Having a Priest Better Than You – Part 2 (Hebrews 8:1-6)
Having a Priest Better Than You – Part 2 (Hebrews 8:1-6)
Jesus Christ is the ultimate high priest, minister, and architect. He fulfilled the new covenant through His sacrifice and intercedes for believers from the true Tabernacle in heaven, not made with human hands.
CALLING ALL PASTORS, CHRISTIANS AND WORSHIP LOVING PEOPLE – – another major victory has been given to us by the LORD.
All I am asking is to please – COPY THIS LINK AND SEND IT TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW why? – because we are responsible to do good with every opportunity that JESUS gives so that in the end we might be found faithful.
Church, let’s stand if you would and turn in your bibles to Hebrews chapter eight. Hebrews eight.
I don’t know if you guys realize it or not, but did you know the last time uh, we were together, which was not the last Wednesday night, but the Wednesday night before that.
We set a world’s record here. Did you know that? We did chapter seven in one one night.
That never has that ever happened here before. It’s thirty three years. It’s never happened.
And, So tonight, we’ll be looking at Hebrew chapter eight verses one through six.
We’ll go as far as we can.
We’re looking at really the same theme goes this way for quite a while, and that is having a priest better than you.
You always wanna make sure that you have a priest that’s better than you.
But then when you turn, if you turn to a human, And you assume that that priest is better than you, then you’re gonna be set up for great disappointment and failure.
Are you listening to me? Have I ever asked you to put your eyes on me and follow me in any way, shape, or form?
The only thing that I would possibly flirt with doing is what Paul said.
Paul said follow me as I follow Christ.
I might say, follow me as I follow Paul, as he follows Christ, will all be following Jesus together?
But the Bible makes it very clear that your priest must be a priest of a very, very particular order He must have certain requirements, certain standards, certain things that he has to meet to be the priest of your soul and your eternal life and oh, small detail.
He can’t be of this world.
He has to be the eternal god who has come down from heaven above.
I’ll read the verse one if you’ll pick up and start in verse two.
Now this is the main point of the things we are saying.
We have such a high priest who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the majesty in the heavens.
For every high priest, think of every priest on earth, of every religion, of any denomination.
For every high priest is appointed to offer both gifts and sacrifices.
Therefore, it is necessary that this one referring to Christ also have something to offer.
That’s awesome.
Verse five, who served the copy and shadow of the heavenly things as Moses was divinely instructed when he was about to make the tabernacle for he said, quote now.
God speaking to him. See that you make all things according to the pattern shown you on the mountain.
And all god’s people said, amen, you may be seated, having a priest better than you.
It’s it’s amazing because all of us can agree on this one thing no matter what your spiritual walk of life is that there’s an overwhelming sense and and it has been since adam and eve were created throughout all of culture, anthropologists Sociologists, those who have studied antiquities, there there is this consistent theme in the disciplines of those sciences that man is religious by nature.
Did you know that? It is unnatural for man to be atheistic. Want you to know that.
Athism is a modern time construct. There were no atheists in ancient times.
It was something that was an invent it was an invention and it came out of an era which by the way cracks me up because if you look at the tenets of atheism, they are actually a religion.
For example, one of them, most famous.
I I don’t know if he’s the most famous. He’s kind of gone off the rails, uh, of late.
Nobody really mentions him anymore. It’s pretty debunked, but, uh, Chuck Darwin, for example. Charles Darwin.
Um, did you know he started out his career in a seminary learning the Bible?
Did you know that? But, uh, he didn’t like God.
And so he went about a way to explain the world in in in other ways.
And the things that he claimed literally took more faith to believe in than just believing in what god had said about things.
When god says I make, for example, the the foul of the air, birds.
And I made them after their own kind.
In other words, god says, I made birds and I wrote their DNA out. And within them, there’s variation.
There’s a blue one. There’s a yellow one. There’s a red one. There’s a big one. There’s a small one.
And all of our time, as time has gone on, they’re still birds.
Well, how do you explain how do you explain dogs?
There’s chihuahuas, and there’s listen.
When you if you take the DNA course and you go backwards in that course, you come to an animal, which is a dog, which is somewhat much like a wolf.
And it’s man who is engineered from what exists into other forms of what? Dogs.
You’ve never taken a dog and made a cat. Okay.
You can’t get a fish and make it fly like a bird.
Everything still to this moment is replicated after its own kind exactly as god has said.
And in that, by the way, is the human. And the human I know this sounds corny.
We’ve heard it a thousand times, but it’s true. The human has a god shaped hole in their existence.
Right in the middle of your chest, so to speak, is a is a big hole that only god can fit.
And when we don’t use the word of god to find god, then we go around trying to stuff that hole with things that we think might fulfill.
And so we’ll have it up to here with sex or we’ll have it up to here with drink or seeking pleasure or adrenaline, you know, jumping off of mountains, bridges, stuff, the adrenaline rush.
It doesn’t matter. Uh whatever it is, you’re looking for this filler.
And, um, I’m not saying that when god fills that hole, you suddenly go boring.
You don’t jump off of buildings anymore because you’re a Christian. Sure. I’m sure you do.
Some of you are Christians, you jump out of airplanes.
I don’t know why you’d jump out of a perfectly good airplane, but Uh, it doesn’t mean that you become a Christian and you don’t have a life anymore.
The exact opposite happens. You become a Christian, you become fulfilled. And then you start living your life.
Believe it or not, with all the jumping out of airplanes or, uh, swimming with sharks that you’re trying to get a rush out of, Um, at the end of the day, it’s still over, but never with Jesus.
Yeah. And so heaven high priest better than you, we start looking at this.
