Jack Hibbs Today: Stand Indebted To God
Stand Indebted To God
Our culture says that our value is defined by our wealth and possessions. But the truth is, no matter how much money we have, we are still in serious debt! The price Jesus paid on the cross could never be repaid, so we live our lives happily indebted to God.
Well, my friend’s indebtedness is something that by nature is not a good thing. We think of slavery.
We think of poverty, when you are indebted, uh, that’s not a good thing.
But I might pitch this to you. To be indebted to god, that’s a whole another story.
That’s the true description of the believer’s life.
That’s why we reject now from the word of god, the Bible, works based salvation, because that’s unacceptable to god.
Listen, god will never be indebted to us, but we are indebted to him.
So when it comes to what rich as are and what poverty is, I think it’s time for all of us all around the world to stop and realize that it’s not the cars you have in your garage, and it’s not how much money you have in your pocket, or the fact that you have dirt floors determines your wealth or your value.
The fact of the matter is Christ died on the cross for you and I.
And our true prosperity is in the blood of Christ. It’s what’s gonna happen. That is in eternity.
Yes, we are of the kingdom now, but what’s coming my friend is so much far better.
So the world would try to get you and I to be distracted to pursue prosperity in earthly or worldly items.
That’s not gonna work. There are people all around the world that have extreme wealth and are completely bankrupt on the inside.
Their hearts are empty. They have no currency when it comes to eternity.
You and I, as Paul equated it in his scripture that it’s god’s blood. It’s god’s sacrifice.
It’s god’s salvation at the cross that causes you and I to have such an incredible magnitude of indebtedness to god and his promises, like we can never imagine.
God has given us his word. God will never, never renegotiate his word. He doesn’t change. It’s east forever.
It’s secured. So friends, I want you to grab your Bible, and with the word of god open, get out a notepad, get out a pen, and start taking notes as god begins to speak to you, not from me, but from the teaching of his word.
So again, as we dive into this, let the word of god speak to you.
As you study now, you’re gonna be challenged on, is your salvation anchored to your performance?
Or is it the grace of god?
My friend, it better be the grace of god because there’s only one salvation, and it’s in him.
Now bless you as we dive into the word right now together.
So when we talk about being indebted to god, the more that we are indebted to god, the more free we are in this world and more liberated we are from the things of this life.
And in Roman chapter 13, verse 8, the Bible says, oh, no man. Anything accept to love one another.
Now let me just say this.
When it says own no on anything, it doesn’t mean that you can’t take out a loan on a house It doesn’t mean that you can’t take out a loan on a car, uh, if you’ve gotta do that.
And then this culture bar is you you probably do have to do that.
But when the scripture says, oh, no one anything, it it means that we are not to be indebted to someone, So for example, if somebody says here, I’ll loan you a thousand bucks, but there’s a there’s a hook to it.
You know what I’m talking about, everybody? Well, here, I lo didn’t I loan you that money?
They are playing upon something that you and I handed to them and that is the power to control us.
When the Bible says, don’t owe any man anything, we’re talking about don’t owe uh, in regards to what is known as an unsecured loan.
You get that? For example, see, well, if if I if I play that verse of my life, I can’t buy a house, That’s not true.
A home was a secured loan. That means if you don’t make your payments, what happens?
The bank gets your house. They they come out okay.
But that’s not what we’re talking about.
It doesn’t mean that you don’t bless your brothers and sisters when called upon.
It means this though, that we live in absolute freedom to the point that what I owe you is one thing.
Oh, and that one thing is everything.
What I owe you is the love that Christ loves you with.
It’s the love that god loves me with. That’s what I’m to love you with.
So oh, no man, anything except this, which is the greatest thing of all, to love you like Jesus loves you.
Man, I tell you that’s the challenge, isn’t it?
It’s not easy to love everybody coming into the parking lot, leaving the parking lot. You know that’s true.
You’re gonna be tested. You’re gonna be tested on all fronts And, uh, you’re you’re gonna love one another.
And it’s a fun experiment, by the way. I I I saw it happen last Wednesday night.
