Dr. Bill Winston – Love GOD First – Kingdom Families Vol. 1
Love GOD First – Kingdom Families Vol. 1
The institution of marriage was created and ordained by God Almighty. In Kingdom Families Dr. Bill Winston digs deep into the Bible to reveal the Godly purpose for marriage and the power available to couples through the anointed Word of God.
The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministries, partners and viewers.
God didn’t bring Adam to Eve when Adam was 50%.
He brought Adam to Eve because Adam was holding the time to get married is when you don’t figure you need to because you got everything together.
You roll with it. Marriage is a miracle.
What God puts together the first love you gotta have, you gotta love God.
A lot of people trying to love other folk and they don’t love God.
Well, you gotta love God first because He gives you love with the love of the folk.
The first thing is love. That’s the principle. Now I gotta follow the principles of the kingdom.
You’re in another kingdom. We got to get the foundation right. Commitment allows the power to flow in your life.
It takes commitment and you gotta make your mind up on the front end.
Don’t wait till the problem comes and then try to decide.
No, that was decided when we said our vows, me and you all the way.
One of the things that lift people’s esteem is that they are unique.
And when people don’t know that then part of that, uh that, that is factored into that relationship.
They’re looking for somebody else to complete them. They’re already complete.
The reason, the reason why Adam could get Eve is because Adam was complete.
Adam didn’t know he needed Eve. That was God’s idea.
I I’m saying that the time to get married is when you don’t figure you need to.
I mean, because, because you got everything together, you roll it. See, marriage is a miracle.
What God puts together. See, God will drop the desire in a person’s heart when it’s time.
Now when he he’ll drop design. Huh? Let’s vote.
I, I wasn’t gonna preach, that wasn’t on my radar preachers, but when God got ready, he can drop a desire in your heart.
I’m telling you now, folks, God hardened Pharos heart.
He knows how to soften one too.
That’s, that’s for a lesson on down the line, right?
And so a lot of times people don’t know the value when they don’t know their value, then they begin to take themselves and misuse themselves when the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable and they start misusing themselves.
Now, what they do is try to get a relationship to make up for that and that’s an accident going somewhere to happen.
Most people are operating out of emotion.
And so what we talk about, let’s, let’s just, well, let’s just say, um, we, we talked about some principles.
And, and so what we talk about, one is love.
We started with love, but we said that the love that God gives us is found in Romans 55.
I won’t go there. But it is a now, what kind of love is a what?
Unconditional love? Unconditional love doesn’t do things for you so that you can do something for me that’s not unconditional love.
And we found that the love of God is a decision.
It’s a decision, it’s a decision that people have to make and you have to make a decision to do something.
God decided to love you.
He didn’t decide to love you because you could love him back.
He decided to love you in spite of He loved you when you were cursing him.
Let’s go over here and look at um Daniel. Daniel chapter six, please.
Relationships based on feelings and circumstances.
I’m, I’m gonna get married because it’s hard to pay my rent.
Uh I’m done. Listen, don’t, don’t laugh.
That’s where we are f married because of inferiority. Marri marriage.
They got married because of spite, they’re gonna spite another person, another woman or another man.
So they’re gonna get married to this other man married because of social pressure, married because of loneliness, married because of infatuation.
Oh I can go. I know now. Thank God.
We got a God that can turn everything around.
But I’m just letting you know now it’s a marriage is out there. Boy, it’s a weird reason for marriage.
I married her because she reminds me of my cousin. Oh boy. Ok.
Now, now watch this.
This is Daniel chapter six verse four, there’s a Daniel.
Now in uh in, in, in a, a kingdom which is uh without God verse four, then the presidents and princes sought for uh to find an occasion against Daniel, concerning the kingdom, but they could not find no occasion or fault for as much as he was faithful.
Say faithful. Neither was there any era of fault found in Him?
So remember the last time we said the first love you gotta have is you got to love God, didn’t we tell you that?
See a lot of people trying to love other folk. They don’t love God.
Well, you gotta love God first because He gives you the love with the love of the folk.
That guy came in and preach.
