Hello, Could I Speak To God Please? | Joyce Meyer
Hello, Could I Speak To God Please?
Have you ever wanted a hotline to heaven so you could dial-up God and ask Him some questions? Joyce does exactly that on this fun clip.
In the middle of the trouble, Job said, “I know my Redeemer lives.” He was saying. “God, I know You’re still on the throne. I know Your hand is still outstretched toward me. I know You’re still pulling strings. I may not understand it, but I know You’re working all things according to Your will.” It’s easy to thank God when things are going our way. It’s easy to have a good attitude then, but the real test is in those tough times, when it seems like God has forgotten about you. That’s when you have to dig your heels in and do like Job, “I know my Redeemer lives. I know this difficulty didn’t come to stay; it came to pass.”
Being led by the spirit is one of the greatest benefits of being a new covenant believer other than just your salvation and knowing that your sins are forgiven, that you’re gonna go to heaven and live eternally with god.
It’s a wonderful thing to have this privilege of being led by the spirit. Every believer can hear from God.
Every believer has the privilege of being led by the spirit.
That means that you really don’t have to run around and ask other people all the time what you should do in situations.
God will show you what to do. But you know what?
In order to be led by the spirit, you’ve gotta have a little confidence.
And you’ve gotta have a little bit of courage and a little bit of boldness because sometimes it’s a little bit scary until you get experience stepping out into things that the only proof that you have or whether or not you’re right is what you sense in here and what you read in here.
We would much rather be able to just go to our hotline to heaven, dial up god.
Could I speak to god, please?
Oh, god. So good to talk to you.
This is Joyce down here on Earth. Listen.
Um, I, I need to know what you want me to do in this, um, situation I’ve got, but you know, really, while we’re talking, I just like really, what you want me to do with my whole life.
I’m kinda confused and mixed up about the whole thing.
You know, what’s, I mean, since I’ve got you, you know, what’s the call on my life?
And, you know, what’s gonna happen with my kids and, you know, how, uh, how’s all this stuff gonna, what?
Oh, you want me to read the word?
Uh, oh, You mean you want me to act like I believe it?
you put your Holy Spirit in me and you want me to learn how to be led by the Holy Spirit.
Well, wouldn’t it just be a whole lot easier if you’d just tell me? Yeah.
I mean, I I think if you’d just tell me, it would just make everything a lot easier because, you know, that being led by the spirit stub, uh, you gotta go now?
Oh, oh, yeah. Oh, oh, okay.
You already told me once you’re not gonna tell me again. Okay. I get it. Alright.
Well, love you, Lord. Bye. Everybody wants to know how to hear from god.
Well, you know, it would be nice if god would we could just pick up the hot line to heaven and make a phone call.
And, god, you know, I just say to the Lord, sometimes, if you would just come and sit down here, Just 5 minutes.
We could get by whole deal straightened out here.
But, you know, it’s interesting God really is very mysterious in some ways.
And, um, which pretty much means that you can’t always grasp everything he’s doing with your brain.
We, we really as spiritual beings, we have to learn how to function and flow in the spirit.
We have to learn how to discern things spiritually.
And, uh, it seems like that it would be so easy for god just to tell us, but he wants us to do the search.
He wants us to walk in faith.
And to be honest, he wants us to learn and to grow and to stretch and to step out and to sometimes even make mistakes and learn by that and step back and then not be afraid to step out again.
And you know what? Every single person in here can learn to be dynamically led by the Holy Spirit, which literally means to hear from god but you’re not gonna do it sitting around idle, asking everybody else what you should do every time you have a situation come up in your life.
You’re gonna have to get with God know the word, learn learn how to follow peace, and you can be led by the spirit.
- Energized By His Presence – Dr. Charles StanleyTháng 9 13, 2023