As I was leaving, driving, you know, there seems to be this international rule.
It’s not written down, but when you’re leaving a congested area, uh, people get into the rhythm of letting every other car go.
And then there’s that, that other person that refuses to do that, and you’ve seen that.
And I’m sorry. I I don’t know if I’m having fun with it or if I’m carnal about it, or maybe god is using me as an instrument to help them grow, But it’s every other, every other.
And then I see this guy just going like this.
And then so I just kinda wanna get up there to just to kinda see What’s gonna go on?
And I don’t need that spot. I’m just the next car up, but they won’t give it up.
What’s going on? So I will pray, lord, speak to them about loving one another.
We’re to prefer the other above ourselves. Oh, what another?
The love of god. The debt that you are you and I are now living, and we will live out for all eternity is owing god all of our praise and worship and thanksgiving and adoration for who he is and a grandeur of who god is.
He’s absolutely amazing, and he purchased heaven for you and I with his blood.
He’s inviting you to come to heaven. He wants you to know his son, Jesus, personally.
You can’t buy that. You can’t barter for that. You can’t make any deals.
God wants you to come.
And the Bible tells us in Galatian chapter 4 verse 19, my little children for whom I labor and birth again until Christ is formed in you.
Morphe is the Greek word, to shape sculpt, form, mold, chisel. God is chiseling you and I.
He’s sending us until the desired image is achieved. That’s what god does in the work that he’s doing.
It’s called sanctification. And the book of Romans is written to the Christian.
Today, maybe you’re not a Christian today and you’re wondering, what are you talking about?
Well, there’s no way for you to understand what I’m talking about without god giving you understanding.
Paul is speaking to the Roman believers, and he’s saying to the Christians, this is what god is doing.
He’s reminding you that you are to stand indebted to god in all things.
And then that comes true, freedom.
But this word formed is actually a biblical doctrine, as I mentioned a moment ago, that we experience every day as a believer, and that is sanctification.
And it’s gonna happen in your life every day. Church family listen.
Today, there may be a bit of a reprieve from the dynamic of your life, the pressures.
All of us are under, and there’s things coming.
And you’re thinking, oh, you know, Wednesday’s coming and I got this thing or whatever it might be, just know this.
Are you don’t answer out loud. Are you a committed believer to the lord Jesus Christ.
I’m not asking if you’re sinless. Nobody’s sinless. But are you pursuing Christ?
The great truth about that reality is gonna be lived out.
You can mark it, and that will be that there’s gonna be things that arise in your life that will demand or require chiseling by the master sculptor, and that’s god almighty.
And he will chisel on you through the hardships of life. Sanding, shaping. What’s he doing that for?
He’s making us like Jesus. Yeah.
The Bible says in Ephesians chapter 2 verse 10 for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works.
Listen, god’s got this. He made you to live a life in Christ That’s for good works.
He said, Jack, I just thought you said religion. We’d I’m not talking about religion.
I’m talking about a true Christian life that is filled with good works.
Did you see some of the good works today in the announcements?
You wanna bring in stuff to help the kids back to school?
You wanna get involved to save babies lives? You wanna protect families? Oh, yes. Yes.
I do. I wanna do good works, pastor. Well, you know what?
To do good works is not just limited to one area of life.
It’s not only that you help your neighbor with their trash cans.
It’s also you gotta sometimes call your state senator and say, we don’t want our kids taken from us.
That’s good work. Don’t person out. You can’t separate it.
But that verse in Ephesians 2 10 goes on to goes on to say, which got prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
Everybody. Are you guys awake? Yes. Look at this.
We are his Poema is the word in the Greek. God has written a poem, insert your name.
Created in Christ Jesus for good works. That’s your mission. How do we do that?
What do we do, god? Which, listen, god prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
Whoever you are today, if you are a believer in the lord Jesus Christ, god is engineered your footsteps to live a life of good works that honors him because you are saved You don’t do that to get saved.
You are saved. Our community should know us by our good works.
