The Courage to Change Course – Bishop T.D. Jakes
The Courage to Change Course
Until we ask God for the courage to cut, cast out, and challenge our mistakes, we won’t be able to change course. In Genesis 21, Abraham was living with his mistake and miracle in the same house. He had a crossroad decision to make: Cast Ishmael and the bondwoman out now, or arrive short of destiny. Have you been too worried about the disruption change causes that you never cut loose the people who have delayed your destiny? Somebody always gets hurt in the cutting, but if you don’t move, it might end up being you. Don’t rob your destiny of the temporary discomfort of changing course!
This morning, the Holy Spirit has spoken to me.
I want you to go to Genesis is 214 through 14.
And there you will find the assignment that the lord has his spouse for me to share with you on this Sunday morning.
Genesis chapter 21 verse 4 through 14.
It’s our custom to stand for the reading of the word.
If your visitor and everybody stood up, you thought they were leaving, but they’re not.
Genesis 21, beginning at verse 4, going through verse 14.
And Abraham circumcised his son, Isaac, being eight days old. As god commanded him.
How old was he? He was eight days old.
And Abraham was a hundred years old when his son, Isaac, was born unto him.
And Sarah said, God, have made me to laugh so that all that here will laugh with me And she said, Who would have said on the Abraham that Sarah should have given children such for I have borne him a son in his old age.
I don’t know whether that’s so good or not, but And and the child grew and was weaned.
And Abraham said party. He made a great feast the same day that Isaac was wing.
He threw a party. And Sarah saw the son of Hagar, the Egyptian, which she had born under Abraham mocking.
Wherefore she said on Abraham, cast out this Palm woman and her son for the son of this bondwoman shall not be air with my son, even Isaac.
And the thing was very grievous in Abraham’s site because of his son.
And god said on Abraham, let it not be grievous in thy sight because of the lad and because of that bond woman.
In all that Sarah has said under the harken under her voice, for in Isaac, shall thy seed be called?
And also, the son of the bondwoman, will I make a nation? Because he is thy seed.
And Abraham rose up early in the morning and took bread and a bottle of water and gave it up to Hager putting it on her shoulder and the child and sent her away.
And she departed and wandered in the wilderness of beersheba.
Today, I wanna talk to you about the courage to change course.
The courage to change course.
Don’t minimize that. Don’t sleep on that. That’s that’s not easy to do.
The courage to change course.
I do sense a prophetic utterance, I do believe that somebody is going to get a word from the lord that is going to be cut to the continuity of your situation.
That will begin to liberate strongholds and yolks in your life in an area that we seldom touch the courage to change course.
Shout hallelujah. Spirit up the living god full fresh. On us today.
We don’t wanna operate in Wednesday’s anointing or Sunday’s anointing. We want a fresh anointing.
Let fresh oil flow upon us in this moment in the name of Jesus.
And I thank you in advance for what you’re going to do.
I don’t even have to see you do it. I praise you. Now you and do it later.
Have your way in this place. Have your way in this place. Break some yolks in this place.
Heal some bodies in this place. Change some lives in this place.
Reach out loud through the internet and let the power of the Holy spirit, sweep over the viewing audience that’s watching us through cyberspace.
I thank you, Jesus, you can cast out a demon online. I thank you Jesus.
You can rebuke a disease online. I thank you Jesus. You can give the right direction.
Uh, do it for your people today. Do it for your people today.
Do it for your people today in the name of Jesus, giving the best praise you’ve got Hey, man.
You may be seated. Yes, sir. Let’s go to work.
It has been said about people that when people know better, they do better.
And that sounds really, really profound.
But over the years of my life, I wonder, is it true?
Because everything that sounds good isn’t always true.
When people know better, they do better.
I can’t even say that’s always true in my own life because there’s a difference between knowing better and doing better.
I know I don’t have no business with dessert.
I said I was gonna watch my carbs.
I know get up every morning early and exercise about 5:30 and jog about three miles.
I know better I know what to eat and what not to eat. I know what is healthy.
What is not healthy. I have been informed. I have been educated. I know not to eat those Oxtell.
I know uh-oh, y’all not gonna talk to me this morning.
I I I know I don’t need those barbecue ribs and different tries.