We look at it this way in verses one and two and that is having a better covenant.
Write that down, please. A covenant. According to the Bible, God has written us a new covenant.
There was the old covenant, and there’s a new covenant.
There was the old testament, and there’s the new testament One con one does not contradict the other.
They’re in perfect harmony, but one promises something and the other fulfills the promise. They work in tandem.
Are you with me? They work in tandem. Never. I mean it.
I would never go to a church that sees the old and new testament as something that should be separated and never taught studied or looked at.
No way. You can’t do that.
You have no idea what it is you believe in the new testament unless you’ve studied the old. Okay?
Very, very, very important. So as we look at this, we’ll kinda dissect this together with the time that we have.
Mark this down if you would.
It’s we’re We’re out to have a better covenant because of what he’s given us, but we must come to the conclusion from scripture, and you will eventually, if you haven’t, is that Jesus Christ is in fact that better covenant.
See, well, what’s the big deal about that? Well, because it’s not written in stone.
It’s not based on a lineage of priesthood.
It’s not it’s not listed on, uh, or determined upon Uh, this rank of order or these, um, special DNA groups of people the kohathites, the levites, or, uh, you know, today people might say, uh, oh, you know, he he’s a he’s a priest, he’s a cardinal, he’s a a pope, he’s a, uh, archbishop, or she’s a nun, or he’s he’s this, or he’s this type of priest in this organization or this group.
It’s listen, god’s not into that. Do you understand that? He’s not into that?
I don’t mean to upset anybody, but Jesus made it very clear.
He said whatever you do, don’t call anybody on earth. Father.
Because there’s only one father in that your father in heaven. That’s what Jesus said. Crystal clear.
And when you when you when you think about that, There is the reaching out in arms of god saying to you come to me.
He has never said in the Bible. Go read it. He has never said in the Bible.
You go go to those people and then you can come to me.
If you think of the Old Testament, really getting down to it, the priesthood, A friend of mine told me, and he’s Jewish so he can say this.
I I don’t think I would ever say this, but we were talking about this very thing, and he’s Jewish.
And he said, listen, he said the the the priesthood was a glorified butcher shop.
He said the priests, the kohathites, and the levites, They were glorified butchers.
And if you’ve ever read leviticus, if you ever want to fall asleep, read leviticus, take the spleen, put it over here, then stretch out the entrails, and and it’s just like, what?
Uh, to knock you out in a minute. Why all that?
Because it was god communicating to his people that you can’t keep the law.
And so because of that, innocent animals have gotta be sacrificed to make atonement for your sins.
And their offering would be a covering for your sin. Fast forward, we’ve got the lord Jesus Christ.
Who, when John the Baptist saw him, John, a Jew, Johanin, chapter one, behold the lamb of god who takes away the sins of the world.
All priests of the earth and all animal blood of the earth only covers sins.
No priest can take away your sins. Did you know that? No priest can’t.
You say, uh, I don’t know if I like hearing this, but it’s true because the Bible makes it clear.
The only way that you could have your sins taken away from you is if your priest that you’re confessing to has no sin.
Right. Right. It even says in the Bible, both Old and New Testament that the priests that operate in this world, they, before they represent you, must first get blood for themselves to have their sins forgiven before they can come and talk to you.
Wow. Do you remember in the old testament that when the priest was gonna go into the holy of holies.
They tied a rope around his leg, and they put bells on his robe because if there was sin in his life after he had confessed his sins.
And can you imagine on the day of atonement, there’s your man. There he goes.
The whole nation’s waiting Go in there and talk to god so that our sins are covered. Okay.
Here I go. And he would go in with blood.
Into the tabernacle and then it would be the temple in Jerusalem.
He would go and you would hear the bells moving. Right? Really?
And then he would do he would offer.
And then after a while, if if you didn’t hear any tinkling of the bells, you get a little concerned.
Can you imagine?
Hey, have you have you have we heard anything lately? I haven’t heard a thing, a viewer. Any tinkling?
Anything? No. Pull on the rope. Can you imagine reeling this guy in?
He couldn’t come into the presence of god with sin in his life.
Well, think about that by the way.
That’s a bit convicting if you think about it maybe in your life right now.
God says if you’re my child, you’re also in the priesthood.
And I don’t want you to come into my presence with sin in your life.
He wants us to walk a life of holiness That’s not boring. It’s thrilling.
It simply means this that you walk before him because we have a covenant that we don’t have to run back.
Can you imagine? In the old testament era, if you sin, five minutes, you left.
You just made an offering and you walk away. Praise the lord, hallelujah.
You slip and fall in some something happens and you sin. Oh, man.
You gotta grab it depends on the sin.
You gotta grab a a a goat or a ram or a lamb or a turtledove, and you gotta go back.
Hey, here a priest. I blew it. Just some more blood. How bloody was that?
Did you know that Josephus the historian that was working for Rome.
He said that during the Passover weekend that Jesus Christ was crucified, uh, he estimated that there was some two hundred and eighty five thousand sheep sacrificed at the temple on that weekend.
Because she had to have ten people per sheep.
That’s how they knew how many people were in Jerusalem at Passover.
And on a lonely hill, at the north top of the Mariah, the lamb was being crucified.
And so verse one says, now this is the main point. I love this. By the author.
This is the main point. I’m he’s saying I’m getting down to the whole reason of the whole thing that we have such a high priest.
I’ve got that marked in my bible. This is the point. What’s the point?
We’ve got such a high priest. We’ve got a priest that handles everything that you and I need. Yeah.
By the way, in my notes, I have high priests. That’s Jesus Christ.