Somebody said not too long ago, that church all that church does is stand up against stuff.
It’s they’re all they are, there’s a they’re against things. And I heard that.
And I told the person, I said, listen, if you if you know that person, go back and tell them this.
The things that we’re standing up against, they should be standing up against with us side by side.
Think about that. When things are dangerous, we should stand up.
Isn’t that funny when you walk around buildings or are you in the elevator?
It says, uh, pull this alarm in case of fire.
Can you imagine if there’s a fire, nobody pulls the alarm? Crazy.
You wanna be like that?
Real joy, real happiness, the real life that Jesus gives us, John chapter 12 verse 25.
Jesus said, he who loves his life will lose it. Listen up everybody. Sapastor, this is kinda spooky.
What are you talking about? Jesus says, whoever loves his life will lose it.
In other words, if you live for your own pleasure and your own self taking ways.
At the end, you lose. Remember the sticker he who dies with the most toys wins?
Not true. And he who hates his life or sets his life back as priority in this world will keep it for eternal life.
For anyone who serves me, let him follow me and where I am there, my servant will be also, if anyone serves me, him, my father will honor.
That’s a pretty beautiful statement. Pretty crystal clear. I’m indebted to god now. You see this?
If I name the name of Jesus, I’ve got to come before, and I and I say lord, I’ve just read in Romans chapter 8.
I’m indebted to you. Live your life through me. I don’t wanna live my life anymore.
I want to make sure that as of this moment, I’m dead and you live in me.
All of my interests, all of my demands, and look, we all have them.
I’m concerned, like you are, I trust in the age in which we live in where people I think have emotionally based theology more than vividly based theology.
Well, listen, it manifests like this. And by the way, it’s extremely heretical It’s very demonic.
And part of its demonic trick is that you don’t realize this, and it sounds like this.
You know, I feel that the lord would want me to be happy.
That’s demonic. It’s not that god doesn’t want you to be happy.
God wants you to have joy.
But, see, when you break that down, see, what what do you mean god wants you happy?
Well, I think I’d be happier with that with that woman’s husband.
I think I would be happier if I just crush that person at the company and had their job instead.
That’s that’s well, I know the Bible says this, but the lord told me the moment you hear that you’ve got a wild one on your hands.
But listen, these people walk in and out of churches. Not even saved.
They looked at themselves for guidance. They’re indebted to their own desires.
They don’t have to be obviously evil and central passions and desires are outward displays of evil.
They can be internal. Very moral, but we wanna be very careful.
Jesus is announcing to us a remarkable transformation of debt.
Uh, I just wanna read this to you. It’s a lengthy read.
I it’s important to me So I’ll be mechanical about it.
Regarding you and I in our lives at this moment and this age, our human body, these body that you and I have, they are a vehicle by which you and I do.
How about this? A will, someone’s will, is done through my human body, your human body.
In some way, shape, or form, think about, Gipedo. Do you remember Gipedo in Pinocchio?
And didn’t Gipedo make that guy?
And he was he was supposed to be the the little at Pinocchio, you move them.
Can I submit to you? And I know this is crude, but there’s something manipulating you.
That’s something maybe that you’re aware of, and it could even be you, your will, my will, manipulating me, the decisions I make, the things that I do.
I’m the one doing it. Or There’s god that is moving you in life.
And whichever reality is being lived out in your life is gonna be known by others, it’ll be seen.
It becomes obvious. Here’s a huge scripture read, and, uh, you can follow along with me on the screens starting at Matthew 15 verse 1.
Then the scribes and pharisees, who were from Jerusalem came to Jesus saying, why do your disciples transgress the traditions of the elders?
You gotta mark that. Traditions of the elders. You can insert this.
Why do your disciples transgress the denominational, uh, rules and regulations of our denomination?
For they do not wash their hands when they eat bread.
Did these guys are these guys for real?
These are the sin sniffers and the fault finders of life. Hey.
You didn’t wash your hands. That’s against our denominational rules. Watch this?
He, Jesus answered and said to them, why do you also transgress the commandment of god?
