Jonathan Cahn Speaks on Trump, Jerusalem, And The End Times
Jonathan Cahn Speaks on Trump, Jerusalem, And The End Times
“A nation is turning away from God. Its hedge of protection has been removed. Why? To cause them to turn back, to wake up, to save them from a greater judgment. And what are they doing in light of it? Or rather, what are they not doing? They’re not returning to God? Exactly. Instead of listening to the alarm, instead of turning back, instead of even pausing for a moment to reexamine their ways, they boast their resolve. It was’nt about rebuilding at all. It was about ignoring the warning and rejecting the call to return. So they missed their warning. They did more than just miss it. The defied it. Notice the words. They weren’t vowing just to rebuild what was destroyed, but to make themselves stronger than before, to become invulnerable to any future attack. So what they’re saying is this: We will not be humbled. We will not search our ways or consider the possibility that something could be wrong.”
― Jonathan Cahn
― Jonathan Cahn
Shalom. This is Jonathan Cohen On December six, America through President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
This was monumental. It was prophetic. It was historic.
This is the first time America ever recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
First time that any major power has ever recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in modern times.
Now, no capital on this planet more belongs to a nation than Jerusalem belongs to Israel.
Israel is the only nation in the world that has as its title deed to Jerusalem, the Bible, the word of God.
At the same time, there is no nation on earth that, that the all the other nations in the world refuse to recognize its capital.
Just one week before this prophetic event was the 70th anniversary of the UN vote.
The United Nations vote that brought Israel into existence in 1947.
On that anniversary, the United Nations did not celebrate or have a commemoration instead, what they did is they passed six anti Israel resolutions including telling Israel not to touch Jerusalem, calling the world to side with the Palestinians and calling Israel’s birth a calamity the president simply recognized the truth, the reality physically, historically, biblically and the world went crazy, uprisings uproars demonstrations, violence.
Why? Because the enemy is going crazy because the enemy knows that when the Jewish people return to Jerusalem, someone else is going to return to Jerusalem.
Netanyahu, Benjamin Netanyahu Prime Minister of Israel called Trump’s Declaration of Jerusalem, one of the most four most important milestones in the history of the reborn nation of Israel.
Why was it significant throughout the Bible?
God uses the words of kings to confirm his purposes to establish his purposes, to unleash and inaugurate his purposes.
Why was it prophetically significant? The Bible says that in the last days, Jerusalem will be back in the world and that was amazing to begin with because because it’s an ancient capital will be back in the world and not only will be the will be the center of Israel and will be the center of the focus of the entire world, the center of the world’s controversy.
Now Jesus Messiah Yeshua said to the Jewish people in Jerusalem, you will not see me again until you say or blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord?
Think about that. What does it mean?
It requires for that to come true requires number one, the Jewish people had to survive against all odds they did for 2000 years.
Number two, they had to come back to Israel to say it against all odds they did and they had to come back to Jerusalem to say it against all odds.
They did think about the capitals of the ancient world, cities like thieves or Alexandria, the great cities, Babylon A of the Deeds Jerusalem.
How many of them are around today?
Only Jerusalem in the way it was back then, just as important as it was.
What are the odds of that?
And then on top of Jerusalem being back as it was, then The entire Earth is fixed upon it.
That’s mind blowing. What does that tell you? The Bible is the word of God.
God said in Zechariah 12, I will make in the la in that in those days talking about the last days, I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone, a cup of reeling those who try to move, it will injure themselves.
And all nations, all the nations will gather against Jerusalem. Amazing to think that that would happen yet.
From what you saw when that declaration was made, you can see it happening. What has happened by that?
What is that declaration? Why is that? What is it revealing to you?
Number one, what happened concerned the very issue that the Bible says will be the issue of the end times.
Jerusalem. Number two, what happened concerned biblical prophecy, the return of the Jewish people to Jerusalem.
Number three, that declaration will only intensify the issue of the nations raging against Jerusalem.
Number four, that will lead to what the Bible calls Armageddon, all nations coming against Jerusalem, which would sound crazy all the world against one little city.
But you can see it happening now.
And number five, it solidifies the link, the connection between the Jewish people in Jerusalem, which is crucial for end time prophecy.
As in the rebuilding of the third temple, the rebuilding of the temple and everything else that you see is crucial upon that.
It is confirms what we know. The Bible says. We are truly living in the end times.