Who noticed his location is seated at the right hand of the throne of the magic in the heavenlies or in heaven.
Where’s Jesus Christ? He seated at the right hand of the majesty.
That’s the priest that I have. Is that the priest that you have?
Is that the one that you talk to you don’t have to bring blood.
You don’t have to go and and offer something.
And he doesn’t speak back, by the way, and say and say to you, Now to really get forgiveness or get this taken care of, you’ve gotta do three of these and seven of the others and you’ve gotta earn a little bit of this.
You gotta have some skin in the game, Frank. You can’t do that.
That is an insult to Christ’s sacrifice. He doesn’t need my help. He doesn’t need your help.
We’ve got the priest. We’ve got the one. The very one you need.
The one that you’ve known all along down inside is the one that you really ought to have.
It’s Jesus, my friend. It’s nobody else. It is Jesus Christ. We have such a high priest.
Man, as a bible teacher, I’m thinking just that theme alone, you could preach a message for months.
We have such a high priest. That forgives. We have such a high priest that endures.
We have such a high priest that will never turn his back on you.
We have such a high priest that can forgive any sin.
We have we have such a high priest that’s always listening. We have such a high priest that’s always there.
Always caring, always tender, always waiting, always there at all times he’s there.
In the morning when you wake up, He’s there. And all night through, you’ll be sleeping. He’s there.
He never leaves. He says he never leaves. He comes into your life and he never leaves.
You have to go somewhere. We gotta go. We gotta go to confession. We gotta go to the temple.
We gotta go to the church. We gotta go to the Musk or we’ve gotta go to the synagogue.
We gotta go, what do you gotta go what? I will never forget it. Broke my heart.
Was witnessing to a man in Moscow, Russia witnessing his eyes are being opened, everything, and we get ready to pray.
And I said, You know, do you wanna accept Christ? Yes, I do. Okay. Here we go.
We’re gonna pray right now. He goes, we can’t pray here.
We cannot pray we I said, what are you talking about? He goes, we have to go inside the church.
Only then god can hear us. And I said, man, come listen.
The whole time I’ve been talking to you about this, we’re not talking about god being a mouse.
We’re not him talking about being uh, something little, something that hit any way bound, and it took forever.
I gotta tell you the guy eventually prayed, but it was tough for him.
He couldn’t believe that god lived outside the church. Listen.
I’m happy to report that god lives outside the church. Thank god.
In fact, if you wanna find god, there’s many churches, you gotta go outside and look for him.
But notice this place of position, the Bible says that our high priest is already seated.
He’s all done. He’s done it all.
I say this with all due respect and affection.
He’s got nothing to do because he’s done it all. When he said it’s finished.
On the cross, Jesus said it is finished.
That means everything that was needed to be done to save your soul. Jesus did it. Wow.
Love that. That’s why Jesus Christ is the better covenant. It’s not on stones.
It’s not on two tablets. It’s Christ. Man. Those tablets only pointed.
Man sins to Christ In Hebrews chapter one verse one, the Bible says god who had various times and in various ways spoke in times past to the fathers, by the prophets has in these last days spoken to us by his son.
But let me tell you Hebrews one verse two ought to just shut down right now, people saying god told me to tell you, and it’s completely off the wall crazy.
And these last days, god spoke to us by his son. God is done speaking.
When he speaks, he speaks through his word that he has given.
You want some to I just need to have a word.
There’s many cazillions of thousands of them right here. Why don’t you read them?
Oh, I just needed to get a word from god. How many words does he need to give you?
Search and see. Doesn’t the doesn’t he say search?
And when you have searched for me with all of your heart, I’ll be found by you.
I love that. So I don’t know if I’ve got the strength or the energy. Trust me.
Search after him. You say, I don’t know if I believe. That’s fair.
Search after him and find out. This this prove his existence. Go for it.
But listen, don’t be surprised if his you’re looking around, and, you know, you you’ll see the curtain.
There’ll be a foot sticking out from underneath the curtain, and it it it’ll be a sandal.
You’ll it’ll be Jesus’ sandal because if you search for him, he’ll make sure you catch him.
He doesn’t say, Hey, uh, count to ten and and try to find me.
I’ll be, uh, I’ll be here.
And you start counting any and he leaves the house and goes down a couple miles away.
He doesn’t doesn’t do that? He wants to be caught by you.
What a priest in this incredibly new and awesome covenant that is made in his blood by his love and power and through him established forever.
Well, listen Hebrews one verse two goes on to say has in these last days spoken of Dubai’s son, whom he has appointed heir of all things and through whom also he made the worlds.
You don’t see that word worlds that’s we would say cause it’s hard.
It’s it’s bad English, but it’s kosmosis. Multiple cosmos.
He made them all. Whatever is made, has been made by him.
That’s everything. All of it. Beyond the farthest.
Did you guys get a I I I kinda posted it too late yet, like, three minutes.
I posted it the other night.
To go outside quick and look into the northwestern sky to watch Falcon Nine be launched from Vanenburg Air First Base.
Did anybody do that? It was awesome.
I don’t know where you were, but I was in a really clear spot and man that thing took off and we’re watching it.
I’ve got the got the phone open because we’re we got all the technology on the phone.
You can see the speed, the altitude, and you and all of this stuff. And you’re and we’re watching it.
And it’s just amazing huge flame, and it’s going up eight thousand miles an hour, eleven thousand miles an hour, seventeen thousand miles an hour, And we watched it with our naked eye, we watched it to to where it was had passed Mexico City.
From here. And you’re just like, whoa.
And to think of that speed and what was it like out there?
God knows. He made it.
And if that thing went for a bazillion years in that direction, it’d still be it’s it would still be under the jurisdiction of almighty God.