Because of your tradition. Yeah. You gotta love how he comes back and stuff like this.
For god commanded saying honor your father and your mother.
And he who curses father or mother let him be put to death. Hippocrits.
Well, did Isaiah prophecy about you?
Saying these people draw near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.
And in vain, they worship me. Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.
When he had called the multitude to himself, he said to them, Here it understands.
It is not what goes in the mouth that defiles a man, but what comes out of the mouth that defiles a man.
Then his disciples came to him and said, do you know that the pharisees were offended when they heard this saying, But Jesus answered and said to them, every plant which my heavenly father has not planted will be uprooted.
Let them alone. Those three words out of the mouth of Jesus are terrifying.
Friends, family, listen. Do you know anyone possibly in your life that god is saying, let them alone?
They know it they know it They’ve heard it. They know it. They won’t receive it.
This is Jesus speaking. Mild mannered Jesus. This is Jesus, the lover of souls.
There comes a point when he says, let them alone. They are blind leaders of the blind.
And if the blind leads the blind, they’ll both fall into the ditch.
And then Peter answered and said to them, explain this parable to us.
And Jesus said, are you also without understanding?
Do you not yet understand that whatever enters the mouth goes out of the stomach and it is eliminated?
But those things which proceed. Out of the mouth speak from the heart. They defile a man.
For out of the heart, proceed, evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, for vacations, thefts, uh, false witness, blasphemies, verse 20.
These are the things which to file a man. But to eat with unwashed hands does not defile a man.
These guys who were saying, oh, no. How could your disciples do this? You’re talking about illegalist friends.
You’re talking about people who say, this is the way to heaven.
We’ll tell you how, and this is what you’ll do.
Reminding yourself that we are indebted to god and no man.
I mean that humbly, but directly. I’m trying to make it very, very clear.
We are so indebted to god that we, so to speak, live on our knees and thanks and praise to him.
But, listen, Paul the Apostle taught us that no man on earth is worthy or able to judge us as we walk with Christ.
Think about that for a moment.
And I don’t have the right to judge anybody else for that matter.
But the point is this.
I’m to live after god, focused on god, and totally indebted to god And if that really happens in our lives, I can eat a hot dog or fish taco without washing my hands.
I do not have to go through the five steps of ceremonial cleansines, are you with me, and procedures to obtain a level of member ship in my spiritual community whereby now I can be the one who gets the badge and walks around saying, I am more spiritual than you are.
Those are the traditions of men. Never become indebted to the religion of man.
So Jesus himself, we just heard, made it very, very clear that salvation is of god, that the whole gospel message is that god sent is only begotten son.
The word begotten by the way is god sent is only 1 and only.
That means there’s no other coming, but him.
Glorified son, begotten is begotten of the father that the righteousness that god is in eternity Jesus Christ is, but he manifested that righteousness to us in human skin.
Jesus was none other than god himself walking on earth.
You know, I heard somebody the other day in the news shout out and say regarding their particular cult that we’re calling you to worship and they gave names of their various gods.
And Jesus, and I cringed for a moment, and then I realized, nope, that’s not gonna happen.
Jesus is not awesome among many that are awesome. Oh, no. Jesus is not even 1 among 10.
Jesus Christ is one among 1. Jesus Christ is your Lord and savior.
It’s god, the father, god, the son, and god, the Holy Spirit, the that together worked a work for you and I at the cross where Christ paid the price for our sins.
And because of that price paid, we have access to god’s presence. We would never come on our own merit.
We don’t have any. That’s why my friend, we are indebted to god. We are indebted to him for everything.
So listen, as always, To help you with your walk with Jesus, we’d love to hear from you, but we would love for you to visit by simply going to jackhips.com, and you’ll be able to connect us there.
Various websites as well. Facebook, Instagram, you name it, but we’re here to get you deeper, deeper into the word of god together.
And that is our joy. If you are watching this right now, just simply let us know.
Encourage us by saying, I’m listening.
So listen until next time you guys God bless you, keep your eyes on Christ.