He said he went out on a picnic and when he got out in a picnic, they look in the basket and he looked in there and they said, where’s the love?
He said, oh, I thought you brought the love. No, I thought you brought the love.
And that’s what he was talking about. Two ticks and no dough.
And so look, look what he says in verse five.
Then said, these men, we shall not find any occasion against His Daniel except we find it against him concerning the law.
Of His God. He’s gonna gonna locate how much He loves His God because you got to love God first.
Then these presidents and princes assembled together to the king and said this unto Him. For thus unto him.
King Darius lived forever. All the presidents of the kingdom, the governors and the princes, the councilors and the captains have consulted together to establish a royal statute and to make a firm decree that whosoever shall ask petition of any God or man for 30 days, save the old king, he shall be cast into the den of lions.
Now, o king established the decree and signed in writing that it be not changed according to the law of the Mideast and Persians, which author is not.
Now that that’s a, that’s a principle.
The principle is that in the Kingdom of God, when Daniel in chapter two interpreted Nea’s dream and he saw a man whose head was gold, arms and chest of silver, belly and thighs of brass, legs of iron, feet of iron and clay.
All of those were not only this man, but all of those were kingdoms, but uh they were not only kingdoms, all of those were characteristics of the kingdom of God.
One, the head of gold, Babylonian meaning dictatorship, meaning that there was a one ruler next was Persian, the Persians that you know took out the Babylonians and they were the next dynasty that came.
But they have a rule of law they have in this thing that once they make the law, it’s made for everybody, everybody’s got come under it.
So once you bind something, whatever you bind on earth is bounded and lord me. Ok. Alright.
So verse nine, where for King Darius sign in writing the decree?
Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house and his windows being open and his chamber toward Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times a day and did what prayed and gave thanks before His God as he did a four time.
Then these men assembled and found Daniel praying and making supplication before his God.
Then they came near and spoke before the king concerning the king’s decree.
Has thou not signed a decree that every man that shall ask a petition of any God or man within 30 days, save the old king shall be cast into the den of lions.
And the king answered and said, the thing is true according to the law of the M and Persians, which also is not a God.
So is it interesting, there was a law made and the law was made against Daniel’s God.
So it’s made against the kingdom.
But the kingdom is what you are under, once you come into the kingdom, then you’re under the commander of that kingdom and it’s only and he makes the laws not y’all with me so far.
So notice here’s Daniel. He had to choose which way he’s gonna go.
And he did not leave his trust and love for his God.
We read you over and put it up on the board, please.
Over in John chapter 14 and verse 21 we read you a scripture.
We said he that has my commandments and keepeth them.
This is the one that loves me and he that loves me shall be loved of my who father and I’ll love him and I’ll do what to him.
I’ll manifest myself to him. So it’s interesting, the principles of the world at a, at a moment at a glance, there seem like they’re more powerful, but the principles of the kingdom are higher and more powerful and they are, those principles are what God wants us to adhere to principles of the kingdom.
Now, I’m still talking about this whole idea of marriage, but you gotta come in here because if you don’t understand authority, it won’t mean much.
And so now as we do this, here’s Daniel.
Now they’re gonna throw him in the lion’s den and they threw him in there and notice the lion wouldn’t eat him.
I wanna say more than that.
Couldn’t eat him, couldn’t touch it. Why?
Because he was under authority. Say amen.
Now I’m teaching it from a supernatural perspective which I told you that we need to get back to over in Ephesians.
And Ephesians chapter five in verse 22 wives submit yourselves onto your own husbands underlying as unto who the Lord Daniel was gonna submit to the king.
As long as the king’s laws agreed with his laws. Got it.
And I’m saying the wife submits to the husband as long as what he’s talking to her to do is an agreement with God.
Hey, hey, you got what I’m saying.
So here Daniel rejected it because it didn’t agree with his God.
Jesus is Lord. He’s the one in supreme authority.
He said, my kingdom is not of this world.
So he’s the one that see, he’s the one that’s laying down the commandments, what to do and what not to do.
And he just told you right there that uh why submit yourself to your own husbands as unto the Lord.