The waitress even asked you, do you want solid. And I sometimes I just say, no.
I know not to let them bring bread to the table because I know if it gets to the table, it’s gonna, you know, especially if it’s hot and it’s warm, and they’ve got good.
But I know not to even rent bringing it that close to me because I know I’m not strong enough to resist it.
When when people know better, they say they do better, but it is possible I know how to do curls.
I know how to bench press I I know how to do that pulled out.
I know how to do it. I know the form. I know what I ought to be doing.
I know I should stretch every morning.
It is not the absence of knowledge that always deters the activity.
But the gulf between what we know and what we do is often a wide gulf, and we don’t always reach across.
While it is impossible to do better, if you don’t know better, it’s impossible You can’t do better if you don’t know better.
Often we still know better than we do.
The truth of the matter is doing better isn’t always easy.
Sometimes it’s real tough. Doing better isn’t always easy.
Doing better as a husband or a wife isn’t always easy.
We know what we should be doing. But we don’t always do it.
Sometimes we don’t do better until we get in trouble.
Sometimes we don’t do better until we’re under threat.
Sometimes we don’t do better until we have competition.
Uh, it’s gonna be quiet this morning, Jesus.
Angel, y’all shout for me this morning because the people are gonna be quiet.
Doing better on the job. We know what to do.
We used to do it we first got the job and we didn’t take it for granted.
We knew not to take a 2 a half hour lunch. We knew how to be in our place.
We knew not to be on the phone and playing video games in our office. We knew better.
You should wear some strong shoes because I’m gonna step on some toes today.
But whether we know better and what we do is 2 different things altogether, especially when you realize that the people we admire the most were people who put into action what they knew.
Who grew and changed and made corrections.
They became our heroes because they had the courage to change course.
All of the people that we highlight in our country and our history are people who had the courage to change course.
Leaders like Abraham Lincoln had the courage to change It is not not it’s we always honor people after they’re dead.
But in real time speed, our heroes were not popular because they went against the course, and they swam upstream against the grain.
And they had to have courage to change the course. That’s not easily done.
Doctor King had to have courage to change the course. Nelson Mandela went to jail to change the course.
You can get in trouble to change the course.
Corrections can often have severe consequences. Corrections can often have severe consequences.
Getting it right can have severe consequences because, see, you you you make a decision at one stage in your life.
And then later, you know better but you’re already in this situation. I never will forget.
I was teaching a Bible class one time, and I was doing Q and a right here at this church.
And a young man said something to me. I will never forget.
He said I am the world’s best at getting into situations and the world’s worst at getting out.
And I think the reason it becomes so difficult to get out is because sometimes it’s become so complicated It requires humility that some people lack the ability to quiet their ego enough to achieve the ability of change because sometimes you have to go against what you said at this stage.
To correct where you are at that stage.
And so until you become strong enough to admit, yes, I said it, but I was wrong.
You can’t bring about chain, and sometimes your ego will make you be loyal to a mistake.
I’m wondering if there’s anybody in here who’s ever been loyal to a mistake.
And you it was a mistake and you knew it was a mistake, but you cut it up the cost to fix it and you decided you would just take the easy way out and live with it.
Our our decisions, you see, to correct our mistakes can create disruption and not only disruption for us, disruption for other people.
And when you look at what it’s gonna take to straighten it out, sometimes you just don’t do And when you don’t do it, you become trapped in a nightmare of regret.
You’d be surprised how long you can live in the prison of your problems.
You’d be surprised how long you can live a life where you clap like you’re free, you talk like you’re free, You move like you’re free, but you’re really not free at all because you are trapped in a complicated situation.
You can’t get out. And you can’t get in, you’re just stuck.
And so you’re clapped stuck and you’re saying stuck.
And you go to choir rehearsal stuck and you go to work stuck.
And you come home stuck and you go to church stuck.
And, yes, you get your dancing every now and then, but you go back to a situation that’s stuck because dancing doesn’t bring about change.
I don’t care how much you praise the lord until you correct your past decisions, you are not going to get the breakthrough that you need.
And still use until you stop using shopping for therapy, you’re never gonna have the credit rating that you should have no matter how much he’s Jehovah Jabber.
