Joining The Fight

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Joining The Fight

Pastor Jack sits down with author, podcaster, and speaker Heidi St. John to discuss how to fight for your children, their education and your community. Find your courage and passion to go against the current culture and to do the right thing by making an impact with your faith. You won’t want to miss this exciting and uplifting discussion by these two warriors in the faith.

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hey everybody I’m gonna want you to get your helmet on put your mouthpiece in we’ve got a program for you today that’s going to blow your mind it’s definitely engaging definitely powerful because with us today we have the great the one and only Heidi St John real life presents the Jack kibbs podcast with intention and boldness to Proclaim truth equip the Saints and impact our culture today if this podcast lifts you up and encourages you to live a more fulfilled life in Christ then make sure you leave us one of those five
star ratings to us that’s like saying amen or yes then that rating will encourage others to listen now open your hearts to what God’s word has to say to you here is Jack Hibbs well hey guys Welcome to our podcast and we’ve got a special one today and I know I probably sound like I’m saying that all the time when we have a special one today but I can’t tell you just how much uh that is true we have with us um a woman that I called years ago uh Deborah she’s Deborah in the 21st century you’re gonna see how true that
is in a moment but um Heidi St John is waging a war on more fronts than the Nations um she is not only a culture truth Warrior loves God loves Jesus loves the truth I will not sit back and tolerate what is happening to our nation and our children so we’re gonna try to cover as much topic as we possibly can in this podcast together but I want every every one of you to make sure that you uh click subscribe like us spread the word because you’re going to see why in a moment so with us we have the amazing uh
Unstoppable Heidi St John so I am not even going to get into Heidi St John all of the can you tell everybody all of the things that you’re involved in because I can’t keep up with your dot coms I can’t keep up with your your board memberships and where you’re at things that you’re involved in please introduce yourself to our group well I think the thing I always like to tell people the thing that I’m most passionate about I always talk about first my husband and I are coming up on 35 years of marriage and we
have seven children and four grandkids and that is the thing that uh that is the engine you know in my car and my love for Jesus but outside of that I love this country I’m a patriot my grandparents taught me to love this country and so it’s motivated me to kind of take a deep dive into what’s happening to our nation and I noticed about 20 years ago that there was root rot in the public school system and so we pulled our daughter out of public school when she was in second grade and we began to do this crazy thing called
homeschooling which I said I would never do we did the same yeah because what woman in her right mind would you know would never get home I remember in the 80s when Lisa said we’re going to homeschool and I’m thinking are we going to go to jail yeah in California in the 80s you might have gone to jail right yeah it was definitely absolutely true had it not been for our friend Mike Ferris that’s right and the founding of the hslda which is one thing I do I sit on the board of that organization uh
incredible a group of people that have secured the home school home from school legal defense fund yes yes for homeschool defense Association I’ve written I think eight nine books I can’t remember I have another one coming out about it it’s called Mom strong 365 everyday truths for everyday moms and it’s a 365 day devotional for mobs to kind of pointing back to what really matters the world has reduced motherhood to a stopover on the highway of life but God sees it as a much greater purpose it’s a Kingdom
Purpose mother and this is a Kingdom Purpose so I spent a lot of time writing obviously writing about homeschooling in 2017 I released book called becoming mom strong how to fight with all that’s in you for your family and your faith and it was kind of my story of coming from a place of Brokenness and finding the healing of God and seeing God do an amazing miraculous thing in my life so uh that might be one of my probably one of my favorite favorite books um I ran for congress as you know yes couple years ago yes
Southern California we went with that through uh watched you prayed for you connected with you and uh you learned something huh yeah well you learned something about uh not only the political machine but you learned something about um it’s not all that it’s perceived no it is not well I think my biggest takeaway was is there is evil in the Republican party just as there is evil in the Democrat party and we need to look for uh the good we need to find people of character to run and I suggest that there might even be career
Democrats who prayed for decades as Republicans as actual covert operations to get elected absolutely we’ve seen it in SoCal yeah absolutely it’s absolutely in Washington state as well and so we’ve got to do we’ve got to be willing to do our homework on these candidates anymore you can’t look to see an organization that gives an endorsement right endorsements to my to my way of thinking don’t mean much anymore and also Jay and I are the founders and executive directors of the friendly Planet
homeschool Resource Center which just got gifted a 16 million dollar building right in the heart of Vancouver I saw this gifted ladies and gentlemen gifted God Is So blessing uh their efforts that I saw this facility it’s incredibly beautiful but 16 plus million dollars gifted for a specific reason this this is what happens you guys when you step out to follow God’s interest God will provide what he cares about people are concerned I don’t know if we’ll have the money for that well you ought to ask
