m telling you if you’re weak, say I’m strong. If you’re unsaid, if you’re lost, say I’m saved.
You follow what I’m saying? That’s the way the saved get saved.
You gotta say you saved, you gotta save, you gotta come claim Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Amen.
You gonna buy your confession? You’re gonna be healed or you’re gonna be sick.
You’re gonna have plenty or you’re gonna have lack, you’re gonna be condemned or you’re gonna be set free by your confession.
Your confession same into that. Nobody stop Bill Winston. How you gonna stop?
B W not when I’m saying the word because I’m not gonna bring it to path.
I got a God that never lost a case. I got a God.
Come on now. I don’t care how ugly. You act towards me.
I don’t care how much you don’t like me. I don’t care how much you talk about me.
If God be for nobody gets see, I don’t have to, I don’t have to fight you with my natural hands.
I don’t have to go to training for that. All I gotta do is train my tongue.
I can fight you with the sword of the spirit that’s coming out of my same into that and me and God on the same side.
So I’m winning every time. Don’t lose a few and win a few that ain’t in the Bible.
He said he always causes me to triumph.
Now I’m saying that because it might be some kind of business, might be some kind of job.
It might be something else. I’m gonna cover some of that.
I’m gonna show you something and it’s because of what you believe and see believing. It’s like acting.
I mean, I said it last time you read something in the newspaper, the world system has trained us.
You read it in the newspaper is gospel. We’re gonna have a sale tomorrow night midnight, midnight.
You wanna get that sale because you’re gonna go down there and get that washing machine.
Well, at midnight, you, you lined up at the door now, you didn’t call the place down there.
Hey, y’all, y’all really gonna have a sale that at midnight you didn’t do that.
The man says he’s gonna give you a job, you’re going to interview for a job, you’re going to interview.
They like you, they said like to make you an offer. He would like to start you next Tuesday.
And we’d like to start you out at this salary you say? Oh, okay. Praise God.
Yeah, I’ll take it. Okay. You walk out, shake the man’s hand, you walk out the moment you walk out, watch this check, get on the phone to look here.
I just got, girl, I just got that job start Tuesday. I start to zing. Yeah.
Now I told you I’m gonna pay your money.
No, no, no, no notice.
Everybody is basing their actions on somebody’s words.
You know, when you believe you act, when you don’t act, you don’t believe on the way home.
You go down there, go by fields or wherever you go, buy some growth.
Some store gotta give myself some stockings, gotta get, get myself a shirt.
I gotta get ready for work on Tuesday. Now, I understand you don’t know anything about that company.
You don’t know the history of that company.
You don’t know the man who told you that you don’t know anything and you don’t got on the phone told Shay Quinoa, I’m gonna have it shipped queen.
I believe you. Now she want her money by Friday of next week. Come on.
Now everybody’s basing it on something. My man said, well, what about what he said?
Praise the Lord I trusted you enjoyed that.
Now again, we’re looking at speaking the word only remember in John Chapter four and verse 34, it says that God gave Jesus a spirit without measure because he spoke the words of God.
You see, because Jesus had disciplined himself to only speak the word of God.
I mean, the power God was coming on Him without measure, the full power of God was flowing through Him.
You remember he spoke to that storm and a storm stopped immediately. That power was flowing. Why?
Because He had to custom himself to never speak anything that God didn’t say.
Now, we’ve got to speak God’s word, but we speak it both privately and publicly.
Sometimes we want to get behind closed doors and confess the word and I believe I’ve received and all this so forth and so on.
There’s a place where you’re gonna have to take the word public and you’re gonna have to say it and many times it’ll kind of separate you from some of those folks who call themselves saved.
But I’m telling you right now, you say it and God will do it because there are some things that you set in motion when you speak God’s word publicly.
This is an important series, the dressing phone number on your screen.
I want you to invest in this right away. I’m not just trying to sell tapes.
I’m trying to get the body of Christ moving. Praise God.
And the first thing we’re gonna have to do it is we’re gonna have to harness our speech.
We’re gonna have to say what God says no matter how things look. Well, this is Bill Winston.
That’s all we have for this time. We’ll see you next time until then. Keep walking by faith.
How should you handle the challenges in your relationship?
Insufficiencies in your finances or even attacks against your health?
Your victory is guaranteed when you guard your heart, stay in faith and speak the word only the very finest of God can be yours if you believe.
And speaking in this third installment of the Law of Confession series, entitled to speak the word only, Dr Winston provides a road map to victory for every situation in your life.
There is nothing in this earth so great or powerful that it cannot be turned around with your tongue.