I love it. But that verse goes on.
First, uh, chapter of Hebrews, it says in verse three who being the brightness of his glory, speaking of Jesus, and the expressed image of his person.
And upholding all things by the power of his or by the word of his power when he had by himself.
Hell hello everybody. What? By himself purged our sins sat down at the right hand of the majesty on high.
Sounds like Hebrews, doesn’t it? What we’re reading right now in this chapter?
Same as echoed in the first chapter. Set down. He purged our sins by himself.
I love that. Man, how saved can we be?
Well, if you put your faith in Christ alone and nothing else, because there is nothing else.
Your listen. He’s got your name written in his lamb’s book of life.
And what’s awesome about that fact is that no one’s blotted out of the lamb’s book of life.
I don’t wanna go down a rabbit hole here, but real quick.
There’s two there’s at least two books in the Bible that record names.
Technically, I could push it and and show you a few others, but There’s the lamb’s book of life and there’s the book of life.
Every human being ever given life has their name written in the book of life.
See, so if you’re here right now and you you you’re not a Christian and you and let’s say we know this that in time you’ll never become one You’ll die and wind up in hell.
Your name was written in the book of life. God gave you life.
But because you never accepted Christ, your name was never written down in the lamb’s book of life.
So remember, he pick fit think of two spreadsheets. Right here.
All the people that have ever been born or that have ever been given life.
Think about all the names that god only god knows of all the babies that were miscarried in life or aborted in life.
God knows them all. Did you know that? He tells us so in Psalm one thirty nine.
He says, I knew all I knew all your body parts before they even put together.
I he said, I was in the womb. While you were being plugged plugged into, like, you know, Legos.
Um, arm, arm put in nose. He said I was there.
Every human being ever given life, so watch this.
But the Bible says that there is the lamb’s book of life, and that’s the book where those who believe in Christ, their names are written.
Lam’s book of life. The book of the lambs record, we would call it.
So here’s my name, Jack. Okay. I was given life.
And at the age of nineteen, so to speak, I’m making this part up right now.
Are you with me, everybody? Yes.
When I said, lord, forgive me of my sins, come into my life, take control.
He highlighted my name. He took the mouse. He highlighted my name. Are you?
I told you I was making this part up. He hit copy.
He came over to the lamb’s book of life. And he hit paste.
Watch. Where’s my name now? Both places.
In the day of judgment, If your name is not found written in the lamb’s book of life, your name is blooded out of the book of life.
It says so. Your name when the books are open, it says your name’s not there.
It means that you’re on your your your momentarily, the door’s gonna open up and you’re gonna fall.
Why? Because you didn’t get your name copied and pasted into the lamb’s book of life.
To get your name into the lamb’s book of life is to say Jesus Christ is lord.
He died on the cross for my sins. He rose again from the dead. I trust him. I believe him.
I don’t want religion. I want Jesus. And I’ve given him my life.
And I commit my life to him, and I’m gonna get up, and I’m gonna live for him.
I’m not gonna live for everybody else but him. Yes. He’s the lord of my life.
He calls the shots, we’re gonna do what he wants to do. And listen, if you do that, hang on.
Because it’s gonna be a glorious ride. It’s gonna be a great life. Man.
Also in verse one, it says now This is the main point. He’s stressing.
Don’t miss this. Absolutely amazing.
And love the fact that he is seated at the right hand. Now verse two continues.
Jesus Christ is the better architect. He’s not only the better covenant, he’s the better architect.
When the Bible says in verse two, a minister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle, which the lord, at his Jesus Christ, erected and not man.
I find this absolutely something. Here’s the reason why. Look, he’s the minister. The minister is the one listen.
A minister is not only a servant, but he also administers what is the applied or the appropriate thing.
In other words, This minister who is the high priest knows exactly what to do and give you in life.
I love it. Can you trust him with that? Really? Honestly? Yes. Yes.
I just prayed with the family just before service, and their daughter’s going in for surgery.
And the dad had expressed boy, this has been a journey. And because you could tell.
And he’s a good dad. You could tell.
He wants to know all about this, and he wants to have a little bit of control because he loves these kids, and his daughter’s gonna go in for surgery, and And, uh, it was cute because he said I made sure that I, uh, looked at the team that’s gonna be working on my daughter and make sure that none of them were criminals or had any bad records and many marks against them.
What was he what was he expressing? A loving dad. That that’s how dads think.
Who are you? Hi, sir. Can I date your daughter? No.
Not till you and I become friends, sit down. That’s how it starts. Very cordial.
So that’s but, but a minister.
And he’s he’s the one that there applies all that we need in the sanctuary.
Not this sanctuary. Not any sanctuary in earth.
I’m happy to report of the true tabernacle. This gets fun. Listen friends.
If you’re if you’re bound up in in in church membership, and that’s your entrance to heaven?
Big disappointment come in.
Uh, if you’re if you’re, uh, if if you’re a Mormon and you are trusting in your book the, uh, the the book being checked off for the basic performances in in your achievements to reach, uh, deity.
Big big disappointment coming.
Uh, if you’re a Catholic and you’re trusting in in in all of the rights and pat the rich roles in this in the catechism, in the in the confirmations, and the baptism’s big listen, if you’re a protestant, And you think that you got the corner market on on going to heaven because If it’s anything other than what Jesus Christ has done, we’re all in trouble, friends.
And so when it says here, the tabernacle or the true tabernacle, This is absolutely beautiful because friends, Jesus never went into any sanctuary on earth, and he never went into any tabernacle on earth, and he saw to it.
That he didn’t do that. Do you know how many times Jesus Christ visited the temple in Jerusalem and never went in?
