How To Break Curses In Your Life | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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How To Break Curses In Your Life | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

What are curses? Are we subject to them? What about the curses of the past, of the occult, and in your life? How to reverse and nullify them.

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)

can you be under a curse if you’re not saved if you’re not born again yes in fact you already are what does the Bible say about curses are they in the Bible Well Genesis 3:17 then to Adam Adam he said because you have listen to the voice of your wife you’ve eaten from the Tree of Life which I said not to Cursed is the ground because of you with toil you’ll eat of it all the days of your life but thorns and thistles it will grow for you you’ll eat the plants of the field by the sweat of your brow you’ll eat bread until you
return to the ground for from it you were taken for you are dust and to dust you will return well answer the question the answer is yes there are definitely curses in the Bible that is established right there very first curse three chapters in curses exist the curse here is given by God on the Fallen creation but there are others Noah when he got drunk and he got and he he uh his his son one of his sons did not honor him Dishonored him he placed a curse he said cursed are you Esau got a blessing from his father but
that blessing I don’t know it says you’re going to dwell in the wilderness you’re going to it’s kind of a little bit like a cur ver when the Israelites entered the promised land God said you will stand on the mountains on Mount gazim you will give the blessings of the Covenant on Mount ebol you will shout the curses a whole Mountain they’re shouting curses when David fled from Ab Absalon a man came out named shemi and cursed him the Bible says that Elisha cursed the youths who taunted him the
Prophet Jeremiah said of the last king of Judah none of his sons will ever sit on the throne now that you can take that as a prophecy which it is but you can also take it as a curse none of his descendants would ever sit on the throne it was like there was a curse in fact Joseph was one of his descendants Joseph I believe should have sat on the throne except for the curse he was he was would have been the king of Israel he’s of the line but he it was a curse but Messiah was born not of Joseph right Paul when speaking of his fellow
Kinsmen My Kinsman according to the Flesh of the Jewish people he said I wish I could wish that I myself were cursed if I could win them to the Lord Peter said to Simon the Sorcerer in Samaria who tried to buy the Holy Spirit by giving him money he said may your money perish with you and a few more words Simon then said pray for me to Peter that nothing you have spoken will come upon me there are definitely curses in the Bible the first one is the biggest one it is the curse the curse on creation but he also told the Jewish
people in the terms of the Covenant if you follow it you will be blessed these blesses shall come upon you blessed shall you be in your Fields blessed shall you be in your home blessed but if you break the Covenant these curses shall come up cursed shall you be in the field cursed shall you be you will be scattered to the ends of the Earth it happened in fact it happened into the 20th century so this thing is like there’s something in effect and God said not just that but the land of Israel is going to be cursed
when you if you break the Covenant it’s going to be cursed while you’re gone and it was the land of Israel became a wasteland desert nothing growing pretty much mean just like a moonscape and the Bible says that strangers will come from a far away land The Stranger will come and say basically this is curs what God has done to this land and in the 19th century one of them came most famous was Mark Twain and he went to the L and he did exactly he said exactly what Deuteronomy said the stranger from the far away land will say
of the land at the end he says he talks about how miserable it was he how there was no land there you could go for miles and not one green thing and he says but he said can the curse of a deity beautify a land no there are curses there are believers who believe in praying curses prayers of judgment they call imprecatory prayers I got a problem with that cuz that at at what point are you are you different from witchcraft speaking of which can those speaking of which can those in the occult place a curse on you which is in
others well they can place the curse but that doesn’t mean it’s like placing a call doesn’t mean you have to answer it you have to pick it up was that’s another issue we’re going to get into those involved in witchcraft or they call are already dealing in a curse they’re in a curse they’re under a curse now can they Place curses well there is an enemy but still does that mean it has power over you those in the occult if there anybody I mean some of you were in the occult if anybody’s listening to this message and