Order speak the word only today.
And Dr Winston will explain what God does to perform His word, how to activate God’s participation in your circumstances.
Why there’s nothing more powerful than the word of God and much, much more God promise it. I believe it.
I’m gonna speak it and he gonna do it to order your copy of this powerful message, speak the word only on CD or MP three on DVD or MP four.
Contact us online at Bill Winston dot org. You can also call us at 1 807 119327.
No matter how difficult the circumstance, victory is yours.
When you guard your heart, stay in faith and speak the word. Only.
Order your copy of speak the word only today.
Hello, this is Bill Winston and I’d like to share with you a new book that I’ve just written.
It’s called Miracles in the Marketplace.
Now, traditionally, with thought of miracles happening when people get sick and get a miracle or something’s wrong with them physically, they get a miracle.
Now, miracles can happen in education, in government, in business and economics anywhere and you can have a miracle in your life.
We’re up against things and challenges today that let me tell you the natural solution just won’t do it.
We need a miracle. This book develops not only a miracle mindset but how you can produce miracles in your life.
It is a phenomenal book. Powerful praise God. You need to get it today.
This is Bill Winston saying God bless you and keep walking by faith.
The mission of Bill Winston ministries is to preach the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world.
This broadcast has been made available to you through the faithful support of Bill Winston. Ministry partners and friends.
We invite you to become a partner and join Dr Bill Winston as he trades believers how to live independent of this world system and have Dominion over it.
Thank you, Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers for your continuous support of the believers Walk of Faith broadcast.
The believer’s Walk of Faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries, partners and viewers.
Remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
Hello, this is Bill Winston and I’d like to share with you a new book that I’ve just written.
It’s called Miracles In the Marketplace.
Now, traditionally, with thought of miracles happening when people get sick and get a miracle or something’s wrong with them physically, they get a miracle.
Now, miracles can happen in education, in government, in business and economics anywhere and you can have a miracle in your life.
We’re up against things and challenges today that let me tell you the natural solution just won’t do it.
We need a miracle. This book develops not only a miracle mindset but how you can produce miracles in your life.
It is a phenomenal book, powerful praise God. You need to get it today.
This is Bill Winston saying God bless you and keep walking by faith.
Hello, I’m Bill Winston and welcome to another program.
The program that you’re watching is called the Believers Walk of Faith where we walk by faith and not by sight.
We have another exciting teaching for you today. I know I say that all the time because they’re all exciting.
Praise God. The word of God is forever exciting while we’re talking on this subject of the law of confession and we’re still in this area, we call speak the word only.
Now if you want to reach your destiny that God has planned for you, you’ve got to believe and you’ve got to speak.
Now, if we don’t speak God’s word, chances are we’re gonna end up somewhere that God didn’t intend us for us to end up.
So we’ve got to come back to speaking God’s word.
Now, the circumstances may not look like God’s word is appropriate to speak, but don’t be concerned about that because when God, God looked out over the earth and the book of Genesis and saw only darkness and the earth was without form.
God said, let there be light notice. He didn’t say who ain’t it dark out there? Praise the Lord.
No, he called darkness, light and light was. Well, let’s get your Bibles and pencils and paper.
Let’s find out how to do it. Let’s go into it. It’s called speak the word. Only.
What I’ve got to do is I’ve got to believe for the impossible, for example, Abram.
Alright, let’s start with him because that’s where God started.
God came to Abram said, hey, you’re gonna have a kid. You have a child.
Now between you and Sarah, the Bible says I showed you last time that Sarah laughed because she knows she had never had Children, never able to have Children.
They’ve been trying, never even happened. Now, she’s past the age of childbearing.
Now, her physiological systems anymore would not allow her to have a child. So impossible. Abram.
The Bible says he was old. I’m just thinking what old is.
So I guess that he couldn’t have one.
But notice God said now this time next year you’re gonna have a child between y’all.
Now, I didn’t have any artificial what disseminate.
They had none of that in that day. Okay.
But my point to you is, is now notice how God waited until it was impossible.
See now what is confession?
Confession is Homola geo in the Greek, it means to say the same thing.
It means to say what God says and to agree with what God says about you.
So God comes to Abram in Genesis chapter chapter 17 says, hey, I am Almighty God, I am the Almighty God, that’s the El Shaddai.
And he said, walk before me and be thou perfect.
He said now, what am I gonna do is this no longer call yourself Abram, but call yourself now what Abraham for a father of what many nations keep going have I made the So now he’s changing his name from Abram to Father of a multitude.
