Defeating Giants – Part 4 | Joyce Meyer

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Defeating Giants – Part 4

When we make mistakes, the enemy wants us to feel miserable…but God wants us to bounce back. On this episode of Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer, learn how to stand up to the enemy and enjoy your life!
“Spending time with God is the key to our strength and success in all areas of life. Be sure that you never try to work God into your schedule, but always work your schedule around Him.”
― Joyce Meyer

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I’ll see you soon. I think one of the things that we need to pray for more than just for our problems to go away is God.
Please let me handle this right?
Help me to stay strong, help me not to blame you, help me not to question you.
I don’t know how many of you may or may not know Charles Neiman, but he’s a wonderful man of God has a church and uh Texas, right?
Somewhere in El Paso, Texas. Yeah, I’ve been there a few times but I, I don’t know where I’m at half the time.
So um and his beautiful wife died with cancer a few years ago.
And, and he said something to me that really impacted me.
He said Two things I told God. He said number one, I’m never gonna ask you why.
That’s a biggie. I’m never gonna ask you why.
And God my prayer is help me do this, right?
That meant so much to me, help me do this, right?
Help me be the same in front of my congregation.
Help me say the same thing about you God in front of people, as I would have said, if she got a miracle and I didn’t have to go through this.
How many of you are with me today?
Let’s don’t just pray to get rid of our problem.
Let’s pray that when we have a problem, we can do it right.
Help me God do this right.
So if you look at the two scriptures, One of them is in Romans 8 26.
And it says, far, we don’t know how to pray as we ought to.
So the Holy Spirit prays through us because he knows the will of God.
So Paul starts out there and he says, there’s things we don’t know, we don’t know, we don’t know why things happen.
We don’t understand, we don’t get it. It doesn’t seem fair. We don’t know.
But the next verse says, but we do know that all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to his purpose.
Now listen to me. So he’s saying, look, there’s things we don’t know, but there’s things we do know.
And you know what I’ve begun to think about a lot.
I think we focus way too much on what we don’t know.
Come on and not nearly enough on what we do know.
I don’t always know why something is happening in my life or why it’s not getting over with sooner.
I mean, come on, we all wonder God if, if you’re gonna be able to do this a year from now, why not?
Now? I mean, really?
Do you have to make me wait a year and go through all that stuff if you can do it?
Just do it now. We don’t know.
Come on, how many of you are going through something right now and you just don’t get it.
Hey, man, we don’t know.
Sometimes we don’t even know how to pray, but we do know it.
Come on, I want you to leave here today, determined to focus more on what you do know than what you don’t know.
And what we do know is it’s gonna come out OK in the end and you know what to be just flat out honest, even if we don’t get our victory while we’re here on this earth, we are still more than conquerors because boy, as soon as we passed out of here, we got it and the amount of time that we live here is so nothing compared to eternity.
And you know, I was thinking this morning about John Osteen.
Actually, I started thinking about him yesterday. I thought now great man of God.
I mean, back in the time when he was ministering and preaching, he was one of the most popular speakers, had this great church, not this building, but in another building and he, he just sought after speaker had some of the best speakers into the church and yet all the time, he’s helping other people and trying to bless other people.
He’s, he’s fighting different health things do told me that really, even when he was younger, there was always stuff that he was dealing with now, I think said he was about 77 when he went home to be with the Lord.
But, you know, that’s not really that old these days.
And, um so it kind of seems like, well, what a loss, what a waste.
I mean, if you’re gonna serve God all your life, I mean, did, did he really have to die in that condition?
Could he, could he not have gone out some more victorious way?
But I’m gonna tell you what I think is funny.
Um You know, Pastor John Lisa wanted me to come to the church and do one of my conferences for a long time and she kept trying to get him to let me come and he didn’t want to.
Not because he didn’t like me or didn’t believe in women preachers.
He was all for women being used by God.
But back in those days, people lived in camp meetings and conferences and people like me who didn’t have a set building to have their meetings and they were, they were wanting to use people’s churches to have their meetings.
And so his experience had been that a lot of times people didn’t take care of the property, right.
They didn’t treat things right. They didn’t always do what they said they should do.
So he just kind of had a standard that he was just across the board, not gonna let people use the building to have their own conferences in.
So for that reason, he wouldn’t let me come.
But as we know, Lisa is persistent and so she kept after him.
Well, finally he said, ok, and I may not have the exact number of weeks, right?
But I think he had only passed away a couple of weeks, two weeks before I was supposed to come.
Well, of course, you know me, I’m thinking, wow, that’s gonna be a tough atmosphere to walk into and try to preach him.
And I remember Joel, you don’t mind me saying this, I guess if you don’t like it, you can tell me later.
But he was, he was so scared because his dad wanted him to be the one to take his place in the pulpit.
He was so scared. And I remember sitting at, you were right over in here somewhere in the old building and I mean, you were like locked in.
You were, you needed a word from God. You wanted a word from God.
But here, here’s the thing that I thought of.
We don’t know why things happen the way they happen.
But here’s what we do know today we know today that he’s watching this service from heaven.
He’s not gone.
He’s just not here with us but he’s watching everything and I, I bet he’s saying I like that woman.
I’m glad I let her come.
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