Do You Dare? | Joel Osteen
Do You Dare? | Joel Osteen
“It is important for a husband to understand that his words have tremendous power in his wife’s life. He needs to bless her with words. She’s given her life to love and care for him, to partner with him, to create a family together, to nurture his children. If he is always finding fault in something she’s doing, always putting her down, he will reap horrendous problems in his marriage and in his life. Moreover, many women today are depressed and feel emotionally abused because their husbands do not bless them with their words. One of the leading causes of emotional breakdowns among married women is the fact that women do not feel valued. One of the main reasons for that deficiency is because husbands are willfully or unwittingly withholding the words of approval women so desperately desire. If you want to see God do wonders in your marriage, start praising your spouse. Start appreciating and encouraging her. Every single day, a husband should tell his wife, “I love you. I appreciate you. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me.” A wife should do the same for her husband. Your relationship would improve immensely if you’d simply start speaking kind, positive words, blessing your spouse instead of cursing him or her.”
― Joel Osteen, Your Best Life Now: 7 Steps to Living at Your Full Potential
― Joel Osteen, Your Best Life Now: 7 Steps to Living at Your Full Potential
Sometimes God will ask you to do things that you don’t understand.
So you’ll get your thirst back when we’ve been dehydrated a long time.
We haven’t stretched our faith believe for favor healing breakthroughs.
God will ask you to do something out of the ordinary. Don’t talk yourself out of it.
Dare to trust Him. If you’ll do what he’s asking, you’ll see water increase abundance.
Like you’ve never seen, the people finally decided to dig these ditches.
Thoughts were telling them to waste of time. What good is this going to do?
But they just kept on digging. Jesus said He that hungers and thirsts after righteousness will be filled.
Noticed the principle you have to be thirsty before God will fill you.
They had to dig ditches in faith before any water would come.
They were saying by their actions, God, we’re thirsty.
Yes, we’re in a desert, but we believe you can bring water.
We don’t see a way but God, we know you still have a way.
Now, God could have brought them water without digging ditches. He could have done it despite them being dehydrated.
Doubting negative. How can this happen? But God says if you’re thirsty, I’ll show you good things.
If you’re thirsty, I’ll fill you with water with health, with abundance when we’ve been without water for days.
Like these people, difficulties aren’t turning around dreams aren’t coming to pass.
It’s easy to let that numb your thirst to where you become chronically dehydrated. We’re in a valley.
We need water healing restoration, but we’re not digging any ditches. Were not believing for our dreams.
Declare in favor over our finances. Speaking health over our bodies, taking steps to accomplish that goal.
You have to get thirsty again. Here’s a key. How many ditches you dig is?
How much God is going to fill?
If you believe to just make it through this year, then you’re going to just struggle through it.
Why don’t you dig some more ditches? Why don’t you get more thirsty? God?
I’m not just believing to survive this year, but I’m believing for overflow to have a blessed favor, filled, productive year.
I’m not learning to live with this sickness.
God, I’m believing for total help, for complete victory that I’ll run and not be weary.
I hope you enjoyed watching this clip. You can watch the full message here on our youtube channel.
We’d love to hear your prayer request and how the ministry has impacted your life.
You can leave a comment below. Make sure to subscribe to our channel to stay inspired all throughout the week.
We’ll see you next time.
So you’ll get your thirst back when we’ve been dehydrated a long time.
We haven’t stretched our faith believe for favor healing breakthroughs.
God will ask you to do something out of the ordinary. Don’t talk yourself out of it.
Dare to trust Him. If you’ll do what he’s asking, you’ll see water increase abundance.
Like you’ve never seen, the people finally decided to dig these ditches.
Thoughts were telling them to waste of time. What good is this going to do?
But they just kept on digging. Jesus said He that hungers and thirsts after righteousness will be filled.
Noticed the principle you have to be thirsty before God will fill you.
They had to dig ditches in faith before any water would come.
They were saying by their actions, God, we’re thirsty.
Yes, we’re in a desert, but we believe you can bring water.
We don’t see a way but God, we know you still have a way.
Now, God could have brought them water without digging ditches. He could have done it despite them being dehydrated.
Doubting negative. How can this happen? But God says if you’re thirsty, I’ll show you good things.
If you’re thirsty, I’ll fill you with water with health, with abundance when we’ve been without water for days.
Like these people, difficulties aren’t turning around dreams aren’t coming to pass.
It’s easy to let that numb your thirst to where you become chronically dehydrated. We’re in a valley.
We need water healing restoration, but we’re not digging any ditches. Were not believing for our dreams.
Declare in favor over our finances. Speaking health over our bodies, taking steps to accomplish that goal.
You have to get thirsty again. Here’s a key. How many ditches you dig is?
How much God is going to fill?
If you believe to just make it through this year, then you’re going to just struggle through it.
Why don’t you dig some more ditches? Why don’t you get more thirsty? God?
I’m not just believing to survive this year, but I’m believing for overflow to have a blessed favor, filled, productive year.
I’m not learning to live with this sickness.
God, I’m believing for total help, for complete victory that I’ll run and not be weary.
I hope you enjoyed watching this clip. You can watch the full message here on our youtube channel.
We’d love to hear your prayer request and how the ministry has impacted your life.
You can leave a comment below. Make sure to subscribe to our channel to stay inspired all throughout the week.
We’ll see you next time.