He can’t beat Jehovah Jabber to you because as fast as he pulls it in, you leak it out.
And god is too much of a businessman to keep investing in a bankrupt system.
And you know what it takes to fix it.
And you know the discipline that’s required to get your life together, but it’s not always true that people who know better do better and not going better.
Simply leaves you stuck. People often like the stomach for it, I think.
Terrissa pain of changing course, the uncertainty of what would life be like outside of the bubble of my normal.
I hate my normal, but I’m afraid of change.
So I’d rather stick with the devil I know.
Oh, y’all not gonna talk to me this morning.
Have you ever grown up and rethought your choices?
Have you ever got more information and rethought your choices?
Have you ever looked back at your life in retrospect and find yourself in situations that were based on bad information, immature decisions, selfishness, emotionalism, pride, discontentment, and restlessness, and now you’re more mature, and you’re wiser, and you want of what you could have been had you started earlier on the right road.
I wish maybe it’s somebody in a streaming that needs what I’m talking about.
And you laid out at night and live with the frustration.
Wonder what woulda happened had I not got myself stuck.
We’re almost like the woman in the commercial help. I’ve fallen.
And I can’t get up.
I changed churches and I can’t get up. I changed spouses and I can’t get up.
I changed jobs and I can’t get up. I changed my major and I can’t get up.
I changed my hairstyle and I can’t get up. I changed the way I dress and I can’t get up.
It doesn’t matter what I got on. It doesn’t matter what I look like. I cannot seem to get up.
So you give up when you can’t get up.
And you decide to yourself, maybe I just have to make the best of a bad situation.
I guess I’m really talking about making a decision to live with, regret.
And you’d be surprised how many people in this room are living with regret.
But they could clean up it. They could fix it. They could change it. They could alter.
But sometimes the dilemma is, is it easier to live with regret or live without it?
And caused the disruption that is necessary in my normal to see the growth that I loaned to see in my life.
Are you hearing what I’m seeing about?
Either way you go have have you ever been in a situation where either decision you made is gonna cause pain?
Where am I real people at?
Have you ever been weighing the pain?
You know, when I got ready to have back surgery, I wouldn’t have had back surgery if I wasn’t in pain.
But I had to weigh the pain that I had before the surgery against the pain of having the surgery and it took me a long time to make up my mind to have the surgery because either way I went, It was gonna be pain.
And I had to decide I ultimately decided that I would rather live with the pain of recovery Rather than to live with the pain of ambivalence and difference and the pain of ignoring and the pain of looking the other way and the pain I never will forget.
I was in Washington, DC, And I was in the hotel room, and I was walking across the hotel room and fell and hit a glass coffee table and shouted the table.
And I said, that’s it. I gotta go I gotta do something about this. This is unbearable.
I had been laying on the floor in the back before I went out to speak each night at the New Year’s revival because my back was in such pain that I couldn’t hardly take it.
One time I sat down in the service, and I couldn’t get up.
And my security had to come, get me up out of the seat and I was in front of people and little by little by little, I thought this pain is too much.
The pain of ignoring it, the pain of looking the other way, the pain of making the best out of a bad situation.
The pain not want to make any way the pain of dealing with my inability to walk into the unfamiliar.
To walk into the unknown. I had never had surgery. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like.
It didn’t sound good when they described it to me. They said we’re gonna cut into your back. 4 inches.
I thought my mind, you know, you’re not gonna cut me up like you slice and ribs at a barbecue.
The devil is a lie. But the pain, the pain you’re weighing pain. I wouldn’t wane promises.
I wouldn’t wane miracles. I wouldn’t wane god’s purpose. I wouldn’t wank what god was gonna do in my life.
I was trying to go the way of least resistance.
The real truth of the matter is we get trapped.
We get trapped. We get trapped in our relationships.
We get trapped in our health. We get trapped in the argument, mask, no mask.
Vaccine, no vaccine. I heard this. I heard that. I heard that that we get trapped.
Until being trapped makes us sick.
And somewhere with the respirator in our mouth, Don’t don’t don’t tell me because we’re the ones that bury people, so we know We know we talk to the families.
We deal with the people who didn’t have the courage. To change course.
