Lead To A Right | Joel Osteen

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Lead To A Right | Joel Osteen

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This is what the Apostle Paul did.
He was doing the right thing, going to different cities and building churches, writing the New Testament when he was arrested for sharing his faith.
He was on a boat headed toward Rome. In the middle of the journey, there was a huge storm.
For 14 days, they didn’t see the sun or the stars.
The waves were so high and the wind so strong, got to the point where they couldn’t steer the ship.
God had promised Paul that he was going to stand before Caesar.
Now, the captain of the ship, the crew, they’d all given up.
They were throwing the cargo overboard trying to keep the ship from sinking.
Paul told them not to worry that their life was not going to be lost.
The scripture says, the captain took down the sails and let the wind blow the ship wherever the storm wanted it to go.
I know we stand against sickness, we stand against addictions, but there are some storms that you don’t fight.
You have to take down yourselves. Quit trying to make it work out your way.
Quit trying to fix it. It’s a divine detour. You fighting that storm is fighting the purpose of God.
You’re not gonna win. What you can’t see is the wrong. The storm is leading to a right.
It’s taking you to where God wants you to go. Sometimes trouble is transportation.
It’s moving you one step further to where you’re supposed to be.
The ship crashed on some rocks. He and all those on board swam to an island.
There were a bunch of natives living there. Paul shared the good news and some became believers.
There were sick people Paul prayed for and they were healed.
It wasn’t a bad break, it was a divine detour.
The storm was a part of God’s plan to move Paul to an island in need.
Instead of fighting the wrongs, look around at who’s in your life.
Who can you be a blessing to? Who can you encourage? Who can you pray for? Who can you mentor?
Maybe that storm was God moving you into position to impact someone else. How about putting your sword down?
How about not resisting everything? Instead of fighting it, try flowing with it.
God will never allow something that He’s not gonna use for your good.
And we know God will take what the enemy meant for evil and turn it for good, but what I want us to see is many things are not the enemy.
God uses wrongs to move us into our purpose.
If you see every setback, every betrayal, every negative thing as the enemy, then you’ll live frustrated wondering why God let it happen.
Maybe I did something wrong or could it be like Paul, you’re in the perfect will of God, but you’re on a divine detour.
See, Joseph was a teenager when God put a dream in his heart that one day he would be in leadership, that he would do great things.
What happened? Doors opened, good people showed up, promotion.
No, his brothers became jealous and threw him into a pit. Betrayal, that was wrong.
He was sold as a slave, went to a foreign country, didn’t speak the language, that was wrong.
He was working hard, be at his best when the owner’s wife lied about him, falsely accused him, he was put in prison.
Another wrong. One night the pharaoh, the leader of the country had a dream that he didn’t understand.
Someone told him that Joseph, this prisoner could interpret dreams.
The Scripture says, they brought Joseph quickly to the palace.
All these wrongs, now he’s about to meet the most powerful person of that day.
He interpreted the dream. Pharaoh was so impressed, he made Joseph the prime minister of all of Egypt, second in command only to him.
Notice how all the wrongs were leading to a right.
Without one of the wrongs, he’d never gotten to the palace.
If he’d skipped the betrayal, if his brothers wouldn’t have been jealous, the whole plan wouldn’t have worked.
If he hadn’t have been sold as a slave, if the lady hadn’t lied about him, we wouldn’t be talking about Joseph.
All the wrongs were necessary to get to the right place.
Now maybe you’re having some wrongs in your life. People that didn’t keep their word.
The pandemic set you back. The door closed on that dream you worked so hard for.
How do you know you’re not a Joseph?
Do you think somehow that when God was planning your life, he was having a bad day? No.
Those are divine detours. You are still in the palm of God’s hand.
Now, what you do in the detour, what you do in the wrongs will determine whether you come out or whether you stay there.
I hope you enjoyed watching this clip. You can watch the full message here on our YouTube channel.
We’d love to hear your prayer request and how the ministry has impacted your life.
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We’ll see you next time.

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