you are in the occult you better you better get out because you’re already under a curse and if you’re dealing with curses you’re already doubly under a curse so there are curses that God has cast that the prophets cast spoken under the spirit there are curses that people on their own May try to cast a curse there are ungodly people who will try to cast curses and then there are curses that are not spoken which may not even be known but they may have been invoked an act may have done something are there
generational curses well in the Bible God speaks of people where there is not just a curse on one generation he goes on to more that’s in the old Covenant there are believers and preachers who get so into this generational curse thing you got to be very careful that’s not what we’re supposed to be dwelling on and you don’t even know half of much of it is conjecture but I’m going to but there is the abrahamic Covenant we brought it up on Friday I will bless those who bless you I will curse those who curse you this is
a real thing he doesn’t say it’s going to stop either you know it’s here we are today this is a law of History I will bless those who bless Israel bless the Jewish people I will curse those who curse Israel whatever you do to Israel or the Jewish people it’ll come back to you now do we see that you know we don’t you can’t say every single thing but you can say this it definitely it is in effect the nations rise and fall over this America is the most blessed nation has been the Most Blessed Nation
coincidence it just happens to be the one that Most Blessed Israel no coincidence but I shared on Friday night some recent dramatic examples I actually showed the video a man from the Turkish Parliament on video literally gets up he curses Israel literally he says I’m calling down the curse of Allah he’s he’s a Muslim calling it on you Israel well about 2 seconds after he said that he was struck down dead what you do to Israel will be done that’s a curse the president of Iran ibraim REI threatened to well two things he did
I spoke about on Friday one thing he did is he actually attacked Israel send missiles he’s the only President of who has ever done that of Iran never did it before he touched God says you touch Israel you’re touching the apple of my eye he touched the apple of God’s eye and soon after that he threatened annihilation of the nation of Israel he talk about a curse he threatened he would destroy Israel would be annihilated one month later he was struck down dead his helicopter went down perhaps God saved Israel from a man
who would have used nuclear weapons that’s something good you know but we got to pray for people who are cursed for those who are alive so the big question can you be affected by a curse a as a Believer yes you can be affected the cre creation was placed under a curse the entire world has a curse you’re in a cursed world you’re the the if you’re in this world you’re in a cursed World it has sin it has sickness it has tears it has death there’s a curse can there be generational curses
some Believers again get too much into it and much of its speculation but there can be in these senses one there can be demonic forces that focus on a people or even a line they can do that that you know that doesn’t mean that people are cursed but it can have that effect two there are laws of cause and effect that can go in families it can go more than families it can go in any way but let’s say somebody was a was an alcoholic and they were they were beating their family they were they were harsh me well that
can abuse can be get be abuse and abuse or depression that can happen you know if if a if a family was involved in Witchcraft and you know we don’t but can there can be a chain of of cause and effect that goes from generation to generation that doesn’t mean you have to be in under curse but it’s talking about the world there could be a a pattern of divorce or abandonment that goes on people repeat patterns from the past but it’s not like there’s a cosmic law against you but there is a law of cause
and effect can the enemy get in on those things yeah wherever they sin there can be patterns even in cultures that invoke this kind of thing they’re in families in cultures even Nations and produce curs likee effects but it’s still not the same as saying a curse from God is on you it is written in the Bible it says God says the people say the fathers have eaten sour grapes and the children’s teeth are set on edge in other words what the PE the parents did the the children are paying for well there’s some there can be some of that
but what he’s saying is that that’s what the people say but it shall no longer be said that everyone shall stand before me not because of what their parents did amen doesn’t matter if your par I mean it can affect you if you choose to but your parents are your parents before God and you are before God God doesn’t hold you accountable for what someone else did that’s right amen God had took the Joshua generation the children of the generation that sinned against him in the wilderness and he said you are not
guilty and I’m going to take you into the promised land Josiah was the son of a horrible father he was a disaster he was an apostate he was the son of another apostate who was even worse one of the most evil kings in the history of Israel Josiah’s grandfather yet Josiah was not a Josiah was a man after God’s heart and the thing is he still had to deal with the results of his parents cuz that’s the whole n he had overcome he actually overcame it he he he led the nation in Revival against what they