yourself first is it going to glorify God or is this your crazy idea in this case what they stand for is educating protecting educating and equipping kids that there were those who I’ll just say out of ignorance they were power Brokers or they had resources that believe in your vision and through God’s hand they wound up saying hey we want to we believe what you’re doing and we want to give this to you yeah and it’s because it’s because you have got your eye focused on the prize and so God comes
alongside and brings everything else so you can keep the focus yeah and I think that’s a it’s a wonderful encouragement to everyone who’s listening because we want to do what God’s doing right that was Henry black could be a long time ago experiencing God’s sort of changed my life yeah and he said hey let’s look and see what God’s doing and join him yeah let’s figure that out you know God what are you doing and I think God’s heart right now has is centered on children we
know that God cares about our children and they are being injured body soul mind and Spirit by the public school system the spirit of the age absolutely alive and well in the public school system and so seven years ago we opened a full time homeschool Resource Center another building that was given to us smaller at twenty thousand square foot facility and last year we served over 1600 students there and so we have we’re getting ready to launch our new at our new facility in September it opens we have 230 classes already slated for the
fall so we’re doing we’re teaching the Constitution Jack there’s a the there’s a kicker I think you should start first by teaching Congress the Constitution yeah no there’s an idea yeah Charlie Kirk we had a I love first of all I love him we’re friends but um not but in one of our discussions he was going on about how this is going to happen and I think this and I said Charlie Charlie Charlie Charlie I don’t think so what do you mean I said Charlie you’re assuming that there’s a constitution that’s being
uphill yes and he said don’t say that but that’s been about that’s been about four years ago we had that conversation well now we’re seeing blatant abuse of the Constitution it’s overwhelmingly true overwhelmingly true can you walk us through real quick before we go on to anything else what is this is the the day in the life of uh this homeschool Network how does what does it do well it’s it first people need to know it’s not a drop off we are very um convicted that parents need to
be in the driver’s seat of their children’s education and so this is true even in a private Christian School what happens is parents go oh I’m going to give my kid yes come on Deuteronomy yes this is right when you rise up and when you sit down when you walk along the road he doesn’t say drop your kids off and come back and get them at four right yeah and so we we require parents to be on campus unless they have a high school student that is taking a series of classes and you know and the parents
will need to be there for the whole thing but as for the most part that’s right and it’s open five days a week everything we do there is a la carte so we don’t have a program we invite Christian teachers in the area to come in and submit class ideas they need to be able to sign a statement of faith we want to know who these people are do they love the Lord Jesus that’s the first thing that we look for in a good teacher and then after that we are putting parents again back in the driver’s seat of their kids education
and we want to find out what is the unique gifting and passion that God has given these children because they come to us hardwired with a purpose and so we basically give them a menu and they can choose so a lot of these kids we’ve had kids as young as 10 years old really show an aptitude for engineering and so for example right we’re exposing them to engineering we have an aviation program we’ve got uh we’re bringing back the trades again we have a wonderful dance program we are teaching the whole
theology Department all kinds of gifting that we are seeing the Lord use in fact I was giving a tour of the new building just a couple days ago and a Gentleman who serves on the Elder Board of a local church came to see it and he said man I’ve got my master’s degree in criminology I’d love to come and teach introduction to uh to criminology and so he’s going to come and do that in the spring and we’re watching the Lord just bring these gifted people and so a mom can come in off the street and she can
say oh my goodness I just found out that the Ridgefield School District is teaching our kids that there’s 400 genders and they could be a narwhal whale by Friday if they want to be just like California’s Department of Education is doing in every County 100 it’s so sad but the neat thing about The Homeschool resource center and we our plan is to get these in cities across the United States because it works it’s working she can come in we can help her figure out how to First withdraw your child from the school and then we sit
down and just talk to her about her kids we want to meet your kids let’s talk to your kids what do you guys like what’s your passion and so make sure that she’s got the uh the help that she needs to homeschool her kids we’re not there to do it for you right we’re there to come alongside you lift their hands up yes exactly so explain to people that um they’re they’re at a point now they’ve been at a point ever since covid so many people including a lot of non-believers who watch this podcast
they’ve had enough they’re not even Christians but they figured out this all stinks yeah it does and they learn during kovid as they overheard the online class say what that now they’re looking for alternative education they can’t find it and they’re now they’re changing lifestyle to accommodate homeschooling having said that show me uh walk me through a day at your your school you you you said mom Mom shows up how long how long is mom and child there that day do they have shifts is it people come
and go people come and go throughout the whole day and so it’s it we we’re we open at nine and we close at five but people are coming and going all day long because they all these classes are a la carte so there is a coffee shop there there’s a bookstore there moms can come and get a cup of coffee and their kids are going to run down and and they’re going to take a a U.