He never went in. He stayed in the outer court. Did you know that every time?
He never went in. Don’t you think if he was god? Right?
And this all meant something at the building and the temple that he would go through.
He’d tell the high priest, scoot over. I’m here. Get out of the way.
I know this better than you do and walks in. Don’t you think he would have done it?
He never did it. He made it a point not to
I don’t know if you guys realize it or not, but did you know the last time uh, we were together, which was not the last Wednesday night, but the Wednesday night before that.
We set a world’s record here. Did you know that? We did chapter seven in one one night.
That never has that ever happened here before. It’s thirty three years. It’s never happened.
And, So tonight, we’ll be looking at Hebrew chapter eight verses one through six.
We’ll go as far as we can.
We’re looking at really the same theme goes this way for quite a while, and that is having a priest better than you.
You always wanna make sure that you have a priest that’s better than you.
But then when you turn, if you turn to a human, And you assume that that priest is better than you, then you’re gonna be set up for great disappointment and failure.
Are you listening to me? Have I ever asked you to put your eyes on me and follow me in any way, shape, or form?
The only thing that I would possibly flirt with doing is what Paul said.
Paul said follow me as I follow Christ.
I might say, follow me as I follow Paul, as he follows Christ, will all be following Jesus together?
But the Bible makes it very clear that your priest must be a priest of a very, very particular order He must have certain requirements, certain standards, certain things that he has to meet to be the priest of your soul and your eternal life and oh, small detail.
He can’t be of this world.
He has to be the eternal god who has come down from heaven above.
I’ll read the verse one if you’ll pick up and start in verse two.
Now this is the main point of the things we are saying.
We have such a high priest who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the majesty in the heavens.
For every high priest, think of every priest on earth, of every religion, of any denomination.
For every high priest is appointed to offer both gifts and sacrifices.
Therefore, it is necessary that this one referring to Christ also have something to offer.
That’s awesome.
Verse five, who served the copy and shadow of the heavenly things as Moses was divinely instructed when he was about to make the tabernacle for he said, quote now.
God speaking to him. See that you make all things according to the pattern shown you on the mountain.
And all god’s people said, amen, you may be seated, having a priest better than you.
It’s it’s amazing because all of us can agree on this one thing no matter what your spiritual walk of life is that there’s an overwhelming sense and and it has been since adam and eve were created throughout all of culture, anthropologists Sociologists, those who have studied antiquities, there there is this consistent theme in the disciplines of those sciences that man is religious by nature.
Did you know that? It is unnatural for man to be atheistic. Want you to know that.
Athism is a modern time construct. There were no atheists in ancient times.
It was something that was an invent it was an invention and it came out of an era which by the way cracks me up because if you look at the tenets of atheism, they are actually a religion.
For example, one of them, most famous.
I I don’t know if he’s the most famous. He’s kind of gone off the rails, uh, of late.
Nobody really mentions him anymore. It’s pretty debunked, but, uh, Chuck Darwin, for example. Charles Darwin.
Um, did you know he started out his career in a seminary learning the Bible?
Did you know that? But, uh, he didn’t like God.
And so he went about a way to explain the world in in in other ways.
And the things that he claimed literally took more faith to believe in than just believing in what god had said about things.
When god says I make, for example, the the foul of the air, birds.
And I made them after their own kind.
In other words, god says, I made birds and I wrote their DNA out. And within them, there’s variation.
There’s a blue one. There’s a yellow one. There’s a red one. There’s a big one. There’s a small one.
And all of our time, as time has gone on, they’re still birds.
Well, how do you explain how do you explain dogs?
There’s chihuahuas, and there’s listen.
When you if you take the DNA course and you go backwards in that course, you come to an animal, which is a dog, which is somewhat much like a wolf.
And it’s man who is engineered from what exists into other forms of what? Dogs.
You’ve never taken a dog and made a cat. Okay.
You can’t get a fish and make it fly like a bird.
Everything still to this moment is replicated after its own kind exactly as god has said.
And in that, by the way, is the human. And the human I know this sounds corny.
We’ve heard it a thousand times, but it’s true. The human has a god shaped hole in their existence.
Right in the middle of your chest, so to speak, is a is a big hole that only god can fit.
And when we don’t use the word of god to find god, then we go around trying to stuff that hole with things that we think might fulfill.
And so we’ll have it up to here with sex or we’ll have it up to here with drink or seeking pleasure or adrenaline, you know, jumping off of mountains, bridges, stuff, the adrenaline rush.
It doesn’t matter. Uh whatever it is, you’re looking for this filler.
And, um, I’m not saying that when god fills that hole, you suddenly go boring.
You don’t jump off of buildings anymore because you’re a Christian. Sure. I’m sure you do.
Some of you are Christians, you jump out of airplanes.
I don’t know why you’d jump out of a perfectly good airplane, but Uh, it doesn’t mean that you become a Christian and you don’t have a life anymore.
The exact opposite happens. You become a Christian, you become fulfilled. And then you start living your life.
Believe it or not, with all the jumping out of airplanes or, uh, swimming with sharks that you’re trying to get a rush out of, Um, at the end of the day, it’s still over, but never with Jesus.
Yeah. And so heaven high priest better than you, we start looking at this.
We look at it this way in verses one and two and that is having a better covenant.
Write that down, please. A covenant. According to the Bible, God has written us a new covenant.
There was the old covenant, and there’s a new covenant.
There was the old testament, and there’s the new testament One con one does not contradict the other.
They’re in perfect harmony, but one promises something and the other fulfills the promise. They work in tandem.
Are you with me? They work in tandem. Never. I mean it.