In fact, you have to have the the adaptability in life to be able to change course It’s not like you get it right, and it stays the way you left it.
Life keeps changing. And as life keeps changing, and seasons keeps changing, and circumstances keep changing.
You gotta be flexible enough to change on a dime. And switch this way and turn back this way.
And if you don’t make the right switch at the right time, you find yourself stuck.
And you wake up one morning and you realize I’m getting older, and I don’t know what it feels like to have lived my best life.
I I I’ve not lived my best life.
I’ve not lived at the top of what my potential was I’ve not reached the zenith of possibilities of what I could be.
I’ve not fulfilled my purpose. I’ve not finished my core. I don’t get any crown for me.
Because I wasn’t living my best life. I was surviving my whole life.
I know it’s hard to shout this morning, but just keep breathing.
And rather than to be free, we peered through the bars of depression watching others move forward.
Well, we are stuck. Going in circles.
And our text today We step into the text that reads like a dream come true.
A dream deferred and finally realized that Abraham, in his old age, which finally have a son.
It is absolutely amazing. Is exciting. It’s invigorating.
That this old man whose body was as good as dead, And his wife with her wrinkled knees has got in the birth position.
And delivered him a baby at a season in her life that it was illogical.
I don’t know who I’m preaching to, but whoever I’m preaching to today, what is at stake in this message is that god wants to give you a blessing that doesn’t even fit the season of life He’s gonna give you a blessing out of season.
He’s gonna give you a blessing that’s out of step He’s gonna give you a blessing that’s gonna make people laugh when they hear it because nobody’s gonna believe that a person like you could be in a position.
In fact, some of you right now are in a position that would blow people’s mind because you haven’t always been able to flip flop And you haven’t always been deacon wonderful, and you haven’t always been missionary price.
And if your old friends could see you now.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Somebody shot It’s late, but it happened. Take it on the line.
It’s late, but it happened. It’s late, but it happened. It didn’t come when I thought it would.
It didn’t come through who I would like for it to come through. It didn’t even come high.
I would like for it to come. No. Let me say it like the old folks do.
He may not come when you want him.
Oh, but he’s We’re talking about a family moment here.
We’re talking about a family moment We’re talking about a family moment that happened to a man that’s a hundred years old.
He has waited a long time.
When you have waited a long time for a blessing, It will make you give god the praise.
See, some of y’all get stuff too easy, and you get it too quick.
But after you suffered a while, When god comes through for you, it’ll make you wonder.
I want all the of you that have been waiting on a blessing to get this work from god is still gonna happen.
Or y’all don’t believe it, but the lord said it’s still gonna happen just because it didn’t happen when you planned for it to happen.
That mean that god’s not gonna do it. It’s still gonna happen. Tell your wrinkle needs. It’s still gonna happen.
Tell your birthdays it’s still gonna happen. Tell your situation. It’s still gonna happen.
Go back into that bracket in the house and say, it’s still gonna happen.
I’m a give about 15 seconds for somebody to praise him like you’ve got an determination That is not too late.
It’s still more It still won’t happen.
It still won’t happen. It’s still gonna happen.
It’s still gonna happen.
It’s still gonna happen. It’s still gonna happen.
You need to get your faith out of jail and say it’s still going to happen.
Look at somebody’s head, still going to happen. Type it on the line.
He still gonna happen. Yes. Yes. Yes.
Check Yes. Make you wanna celebrate.
Make you wanna celebrate. Make you wanna cop your hands. Make you wanna do your dance.
Make you wanna turn around in a circle. Make you wanna do the shuffle.
Make you wanna cheap and shove. Make you wanna run all about. It’s still gonna happen.
That’s right, says appraising there. Prazing. You don’t need no music. You don’t need no handcock.
Sometimes you got to throw your own party. Because god just spoke to you. He spoke in your spirit.
He spoke in your belly. He spoke in your heart. It’s still gonna happy.
So I’m looking and sit with me a minute.
So Sarah is having a party because she said who would Who would be that god would do it for me, that I would give Abraham a child.
It is old age. She said, god, have made me the land.
Woo. She said, who would have thought that at this stage in my life, god would make me laugh.
And all that hear it will laugh. With me.
And while she’s laughing, Abraham is going through the ritual of circumcizing his son.