And we read you last time where he said, husbands love your wives.
And we showed you where he told you to love your brother.
They mean to that.
So you can’t love your brother and then go behind closed doors and talk about your brother.
You have just come out from under authority and the lines may get you.
That’s what it said in the Bible.
It said on in his book of it says that he, that his brother in private shall be cut off.
This thing is rough, bro, bro.
Now my point to you is, is God are y’all with me in this?
Daniel refused throwing in the lions in.
I wanna make a point here as he was thrown in his line in the lion couldn’t touch it.
So Daniel, when the king came to rescue him after all night, and the lions did now understand there was no commonwealth Edison in that lion’s den.
There, there was no lights up in there. Anywhere. There’s this thing black dark.
Look at verse 21. This is the, this is the king.
When he came, called for Daniel. Then Daniel said to the king king, what live forever? Come on.
Come on say, what did he say? Live forever? Does this sound like the man was mad?
All right, what we took you to is Galatians chapter five verse 22.
Coming over there, please. But the fruit of the spirit is love.
Keep going, joy, keep going, peace, keep going. Long suffering, keep going, gentleness, keep going goodness.
Come on faith, keep going. Go meekness. Come on temperate against such areas, right?
Go back to the previous word love. Love.
Your enemies might seem like that not gonna work. But that principle is much more powerful.
Then hey, you got it.
Now, if you really love people, you won’t manipulate them.
Manipulation is a principle of darkness.
Step on somebody to get to where you want to go to.
You’re with me.
So now I’m showing you that the first thing is love.
Look, Daniel carried no bitterness. You all right.
Just, just keep that scripture in mind because I’m coming back to that Daniel came out of the lines then saying, Long live the king sound like me.
Had a little joy. Come on.
Now, it’s easy to be joyful when somebody just bought you a new Cadillac.
But I’m talking about when you’re going through home girl and, and I’m talking about maintaining your joy.
These here are fruit of the spirit. These are supernatural dispositions that God has for anybody.
Say it. No.
Now watch this in this look at Hebrews chapter 12, please verse 14.
Follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord looking diligently lest or least any man fall fail of the grace of God, lest any root of what bitterness bringing up.
What does it do trouble you and thereby many will be defiled.
So somebody, husband, wife gets offended.
Now the Bible says, take no thought saying and we said that was anxious talk so you can leave a thought or take it alive.
Somebody just did something wrong to you.
You can either leave it or take it and thoughts are things they see just like a word.
So it comes into the mind and the heart and if properly nurtured, talking about it a little bit, it will water it and rich will start to grow down and plants will start to grow up.
The plant is designed to bring forth fruit.
Now what because it wants to defile other folk.
In other words, it wants to bring forth fruit so that somebody else will eat it.
And the seed is in itself, it’s in the fruit.
So when they take a big bite of the fruit, the seed comes in.
So somebody gets mad at the husband and then tells Quita, no.
Can I, can I talk? And what does she do?
She wait a minute, she eats it first and then she’s mad.
Now she doesn’t even know the man but he can tell if he ever come into their environment.
Quita is just as mad as his wife is.
But notice she told girlfriend and girlfriend then told a big mama men be defiled.
Are you following what I’m saying? Now, understand Joseph never said a word about Mrs Poti.
Oh while he was in jail. Not a word.
Because if you talk about it, you sew it.
That’s a principle now.
So I gotta let no corrupt communication. Come on. Come on, help me.
Now come out of my mouth. I gotta follow the principles of the Kingdom.
Well, I trust that you are blessed by that exciting teaching.
It’s entitled Kingdom Families. Now, this is the series and here are a couple of points.
I’d like you to remember. One is that marriage is a miracle.
And when I say that, remember Adam and Eve and the two became one.
That’s what happens in a marriage. He actually puts two spirits together as one.
Now, that’s why you gotta be born again. Because what God puts together, let no man put us under.
See God has to put it together.
And so two spirits becoming one, somebody who’s not born again, all the souls come together.
But the spirit has to be put together by God.
Point number two, the love needed to love others comes from first loving God.