I would never go to a church that sees the old and new testament as something that should be separated and never taught studied or looked at.
No way. You can’t do that.
You have no idea what it is you believe in the new testament unless you’ve studied the old. Okay?
Very, very, very important. So as we look at this, we’ll kinda dissect this together with the time that we have.
Mark this down if you would.
It’s we’re We’re out to have a better covenant because of what he’s given us, but we must come to the conclusion from scripture, and you will eventually, if you haven’t, is that Jesus Christ is in fact that better covenant.
See, well, what’s the big deal about that? Well, because it’s not written in stone.
It’s not based on a lineage of priesthood.
It’s not it’s not listed on, uh, or determined upon Uh, this rank of order or these, um, special DNA groups of people the kohathites, the levites, or, uh, you know, today people might say, uh, oh, you know, he he’s a he’s a priest, he’s a cardinal, he’s a a pope, he’s a, uh, archbishop, or she’s a nun, or he’s he’s this, or he’s this type of priest in this organization or this group.
It’s listen, god’s not into that. Do you understand that? He’s not into that?
I don’t mean to upset anybody, but Jesus made it very clear.
He said whatever you do, don’t call anybody on earth. Father.
Because there’s only one father in that your father in heaven. That’s what Jesus said. Crystal clear.
And when you when you when you think about that, There is the reaching out in arms of god saying to you come to me.
He has never said in the Bible. Go read it. He has never said in the Bible.
You go go to those people and then you can come to me.
If you think of the Old Testament, really getting down to it, the priesthood, A friend of mine told me, and he’s Jewish so he can say this.
I I don’t think I would ever say this, but we were talking about this very thing, and he’s Jewish.
And he said, listen, he said the the the priesthood was a glorified butcher shop.
He said the priests, the kohathites, and the levites, They were glorified butchers.
And if you’ve ever read leviticus, if you ever want to fall asleep, read leviticus, take the spleen, put it over here, then stretch out the entrails, and and it’s just like, what?
Uh, to knock you out in a minute. Why all that?
Because it was god communicating to his people that you can’t keep the law.
And so because of that, innocent animals have gotta be sacrificed to make atonement for your sins.
And their offering would be a covering for your sin. Fast forward, we’ve got the lord Jesus Christ.
Who, when John the Baptist saw him, John, a Jew, Johanin, chapter one, behold the lamb of god who takes away the sins of the world.
All priests of the earth and all animal blood of the earth only covers sins.
No priest can take away your sins. Did you know that? No priest can’t.
You say, uh, I don’t know if I like hearing this, but it’s true because the Bible makes it clear.
The only way that you could have your sins taken away from you is if your priest that you’re confessing to has no sin.
Right. Right. It even says in the Bible, both Old and New Testament that the priests that operate in this world, they, before they represent you, must first get blood for themselves to have their sins forgiven before they can come and talk to you.
Wow. Do you remember in the old testament that when the priest was gonna go into the holy of holies.
They tied a rope around his leg, and they put bells on his robe because if there was sin in his life after he had confessed his sins.
And can you imagine on the day of atonement, there’s your man. There he goes.
The whole nation’s waiting Go in there and talk to god so that our sins are covered. Okay.
Here I go. And he would go in with blood.
Into the tabernacle and then it would be the temple in Jerusalem.
He would go and you would hear the bells moving. Right? Really?
And then he would do he would offer.
And then after a while, if if you didn’t hear any tinkling of the bells, you get a little concerned.
Can you imagine?
Hey, have you have you have we heard anything lately? I haven’t heard a thing, a viewer. Any tinkling?
Anything? No. Pull on the rope. Can you imagine reeling this guy in?
He couldn’t come into the presence of god with sin in his life.
Well, think about that by the way.
That’s a bit convicting if you think about it maybe in your life right now.
God says if you’re my child, you’re also in the priesthood.
And I don’t want you to come into my presence with sin in your life.
He wants us to walk a life of holiness That’s not boring. It’s thrilling.
It simply means this that you walk before him because we have a covenant that we don’t have to run back.
Can you imagine? In the old testament era, if you sin, five minutes, you left.
You just made an offering and you walk away. Praise the lord, hallelujah.
You slip and fall in some something happens and you sin. Oh, man.
You gotta grab it depends on the sin.
You gotta grab a a a goat or a ram or a lamb or a turtledove, and you gotta go back.
Hey, here a priest. I blew it. Just some more blood. How bloody was that?
Did you know that Josephus the historian that was working for Rome.
He said that during the Passover weekend that Jesus Christ was crucified, uh, he estimated that there was some two hundred and eighty five thousand sheep sacrificed at the temple on that weekend.
Because she had to have ten people per sheep.
That’s how they knew how many people were in Jerusalem at Passover.
And on a lonely hill, at the north top of the Mariah, the lamb was being crucified.
And so verse one says, now this is the main point. I love this. By the author.
This is the main point. I’m he’s saying I’m getting down to the whole reason of the whole thing that we have such a high priest.
I’ve got that marked in my bible. This is the point. What’s the point?
We’ve got such a high priest. We’ve got a priest that handles everything that you and I need. Yeah.
By the way, in my notes, I have high priests. That’s Jesus Christ.
Who noticed his location is seated at the right hand of the throne of the magic in the heavenlies or in heaven.
Where’s Jesus Christ? He seated at the right hand of the majesty.
That’s the priest that I have. Is that the priest that you have?
Is that the one that you talk to you don’t have to bring blood.
You don’t have to go and and offer something.
And he doesn’t speak back, by the way, and say and say to you, Now to really get forgiveness or get this taken care of, you’ve gotta do three of these and seven of the others and you’ve gotta earn a little bit of this.