He is our stability in this world.
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We think of poverty, when you are indebted, uh, that’s not a good thing.
But I might pitch this to you. To be indebted to god, that’s a whole another story.
That’s the true description of the believer’s life.
That’s why we reject now from the word of god, the Bible, works based salvation, because that’s unacceptable to god.
Listen, god will never be indebted to us, but we are indebted to him.
So when it comes to what rich as are and what poverty is, I think it’s time for all of us all around the world to stop and realize that it’s not the cars you have in your garage, and it’s not how much money you have in your pocket, or the fact that you have dirt floors determines your wealth or your value.
The fact of the matter is Christ died on the cross for you and I.
And our true prosperity is in the blood of Christ. It’s what’s gonna happen. That is in eternity.
Yes, we are of the kingdom now, but what’s coming my friend is so much far better.
So the world would try to get you and I to be distracted to pursue prosperity in earthly or worldly items.
That’s not gonna work. There are people all around the world that have extreme wealth and are completely bankrupt on the inside.
Their hearts are empty. They have no currency when it comes to eternity.
You and I, as Paul equated it in his scripture that it’s god’s blood. It’s god’s sacrifice.
It’s god’s salvation at the cross that causes you and I to have such an incredible magnitude of indebtedness to god and his promises, like we can never imagine.
God has given us his word. God will never, never renegotiate his word. He doesn’t change. It’s east forever.
It’s secured. So friends, I want you to grab your Bible, and with the word of god open, get out a notepad, get out a pen, and start taking notes as god begins to speak to you, not from me, but from the teaching of his word.
So again, as we dive into this, let the word of god speak to you.
As you study now, you’re gonna be challenged on, is your salvation anchored to your performance?
Or is it the grace of god?
My friend, it better be the grace of god because there’s only one salvation, and it’s in him.
Now bless you as we dive into the word right now together.
So when we talk about being indebted to god, the more that we are indebted to god, the more free we are in this world and more liberated we are from the things of this life.
And in Roman chapter 13, verse 8, the Bible says, oh, no man. Anything accept to love one another.
Now let me just say this.
When it says own no on anything, it doesn’t mean that you can’t take out a loan on a house It doesn’t mean that you can’t take out a loan on a car, uh, if you’ve gotta do that.
And then this culture bar is you you probably do have to do that.
But when the scripture says, oh, no one anything, it it means that we are not to be indebted to someone, So for example, if somebody says here, I’ll loan you a thousand bucks, but there’s a there’s a hook to it.
You know what I’m talking about, everybody? Well, here, I lo didn’t I loan you that money?
They are playing upon something that you and I handed to them and that is the power to control us.
When the Bible says, don’t owe any man anything, we’re talking about don’t owe uh, in regards to what is known as an unsecured loan.
You get that? For example, see, well, if if I if I play that verse of my life, I can’t buy a house, That’s not true.
A home was a secured loan. That means if you don’t make your payments, what happens?
The bank gets your house. They they come out okay.
But that’s not what we’re talking about.
It doesn’t mean that you don’t bless your brothers and sisters when called upon.
It means this though, that we live in absolute freedom to the point that what I owe you is one thing.
Oh, and that one thing is everything.
What I owe you is the love that Christ loves you with.
It’s the love that god loves me with. That’s what I’m to love you with.
So oh, no man, anything except this, which is the greatest thing of all, to love you like Jesus loves you.
Man, I tell you that’s the challenge, isn’t it?
It’s not easy to love everybody coming into the parking lot, leaving the parking lot. You know that’s true.
You’re gonna be tested. You’re gonna be tested on all fronts And, uh, you’re you’re gonna love one another.
And it’s a fun experiment, by the way. I I I saw it happen last Wednesday night.
As I was leaving, driving, you know, there seems to be this international rule.
It’s not written down, but when you’re leaving a congested area, uh, people get into the rhythm of letting every other car go.
And then there’s that, that other person that refuses to do that, and you’ve seen that.