We have the first love God, then God’s love. We used to love people.
So that’s why you have to have a kingdom marriage.
You gotta be born again so that you can have God in you to have love, to love somebody with praise God.
Well, I’ll announce it is gonna give you some important information and how you can order this powerful set of teachings on kingdom families and I’ll be right back.
God didn’t bring Adam to Eve when Adam was 50%.
He brought Adam to Eve because Adam was holding the time to get married is when you don’t figure you need to because you got everything together, you roll with it.
Marriage is a miracle. What God puts together the first love. You gotta have, you gotta love God.
A lot of people trying to love other folk and they don’t love God.
Well, you gotta love God first because He gives you love with the love of the folk.
The first thing is love, that’s the principle. Now, I gotta follow the principles of the kingdom.
You’re in another kingdom. We got to get the foundation, right? Commitment allows the power to flow in your life.
It takes commitment and you gotta make your mind up on the front end.
Don’t wait till the problem comes and then try to this out.
No, that was decided when we said our vows, me and you all the way, come back to the Garden of Eden and build a marriage and family on the foundation of the principles of the Kingdom of God.
In Pastor Winston’s dynamic teaching entitled Kingdom Families to Order on CD or DVD, simply write to Bill Winston ministries P O box 9 47 Oak Park, Illinois 60303.
Buy bank card at 1 807 1 19327 or online at Bill Winston dot org.
To experience heaven on earth, you must be born again to have the blessing of the word of God and the fruit of His spirit that carries life into your Kingdom family.
Now, in the Bible, it says in Galatians chapter five and verse 22 it says, but the fruit of the spirit is love and joy and peace and long suffering.
Now, these are supernatural dispositions. You know what I mean by that?
I mean, these are dispositions that have been given through being born again.
In other words, without this spiritual fruit, the root of bitterness can, can spring up and trouble you and many other people be defiled.
You’d be telling other people about your business.
Well, he’s not that she’s not that so forth because the fruit are not there and it won’t give you that supernatural long suffering that you need so that you can go through that little rough point and get into smooth territory.
So it’s a good reason to be born again. So let me ask you right now, are you born again?
Because that’s what God puts together. And I’m saying now that God has a plan for your life.
If you didn’t, you wouldn’t even be looking at this broadcast.
I’m saying there’s a purpose and a plan God has for your life.
And I would like to see you get into it in my life.
I tell you, I tried to avoid all of this and say, well, I’m all right like I am.
But things kept going downhill, including including the marriage, kept going downhill. Well, what happened?
One day, one night, I tell you alone in my apartment downtown Chicago, I just gave up.
I said, Lord, would you please help me?
And you know, he sent a lady by my place of work at the corporation.
I worked, took me down to a meeting, she took me to a meeting with on the north side of Chicago.
The next thing I know I was born again and when I did it get born again, everything turned around and look at me.
Now, look what God has done it by life. I’m saying, if you need to turn around.
This is your time. You don’t need to go through 2012 like you came out in 2011.
I mean, it’s just God has a plan for you.
Now, if you want that point again, life, if you want Jesus to come into your heart, it’s a simple prayer.
He says in Romans chapter 10 and verse nine, if thou shalt confess with thy mouth, the Lord Jesus and believe in thy heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved.
So I’d like to pray that same prayer. They prayed for me that night.
I’d like to pray for you right now. Let’s get a miracle in your life, your heads with me.
Let’s pray dear Lord, I come to you now just as I am, you know my life, you know how I’ve lived, forgive me.
Lord, I repent of my sins. I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
He died for my sins. And on the third day, he was raised from the dead, Lord Jesus.
I ask you come into my heart, live your life in me and through me from now on, from this day forward, I belong to you in Jesus name.
Amen. Praise God. Well, that’s the same prayer. I pray, a miracle took place.
That’s the same thing has happened to you right now. I’d like to send you my book.
It’s called born again and spirit fill.
I’ve got it both in English and Spanish and the address and phone number number on your screen.
All you have to do is write us or call us or go to our website.
That’s Bill Winston dot org. And just ask for this book Born again in Spirit as is free of charge.