Now, the word Abraham means father of a great multitude. Alright. So he is calling him something.
He God in his dialogue with Abram told him don’t call yourself this. Call yourself that.
Now say what I said about you. Don’t, don’t say what they called you before.
Say what I said about you.
Now, when you say what I said about you, then Sarah don’t call her Sarah anymore. Call her Sarah.
Lord have mercy. Prince, prince, princess of nation.
But he is now God is renaming them, but he’s more than renaming them. He is now changing their confession.
Yeah. See, he’s changing their confession because what they were saying about themselves wasn’t gonna get them to the destiny that God had planned for them from the foundation of the world.
Yeah. Yeah, they’re calling themselves something that God didn’t say.
So what God now has to do is he’s got to come in now and he’s got to change the way we’re going.
So you and I have to now getting God’s word, we have to start saying what God said about us because if we want to go where God wants us to end up, we’re gonna have to say what God says.
Now, understand all of the natural reasoning will tell you don’t say that because that’s not true.
Well, what is true? See what is true.
See, he said truth is in Jesus and in other words, let God be true and every man be a liar.
So if God said this about you, that’s what you’re supposed to say. Are y’all with me?
All right. So he did that and when he did that something happened, something happened to their physical logical state.
Now all of a sudden, Sarah conceived, now notice what those words? Did?
Those words change? The Dick Lourie to God. It changed Lord Jesus. You’re with me.
I’m trying to figure out a way to say all of this here. I got it in my spirit.
Let’s go to John chapter three, please. John’s Gospel chapter three. Natural things.
Y’all with me are controlled by the more powerful word.
No, no, no, by the more powerful realm of the spirit.
Let me say it over here.
Natural things are controlled by the more powerful realm of the spirit.
The way this earth is still in orbit, the way that light is still expanding at the speed of light in the universe is because a spiritual being released it and because of that spiritual law, it’s keeping going natural things.
Oh my God. Now you are a spirit and when you speak and believe, you don’t believe with your hand, you believe with your spirit and out of the abundance of the heart or your spirit, come on the mouth speaks and when you release something, it’s more than sound, it is spirit and it will control natural things.
Are y’all with me right now.
Now look at this now. Glory to God verse 34. No, no, no.
Look, look at before you put something right there and just look at John chapter six. Put something right there.
John chapter six and verse 63.
I just want you to see this now because Jesus spoke to a fig tree.
And what happened to that fig tree? Come on, it dried up, dried up from the what?
From the roots? I want you to see something here. Look at John chapter six. Have you got it?
Say praise the Lord. Somebody verse 63.
It is the spirit that what quick innit the flesh, keep going profited nothing.
The words that I speak unto you. They are spirit and they are life.
See, we haven’t been aware that our words with spirit.
We haven’t been aware of the authority that we have in this earth and because of it, we’ve been running off at the mouth saying things now understand we’re coming back to a place where we’re not doing that anymore and we’re gonna change some things by words.
Are you with me? Aren’t you? Alright?
So now come on back over there to John chapter four and look what he says here. This is Jesus.
This is a comment about Jesus verse 34 for He whom God has sent speak it, the words of God for God given not the spirit by measure unto Him.
Now, what does that mean?
That means that God release the fullness of power through Christ because he never spoke out of line with God’s word.
He could trust him. I don’t care how bad it looked Jesus spoke the word amen.
Now, this is an example for us folks that we need to speak this word.
Why? Because we don’t have to do it.
If he said I watch over my word to make it good home alone vio means speak what he said.
So no matter what the situation looks like, if I say what he said, who’s gonna pull it off?
He is, he is Jesus spoke to the tree and he went on down there and took care of some business and turned on some cash registers.
He, he didn’t, he didn’t wait to see if that thing gonna work and let me see here. No, no.
Once he released it and believed it and confessed it. The law was working folks.
Y’all got to get this man. He didn’t need to check it out.
He didn’t need to come back and check and see that tree was as good as gone.
Are you following what I’m saying?
You see people now praying a lot. They’re praying. Oh Lord, every day praying. No, no, no, no, no, no.
You, you your prayers flying but most of the time you need to be confessing.
Yeah, you need to be confessing.
Now you need to be saying things you fall. I’m saying.
I mean, once I pray about something and the Bible says that this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will.
What’s this? He hears us and if we know that he hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions we desired of him.
So if I pray one time, I know I got it. So I know I got it.
Why in the world would I pray again?
The only reason I pray again is because I don’t realize that the transaction was made.
I’m looking for a feeling and it ain’t a feeling, it’s faith and I got to receive it and then confess it.