did but you see can you be under a curse if you’re not saved if you’re not born again yes in fact you already are you’re under the curse of creation you’re subject to the laws of sin and death you’re subject to the darkness you’re subject to the enemy you’re subject to the Judgment of God so yes there are there are all these things if you’re not saved that’s the whole point why you want to get saved one of the reasons saved from all these things but you’re under a curse but God had died to take you out
of that curse if you are born again you’re a child of God can you be under a curse the answer is ultimately no ultimately if you are born again you are not cursed because see see the curse came from sin but the Lord died to take away sin he became sin he took away sin from your life so if sin is there not there there’s no judgment there’s no curse it says there is no condemnation for those in Messiah if there’s no condemnation How can there be a curse he set us free from the law of sin and death but you
might be saying well I’m still I feel like I’m dealing with a curse well a few things number one you are still in the world the world is under a curse so you are still subject to the effects of what’s happening in the world meaning there’s death there’s frustration there’s sorrow there’s there’s there’s sickness there’s Decay there’s all that people are concerned well you know they put a curse on me you know you know well you know the stories of a witch who came to an a crusade in Africa and she came
there to put a curse and all of a sudden as she’s going to put a curse she’s struck with asthma she can’t speak and that she was taken away you cannot curse what God has blessed we were in Central America and we’re at a crusade where I’m I mean I’m leading a a gathering in the thousands of people in in the open Square and the chief Witch of the city came there with to curse to curse she came with her two daughters who were also witches they came to curse the event there were there were ultic
objects placed around the field we found after but there was a time of anointing where and pray where our people people were going to pray in fact one of the people who did some of the people who did are right here today and they see these two women and they they put their hands on them to pray the moment they touch them the woman start spinning around like like they’re in a tornado spinning spinning spinning out of control until finally they go down on the ground the dirt ground and there’s like no life in them it was as if a
spirit had left them it was the Two Witches the Two Witches the there were three the mother but there were two witches they had no idea the people had no idea who they were but the moment the PE here’s the these Grand witches the moment that one of our people or two of people touched the head the power of God was so much stronger than anything that witch or witches could do for the the mother head witch one a pastor who knew her saw her at the event so what are you doing here he knew he she came to oppose it but she was in
tears she said tonight I gave my life to Jesus God turns it around the power of God is so much greater than any curse have nothing to do with giving curses don’t curse people in any way and by the way if you’re gossiping you’re cursing don’t don’t curse them and if someone curses you what are you supposed to doess bless them think about that you don’t get bent out of shape you bless them is’t that interesting why is that so important because you know what you do what you are they’re cursing you cuz they have a
curse on them you bless them cuz you don’t you have the blessing on you so you bless so you’re not it’s not so much thinking about well do they deserve it it’s who you are you bless people you bless enemies cuz you are blessed you’re a blessing so you do that you’re a light so you shine on those whether they deserve they deserve it or not don’t deal in curses don’t deal in grudges that’s curses it’s a dirty thing it’s going to it’ll mess you up it’ll curse you you want to hold unforgiveness
it’s going to curse you Proverbs 26:2 says this like a sparrow in its flitting like a swallow a swallow when it’s flying so is a causeless curse it cannot land amen a curse Without a Cause cannot land what is a curse Without a Cause well if God has blessed you anybody any curse someone puts is a curse without a cause if Messiah has taken away your sin and judgment any curse is a curse without cause and it says in Hebrew you could take it it shall not come to you don’t fear it or it could be translated
it shall not apply to you someone curses you doesn’t apply to me I’m not cursed they put a curse I’m not cursed I’m a Child of God how can I be that doesn’t apply to Me Maybe it applies to the a person with my last name and my first name and my former address and my former life but that’s not me anymore I’m not that person the curse is finished I’m blessed I’m a Child of God doesn’t apply if you’re in God’s will don’t worry about it if you’re not in God’s will get
in God’s Will and don’t worry about it don’t worry about it it shall not land people can curse you it doesn’t have to land and maybe you’ve been holding it for your whole life get it off of you it doesn’t belong on you it’s not yours you’re not that person someone curses you in any form don’t let it land on you don’t receive it don’t dwell on it don’t give it room don’t return it bless them back it means it didn’t touch you sometimes they’ll say you know watch