It’s for you. You see, that’s the way to have a happy marriage is to get God in the middle of it.
Well, you just did praise God. Well, this is Bill Winston. We love you and keep walking. Bye.
The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
God didn’t bring Adam to Eve when Adam was 50%.
He brought Adam to Eve because Adam was holding the time to get married is when you don’t figure you need to because you got everything together.
You roll with it. Marriage is a miracle.
What God puts together the first love you gotta have, you gotta love God.
A lot of people trying to love other folk and they don’t love God.
Well, you gotta love God first because He gives you love with the love of the folk.
The first thing is love. That’s the principle. Now I gotta follow the principles of the kingdom.
You’re in another kingdom. We got to get the foundation right. Commitment allows the power to flow in your life.
It takes commitment and you gotta make your mind up on the front end.
Don’t wait till the problem comes and then try to decide.
No, that was decided when we said our vows, me and you all the way.
One of the things that lift people’s esteem is that they are unique.
And when people don’t know that then part of that, uh that, that is factored into that relationship.
They’re looking for somebody else to complete them. They’re already complete.
The reason, the reason why Adam could get Eve is because Adam was complete.
Adam didn’t know he needed Eve. That was God’s idea.
I I’m saying that the time to get married is when you don’t figure you need to.
I mean, because, because you got everything together, you roll it. See, marriage is a miracle.
What God puts together. See, God will drop the desire in a person’s heart when it’s time.
Now when he he’ll drop design. Huh? Let’s vote.
I, I wasn’t gonna preach, that wasn’t on my radar preachers, but when God got ready, he can drop a desire in your heart.
I’m telling you now, folks, God hardened Pharos heart.
He knows how to soften one too.
That’s, that’s for a lesson on down the line, right?
And so a lot of times people don’t know the value when they don’t know their value, then they begin to take themselves and misuse themselves when the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable and they start misusing themselves.
Now, what they do is try to get a relationship to make up for that and that’s an accident going somewhere to happen.
Most people are operating out of emotion.
And so what we talk about, let’s, let’s just, well, let’s just say, um, we, we talked about some principles.
And, and so what we talk about, one is love.
We started with love, but we said that the love that God gives us is found in Romans 55.
I won’t go there. But it is a now, what kind of love is a what?
Unconditional love? Unconditional love doesn’t do things for you so that you can do something for me that’s not unconditional love.
And we found that the love of God is a decision.
It’s a decision, it’s a decision that people have to make and you have to make a decision to do something.
God decided to love you.
He didn’t decide to love you because you could love him back.
He decided to love you in spite of He loved you when you were cursing him.
Let’s go over here and look at um Daniel. Daniel chapter six, please.
Relationships based on feelings and circumstances.
I’m, I’m gonna get married because it’s hard to pay my rent.
Uh I’m done. Listen, don’t, don’t laugh.
That’s where we are f married because of inferiority. Marri marriage.
They got married because of spite, they’re gonna spite another person, another woman or another man.
So they’re gonna get married to this other man married because of social pressure, married because of loneliness, married because of infatuation.
Oh I can go. I know now. Thank God.
We got a God that can turn everything around.
But I’m just letting you know now it’s a marriage is out there. Boy, it’s a weird reason for marriage.
I married her because she reminds me of my cousin. Oh boy. Ok.
Now, now watch this.
This is Daniel chapter six verse four, there’s a Daniel.
Now in uh in, in, in a, a kingdom which is uh without God verse four, then the presidents and princes sought for uh to find an occasion against Daniel, concerning the kingdom, but they could not find no occasion or fault for as much as he was faithful.
Say faithful. Neither was there any era of fault found in Him?
So remember the last time we said the first love you gotta have is you got to love God, didn’t we tell you that?
See a lot of people trying to love other folk. They don’t love God.
Well, you gotta love God first because He gives you the love with the love of the folk.
That guy came in and preach.
He said he went out on a picnic and when he got out in a picnic, they look in the basket and he looked in there and they said, where’s the love?
He said, oh, I thought you brought the love. No, I thought you brought the love.