And I’m sorry. I I don’t know if I’m having fun with it or if I’m carnal about it, or maybe god is using me as an instrument to help them grow, But it’s every other, every other.
And then I see this guy just going like this.
And then so I just kinda wanna get up there to just to kinda see What’s gonna go on?
And I don’t need that spot. I’m just the next car up, but they won’t give it up.
What’s going on? So I will pray, lord, speak to them about loving one another.
We’re to prefer the other above ourselves. Oh, what another?
The love of god. The debt that you are you and I are now living, and we will live out for all eternity is owing god all of our praise and worship and thanksgiving and adoration for who he is and a grandeur of who god is.
He’s absolutely amazing, and he purchased heaven for you and I with his blood.
He’s inviting you to come to heaven. He wants you to know his son, Jesus, personally.
You can’t buy that. You can’t barter for that. You can’t make any deals.
God wants you to come.
And the Bible tells us in Galatian chapter 4 verse 19, my little children for whom I labor and birth again until Christ is formed in you.
Morphe is the Greek word, to shape sculpt, form, mold, chisel. God is chiseling you and I.
He’s sending us until the desired image is achieved. That’s what god does in the work that he’s doing.
It’s called sanctification. And the book of Romans is written to the Christian.
Today, maybe you’re not a Christian today and you’re wondering, what are you talking about?
Well, there’s no way for you to understand what I’m talking about without god giving you understanding.
Paul is speaking to the Roman believers, and he’s saying to the Christians, this is what god is doing.
He’s reminding you that you are to stand indebted to god in all things.
And then that comes true, freedom.
But this word formed is actually a biblical doctrine, as I mentioned a moment ago, that we experience every day as a believer, and that is sanctification.
And it’s gonna happen in your life every day. Church family listen.
Today, there may be a bit of a reprieve from the dynamic of your life, the pressures.
All of us are under, and there’s things coming.
And you’re thinking, oh, you know, Wednesday’s coming and I got this thing or whatever it might be, just know this.
Are you don’t answer out loud. Are you a committed believer to the lord Jesus Christ.
I’m not asking if you’re sinless. Nobody’s sinless. But are you pursuing Christ?
The great truth about that reality is gonna be lived out.
You can mark it, and that will be that there’s gonna be things that arise in your life that will demand or require chiseling by the master sculptor, and that’s god almighty.
And he will chisel on you through the hardships of life. Sanding, shaping. What’s he doing that for?
He’s making us like Jesus. Yeah.
The Bible says in Ephesians chapter 2 verse 10 for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works.
Listen, god’s got this. He made you to live a life in Christ That’s for good works.
He said, Jack, I just thought you said religion. We’d I’m not talking about religion.
I’m talking about a true Christian life that is filled with good works.
Did you see some of the good works today in the announcements?
You wanna bring in stuff to help the kids back to school?
You wanna get involved to save babies lives? You wanna protect families? Oh, yes. Yes.
I do. I wanna do good works, pastor. Well, you know what?
To do good works is not just limited to one area of life.
It’s not only that you help your neighbor with their trash cans.
It’s also you gotta sometimes call your state senator and say, we don’t want our kids taken from us.
That’s good work. Don’t person out. You can’t separate it.
But that verse in Ephesians 2 10 goes on to goes on to say, which got prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
Everybody. Are you guys awake? Yes. Look at this.
We are his Poema is the word in the Greek. God has written a poem, insert your name.
Created in Christ Jesus for good works. That’s your mission. How do we do that?
What do we do, god? Which, listen, god prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
Whoever you are today, if you are a believer in the lord Jesus Christ, god is engineered your footsteps to live a life of good works that honors him because you are saved You don’t do that to get saved.
You are saved. Our community should know us by our good works.
Somebody said not too long ago, that church all that church does is stand up against stuff.
It’s they’re all they are, there’s a they’re against things. And I heard that.
And I told the person, I said, listen, if you if you know that person, go back and tell them this.
The things that we’re standing up against, they should be standing up against with us side by side.
Think about that. When things are dangerous, we should stand up.