that person watch out you know that person’s you know they they gave me the evil eye evil eye what power does an eye have you know some so bless them back you know you’re you’re afraid of them you’re afraid you’re supposed to be blessing them you’re supposed to be overcoming the world you’re afraid of a person afraid of a witch you know L listen you we don’t take those things lightly but there’s no power compared to the power of God return good for evil sometimes people you know you know I mean maybe
you sometimes you’ve been driving and people honked at you because you did something wrong never happens to me CU I drive perfect but you guys sometimes that happens well actually it does happen to me and the thing is that and sometimes they’re honk and they’re angry and so I I started a new strategy a new tactic when that happen if that happens they’re they’re honking I wave I smile and I wave at them and they think oh no I I must know that person I must be a friend and they they they weigh back and
they go out of there bless those who curse you you’re breaking a curse you know what I show when you love your enemies you’re breaking a curse breaking that curse amen you know they placed a curse upon you don’t worry about it doesn’t mean any who’s the boss God’s the boss and he’s blessed you if God be for you what curse could be against you what about the enemy but they’re these Spirits yeah yeah yeah but you know what you know what don’t be afraid of them because they’re more afraid of
Jesus than you are of them and Jesus is in you you know they could be against you yeah but you’re not under a curse that’s all that matters and yeah you know in one of the the the the fight of faith is that hey no matter what’s happening I am still blessed that’s how you manifested in the world no curse from the past can come against you hallelujah what about all the curses of the world well you know for you as a Believer it’s it’s like a a lion with no fangs you know it’s been defanged it’s
been declawed it’s been neutered it’s been emasculated you can’t cannot touch you you know it may look like something on the outside but inside it’s it’s caess it’s empty where we could say death where is your sting death is the biggest part of the curse the final part and yet we say we deal with death but we say where’s your sting God has taken the sting out the bird can’t land the bird can make noise but it can’t land the bird might harass you but it cannot land and so may the outward looks like that
the outward is decaying the outward but but we’re not living by the outward if you don’t want to live by the curse don’t live by the outward don’t live by your eyes live by faith and live by the inside Paul if you look at his life on the outside he wasn’t rich and famous and he was not comfortable he was put he was put in prison all those things happen but he’s the one who said listen we look like we’re dying but we’re alive we look like we’re poor but we’re actually rich we look like we have nothing but we
possess everything we might even look sorrowful but we’re always rejoicing whatever you’re going through don’t believe the curse don’t believe the curse for it’s not of you don’t see through it because God promises that everything that happens in this world he’s going to work for your blessing not your curse Hallelujah which is the opposite of those who don’t have God even the blessings work for curse but in God even the curses work for your blessing people reject you doesn’t matter God loves you and he’s
going to work it for good all things will work together for good yes there are curses but for you it’s just a bird fly might be flying around for a little while that problem but it cannot land don’t let it don’t give it any room and Isaiah 54:17 it says no weapon formed against you shall prosper and every tongue that rises against you to condemn you you’ll condemn that is the heritage of the Servants of the Lord hallelujah no omen can land no power no principality No Angel no demon no depth no height no
nothing past present or future nothing can separate you from the love of God cuz you’re blessed for you and Messiah the tomb is empty that means the curse is empty the blessing is full God wants you cuz you’re living in a a world of curses but you are blessed so you don’t fit in you’re against the flow you got to live against the flow you got to live against the the grain God wants you to live defiantly blessed you’re in a cursed world and there are people who may curse you but you are so uncursed uned that you can
look at a you can be in a cursed situation and yet you rejoice you can be with a person who’s cursing you and yet you bless them back you are so unblessed you can love your enemies you are so unblessed you can Rejoice through every single situation Messiah came to obliterate the curse the blood of Jesus obliterates the curse and pours out blessing for your life your mission is to overcome the world by the power of Messiah to overcome a cursed World overcome curses by the power of the blessing of God is it possible that behind the events
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