And that’s what he was talking about. Two ticks and no dough.
And so look, look what he says in verse five.
Then said, these men, we shall not find any occasion against His Daniel except we find it against him concerning the law.
Of His God. He’s gonna gonna locate how much He loves His God because you got to love God first.
Then these presidents and princes assembled together to the king and said this unto Him. For thus unto him.
King Darius lived forever. All the presidents of the kingdom, the governors and the princes, the councilors and the captains have consulted together to establish a royal statute and to make a firm decree that whosoever shall ask petition of any God or man for 30 days, save the old king, he shall be cast into the den of lions.
Now, o king established the decree and signed in writing that it be not changed according to the law of the Mideast and Persians, which author is not.
Now that that’s a, that’s a principle.
The principle is that in the Kingdom of God, when Daniel in chapter two interpreted Nea’s dream and he saw a man whose head was gold, arms and chest of silver, belly and thighs of brass, legs of iron, feet of iron and clay.
All of those were not only this man, but all of those were kingdoms, but uh they were not only kingdoms, all of those were characteristics of the kingdom of God.
One, the head of gold, Babylonian meaning dictatorship, meaning that there was a one ruler next was Persian, the Persians that you know took out the Babylonians and they were the next dynasty that came.
But they have a rule of law they have in this thing that once they make the law, it’s made for everybody, everybody’s got come under it.
So once you bind something, whatever you bind on earth is bounded and lord me. Ok. Alright.
So verse nine, where for King Darius sign in writing the decree?
Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house and his windows being open and his chamber toward Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times a day and did what prayed and gave thanks before His God as he did a four time.
Then these men assembled and found Daniel praying and making supplication before his God.
Then they came near and spoke before the king concerning the king’s decree.
Has thou not signed a decree that every man that shall ask a petition of any God or man within 30 days, save the old king shall be cast into the den of lions.
And the king answered and said, the thing is true according to the law of the M and Persians, which also is not a God.
So is it interesting, there was a law made and the law was made against Daniel’s God.
So it’s made against the kingdom.
But the kingdom is what you are under, once you come into the kingdom, then you’re under the commander of that kingdom and it’s only and he makes the laws not y’all with me so far.
So notice here’s Daniel. He had to choose which way he’s gonna go.
And he did not leave his trust and love for his God.
We read you over and put it up on the board, please.
Over in John chapter 14 and verse 21 we read you a scripture.
We said he that has my commandments and keepeth them.
This is the one that loves me and he that loves me shall be loved of my who father and I’ll love him and I’ll do what to him.
I’ll manifest myself to him. So it’s interesting, the principles of the world at a, at a moment at a glance, there seem like they’re more powerful, but the principles of the kingdom are higher and more powerful and they are, those principles are what God wants us to adhere to principles of the kingdom.
Now, I’m still talking about this whole idea of marriage, but you gotta come in here because if you don’t understand authority, it won’t mean much.
And so now as we do this, here’s Daniel.
Now they’re gonna throw him in the lion’s den and they threw him in there and notice the lion wouldn’t eat him.
I wanna say more than that.
Couldn’t eat him, couldn’t touch it. Why?
Because he was under authority. Say amen.
Now I’m teaching it from a supernatural perspective which I told you that we need to get back to over in Ephesians.
And Ephesians chapter five in verse 22 wives submit yourselves onto your own husbands underlying as unto who the Lord Daniel was gonna submit to the king.
As long as the king’s laws agreed with his laws. Got it.
And I’m saying the wife submits to the husband as long as what he’s talking to her to do is an agreement with God.
Hey, hey, you got what I’m saying.
So here Daniel rejected it because it didn’t agree with his God.
Jesus is Lord. He’s the one in supreme authority.
He said, my kingdom is not of this world.
So he’s the one that see, he’s the one that’s laying down the commandments, what to do and what not to do.
And he just told you right there that uh why submit yourself to your own husbands as unto the Lord.
And we read you last time where he said, husbands love your wives.
And we showed you where he told you to love your brother.
They mean to that.
So you can’t love your brother and then go behind closed doors and talk about your brother.
