How to Walk as a Living Blessing | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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How to Walk as a Living Blessing | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

The Jewish people have a blessing for everything and every occasion. But there is one blessing that is greater than them all that can change the way you live the rest of your life.

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)

you are you know there are blessings that you say but being a living blessing you’ve got hands to bless with your hands you’ve got a mouth to speak you’ve got thoughts to think about blessing and how to bless you’ve got legs to go to bless those who need blessing you’re a living walking blessing you’re that your life is supposed to be doing [Music] that you you redeem things so stop so the the key is do not focus on circumstance blessings are not about circumstance blessings are about

changing circumstance don’t think that your circumstances are going to make you or break you if I get more of this or that that’s not it what’s going to make your life in God is that what a good one a Victorious one on is that you bless at all times you you change your circumstances it says those who are you know it speaks of the righteous coming to places of sorrow and making it bear fruit or spring you actually change you actually sanctify things you have the power in God if you’re a blessing you

have the power in God to sanctify even your situation sanctify your problem you’re in the middle of a big conflict instead of just being overwhelmed by it instead of just dwelling on it bless it give lift it to God sanctify it say Lord I bless this for your purposes use this for your purposes use it for blessing and the in the Jewish way that it comes from the Bible blessings are said no matter what doesn’t matter what’s going on you say a blessing one of the most famous blessings is called the Kadesh and that is said when someone

dies and yet it has nothing at all to do with death all it is is blessing God praise you God lift you up God it’s saying when you bless it doesn’t matter what’s going on you bless God anyway and God blesses it there’s no death in blessing it’s all blessing no matter what see if you want your life to be a blessing then you have to be a blessing regardless if you want God to bless you unconditionally then set your heart on being an unconditional blessing stay you stay good you stay shining no matter what you give thanks

no matter what what does it say rejoicing always in all things doing what give thanks to God and in prayer no matter what blessings are always active upon the world you want your life to be a blessing be an active agent of God’s power of God’s Redemption you are the light of the world you actually change things around you you are the salt of the earth you are Love In Action you are you know there are blessings that you say but being a living blessing you’ve got hands to bless with your hands you’ve got a mouth to speak you’ve got

thoughts to think about blessing and how to bless you’ve got legs to go to bless those who need blessing you’re a living walking blessing your that your life is supposed to be doing that an active blessing it’s not about you know you work and you earn a living and I just live to get by you don’t live to get yes you got to do that but that’s not why you’re here you’re here for something bigger than that you’re not here to be here you’re not here to exist you’re here to make a

difference no blessing is on the defensive every blessing is on the offensive it just goes out there you can’t live a defensive life and be a blessing you can’t live a life wrapped up in how do I survive and be a blessing you focus on what God called for your life and God will take care of surviving blessings come from God so what does that mean blessings come from God and you’re to be a blessing what does that mean it means you have to live your life as if you came from God we say wait a minute I didn’t come from I came

from that not true it says if you’re born again what does it say you were born from Anglewood hospital no you were born in Newark no you were born from above that means I mean the old life is born from here we know that but the new life is born from God so that means everything that’s good in you comes from God God and that means you need to dwell on the earth as if I am I am here sent by God on Mission I’ve got a mission to be a blessing how many people I’ve mentioned this I’ve mentioned for a long time how

many people remember this old show called The Millionaire and that is that there’s this billionaire and every week he gives a million dollars to his guy to give to somebody and changes their life and it’s like every but the guy is on a mission every week to give a million dollars well what we have someone who is greater than a billionaire much greater and he gives a mission for each of us to bless people with that which is worth more than a million dollars the blessing you give from God is worth more than that imagine if every

week you had a million dollars to bless somebody you’ve got something bigger than that you’ve got you’re on you’re to be every week you’re to have a an agent from God the main word for blessing in Hebrew is bar or but the one another word for blessing is the word to try it very easy and you should know that word because to to means good good good AR to good evening Boer to good morning to how you doing to to I’m doing good to and what does it meme if you’re a living blessing you are told you are good in God good is

an adjective it’s a you are to live a life of goodness goodness that what is goodness when you live like this you’re going to live a good life my little boy elel and Diel they’re playing together and they’re on a chair that go kind of rocks back and forth and the one the little one is sitting on top of the other one and they’re both looking up and rocking back and forth and the the one the LEL the other six years old he says he says is this the life I said what did you say he said is this the life I see be like this is the

life where did you get this stuff from well you hey you want to live the good life the good life the good life is not Club Med the good life is living in the righteousness and the blessing of God that’s the good life everything else comes after that and one other thing about blessing you know a lot of the Hebrew blessings are actually sung they’re chanted as you know as I will do at the end of the service with the ironic blessing well because the blessing is like a a praise it’s like worship and God wants your life to be

like that it says it says make melody in your heart your life is supposed to be like a musical instrument and you’re supposed to be actually a praise whatever you do it’s a praise it’s almost like a song to God you are to be a praise to God and the greatest blessing you could ever give to somebody what’s the great the greatest blessing is the blessing of Salvation that’s the blessing of Yeshua he’s the the gift he’s the blessing so one other thing to remember too you listen if we’re going

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