You gotta have some skin in the game, Frank. You can’t do that.
That is an insult to Christ’s sacrifice. He doesn’t need my help. He doesn’t need your help.
We’ve got the priest. We’ve got the one. The very one you need.
The one that you’ve known all along down inside is the one that you really ought to have.
It’s Jesus, my friend. It’s nobody else. It is Jesus Christ. We have such a high priest.
Man, as a bible teacher, I’m thinking just that theme alone, you could preach a message for months.
We have such a high priest. That forgives. We have such a high priest that endures.
We have such a high priest that will never turn his back on you.
We have such a high priest that can forgive any sin.
We have we have such a high priest that’s always listening. We have such a high priest that’s always there.
Always caring, always tender, always waiting, always there at all times he’s there.
In the morning when you wake up, He’s there. And all night through, you’ll be sleeping. He’s there.
He never leaves. He says he never leaves. He comes into your life and he never leaves.
You have to go somewhere. We gotta go. We gotta go to confession. We gotta go to the temple.
We gotta go to the church. We gotta go to the Musk or we’ve gotta go to the synagogue.
We gotta go, what do you gotta go what? I will never forget it. Broke my heart.
Was witnessing to a man in Moscow, Russia witnessing his eyes are being opened, everything, and we get ready to pray.
And I said, You know, do you wanna accept Christ? Yes, I do. Okay. Here we go.
We’re gonna pray right now. He goes, we can’t pray here.
We cannot pray we I said, what are you talking about? He goes, we have to go inside the church.
Only then god can hear us. And I said, man, come listen.
The whole time I’ve been talking to you about this, we’re not talking about god being a mouse.
We’re not him talking about being uh, something little, something that hit any way bound, and it took forever.
I gotta tell you the guy eventually prayed, but it was tough for him.
He couldn’t believe that god lived outside the church. Listen.
I’m happy to report that god lives outside the church. Thank god.
In fact, if you wanna find god, there’s many churches, you gotta go outside and look for him.
But notice this place of position, the Bible says that our high priest is already seated.
He’s all done. He’s done it all.
I say this with all due respect and affection.
He’s got nothing to do because he’s done it all. When he said it’s finished.
On the cross, Jesus said it is finished.
That means everything that was needed to be done to save your soul. Jesus did it. Wow.
Love that. That’s why Jesus Christ is the better covenant. It’s not on stones.
It’s not on two tablets. It’s Christ. Man. Those tablets only pointed.
Man sins to Christ In Hebrews chapter one verse one, the Bible says god who had various times and in various ways spoke in times past to the fathers, by the prophets has in these last days spoken to us by his son.
But let me tell you Hebrews one verse two ought to just shut down right now, people saying god told me to tell you, and it’s completely off the wall crazy.
And these last days, god spoke to us by his son. God is done speaking.
When he speaks, he speaks through his word that he has given.
You want some to I just need to have a word.
There’s many cazillions of thousands of them right here. Why don’t you read them?
Oh, I just needed to get a word from god. How many words does he need to give you?
Search and see. Doesn’t the doesn’t he say search?
And when you have searched for me with all of your heart, I’ll be found by you.
I love that. So I don’t know if I’ve got the strength or the energy. Trust me.
Search after him. You say, I don’t know if I believe. That’s fair.
Search after him and find out. This this prove his existence. Go for it.
But listen, don’t be surprised if his you’re looking around, and, you know, you you’ll see the curtain.
There’ll be a foot sticking out from underneath the curtain, and it it it’ll be a sandal.
You’ll it’ll be Jesus’ sandal because if you search for him, he’ll make sure you catch him.
He doesn’t say, Hey, uh, count to ten and and try to find me.
I’ll be, uh, I’ll be here.
And you start counting any and he leaves the house and goes down a couple miles away.
He doesn’t doesn’t do that? He wants to be caught by you.
What a priest in this incredibly new and awesome covenant that is made in his blood by his love and power and through him established forever.
Well, listen Hebrews one verse two goes on to say has in these last days spoken of Dubai’s son, whom he has appointed heir of all things and through whom also he made the worlds.
You don’t see that word worlds that’s we would say cause it’s hard.
It’s it’s bad English, but it’s kosmosis. Multiple cosmos.
He made them all. Whatever is made, has been made by him.
That’s everything. All of it. Beyond the farthest.
Did you guys get a I I I kinda posted it too late yet, like, three minutes.
I posted it the other night.
To go outside quick and look into the northwestern sky to watch Falcon Nine be launched from Vanenburg Air First Base.
Did anybody do that? It was awesome.
I don’t know where you were, but I was in a really clear spot and man that thing took off and we’re watching it.
I’ve got the got the phone open because we’re we got all the technology on the phone.
You can see the speed, the altitude, and you and all of this stuff. And you’re and we’re watching it.
And it’s just amazing huge flame, and it’s going up eight thousand miles an hour, eleven thousand miles an hour, seventeen thousand miles an hour, And we watched it with our naked eye, we watched it to to where it was had passed Mexico City.
From here. And you’re just like, whoa.
And to think of that speed and what was it like out there?
God knows. He made it.
And if that thing went for a bazillion years in that direction, it’d still be it’s it would still be under the jurisdiction of almighty God.
I love it. But that verse goes on.
First, uh, chapter of Hebrews, it says in verse three who being the brightness of his glory, speaking of Jesus, and the expressed image of his person.
And upholding all things by the power of his or by the word of his power when he had by himself.
Hell hello everybody. What? By himself purged our sins sat down at the right hand of the majesty on high.