You have just come out from under authority and the lines may get you.
That’s what it said in the Bible.
It said on in his book of it says that he, that his brother in private shall be cut off.
This thing is rough, bro, bro.
Now my point to you is, is God are y’all with me in this?
Daniel refused throwing in the lions in.
I wanna make a point here as he was thrown in his line in the lion couldn’t touch it.
So Daniel, when the king came to rescue him after all night, and the lions did now understand there was no commonwealth Edison in that lion’s den.
There, there was no lights up in there. Anywhere. There’s this thing black dark.
Look at verse 21. This is the, this is the king.
When he came, called for Daniel. Then Daniel said to the king king, what live forever? Come on.
Come on say, what did he say? Live forever? Does this sound like the man was mad?
All right, what we took you to is Galatians chapter five verse 22.
Coming over there, please. But the fruit of the spirit is love.
Keep going, joy, keep going, peace, keep going. Long suffering, keep going, gentleness, keep going goodness.
Come on faith, keep going. Go meekness. Come on temperate against such areas, right?
Go back to the previous word love. Love.
Your enemies might seem like that not gonna work. But that principle is much more powerful.
Then hey, you got it.
Now, if you really love people, you won’t manipulate them.
Manipulation is a principle of darkness.
Step on somebody to get to where you want to go to.
You’re with me.
So now I’m showing you that the first thing is love.
Look, Daniel carried no bitterness. You all right.
Just, just keep that scripture in mind because I’m coming back to that Daniel came out of the lines then saying, Long live the king sound like me.
Had a little joy. Come on.
Now, it’s easy to be joyful when somebody just bought you a new Cadillac.
But I’m talking about when you’re going through home girl and, and I’m talking about maintaining your joy.
These here are fruit of the spirit. These are supernatural dispositions that God has for anybody.
Say it. No.
Now watch this in this look at Hebrews chapter 12, please verse 14.
Follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord looking diligently lest or least any man fall fail of the grace of God, lest any root of what bitterness bringing up.
What does it do trouble you and thereby many will be defiled.
So somebody, husband, wife gets offended.
Now the Bible says, take no thought saying and we said that was anxious talk so you can leave a thought or take it alive.
Somebody just did something wrong to you.
You can either leave it or take it and thoughts are things they see just like a word.
So it comes into the mind and the heart and if properly nurtured, talking about it a little bit, it will water it and rich will start to grow down and plants will start to grow up.
The plant is designed to bring forth fruit.
Now what because it wants to defile other folk.
In other words, it wants to bring forth fruit so that somebody else will eat it.
And the seed is in itself, it’s in the fruit.
So when they take a big bite of the fruit, the seed comes in.
So somebody gets mad at the husband and then tells Quita, no.
Can I, can I talk? And what does she do?
She wait a minute, she eats it first and then she’s mad.
Now she doesn’t even know the man but he can tell if he ever come into their environment.
Quita is just as mad as his wife is.
But notice she told girlfriend and girlfriend then told a big mama men be defiled.
Are you following what I’m saying? Now, understand Joseph never said a word about Mrs Poti.
Oh while he was in jail. Not a word.
Because if you talk about it, you sew it.
That’s a principle now.
So I gotta let no corrupt communication. Come on. Come on, help me.
Now come out of my mouth. I gotta follow the principles of the Kingdom.
Well, I trust that you are blessed by that exciting teaching.
It’s entitled Kingdom Families. Now, this is the series and here are a couple of points.
I’d like you to remember. One is that marriage is a miracle.
And when I say that, remember Adam and Eve and the two became one.
That’s what happens in a marriage. He actually puts two spirits together as one.
Now, that’s why you gotta be born again. Because what God puts together, let no man put us under.
See God has to put it together.
And so two spirits becoming one, somebody who’s not born again, all the souls come together.
But the spirit has to be put together by God.
Point number two, the love needed to love others comes from first loving God.
We have the first love God, then God’s love. We used to love people.
So that’s why you have to have a kingdom marriage.
You gotta be born again so that you can have God in you to have love, to love somebody with praise God.