Pay attention to that. I’m gonna deal with that a little bit more in a minute.
Abraham, according to the customs of the time, circumcised his son as god had commanded him to do when he was 8 days old.
Okay? 8 days old. 8 days old.
I told you last week, 8 is the number of new beginnings.
This is a happy moment.
He’s eight days old, and Abraham circumcises him.
And he finally gets to circumcise his son born of his wife in his house.
And he’s 8 days old when he did it.
And I was studying it, and I was thinking about it being his his first son by Sarah.
And it was 8, and he was 8 days old.
And I thought And the 1st day of 8th month, and we’re in it today.
And god gave me this word for this day. At this time, 8 days old. First son, 81.
God is about to oh, y’all don’t hear what I’m saying.
Tell everybody around you.
Something’s gonna happen in here this morning. It’s the 8th month? Is the first day.
It’s the 8 month. It’s the first day. Something’s gonna happen in the end of 8.
And when the child was eight days old, Abraham shook him sides to some.
And the interesting thing said, I’m just talking to you.
The interesting thing The interesting thing about the text here is when it when you read the text, it reads it as if it is all one occasion, but there’s a time lapse here.
Because we know that Isaac is 8 days old when Abrahams circumcitizes him.
And then we read that when he was weaned, god, uh, Abraham through a party.
K. And we know he wouldn’t wing that 8 days.
So there’s a time lapse in the text.
So the writer is only gleaning highlights of significant moments in the life of Iran.
And that’s all life is. Is significant moments.
It’s not hours or days or weeks or months.
All that matters a significant moment from 8 days old when he circumcised it to however he old he was when he weaned him nothing significant happened.
But when he when he was weaned, Abraham throws a party.
And it was an amazing party.
He threw the party no doubt a quite a distance from when he’s circumcised his son.
Now, circumcision is the cutting away of the part of the flesh on a man that was originally a religious sign of being a Hebrew.
It is not the covenant that god made with Abraham, but it is the sign of the covenant.
So god made a promise to him and then used a sign of circumcision to indicate that he had I was doing some real estate business with some investors, and then he asked me, do you have any skin in the game?
We god wanted you god’s gonna do the work, but he wants you to have some skin in the game.
Oh, y’all don’t hear what I’m saying.
Because when you got some skin in the game, You don’t violate the covenant when things get tough because you got some skin in the game.
And god says I’m gonna do it for you, but I want you to have some Oh, oh, oh, y’all ain’t gonna talk to me.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because you won’t quit when you got some skin in the game.
You won’t just walk away easy.
When you got some skin and gay, when you don’t have nothing invested, it’s easy to walk away when there is no.
No skin in the game.
This circumcision that starts the text permeates the text itself.
I’m going to pick it up later and weave it into the text to show you that the text is all about circumcision.
The text is all about circumcision.
The courage to change course is all about circumcision.
And I’m going to tell all the women so you don’t so you can know, and I’m saying this, circumcision hurts.
Not a little bit.
A whole lot. Yeah. Circumcision hurt.
Change. I love him.
I’ve been waiting on him to come back to church. I need him. Changing course.
Hurts. There’s no way for you to make significant change.
And not hurt.
Because you gotta have some He did it on 8th day.
And then He begins to celebrate, and he throws a party, and things couldn’t be better.
He got his promised seed. His wife is happy.
Life is good.
It’s hard for life to be good with y’all girls and It’s not that we’re not happy, but when y’all are not happy, it’s contagious.
And the unhappy woman is worse than COVID.
Because you can vaccinate for Covid for an unhappy woman.
They steal in the laboratory trying to fix something. To make it easier to live with an unhappy woman.
You can be happy, but when you come home and she’s not happy, all of a sudden, I know you can’t say amen because you sitting beside it, but just wiggle your toe, and I will hear it.
I will hear the vibrations on the rug. It couldn’t be better. Sarah is happy.
She laughing. Ain’t nothing like the laughter of a happy woman.
She’s laughing. He’s got his son, his promised seed.
He’s got it in his whole age. God has strengthened his loins.
I don’t blame him for throwing a party.
Anytime you let hold?
No It’s time to get the popcorn out, roast you some hot dogs, have you a barbecue blow or whistle.