Sounds like Hebrews, doesn’t it? What we’re reading right now in this chapter?
Same as echoed in the first chapter. Set down. He purged our sins by himself.
I love that. Man, how saved can we be?
Well, if you put your faith in Christ alone and nothing else, because there is nothing else.
Your listen. He’s got your name written in his lamb’s book of life.
And what’s awesome about that fact is that no one’s blotted out of the lamb’s book of life.
I don’t wanna go down a rabbit hole here, but real quick.
There’s two there’s at least two books in the Bible that record names.
Technically, I could push it and and show you a few others, but There’s the lamb’s book of life and there’s the book of life.
Every human being ever given life has their name written in the book of life.
See, so if you’re here right now and you you you’re not a Christian and you and let’s say we know this that in time you’ll never become one You’ll die and wind up in hell.
Your name was written in the book of life. God gave you life.
But because you never accepted Christ, your name was never written down in the lamb’s book of life.
So remember, he pick fit think of two spreadsheets. Right here.
All the people that have ever been born or that have ever been given life.
Think about all the names that god only god knows of all the babies that were miscarried in life or aborted in life.
God knows them all. Did you know that? He tells us so in Psalm one thirty nine.
He says, I knew all I knew all your body parts before they even put together.
I he said, I was in the womb. While you were being plugged plugged into, like, you know, Legos.
Um, arm, arm put in nose. He said I was there.
Every human being ever given life, so watch this.
But the Bible says that there is the lamb’s book of life, and that’s the book where those who believe in Christ, their names are written.
Lam’s book of life. The book of the lambs record, we would call it.
So here’s my name, Jack. Okay. I was given life.
And at the age of nineteen, so to speak, I’m making this part up right now.
Are you with me, everybody? Yes.
When I said, lord, forgive me of my sins, come into my life, take control.
He highlighted my name. He took the mouse. He highlighted my name. Are you?
I told you I was making this part up. He hit copy.
He came over to the lamb’s book of life. And he hit paste.
Watch. Where’s my name now? Both places.
In the day of judgment, If your name is not found written in the lamb’s book of life, your name is blooded out of the book of life.
It says so. Your name when the books are open, it says your name’s not there.
It means that you’re on your your your momentarily, the door’s gonna open up and you’re gonna fall.
Why? Because you didn’t get your name copied and pasted into the lamb’s book of life.
To get your name into the lamb’s book of life is to say Jesus Christ is lord.
He died on the cross for my sins. He rose again from the dead. I trust him. I believe him.
I don’t want religion. I want Jesus. And I’ve given him my life.
And I commit my life to him, and I’m gonna get up, and I’m gonna live for him.
I’m not gonna live for everybody else but him. Yes. He’s the lord of my life.
He calls the shots, we’re gonna do what he wants to do. And listen, if you do that, hang on.
Because it’s gonna be a glorious ride. It’s gonna be a great life. Man.
Also in verse one, it says now This is the main point. He’s stressing.
Don’t miss this. Absolutely amazing.
And love the fact that he is seated at the right hand. Now verse two continues.
Jesus Christ is the better architect. He’s not only the better covenant, he’s the better architect.
When the Bible says in verse two, a minister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle, which the lord, at his Jesus Christ, erected and not man.
I find this absolutely something. Here’s the reason why. Look, he’s the minister. The minister is the one listen.
A minister is not only a servant, but he also administers what is the applied or the appropriate thing.
In other words, This minister who is the high priest knows exactly what to do and give you in life.
I love it. Can you trust him with that? Really? Honestly? Yes. Yes.
I just prayed with the family just before service, and their daughter’s going in for surgery.
And the dad had expressed boy, this has been a journey. And because you could tell.
And he’s a good dad. You could tell.
He wants to know all about this, and he wants to have a little bit of control because he loves these kids, and his daughter’s gonna go in for surgery, and And, uh, it was cute because he said I made sure that I, uh, looked at the team that’s gonna be working on my daughter and make sure that none of them were criminals or had any bad records and many marks against them.
What was he what was he expressing? A loving dad. That that’s how dads think.
Who are you? Hi, sir. Can I date your daughter? No.
Not till you and I become friends, sit down. That’s how it starts. Very cordial.
So that’s but, but a minister.
And he’s he’s the one that there applies all that we need in the sanctuary.
Not this sanctuary. Not any sanctuary in earth.
I’m happy to report of the true tabernacle. This gets fun. Listen friends.
If you’re if you’re bound up in in in church membership, and that’s your entrance to heaven?
Big disappointment come in.
Uh, if you’re if you’re, uh, if if you’re a Mormon and you are trusting in your book the, uh, the the book being checked off for the basic performances in in your achievements to reach, uh, deity.
Big big disappointment coming.
Uh, if you’re a Catholic and you’re trusting in in in all of the rights and pat the rich roles in this in the catechism, in the in the confirmations, and the baptism’s big listen, if you’re a protestant, And you think that you got the corner market on on going to heaven because If it’s anything other than what Jesus Christ has done, we’re all in trouble, friends.
And so when it says here, the tabernacle or the true tabernacle, This is absolutely beautiful because friends, Jesus never went into any sanctuary on earth, and he never went into any tabernacle on earth, and he saw to it.
That he didn’t do that. Do you know how many times Jesus Christ visited the temple in Jerusalem and never went in?
He never went in. He stayed in the outer court. Did you know that every time?
He never went in. Don’t you think if he was god? Right?
And this all meant something at the building and the temple that he would go through.
He’d tell the high priest, scoot over. I’m here. Get out of the way.
I know this better than you do and walks in. Don’t you think he would have done it?
He never did it. He made it a point not to
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