Franklin Graham: The ONLY WAY To WIN BACK America in 2024 | Kirk Cameron on TBN

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Franklin Graham: The ONLY WAY To WIN BACK America in 2024 | Kirk Cameron on TBN

Franklin Graham joins Kirk Cameron to examine how Christians can be most effective in turning the tide for America in 2024. He details the difficult future that faces our country if it continues on its current course and also shares his prayer for America. Don’t miss this insightful conversation here on Takeaways with Kirk Cameron on TBN!

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Join Kirk Cameron to discuss pressing issues Christians are facing with compassionate, well-informed guests. Together we will find actionable takeaways that we can use today, this week, and this month to bring more of Heaven to Earth.

we need a revolution we we need a revolution of Christian men and women who will take that stand who will take our our courts back we’ll take our our city Square back we’ll take Washington back but it’s got to be done by Christians running for office and getting out there and voting how do we as the family of faith not only regain Christian influence in our culture but actually move to Leading and defining ing our culture by our Christian values we’re not going to change the culture I don’t think Kirk uh
but at the same time we could be an influence in the culture and we can be an influence by by good versus evil stand up for truth or we’ll be mocked we’ll be laughed at we’ll be sneered at but stand up for truth and be willing to stand up for the word of God and if we’ll do that I think God will bless us and God will use this are we is America going to go back the way it was 100 years ago no it’s not C uh it’s that’s that’s not going to happen uh not in my opinion uh I I think we have lost the
America that that I grew up in that you grew up in I think we’ve lost it but that doesn’t mean uh God’s not working doesn’t mean that God can’t use us it doesn’t mean that there’s not a need for the gospel there’s more need today for the gospel than ever and uh because people you know people go into drugs they go into sex they go into all these things and it’s leaving them empty and people try the transgender route it’s empty uh they’re looking for satisfaction and they’re not getting it
and they’re looking for answers and they’re not getting it all they’re getting fed is lies and people want to know truth but the people look in the wrong places and so for us to be able to stand up and present the truth of the Bible uh God’s word to a sick and dying world uh there’s a lot of hungry Souls out there a lot of thirsty Souls out there that are waiting to hear the word of God they want to hear truth and so I would encourage people just to stand for God’s truth and let him do the rest you
know if we’re paying attention to the news and what’s going on in our children’s schools uh we can see that there is quite the competition for who’s going to get to teach our children it seems to be the increasing theme that the government wants to step between parents and their kids and we heard some politicians say things like you know it really takes Village and that gets uh you know they double down and then say well you know we’ve got to get past this this private idea thing that children
belong to their parents and recognize that children belong to all of us in the community uh we even had the president beginning to talk about this and this is a a very ominous sounding rhetoric because this is uh ultimately what happens when you see authoritarian uh folks begin to take over uh by Co-op co-opting the children uh how has this happened on our watch well first of all it’s uh this is nothing new this is what the Communists did uh in Russia and Eastern Europe uh so the Communists trained the children took the children
and here’s the way we Chang this Kirk it’s who you vote for and I think we just have to recognize our votes are important churches need to have Christian men and women running for school boards and need the majority of the school boards to be Christians and uh so that when an atheist or communist is on the Schoolboard they want to have a pornographic book or if they want to have a uh promote sex change for young people uh to have the school board say no we’re not going to we’re not going to go along with that and uh we’re not
going to support that and uh so let’s have a vote well there’s more of us now than there is of you so the Christians win you’ve got to have the votes Kirk you got to have we got to stack it and so I would encourage Christians to run for school boards I would run encourage Christians to run uh for city council uh for County Commissioners and you’ve got to have a thick skin because you’re going to be attacked if you stand up for Christ and you’re in a Public Square they’re going to attack you so you just
got to have a thick skin and you just got to smile and and and let them say those mean nasty things and call you names and uh but you got to be firm and you got to hang on to to the word of God and trust him and realize that they hate they actually hate Jesus Christ and that’s why they hate us because we represent him but we need Christians at every level of government yes we need them in Washington but doesn’t mean everyone is going to be a Christian that we vote for uh we just need to vote for one that will stand for moral Authority
and uh so you sometimes you may have to choose between this one or that one but choose the one and vote for the one get behind and support the one who believed in what we we stood for what would you say to those who say you know uh when a storm is coming I duck out into my tornado shelter and we see such a big storm coming I just want to keep me and my family safe how do we keep our families strong in faith and in practice and and and keep from sliding into cultural disengagement uh to teach your children at home the word of God stand
up uh for or the the word of God take your children to church don’t send them to church take them to church there’s a big difference Kirk there’s a lot of families that will parents will go to church and they’ll drop the kids off and then they go do something else for an hour or two uh you’ve got to take your children to church and that and do that but at the same time get involved politically I’m talking I’m talking about we need a revolution we we need a revolution of Christian men and women
who will take that stand who will take our our courts back who will take our our city Square back who will take Washington back but it’s got to be done by Christians running for office and getting out there and voting and uh let’s get the right men and women in Washington and then hold them accountable and so if we vote for someone and they don’t do what they say they’re going to do is we need to hold them accountable and uh run them out of office if they don’t uh do what they say they’re going to do but that’s the only