S history class or whatever it is and so she might come for on a Tuesday morning let’s say and her her she’s got four kids and she’s got them in classes for maybe 11 in the morning to three in the afternoon so she might be there that day from 11 to 3 and then we won’t see her again maybe for the whole week or maybe she’ll come back on Thursday for other classes it really is a you know you Choose Your Own Adventure at The Homeschool Resource Center our job is to support you you know what’s awesome about what you just
said is that back in the 80s when Lisa was in at least in our family and both sides of our family pioneering this idea for our home home schooling the the immediate cry and it’s just it’s like it’s like pull the string yeah remember and it’s this pull the string but what about this socialization I hate that yeah actually I love it I love it I do too I love it I always tell people oh I’m so glad you asked that’s why we pulled our kids out of public that’s exactly the reason why guess what we
have no metal detectors at our home uh we don’t have condom dispensers at our home we don’t have uh kids being violated mutilated and mentally uh you know raped by all of the the agenda and here’s the thing there are as you well know uh as scripture says a three chord rope is not easily broken two yeah three no why that is so true in in just technology it’s so true in what we’re talking about because if you have a strong Church you have a strong education system for your kids right and if you have strong
fellowship or friends that Triune network of relationship the world cannot compete with so someone in the public school system is going to say oh Heidi I can’t believe you just said that they don’t go back to school for like four more days later to your to your group you have to remember something what a kid gets in the proper homeschool setting like Heidi’s describing blows the traditional concept of you gotta come in at eight you got to sit through all this garbage and all this trash and Bobby sit down stop pulling
her hair all that stuff is gone and in four or five hours two times a week the kid is more schooled look I’m gonna say something radical and you’re gonna say no way and I’m gonna say go find out a kid that is exposed to eight hours in five days of giving assignments that doesn’t mean that that’s eight hours and that’s it eight hours of interface with teacher and learning and then they’ve got their homework and they’re doing it and they’re working and they’re working on projects they’re going to the
backyard overturning rocks and and looking at types of bugs doing their science Hands-On Hands-On that when you talk to me about a kid having to be five days a week and now they keep uh shortening the summer breaks and putting them in for longer five younger and younger five days a week uh listen our kids according to California statistics the longer a child is in the California school system the Dumber they get did you know that they start really well when they come from home and they go to first second third grade they do great
the longer they’re in they get Dumber and that is a fact you can research that but thank God something’s being done and we know that what’s being done by the way is something at least our governor and I think our governor somehow is related to your government I’m sure yeah in the bozo realm yeah yeah or the cousin realm they could be cousins I mean they could be related intermarriage inner marriage something’s going on yeah anyway they think the same way yes they do they have the same policies the point
is this uh Newsome is just just like like a wolf dripping the fangs he’s drooling to crush homeschooling in California because it’s the last Bastion of safety for the kids and it just drives them crazy well and they know that homeschooling again is returning parents to their rightful place in the home parental Authority that’s right and that is the that will be the new Battlefront for the next coming years I think we’re going to see an even greater assault on parental rights we’ve been watching this again
Mike Ferris saw this years ago when he founded parental rights dot org but they’ve been around for 15 years probably at least and we’ve got to pay attention the reason the government hates homeschooling is because homeschooling is a Freedom Movement homeschooling is a love your kids movement first and it’s a Freedom Movement it’s allowing our kids to learn in Freedom it’s allowing them to learn about Freedom it’s allowing them to think freely the government doesn’t want our kids to think critical thinking
critical thinking yes not anymore right so we know now that our kids are being injured and like you and I were talking about last night I said in Washington state when I ran for congress I declared a state of emergency over what is happening to our children and they are coming out of our schools and they are injured and they’re injured they cannot think critically for themselves and we saw this absolutely front and center and covet in fact when Jay and I flew down here yesterday and I noted that most of


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