Well, I’ll announce it is gonna give you some important information and how you can order this powerful set of teachings on kingdom families and I’ll be right back.
God didn’t bring Adam to Eve when Adam was 50%.
He brought Adam to Eve because Adam was holding the time to get married is when you don’t figure you need to because you got everything together, you roll with it.
Marriage is a miracle. What God puts together the first love. You gotta have, you gotta love God.
A lot of people trying to love other folk and they don’t love God.
Well, you gotta love God first because He gives you love with the love of the folk.
The first thing is love, that’s the principle. Now, I gotta follow the principles of the kingdom.
You’re in another kingdom. We got to get the foundation, right? Commitment allows the power to flow in your life.
It takes commitment and you gotta make your mind up on the front end.
Don’t wait till the problem comes and then try to this out.
No, that was decided when we said our vows, me and you all the way, come back to the Garden of Eden and build a marriage and family on the foundation of the principles of the Kingdom of God.
In Pastor Winston’s dynamic teaching entitled Kingdom Families to Order on CD or DVD, simply write to Bill Winston ministries P O box 9 47 Oak Park, Illinois 60303.
Buy bank card at 1 807 1 19327 or online at Bill Winston dot org.
To experience heaven on earth, you must be born again to have the blessing of the word of God and the fruit of His spirit that carries life into your Kingdom family.
Now, in the Bible, it says in Galatians chapter five and verse 22 it says, but the fruit of the spirit is love and joy and peace and long suffering.
Now, these are supernatural dispositions. You know what I mean by that?
I mean, these are dispositions that have been given through being born again.
In other words, without this spiritual fruit, the root of bitterness can, can spring up and trouble you and many other people be defiled.
You’d be telling other people about your business.
Well, he’s not that she’s not that so forth because the fruit are not there and it won’t give you that supernatural long suffering that you need so that you can go through that little rough point and get into smooth territory.
So it’s a good reason to be born again. So let me ask you right now, are you born again?
Because that’s what God puts together. And I’m saying now that God has a plan for your life.
If you didn’t, you wouldn’t even be looking at this broadcast.
I’m saying there’s a purpose and a plan God has for your life.
And I would like to see you get into it in my life.
I tell you, I tried to avoid all of this and say, well, I’m all right like I am.
But things kept going downhill, including including the marriage, kept going downhill. Well, what happened?
One day, one night, I tell you alone in my apartment downtown Chicago, I just gave up.
I said, Lord, would you please help me?
And you know, he sent a lady by my place of work at the corporation.
I worked, took me down to a meeting, she took me to a meeting with on the north side of Chicago.
The next thing I know I was born again and when I did it get born again, everything turned around and look at me.
Now, look what God has done it by life. I’m saying, if you need to turn around.
This is your time. You don’t need to go through 2012 like you came out in 2011.
I mean, it’s just God has a plan for you.
Now, if you want that point again, life, if you want Jesus to come into your heart, it’s a simple prayer.
He says in Romans chapter 10 and verse nine, if thou shalt confess with thy mouth, the Lord Jesus and believe in thy heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved.
So I’d like to pray that same prayer. They prayed for me that night.
I’d like to pray for you right now. Let’s get a miracle in your life, your heads with me.
Let’s pray dear Lord, I come to you now just as I am, you know my life, you know how I’ve lived, forgive me.
Lord, I repent of my sins. I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
He died for my sins. And on the third day, he was raised from the dead, Lord Jesus.
I ask you come into my heart, live your life in me and through me from now on, from this day forward, I belong to you in Jesus name.
Amen. Praise God. Well, that’s the same prayer. I pray, a miracle took place.
That’s the same thing has happened to you right now. I’d like to send you my book.
It’s called born again and spirit fill.
I’ve got it both in English and Spanish and the address and phone number number on your screen.
All you have to do is write us or call us or go to our website.
That’s Bill Winston dot org. And just ask for this book Born again in Spirit as is free of charge.
It’s for you. You see, that’s the way to have a happy marriage is to get God in the middle of it.
Well, you just did praise God. Well, this is Bill Winston. We love you and keep walking. Bye.
The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.