But there’s a prophetic mystery, even in the timing, I can just share in the time I have, I’m just gonna touch on a little, there’s a lot to share, but just to share this one thing here now, which is crucial in the book of that I wrote called The Mystery of the S I spoke about the patterns and not only the patterns of the past without that’s the main thing, but I spoke about the possibilities concerning the future, always, always giving the caution that God doesn’t have to do anything according to our understanding.
But according to the mystery, the following sabbath year or Schmit, that was 2,015 turned out to be the worst year in Wall Street in exactly seven years since the last sabbath year, the the of 2008.
And it was the first red year in seven years and the first, the worst all around year for money since the Great Depression.
But the last chapter of the book concerned something called the Mystery of the seven about the jubilee.
The jubilee is when you get back what you lost, particularly your land, your ancestral possession, your homeland, your father’s land, your, your your property.
1917. In the book, when you read that is pointed out as a prophetic jubilee in that year came a prophetic restoration for the Jewish people.
The land of Israel was given back to the Jewish people through the Balfour declaration.
And then the regaining of the land by the British Empire, they return home from all over the earth to their ancestral possession.
That’s what the jubilee is. Everyone shall return home. But they didn’t have, the land, didn’t have Jerusalem.
So what happens if you move forward to the next occurrence of the prophetic jubilee seven times seven years?
And there’s two ways of reckoning this 49 years or 50 years and you and by the Hebrew and God could certainly use it by the world’s reckoning of a 50 year cycle in the western calendar.
Where does it bring you either way? It actually it brings you to 1967.
Does any event of restoration take place then a major one, the restoration of Jerusalem itself through the six day war, the, the liberation of Jerusalem on that, the exact time And he acts in the two greatest restorations of the land for the Jewish people of property takes, it takes place exactly 50 years apart.
Now, they have Jerusalem, but as far as the world is concerned, the world does not recognize that no legal authority.
Now, in the Jubilee, you not only get your land, it is recognized, legally recognized as your, you have sovereignty over it, but the world withheld that has withheld it for many years.
Now. Now, what happens if you go from that last prophetic Julie 1967 and move forward to 50 years in the original edition of the Mr I wrote, if you had lost your inheritance or of your family in the year of jubilee, that inheritance is given back, I wrote that the jubilee is a year of restoration, reconciliation return.
And if others had taken your possession, they have to relinquish it in the year of the jubilee.
And I spoke throughout that time that if there was to be another restoration, it would concern Jerusalem particularly and, and ultimately, the issue of the Temple Mount on December 6th, 2017, the recognition that Jerusalem never had was finally given America recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel the first time any major power.
And here it’s the world’s superpower recognizes the right of Jerusalem as in the jubilee, the legal right, the so sovereignty over the capital, first time, really the first time any major power had done that in 2000 years, Netanyahu likened it to those three other milestones.
The first the Balfour declaration 1917, which is the first prophetic jubilee and the liberation of Jerusalem 1967 which is the second jubilee.
When did this third event take place this third recognition now of the land? The year 2017. What was that?
50 years since the liberation of Jerusalem? 1967? The 50th year, the third jubilee prophetic biblical jubilee.
And what happens in the year of jubilee?
The trumpet sounds well, the trumpet sounds and the land is restored to the original owner.
Well, who sounded this restoration? A man named Trump, what, which can be translated as trumpet or the trumpeter, the man who blows the trumpet.
It happened just before the end of the year 2017.
The jubilee is the year of the sounding of the Trump of the trumpet.
And so it has been and as I was, I was said to uh uh a while back, you know, if, if it would, if it would happen, if there would be a restoration, God doesn’t have to do anything but it would involve Jerusalem specifically and hear the inheritance given back.
So with the third restoration. Now, when did it happen?
Third jubilee in the 50th year of the jubilee of Jerusalem in the 100th year anniversary, double jubilee of the restoration of the land.
And what is this set up? It sets up for the end time prophecy, including the temple of Jerusalem.
Now, there’s much more to share.
But for now, I can only say for more, go to hope of the world uh dot org.
You can ask for the full teachings of Jerusalem.
The ones just asked for the ones I gave at the time in December of 2017.
Um or you can go to Jonathan Khan, Facebook, uh or more on Jonathan Khan Hope of the World youtube.
Um We will be glad to tell you more and that and I will in the future, say more on this.
But there’s so much. But what does it tell you to bring it home? God is real. God is perfect.
