The Tenth Of Tammuz | Jonathan Cahn Special | The Return of The Gods
The Tenth Of Tammuz | Jonathan Cahn Special
What happened on the ancient Biblical calendar day – the tenth of Tammuz? Jonathan Cahn speaks about an inscription from ancient Babylon that laid behind an event that changed American culture. Check out a new teaching on The Return Of The Gods.
An amazing inscription from Ancient Babylon.
An amazing mystery behind an event that changed American culture and world culture that has altered sexuality, gender, and even our Children.
This is Jonathan Cohn in the return of the gods.
I open up the mystery that has transformed our lives in every way. And that is behind it.
All the mystery that’s from ancient times and the ancient Principalities, spirits entities that are actually working in our culture right now, affecting everything, affecting every generation, affecting the young generation, especially it’s happening and it’s real and you’re dealing, it’s affecting your life, it’s affecting people in your life.
And where is it going? What’s the future?
What do you need to know and how to prevail, how to survive and how to prosper?
Well, this time, I want to show you something.
There is this ancient entity I have spoken about who blurred the lines between male and female turned one into the other.
It says the ancient inscription I put in the book says she turns a man into a woman, a woman into a man exchanges the roles of one for the other and the other for the one.
The function. The time when she especially possessed the culture as we saw last time New York was linked to the month of June.
And so it’s no accident that now the month of June has become the month of celebrating the altering of gender and sexuality.
But the days of her power, her possession of a culture were particularly linked to June in the last days of June.
So the day that marriage, as we have known it as it has always been the day the Supreme Court overturned marriage.
It’s no accident. It happened at that exact time at the end of June, June 26th.
And the day the Supreme Court ruled that a man could marry a man, a woman can marry a woman to place June last days of June and the days of the goddess June 26.
But remember that, that night, that night, rainbows began appearing in the night across America.
The rainbow was actually the ancient sign linked to the goddess, the linked to the goddess that altered sexuality and gender.
So now it was back now, it’s as her sign as the sign of that again.
And now, now I wanna say the people who, who did that, who was, they had no idea.
It wasn’t that they know they knew what they were doing, but the mystery has to manifest.
So now it’s back. And now on that very day, the greatest victory of the, of the principality of the goddess that marriage is overturned, marriage between men and women overturned the bending of gender.
That night. If you remember the White House, the Chief House of America was lit up in the colors of the rainbow.
It was as if she was saying that’s the mark, my mark. Now the White House belongs to me.
Now this nation will belong to me. But I discovered something.
I saw something on the ancient biblical calendar and the ancient Middle Eastern calendar.
The night was the 10th of that, the rainbow lit up the White House.
In the return of the gods, I reveal something I found in an ancient Babylonian inscription.
It says that that day the 10th of is a special appointed, listen to cast a spell for the casting of a spell to cause a man to love a man that day was appointed ordained for the casting of a spell to cause a man to love a man.
The very day marriage between men and women was overturned for a man to love a man.
The Supreme Court justices had no idea.
It was the ancient mystery that gods had returned and they are even now at work for real to change our world and our lives.
This is just a taste of what is revealed. The mystery revealed in full in the return of the gods.
The return of the gods is revealing what is happening, why it’s happening. You’ll understand it in new light.
A new crystal clarity. Why and how to deal with it, where it’s going, what the future is and how to get ready, how to be prepared for the future, how to survive and prevail next time what’s happening all around you and yet you may never have realized it.
Hit, subscribe because you don’t want to miss it. This is Jonathan Cohen.
I’ll see you next time with the transitioning of America.
A transitioning and altering that affects every one of us. The transitioning from one gender to another.
The opposite by this spirit is a sign of a larger metamorphosis.
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