Isn’t that funny when you walk around buildings or are you in the elevator?
It says, uh, pull this alarm in case of fire.
Can you imagine if there’s a fire, nobody pulls the alarm? Crazy.
You wanna be like that?
Real joy, real happiness, the real life that Jesus gives us, John chapter 12 verse 25.
Jesus said, he who loves his life will lose it. Listen up everybody. Sapastor, this is kinda spooky.
What are you talking about? Jesus says, whoever loves his life will lose it.
In other words, if you live for your own pleasure and your own self taking ways.
At the end, you lose. Remember the sticker he who dies with the most toys wins?
Not true. And he who hates his life or sets his life back as priority in this world will keep it for eternal life.
For anyone who serves me, let him follow me and where I am there, my servant will be also, if anyone serves me, him, my father will honor.
That’s a pretty beautiful statement. Pretty crystal clear. I’m indebted to god now. You see this?
If I name the name of Jesus, I’ve got to come before, and I and I say lord, I’ve just read in Romans chapter 8.
I’m indebted to you. Live your life through me. I don’t wanna live my life anymore.
I want to make sure that as of this moment, I’m dead and you live in me.
All of my interests, all of my demands, and look, we all have them.
I’m concerned, like you are, I trust in the age in which we live in where people I think have emotionally based theology more than vividly based theology.
Well, listen, it manifests like this. And by the way, it’s extremely heretical It’s very demonic.
And part of its demonic trick is that you don’t realize this, and it sounds like this.
You know, I feel that the lord would want me to be happy.
That’s demonic. It’s not that god doesn’t want you to be happy.
God wants you to have joy.
But, see, when you break that down, see, what what do you mean god wants you happy?
Well, I think I’d be happier with that with that woman’s husband.
I think I would be happier if I just crush that person at the company and had their job instead.
That’s that’s well, I know the Bible says this, but the lord told me the moment you hear that you’ve got a wild one on your hands.
But listen, these people walk in and out of churches. Not even saved.
They looked at themselves for guidance. They’re indebted to their own desires.
They don’t have to be obviously evil and central passions and desires are outward displays of evil.
They can be internal. Very moral, but we wanna be very careful.
Jesus is announcing to us a remarkable transformation of debt.
Uh, I just wanna read this to you. It’s a lengthy read.
I it’s important to me So I’ll be mechanical about it.
Regarding you and I in our lives at this moment and this age, our human body, these body that you and I have, they are a vehicle by which you and I do.
How about this? A will, someone’s will, is done through my human body, your human body.
In some way, shape, or form, think about, Gipedo. Do you remember Gipedo in Pinocchio?
And didn’t Gipedo make that guy?
And he was he was supposed to be the the little at Pinocchio, you move them.
Can I submit to you? And I know this is crude, but there’s something manipulating you.
That’s something maybe that you’re aware of, and it could even be you, your will, my will, manipulating me, the decisions I make, the things that I do.
I’m the one doing it. Or There’s god that is moving you in life.
And whichever reality is being lived out in your life is gonna be known by others, it’ll be seen.
It becomes obvious. Here’s a huge scripture read, and, uh, you can follow along with me on the screens starting at Matthew 15 verse 1.
Then the scribes and pharisees, who were from Jerusalem came to Jesus saying, why do your disciples transgress the traditions of the elders?
You gotta mark that. Traditions of the elders. You can insert this.
Why do your disciples transgress the denominational, uh, rules and regulations of our denomination?
For they do not wash their hands when they eat bread.
Did these guys are these guys for real?
These are the sin sniffers and the fault finders of life. Hey.
You didn’t wash your hands. That’s against our denominational rules. Watch this?
He, Jesus answered and said to them, why do you also transgress the commandment of god?
Because of your tradition. Yeah. You gotta love how he comes back and stuff like this.
For god commanded saying honor your father and your mother.
And he who curses father or mother let him be put to death. Hippocrits.
Well, did Isaiah prophecy about you?
Saying these people draw near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.
And in vain, they worship me. Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.