hope if if if we do that maybe will give us a few more years Kurt we look at the news we we look around we we see our culture and we recognize that Christianity which has always been the tap rot that has supplied the nourishment to the tree of Liberty here in America is being replaced by secular humanism and other ungodly ideas uh and some of their arguments have been effective to uh dismantle Christians in the Public Square uh for example uh some from other ideologies uh the lgbtq movement uh drag queens uh for instance
will say that Christian ideas about the lgbtq community uh are just unli unloving they’re they’re intolerant they’re not inclusive they’re unaccepting is that an accurate statement or is there a flaw in in in that accusation no I don’t think there’s a flaw in it uh because uh lgbtq this is sin okay uh transgenders this is sin and uh it’s it’s a sin against God and so it’s not that that I hate the lgbtq people no it’s not but I’m going to love them enough Kirk to warn them but we
just we we can’t uh you know try to love them in a sense so okay well yeah we see your point that’s kind of yeah you got a good idea and try to appease them we just have to love them enough to be Frank blunt uh is sin call it what God calls that’s what God calls it he calls it sin and uh God is going to judge all sin one day all sin and so it this is this is serious business and so we need to be honest enough with the lgbq community to love them enough to warn them and to speak the truth in love and
and we we know it’s it’s going to come at a cost uh culturally with relationships and family and friends and work but uh I’m so glad someone spoke the truth in love to me or I wouldn’t be a Christian today I’d still be stuck in my sin headed down that path of of death and destruction Franklin I read a book when I was in high school called animal farm and in in that book Animal Farm you you’ve you’ve you’ve got this situation where the seven Commandments for all of the animals were written on the side of
the barn by the pigs but slowly the pigs who were in leadership began to change uh ever so slightly the rules for the rest of the animals for example one of them was uh no animal shall sleep in a bed but eventually they changed it no animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets and many of the animals had forgotten the original rules uh I I find that happening in our day today where we have those who are changing uh not just the Ten Commandments but the Constitution and and where we know that a rule is we’re not going to discriminate against
race religion uh or sex that’s now been changed to race religion and sex ual orientation how do we preserve those biblical Commandments and truths uh not only in the Bible but in our constitution here in our culture and not let them be watered down uh by those who try to destroy us vote and uh vote for Christian men and women and encourage Christian men and women to run for office Kirk that’s the only way you can do it Franklin you are an expert at assessing and meeting needs and through your disaster relief efforts you’re
meeting physical needs around the world through Samaritan purse uh you’re also meeting spiritual needs uh through the Evangelistic efforts that you uh initiate and Lead uh what do you think are the greatest needs for Christianity right now for the church now to get back to the Bible and uh and to believe the Bible uh there are a lot of people who will say oh yes we we we we read the Bible but you’ve got to uh hear the word of God and keep it you’ve got to be able to put it into your heart and live it
and what we have today is uh so many people have compromised uh they’ve compromised on the word of God see God’s word doesn’t change uh Kirk it’s the same yesterday today uh tomorrow uh forever and and God isn’t a God that as culture changes that God changes with the culture uh to meet culture no and and that’s what’s happening and so many churches have have gotten into and Fallen away from uh the the authority of the scripture we have to remember the word of God is true and it and the Bible
is true cover to cover you just don’t pick out portions of the scripture uh and believe that and then discard the others that you disagree with you have to accept it all and live it and that’s so important that we live our faith Kirk and that we uh lift up Jesus and everything that we do uh the problems that we see in this country is because the church has failed uh it’s failed miserably we need to be speaking out on moral issues we need to be uh taking a stand uh for The Unborn uh we need to uh
and I appreciate the way you’re uh taking on uh the drag queens and some of these others in the on the Public Square by going in and reading your book uh to counter some of that other stuff we see but we it’s like every demon in hell has been has been you know set loose and we’ve you got to stand firm for the word of God what is your personal prayer for your grandkids and um and and even their children uh with regard to the world that they will be living in my prayer for my grandchildren is that they’ll
grow up to meet men and women that will serve the Lord Jesus Christ and that they’ll make him Center of their life that’s that’s my my prayer uh for my grandchildren uh because they’re going to be living in a much different world Kirk than what I was raised in and it’s going to be so much tougher to take that stand for Christ uh because people that take that stand for Christ will be hated uh Jesus warned us it’s coming and so for my grandchildren I think they’re going to be uh living in a very
difficult world and so my prayers they’ll just be faithful and that they’ll stand up uh for Christ and not be afraid as you go to other continents you go to other nations what is giving you hope as you travel and and meeting needs around the world what what gives you hope for Christianity well uh Kirk as far as uh hope is Jesus Christ that’s the only hope that we have uh your politicians are not going to save this world um there’s not a government out there that’s going to save this world it’s
only Jesus Christ and so Kirk I think the opportunity that uh we have to present the gospel uh when Jesus took our sins to the cross the Bible says and it teaches clear that we’ve all sinned uh every one of us is guilty uh but Jesus came on a rescue mission he came to save us from sin uh and so he died and shed his blood on a cross was buried for our sin on the third day God raised his son to life uh this is the only hope for the world is Jesus Christ and so when I travel around the world we always work with churches and work through the
churches and to see especially the churches and some parts of the world like Africa are are so strong in their faith and then you come to like Western Europe and even parts of this country where we see the church so weak in its Faith it’s encouraging uh to see some of these other countries and how strong they are and I always encourage them to send missionaries to America uh we we need to be uh evangelized uh we’ve been because we so many of our communities have lost their faith and so I do have hope Kirk but my my hope is in Jesus
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