Esther’s Choice and Your Calling | Jonathan Cahn

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Esther’s Choice and Your Calling

Esther’s Choice and Your Calling #2326. The Book of Esther contains the matter of chance and destiny and the purpose and calling of your life – Learn the keys Esther how to find and full your calling and destiny.
A Night in the Wilderness – Part II: The Dwelling of Heaven
The conclusion of Jonathan’s special message from the wilderness of the Bible, the secrets and keys of opening your life for the power and blessings of the dwelling presence of God – from the wilderness of Sinai – Part II – The Conclusion

So Esther, the problem in her life and this is now caused by Amen, wasn’t it?
This is going to, this is gonna trigger it all, Trigg it all. Here’s the problem. Amen.
And yet he’s gonna trigger all these things happening.
So in your life, God uses problems to fulfill your calling and destiny.
Every part, you know, and you’re one that’s the things we hate the most like Haman here, we would hate the most.
We’re booing Haman, right? But yet God, when the problem comes in our life, we boo we say get this out of my life yet God uses problems to even problems and very much so because they speed things up to bring about what God has.
Most of. You would not have come to the Lord if it wasn’t for things in your life that you didn’t like that, that happened and you made you search.
But, but every problem in your life, it doesn’t stop when you come to Lord.
Every problem in your life. God will use it to bring about your destiny and his purpose.
Always He, if you go with Him, Esther has a choice, you’ve got a choice whether it’s gonna have what’s gonna happen or not.
Esther, she’s living a half life, she’s hiding who she is, that means she’s hiding everything.
You know, she’s hiding the observance of the covenant. You know.
You know, because, because in the law or at least people there are supposed to be praying several times a day, she’s, she’s undoubtedly, she’s the queen of Persia and she’s probably young and to be lifted up that high.
You know, and you think of celebrities who get lifted up so high, so quick as young and they usually get, they usually get very messed up.
She is living on the throne and she’s probably, she doesn’t wanna lose that.
Most people won’t lose that, lose your, lose your wealth, lose your fame, lose your position, lose your comfort, lose your life.
So she’s living a lie. She’s living in fear yet God is still calling her.
You see the grace of God here that he still called Esther is living. She’s hiding it all.
She’s like deny, it’s like denying the Lord yet God is still working it all out God’s.
You see the grace of God, you see the love of God.
God is still calling her, still using her or seeking to use her.
You see the grace of God on the people in the bible, people who the call of God.
Abraham messed up big. He, he denied his wife at one point, called said to my sister another time he goes into Hagar has relations with Hagar and yet still, God still does not revoke the calling and he could have, he could have it caused problems, you know, by what they did.
But God says, no, I’m still gonna work at all for the calling.
Just turn Moses lived as an Egyptian prince killed an Egyptian fled to the wilderness.
But God meets him in the middle. It’s like, again, it’s like the rolling of the dice.
What a, it’s like a, you imagine being Moses. What a strange life. He lived the first.
He’s living also a double life.
He’s raised as the prince of Egypt and he’s really Jewish, another situation like that.
And then he ends up killing, killing this guy, striking him down, who was, who was striking another person.
He flees into the wilderness becomes a shepherd. He’s now 80 years old.
What a strange life he lived and yet God meets him there.
It, it, it seems messed up what’s going on. What, what was my life here?
I was there in Egypt now, I’m in the middle of nowhere and yet God meets him there.
It’s all now that now what looks like the, the dice, you know the chance, what was going on all of a sudden, God saying I’m using it all.
I would use the fact that you were a prince of Egypt.
I don’t know, use the fact that you learned how to write and so you can write my book.
All the I I learned so you can go back to Egypt.
God used everything in his life that looked at him and had no purpose was all crazy out of control and it was all part of God’s plan.
David committed adultery, deception and murder. God.
God judged him for that but did not revoke his calling.
He paid a price but God did not throw away. David did not reject David.
He, he would still use David and even use what he went through so that you could look at the Psalms and say, wow, Lord, if you’re with David, you’re with me would say, Lord don’t cast me away.
I can feel like David fell. Simon Peter denied the Lord and it looked like everything was crazy.
Everything that the, the the messiah, they put their hope in dies on the cross and they’re scattered, everything is out of control looks like God’s plan has failed.
Everything is out of control. He didn’t and yet yet, then God shows brings it all back, shows them restores Simon Peter.
And so all of us mess up. All of us certainly messed up before we knew the Lord.
And I’m sure that there’s nobody in this room who has not messed up since they’ve known the Lord.
You think of what we’ve done before past life or this life messed up, defiled before coming to the Lord.
And even after some living a double life. Some denying the Lord.
When people ask you, you deny it or an unspiritual life or a sinful life or an un faithful, you know, you, you know, whatever it is and God has every right to nullify our calling, to say, I’m finished with this.
But his heart is to not revoke the calling. His heart is to redeem our calling.
There is a destiny in your life and God’s grace is there to keep it.
And our part is to rise to it, to find out how you can receive more of Jonathan’s teachings.
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