God is on time. His word is true. His promises are sure are for real. You can trust Him.
He is faithful and his will will prevail not only for Jerusalem, but for all of you who follow his ways.
He as he watches over Jerusalem, he’ll watch over you as he builds up Jerusalem.
He’ll build up your life as he restores Jerusalem. He will restore your life. God has done great things.
Blessed be the name of the Lord forever.
And ever until next time, this is Jonathan Khan saying praise God, he’s real and he’s good and he keeps his word shallow.
This was monumental. It was prophetic. It was historic.
This is the first time America ever recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
First time that any major power has ever recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in modern times.
Now, no capital on this planet more belongs to a nation than Jerusalem belongs to Israel.
Israel is the only nation in the world that has as its title deed to Jerusalem, the Bible, the word of God.
At the same time, there is no nation on earth that, that the all the other nations in the world refuse to recognize its capital.
Just one week before this prophetic event was the 70th anniversary of the UN vote.
The United Nations vote that brought Israel into existence in 1947.
On that anniversary, the United Nations did not celebrate or have a commemoration instead, what they did is they passed six anti Israel resolutions including telling Israel not to touch Jerusalem, calling the world to side with the Palestinians and calling Israel’s birth a calamity the president simply recognized the truth, the reality physically, historically, biblically and the world went crazy, uprisings uproars demonstrations, violence.
Why? Because the enemy is going crazy because the enemy knows that when the Jewish people return to Jerusalem, someone else is going to return to Jerusalem.
Netanyahu, Benjamin Netanyahu Prime Minister of Israel called Trump’s Declaration of Jerusalem, one of the most four most important milestones in the history of the reborn nation of Israel.
Why was it significant throughout the Bible?
God uses the words of kings to confirm his purposes to establish his purposes, to unleash and inaugurate his purposes.
Why was it prophetically significant? The Bible says that in the last days, Jerusalem will be back in the world and that was amazing to begin with because because it’s an ancient capital will be back in the world and not only will be the will be the center of Israel and will be the center of the focus of the entire world, the center of the world’s controversy.
Now Jesus Messiah Yeshua said to the Jewish people in Jerusalem, you will not see me again until you say or blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord?
Think about that. What does it mean?
It requires for that to come true requires number one, the Jewish people had to survive against all odds they did for 2000 years.
Number two, they had to come back to Israel to say it against all odds they did and they had to come back to Jerusalem to say it against all odds.
They did think about the capitals of the ancient world, cities like thieves or Alexandria, the great cities, Babylon A of the Deeds Jerusalem.
How many of them are around today?
Only Jerusalem in the way it was back then, just as important as it was.
What are the odds of that?
And then on top of Jerusalem being back as it was, then The entire Earth is fixed upon it.
That’s mind blowing. What does that tell you? The Bible is the word of God.
God said in Zechariah 12, I will make in the la in that in those days talking about the last days, I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone, a cup of reeling those who try to move, it will injure themselves.
And all nations, all the nations will gather against Jerusalem. Amazing to think that that would happen yet.
From what you saw when that declaration was made, you can see it happening. What has happened by that?
What is that declaration? Why is that? What is it revealing to you?
Number one, what happened concerned the very issue that the Bible says will be the issue of the end times.
Jerusalem. Number two, what happened concerned biblical prophecy, the return of the Jewish people to Jerusalem.
Number three, that declaration will only intensify the issue of the nations raging against Jerusalem.
Number four, that will lead to what the Bible calls Armageddon, all nations coming against Jerusalem, which would sound crazy all the world against one little city.
But you can see it happening now.
And number five, it solidifies the link, the connection between the Jewish people in Jerusalem, which is crucial for end time prophecy.
As in the rebuilding of the third temple, the rebuilding of the temple and everything else that you see is crucial upon that.
It is confirms what we know. The Bible says. We are truly living in the end times.
But there’s a prophetic mystery, even in the timing, I can just share in the time I have, I’m just gonna touch on a little, there’s a lot to share, but just to share this one thing here now, which is crucial in the book of that I wrote called The Mystery of the S I spoke about the patterns and not only the patterns of the past without that’s the main thing, but I spoke about the possibilities concerning the future, always, always giving the caution that God doesn’t have to do anything according to our understanding.
But according to the mystery, the following sabbath year or Schmit, that was 2,015 turned out to be the worst year in Wall Street in exactly seven years since the last sabbath year, the the of 2008.