Thank you lord. I believe that I received my G4 paid for. Thank you Lord.
I believe I received my new home paid in full now.
Okay. Now you gotta get well. Okay. Yeah, y’all with me. Alright.
So now one of the things that happens is there is private words and then there is our public words.
In other words, I can confess something privately or publicly.
And what many people in the church have not been taught is that their private life is going to affect their public life.
Law deals and I’m thinking metal now.
Alright, let’s let’s work with this for just a minute. Praise God.
Let’s go Over to Matthew Chapter six. Please.
Matthew chapter six say my words are spirit and they are life, death and life is.
Where is it in the power of the devil?
No, it’s in the power of the what now? Who can stop me from reaching my destiny?
No one No 1 But me, no one but me.
God has given you the ability you believe and given you the ability, nobody can stop you and reach your destiny.
But you suppose it’s a big group of people doesn’t make any difference, opposes the principality doesn’t make any difference.
Suppose it’s a government doesn’t make any difference, doesn’t make any difference.
Folks, when Joshua and Caleb said, we are well able, let us go up at once and possess it.
You know what I’m saying? If they held to that confession, what was God’s gonna have to do?
He gonna have to bring him into that inheritance. Now ask you this.
Three million other folks didn’t believe it could.
Their unbelief stop Joshua and Caleb from reaching no, and it can’t stop you.
It’s can’t stop you.
And what has happened is somebody that told you that the man can stop you.
See, somebody told you that prejudice can stop you. Prejudice can’t stop me.
You can be prejudiced all you want.
You just just you, I don’t want you to hate me but you hate if you want but you can’t stop me.
You can’t stop me because God didn’t give you right to stop me.
He gave me right to have what I say. So you can’t stop me.
You can’t stop you. The only reason he can stop you is because you think they can stop you.
And when you think they can stop you, you’re in unbelief and unbelief can’t get to your destiny.
The only thing that can get there is believe it. And you gotta believe what God said.
God can take you if you ain’t got much education at all and I’m not against education, but he can take you right where you are, if you get your mouth right and take you to your wealthy place, right where you are, people with degrees will be working for you.
But see, you believe in your heart that maybe somebody they can’t, you didn’t heard this and so forth in that.
And you’ve been listening too much television.
The Bible said, let God be true and every man be a liar.
But what the devil has done is he’s talked people into believing the world system and what the world said about it.
See, and that is what God said about you at all. Say amen to that.
You need to come back in the Bible and say okay.
What did God say about me? Now? What? Wait a minute. How far did he say? I can go?
What did God say? I can do? Because that’s what I can do. Who did God say I am?
Because that’s who I am. I am not a sinner saved by grace.
I was a sinner and now I’m saved by grace, but I ain’t no sinner no more.
I can’t have two natures. That’s some kind of a freak.
What you’ve got is you either in God or you in the devil.
Once you got born again, your nature got changed, you got the nature of Almighty God, you’re his child.
You’re no longer the child of the devil. You’ve been translated out of the Kingdom of Darkness.
You’re in the Kingdom of God and his son. Now you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
So you’re not gonna be righteous.
You’re righteous right now.
You gotta get them scriptures and work and work and work them because he said by his stripes you hear will be take it.
I’m here. Are y’all following what I’m saying?
And don’t let the world talk you out of this, your confession.
I’m telling you if you’re weak, say I’m strong. If you’re unsaid, if you’re lost, say I’m saved.
You follow what I’m saying? That’s the way the saved get saved.
You gotta say you saved, you gotta save, you gotta come claim Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Amen.
You gonna buy your confession? You’re gonna be healed or you’re gonna be sick.
You’re gonna have plenty or you’re gonna have lack, you’re gonna be condemned or you’re gonna be set free by your confession.
Your confession same into that. Nobody stop Bill Winston. How you gonna stop?
B W not when I’m saying the word because I’m not gonna bring it to path.
I got a God that never lost a case. I got a God.
Come on now. I don’t care how ugly. You act towards me.
I don’t care how much you don’t like me. I don’t care how much you talk about me.
If God be for nobody gets see, I don’t have to, I don’t have to fight you with my natural hands.
I don’t have to go to training for that. All I gotta do is train my tongue.
I can fight you with the sword of the spirit that’s coming out of my same into that and me and God on the same side.
So I’m winning every time. Don’t lose a few and win a few that ain’t in the Bible.
He said he always causes me to triumph.
Now I’m saying that because it might be some kind of business, might be some kind of job.
It might be something else. I’m gonna cover some of that.