It is a happy moment. Everything is going wonderful.
And then Sarah, the Bible said, looked out and saw Ishmael Hagerson by Abraham, mocking Isaac.
And the party was over. She stopped laughing.
Put the cake back. Take the hot dogs off the grill.
Put the party out of way, stop the music. She mad again.
What you mad about now? I looked out the window.
And do you not That woman’s son was mocking my child.
Now if you want to make a woman mad, I mean, even them look quiet, nice, dainty, little women who walk around with lace on their toes and and got the fingernails with glitter on it.
They turn into Gorilla warfare. If you mess with one of them kids, Sarah said put the cake up.
Some’s gotta be done. This girl had lost her mind. Her boy is out there barking my boy.
You got to do something. What you gonna do? What you gonna do? What you gonna do?
I just wanna know what you gonna do. I just wanna know what you’re gonna do about it.
What you’re gonna do about it? I tell no. I’m a tell you what you’re gonna do.
Let me tell you what you are going to do about this.
Cast, I’ll put her out.
Her in her nappy head child. Put both of them out. I don’t care where they go stay?
I don’t care where they go live, but she gonna get up.
I evidenced it just a little bit, but and all of a sudden, All of a sudden.
He has gone from cutting to casting.
He’s he has gone from cutting to being asked to cast out the bondwoman and her son, which incidentally is his, sir.
When Sarah says it, she says cast out the war bomb woman and her son, but she knows as his son.
But sad don’t have no skin in the game.
And when you don’t have no sinning against skinning the game, it’s easy to tell people what they ought to do.
About this situation because you don’t have no skin. In the game.
Now if this would have been me, this text would have been longer.
Because when she said cast out the bondwoman and her son, I would’ve got right back up in her face and says she wouldn’t have been here in the first place if you hadn’t brought it in here.
It ain’t like I asked you for this woman.
This was your idea in the fast place.
And now you want me to fix what you wanted me to You see, Hager was never Abraham’s idea.
It was Sarah’s idea because she thought it wasn’t gonna happen.
And when she thought it wasn’t gonna happen, god’s way, she said I’ll do it my way.
His 4th Israel becomes a child of the flesh.
How many things have been born in your house out of the flesh, out of your unwillingness to wait, out of your impatience out of your frustration.
How many decisions did you make without god?
And by the way, wouldn’t you hate to live in this house?
You got 2 women in this house. Yeah.
Yeah. I can stop right there. That’s the end of it right there. I got 2 women in the house.
They don’t like each other. And I got 2 sons in the house.
1 is born of the flesh and 1 of this born of the the promise.
It just just sounds like a mess. But Abraham live with it.
Because sometimes change creates such disruption.
That you just make the best of a bad Citra, how does Abraham go from throwing a party for his son?
To the biggest fight with his wife ever recorded. The fight was so big.
They didn’t have to call the police god had to come.
Now, you know, that’s domestic violence.
When god has to come, y’all are really fighting when the only one who can break up the argument is god.
Because Sarah has asked him to cast out the bondwoman And her son, and I believe that Abraham was born to the bondwoman.
Bond woman actually means that she was a servant, a slave, but I want you to understand that you can’t spend that much time with somebody.
You can’t spend that many nights with somebody.
Listening to them talking about their dreams and their hopes of what happened to them when they were seventy.
And when I was twelve, my dog died and all of that.
And after a while, there’s a bond to what you bond with, you become bond 2.
Oh, it’s only 12 that could say, man.
The rest of them is using that mask as an excuse.
Because as long as you got your mask over your mouth, You don’t have to say nothing.
You can say, I said it under my breath. What you bond with, you become bond too.
And and Hanger had become a necessary flesh.
She was attached.
Ishmael was his flesh.
And god is now doing to him what he started out doing to his son.
For to cast out the bondwoman and her son is circumcision.
And and Abraham is good at giving it.
But now he’s gotta receive it.
Oh, he’s been circumcised in his body, but but not in his relationships.
And there is no way to get out of this without blood.
This is gonna hurt.
And yet in order to get his house, together, he had to have the courage to change course.
In fact, in all fairness, I had to give Sarah some credit.
Sarah is making a correction.
