Dr Joe Q&A – Overwhelming emotion
Dr Joe Q&A – Overwhelming emotion
My question is about the blessing of energy centers. I connected with my heart, and it was a deeply profound experience. I felt an immense amount of love coming up, and it was truly meaningful to me. I later learned from another teacher that although each chakra or energy center serves its own unique purpose, they actually share certain qualities. This realization made me want to explore all of them. So, I decided to check each energy center, and I’ve been practicing this ever since.
The beauty of each energy center is extraordinary, and I’m constantly amazed by their unique purpose. However, the love aspect has been especially transformative for me. I’m unsure what my specific question is, but I think part of it is that sometimes the love feels so overwhelming. It’s challenging to stay connected to it because the intensity can make you feel like your cup is overflowing. Physically, it can be hard to maintain that connection, and I find myself leaving the feeling, trying to come back, and then leaving again.
When I say “leaving,” I mean that I return to mundane thinking to avoid feeling the intensity. Does this make sense? Yes, it’s probably mundane thinking.
Let’s discuss this further. First of all, I want to clarify that I’m not particularly fond of the term “chakra” because it often brings up limiting associations. Instead, I prefer to refer to them as “energy centers,” which helps people avoid preconceived notions. By using more contemporary language grounded in science, everyone can understand and relate to these energy centers within their bodies. This approach prevents people from shutting down or feeling disconnected, as some may do when they hear the term “chakra.”
I teach the blessing of energy centers in a way that helps energy flow freely through your nervous system. As energy moves along the central axis of your spine, the electrical charges traveling through this “fiber-optic cable” create a light tube. Yogi’s have referred to this as the prana tube for thousands of years. The more energy and higher the frequency moving up and down this tube, the more light it generates.
Each energy center corresponds to specific frequencies, and while nothing is wrong with these centers, they need to be balanced and in harmony for the body to produce and emit light and energy more efficiently. This practice primes the body to naturally harness these frequencies, especially when you sit down to create or meditate. It becomes an instinctive response.
This week, I spoke with a friend who’s having spontaneous mystical experiences. I didn’t do anything in particular. But she’s done the work, and now her soul is free from the past. We’ve worked with many individuals who’ve endured challenging, traumatic pasts. The goal is to overcome that trauma, and once you do, the soul has a surprise for you. It arranges moments of joy and mystical experiences as a natural byproduct of this work.
When you release the blocks and energy stored in your body, it’s like a pump being primed. Just as memories are stored in the brain, emotions and memories are also stored in the body. By doing this work, those energies start to move, releasing long-held guilt or trauma. It shifts into pure energy, allowing the body to release emotional baggage that has been stored for years. People can’t stop it; they don’t want to. As they relax and surrender to this energy, it transforms into joy, freedom, bliss, gratitude, and grace.
The body is no longer confined by past emotional memories, and as it releases, the soul experiences freedom. This newfound liberation can lead to mystical experiences and moments of profound insight, sometimes at the most unexpected times.
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