And it was the first red year in seven years and the first, the worst all around year for money since the Great Depression.
But the last chapter of the book concerned something called the Mystery of the seven about the jubilee.
The jubilee is when you get back what you lost, particularly your land, your ancestral possession, your homeland, your father’s land, your, your your property.
1917. In the book, when you read that is pointed out as a prophetic jubilee in that year came a prophetic restoration for the Jewish people.
The land of Israel was given back to the Jewish people through the Balfour declaration.
And then the regaining of the land by the British Empire, they return home from all over the earth to their ancestral possession.
That’s what the jubilee is. Everyone shall return home. But they didn’t have, the land, didn’t have Jerusalem.
So what happens if you move forward to the next occurrence of the prophetic jubilee seven times seven years?
And there’s two ways of reckoning this 49 years or 50 years and you and by the Hebrew and God could certainly use it by the world’s reckoning of a 50 year cycle in the western calendar.
Where does it bring you either way? It actually it brings you to 1967.
Does any event of restoration take place then a major one, the restoration of Jerusalem itself through the six day war, the, the liberation of Jerusalem on that, the exact time And he acts in the two greatest restorations of the land for the Jewish people of property takes, it takes place exactly 50 years apart.
Now, they have Jerusalem, but as far as the world is concerned, the world does not recognize that no legal authority.
Now, in the Jubilee, you not only get your land, it is recognized, legally recognized as your, you have sovereignty over it, but the world withheld that has withheld it for many years.
Now. Now, what happens if you go from that last prophetic Julie 1967 and move forward to 50 years in the original edition of the Mr I wrote, if you had lost your inheritance or of your family in the year of jubilee, that inheritance is given back, I wrote that the jubilee is a year of restoration, reconciliation return.
And if others had taken your possession, they have to relinquish it in the year of the jubilee.
And I spoke throughout that time that if there was to be another restoration, it would concern Jerusalem particularly and, and ultimately, the issue of the Temple Mount on December 6th, 2017, the recognition that Jerusalem never had was finally given America recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel the first time any major power.
And here it’s the world’s superpower recognizes the right of Jerusalem as in the jubilee, the legal right, the so sovereignty over the capital, first time, really the first time any major power had done that in 2000 years, Netanyahu likened it to those three other milestones.
The first the Balfour declaration 1917, which is the first prophetic jubilee and the liberation of Jerusalem 1967 which is the second jubilee.
When did this third event take place this third recognition now of the land? The year 2017. What was that?
50 years since the liberation of Jerusalem? 1967? The 50th year, the third jubilee prophetic biblical jubilee.
And what happens in the year of jubilee?
The trumpet sounds well, the trumpet sounds and the land is restored to the original owner.
Well, who sounded this restoration? A man named Trump, what, which can be translated as trumpet or the trumpeter, the man who blows the trumpet.
It happened just before the end of the year 2017.
The jubilee is the year of the sounding of the Trump of the trumpet.
And so it has been and as I was, I was said to uh uh a while back, you know, if, if it would, if it would happen, if there would be a restoration, God doesn’t have to do anything but it would involve Jerusalem specifically and hear the inheritance given back.
So with the third restoration. Now, when did it happen?
Third jubilee in the 50th year of the jubilee of Jerusalem in the 100th year anniversary, double jubilee of the restoration of the land.
And what is this set up? It sets up for the end time prophecy, including the temple of Jerusalem.
Now, there’s much more to share.
But for now, I can only say for more, go to hope of the world uh dot org.
You can ask for the full teachings of Jerusalem.
The ones just asked for the ones I gave at the time in December of 2017.
Um or you can go to Jonathan Khan, Facebook, uh or more on Jonathan Khan Hope of the World youtube.
Um We will be glad to tell you more and that and I will in the future, say more on this.
But there’s so much. But what does it tell you to bring it home? God is real. God is perfect.
God is on time. His word is true. His promises are sure are for real. You can trust Him.
He is faithful and his will will prevail not only for Jerusalem, but for all of you who follow his ways.
He as he watches over Jerusalem, he’ll watch over you as he builds up Jerusalem.
He’ll build up your life as he restores Jerusalem. He will restore your life. God has done great things.
Blessed be the name of the Lord forever.
And ever until next time, this is Jonathan Khan saying praise God, he’s real and he’s good and he keeps his word shallow.