Because she is no longer the woman she was.
I wanna talk to some people who are no longer the woman you were.
And yet, you’ve got kids angry with you about what you did.
Before. You’ve you’ve got spouses angry with you over what you did before.
That is just for women Let’s talk to some men who have got some wives that are angry with you over what you did before, and the kids don’t like you over who you were before.
The problem is people never give people room to change, to grow, to evolve.
And even though we are Christians, we are the world’s best and alienating people over what they did before.
And it takes courage to correct or to change course.
Because if he changes course, what will become of Hager?
Where where will Hager go?
Where has the ring of Isaac’s flesh gone?
Hanger is cast into the wilderness And when god comes down, god does not talk like Sarah.
See, sometimes sisters You can be right about what you said.
But wrong about how you said it.
You said cast out the woman the bomb woman and her son, god comes down and says, I know is your seed.
Understanding is important to bring about change.
You can’t just look at it from your perspective just because you don’t have no skin in the game.
Abraham has Skinning the game. Ismail is his son too.
Ismail is his son But ismail is your mistake.
Stay with it. Stay with me. Stay with me.
I’m going somewhere. I’m gonna get it back to you in a minute because everybody in here has a ish mail.
Everybody in here, male or female has nothing to do with gender, has has something that you were born to.
Because you bond with that created a problem that you live with.
Whether it’s baby mama, drama, or whatever it is, a baby daddy drama, you you you went out with him.
He had thought you went out with a dog.
You picked the dog. You liked the dog. You brought the dog home.
You went to bed with the dog. You had a baby with the dog.
Now all you can see is he a dog.
Well, what does that make you?
I guess you’re a dog lover.
Because save he raped you.
See, until we take responsibility.
For the mistakes we’ve made, we cannot change course.
As long as you push it off, And I’d like it was just them, and you tell the story where you are always the hero, this woman would have never been in Abraham’s life.
You brought the woman into his life. You came up with the strategy of them sweeping together.
You told him to have a baby.
You made this woman uh, your slave and made her sleep with the man that she’d never picked to sleep with.
And now it’s all blown up in your face. And you wanna act like it’s his fault.
By what is amazing about the tax is.
God comes down and says to Abraham.
Harkening unto the voice of your wife’s array.
Cause the woman is right, even though she said it wrong, She is right.
And what is happening here is correction. Now I’m almost finished.
In order to have correction, You have to have the challenging responsibility of trusting god to handle our mistakes God says to Abraham.
Leave Hager to me. I know each mail is your son.
I will make of him a great nation, but you can’t take your mistake and your miracle.
And put them all in the same house and make it work.
There has to come a cutting away. A cutting away.
You can’t change course if you can’t cut.
You can’t change course if you can’t cast out.
And the challenge is to trust me with the collateral damage.
Who am I preaching to?
Trust me that I don’t need you to take care of his mail.
God says, my grace is sufficient.
For your mistakes. My my grace, my grace, my grace, my grace is sufficient.
You don’t spirit has been in a state of constant disruption because you won’t change course.
And I don’t want you to live in this constant chaotic stressful environment of forlornment because your mistakes and your miracles are cohabitating in the same space.
All I need from you is some courage.
To change course.
If you don’t change course, you’re gonna mess up your destiny.
If you don’t change course, you’re gonna mess up your future.
If you don’t change course, you’re not gonna be in the place you need to be to become who I created you to be.
If you don’t change course, you’re gonna spend the latter years miserable because you won’t own up to your mistakes and acknowledge that you were wrong and you won’t fix it.
And all the dancing and all the shouting and all the giving you do over top of it will not take away from the fact.
That you still need the courage to change course?
Who who who who who’s in here?
Needs the courage to change course.
You know what they say?
The definition of lunacy is to continue to do the same thing, expecting a different result, you can’t be the woman you wanna be and the woman you used to be at the same time.
You cannot be the man you were created to be and the man you used to be at the same time, and you know that now.
But the problem is you adjust can’t bring yourself to change course because of all the people that it would hurt for you to change and how long will you make those people more important than your destiny?
God said turn them over to me. Oh, god. I’m talking
- Jack Hibbs Today : Faithfulness and Your FutureTháng chín 1, 2023