When he had called the multitude to himself, he said to them, Here it understands.
It is not what goes in the mouth that defiles a man, but what comes out of the mouth that defiles a man.
Then his disciples came to him and said, do you know that the pharisees were offended when they heard this saying, But Jesus answered and said to them, every plant which my heavenly father has not planted will be uprooted.
Let them alone. Those three words out of the mouth of Jesus are terrifying.
Friends, family, listen. Do you know anyone possibly in your life that god is saying, let them alone?
They know it they know it They’ve heard it. They know it. They won’t receive it.
This is Jesus speaking. Mild mannered Jesus. This is Jesus, the lover of souls.
There comes a point when he says, let them alone. They are blind leaders of the blind.
And if the blind leads the blind, they’ll both fall into the ditch.
And then Peter answered and said to them, explain this parable to us.
And Jesus said, are you also without understanding?
Do you not yet understand that whatever enters the mouth goes out of the stomach and it is eliminated?
But those things which proceed. Out of the mouth speak from the heart. They defile a man.
For out of the heart, proceed, evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, for vacations, thefts, uh, false witness, blasphemies, verse 20.
These are the things which to file a man. But to eat with unwashed hands does not defile a man.
These guys who were saying, oh, no. How could your disciples do this? You’re talking about illegalist friends.
You’re talking about people who say, this is the way to heaven.
We’ll tell you how, and this is what you’ll do.
Reminding yourself that we are indebted to god and no man.
I mean that humbly, but directly. I’m trying to make it very, very clear.
We are so indebted to god that we, so to speak, live on our knees and thanks and praise to him.
But, listen, Paul the Apostle taught us that no man on earth is worthy or able to judge us as we walk with Christ.
Think about that for a moment.
And I don’t have the right to judge anybody else for that matter.
But the point is this.
I’m to live after god, focused on god, and totally indebted to god And if that really happens in our lives, I can eat a hot dog or fish taco without washing my hands.
I do not have to go through the five steps of ceremonial cleansines, are you with me, and procedures to obtain a level of member ship in my spiritual community whereby now I can be the one who gets the badge and walks around saying, I am more spiritual than you are.
Those are the traditions of men. Never become indebted to the religion of man.
So Jesus himself, we just heard, made it very, very clear that salvation is of god, that the whole gospel message is that god sent is only begotten son.
The word begotten by the way is god sent is only 1 and only.
That means there’s no other coming, but him.
Glorified son, begotten is begotten of the father that the righteousness that god is in eternity Jesus Christ is, but he manifested that righteousness to us in human skin.
Jesus was none other than god himself walking on earth.
You know, I heard somebody the other day in the news shout out and say regarding their particular cult that we’re calling you to worship and they gave names of their various gods.
And Jesus, and I cringed for a moment, and then I realized, nope, that’s not gonna happen.
Jesus is not awesome among many that are awesome. Oh, no. Jesus is not even 1 among 10.
Jesus Christ is one among 1. Jesus Christ is your Lord and savior.
It’s god, the father, god, the son, and god, the Holy Spirit, the that together worked a work for you and I at the cross where Christ paid the price for our sins.
And because of that price paid, we have access to god’s presence. We would never come on our own merit.
We don’t have any. That’s why my friend, we are indebted to god. We are indebted to him for everything.
So listen, as always, To help you with your walk with Jesus, we’d love to hear from you, but we would love for you to visit by simply going to jackhips.com, and you’ll be able to connect us there.
Various websites as well. Facebook, Instagram, you name it, but we’re here to get you deeper, deeper into the word of god together.
And that is our joy. If you are watching this right now, just simply let us know.
Encourage us by saying, I’m listening.
So listen until next time you guys God bless you, keep your eyes on Christ.
He is our stability in this world.
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Welcome to Real Life Radio with Jack Gibbs.
God’s word, whomever will return void. God’s word is spirit, it’s power, and it has its effects.
God not give us Bible prophecy to scare us, but to prepare us.
You are the light of the world Jesus said. You are the salt of the earth. How does that happen?
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