I’m gonna show you something and it’s because of what you believe and see believing. It’s like acting.
I mean, I said it last time you read something in the newspaper, the world system has trained us.
You read it in the newspaper is gospel. We’re gonna have a sale tomorrow night midnight, midnight.
You wanna get that sale because you’re gonna go down there and get that washing machine.
Well, at midnight, you, you lined up at the door now, you didn’t call the place down there.
Hey, y’all, y’all really gonna have a sale that at midnight you didn’t do that.
The man says he’s gonna give you a job, you’re going to interview for a job, you’re going to interview.
They like you, they said like to make you an offer. He would like to start you next Tuesday.
And we’d like to start you out at this salary you say? Oh, okay. Praise God.
Yeah, I’ll take it. Okay. You walk out, shake the man’s hand, you walk out the moment you walk out, watch this check, get on the phone to look here.
I just got, girl, I just got that job start Tuesday. I start to zing. Yeah.
Now I told you I’m gonna pay your money.
No, no, no, no notice.
Everybody is basing their actions on somebody’s words.
You know, when you believe you act, when you don’t act, you don’t believe on the way home.
You go down there, go by fields or wherever you go, buy some growth.
Some store gotta give myself some stockings, gotta get, get myself a shirt.
I gotta get ready for work on Tuesday. Now, I understand you don’t know anything about that company.
You don’t know the history of that company.
You don’t know the man who told you that you don’t know anything and you don’t got on the phone told Shay Quinoa, I’m gonna have it shipped queen.
I believe you. Now she want her money by Friday of next week. Come on.
Now everybody’s basing it on something. My man said, well, what about what he said?
Praise the Lord I trusted you enjoyed that.
Now again, we’re looking at speaking the word only remember in John Chapter four and verse 34, it says that God gave Jesus a spirit without measure because he spoke the words of God.
You see, because Jesus had disciplined himself to only speak the word of God.
I mean, the power God was coming on Him without measure, the full power of God was flowing through Him.
You remember he spoke to that storm and a storm stopped immediately. That power was flowing. Why?
Because He had to custom himself to never speak anything that God didn’t say.
Now, we’ve got to speak God’s word, but we speak it both privately and publicly.
Sometimes we want to get behind closed doors and confess the word and I believe I’ve received and all this so forth and so on.
There’s a place where you’re gonna have to take the word public and you’re gonna have to say it and many times it’ll kind of separate you from some of those folks who call themselves saved.
But I’m telling you right now, you say it and God will do it because there are some things that you set in motion when you speak God’s word publicly.
This is an important series, the dressing phone number on your screen.
I want you to invest in this right away. I’m not just trying to sell tapes.
I’m trying to get the body of Christ moving. Praise God.
And the first thing we’re gonna have to do it is we’re gonna have to harness our speech.
We’re gonna have to say what God says no matter how things look. Well, this is Bill Winston.
That’s all we have for this time. We’ll see you next time until then. Keep walking by faith.
How should you handle the challenges in your relationship?
Insufficiencies in your finances or even attacks against your health?
Your victory is guaranteed when you guard your heart, stay in faith and speak the word only the very finest of God can be yours if you believe.
And speaking in this third installment of the Law of Confession series, entitled to speak the word only, Dr Winston provides a road map to victory for every situation in your life.
There is nothing in this earth so great or powerful that it cannot be turned around with your tongue.
Order speak the word only today.
And Dr Winston will explain what God does to perform His word, how to activate God’s participation in your circumstances.
Why there’s nothing more powerful than the word of God and much, much more God promise it. I believe it.
I’m gonna speak it and he gonna do it to order your copy of this powerful message, speak the word only on CD or MP three on DVD or MP four.
Contact us online at Bill Winston dot org. You can also call us at 1 807 119327.
No matter how difficult the circumstance, victory is yours.
When you guard your heart, stay in faith and speak the word. Only.
Order your copy of speak the word only today.
Hello, this is Bill Winston and I’d like to share with you a new book that I’ve just written.
It’s called Miracles in the Marketplace.
Now, traditionally, with thought of miracles happening when people get sick and get a miracle or something’s wrong with them physically, they get a miracle.
Now, miracles can happen in education, in government, in business and economics anywhere and you can have a miracle in your life.
We’re up against things and challenges today that let me tell you the natural solution just won’t do it.
We need a miracle. This book develops not only a miracle mindset but how you can produce miracles in your life.
It is a phenomenal book. Powerful praise God. You need to get it today.
This is Bill Winston saying God bless you and keep walking by faith.
The mission of Bill Winston ministries is to preach the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.