How God opened the door for World Changers Church | Creflo Dollar

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How God opened the door for World Changers Church | Creflo Dollar

Hey, let me tell you about a story of just unmerited favor.
We had been a church for about maybe a couple of years.
And we used to have Wednesday night bible study, Friday night bible study, and then Sunday service.
Well, we were at a Friday night service, And we had been believing god for a building.
Uh, at the time, we were having church in the calf the school cafeteria of the elementary school where I was the 1st black male to integrate that school.
And, So we started service off, and the praise team started singing.
And I heard I heard the word of the lord.
I wonder, was it the word of the lord? And it was so strong with me.
And he said, I want you to get up and go to Atlanta Baptist Church, which is the chapel that we now have.
And I want you to say to the pastor, uh, god wants to move our church out of an apartment into a home.
Well, I thought, my God, this guy’s gonna think I’m crazy. Well, there were a couple of things.
Number 1, if I go, how do I know that he’s there?
Uh, and if he’s there, how do I know that he’s gonna see me?
Now we had met previously, so he didn’t know me. And so I told the praise team.
I said, don’t stop singing. Just keep let’s just keep praising god and I’m gonna go and obey god.
And so I drove up that night, uh, walked in the office.
And just so happened, they were in there having a uh, Deacon’s meeting and pastor, uh, uh, Brian Anderson, that was the name of the pastor back then.
And so, um, his, uh, assistant went to get him and to tell him that I was out there.
And, uh, I told him what the lord told me to tell him.
God wants, uh, to move our church out of an apartment and to a home.
I didn’t know that they were actually in the meeting talking about whether or not they were gonna sail the church or not.
And so I told him that, and he asked me if I could just wait.
And he, um, went back into the meeting, Then they invited me in, and I told the whole board what the lord told me to say to him.
I stepped out for about it was a few minutes, went along at all.
And he came out and he says, How would y’all like to move in on Thanksgiving?
I’m like, what? How would y’all like to move in on Thanksgiving? I’m like, we would love it.
He said, do you have your finances together? And I was like, no, we don’t.
But we trust god, and we believe god. And then he went out and went back, came.
He says, what about owner’s financing? I said, I’d be more than happy to do it.
I said, I pay my bills. We will pay our bills. We’ll figure this thing out.
God help us And they they trusted god, and the deal was struck right there, and that we were supposed to move in on Thanksgiving.
Well, I totally forgot about it. I told the praise team to continue to sing. I got back.
They were exhausted. And made the announcement.
In fact, it was a surprise to everybody that we were gonna meet 1 Sunday morning and do a convoy.
From the school cafeteria over to our new home.
If that’s not the favorite of god, I don’t know what the favorite god is.
I mean, if that’s not unmerited favor, it was definitely not deserved. It was definitely not earned.
Who in the world’s gonna take a chance on you When you don’t have your finances together, that’s the favor of God.
That is the location that rural changes is located now, 2500 Burdett Road.
And that’s the story behind how god with his unmerited favor.
Opened the door for world changes to be where it is right now.
Uh, I did know that we would end up buying the 10 acres next to us.
I didn’t know we would end up buying the grocery store and the Kmart, and I didn’t know we would end up buying all the property across the street.
But god did. And god is faithful.
And that type of favor, I just believe will show up in your life and make a mark that cannot be erased.
Again, this is why and how I know that everything in your life is gonna be alright.

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