Jack Hibbs Today: The War Of 2024
The War Of 2024
Every Christian has been enlisted in the war against evil. Because the world hates Christ, it wages war against His followers. Learn how to win the battles that come your way in this year of 2024 as you tune in to today’s episode of Real Life TV.
This Real Life TV program is taken from a recent teaching by Pastor Jack. It has been formatted for TV and contains some additional material. We hope you gain new insights as you enjoy this message.
Well, friends, the fact of the matter is that the church, you and I as believers are fighting darkness.
This is something that shouldn’t surprise us. The Bible says that in the last days, we are to fight darkness.
That is a spiritual darkness, and we are to fight against evil. And that’s not an option for the believer.
In fact, Jesus told us in advance that if we were gonna love him and follow him, that in the last days, we would be hated for being in association with the things of god.
I wanna ask you a strange question. Are you hated for the right reasons?
There are right reasons as to why you and I should be hated.
The number one is because we’re acting, speaking, and conducting ourselves like Jesus.
We need to be the chining light that he has called us to be.
Now listen, when I mentioned the word war, I’m not talking about being a warmonger.
We’re not applauding and and getting excited about global wars and death and bombs, missiles, and mayhem.
Not at all. Those are manifestations. No doubt of demonic doctrines manifesting themselves. In the governments of man.
What I’m talking about is the war that you’re dealing with every day in your life in the battle of truth and evil.
In your mind, in your church, in your community, in your very existence.
Jesus said that there’d be days just like this. That brings me great comfort.
And this is why it’s important for you to know your Bible and to let the Bible lead you in the way as how you’re to live.
So friends, grab your Bible, and let’s dive into the war of 2024.
You all need to pay attention.
If you name the name of Jesus, hang on to your seats.
The faith is going to be under attack 2024 more than you have ever seen it in American history.
Guarantee. All of the powers and player are already in place viable and
Jesus Christ. I just wanna say that the most precious
thing that you own in life is not your car.
It’s not that jewelry piece. It’s not your home. It’s your faith. The greatest position.
I mean, to tell you right now, I am not kidding you.
If somebody stacked gold 5 feet high with gems and pearls, You know how stupid that is?
Think about how dumb that is versus the truth of god.
I’m gonna go with the truth of god every time because, listen, I learned I don’t have to have this because I learned a long time ago that $50 can ruin your life.
Okay? Oh, but that’s a that’s a stack of gold. Do you know what that means?
That can really ruin your life. It’s not gonna satisfy you. Not gonna make you happy.
In fact, you’re gonna be more unhappy. And then you’re gonna start worrying. What do I do with it?
That’s the first thing that’s gonna come out of your mouth is, what am I gonna do with it?
That’s your problem. You give me the word of god. This last forever, people.
The promises and the fulfillment and eternity is forever.
G gold is so nothing that god uses it for asphalt. Eternity in heaven.
It’s just that can you imagine Gabriel’s gay god, what do we do
with this?
Yeah. Just pave the streets with it. Let my people walk on it.
Faith, Bible says in Hebrews 11 Hebrews 11 versus 1 to 3.
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for. Listen to this. The evidence.
You ever you ever think about putting faith and evidence in the same sentence? God does.
The evidence of things not seen. For by it, the elders obtained a good re a good testimony.
By faith, we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of god. What does that mean?
God said it? And there’s Jupiter.
By it, then the worlds were framed by the word of god so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible faith, your faith.
So what do I do about it in this war of 2024? What do I do? What do we do?
We do this. 2nd Corinthians, 10 versus 45.
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in god. For what?
Pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments, and every high thing that it results itself against the knowledge of god.
Listen. Fourthly, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.
Take your mind and bring it under Jesus’s control by inviting them to govern over your mind all the time.
That’s what you’re gonna wanna do regarding faith in this world. And you being attacked. Romans or excuse me.
1st Timothy 118. This charge, I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the these previously made concerning you that by them, you may wage the good warfare.
The Christian, listen, Christian, are you a Christian? Yes. I am. Are you waging a good warfare?
See, the Bible implies that you and I are in a fight.
We’re in a fight right now as Christians against an invisible war.
Romans chapter 13 verse 12. This is powerful. Romans 13 verse 12.
The night is far spent. The day is at hand.
By the way, if you’ve ever heard of the doctrine of imminency, you see, I’ve never heard of that.
The word imminency is not in the Bible. Neither is the word Bible in the Bible.
The doctrine of imminency means that Christ could come at any time, and this is one of those verses that’s that backed that up.
The night is far spent the day is at hand.
Therefore, let us cast off the works of darkness and let us put on the armor of lights.
That’s what we’re gonna do. That’s what we must do. Jude chapter 1 verse 3.
Beloved while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found an to write to you, exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith, which was once and for all delivered to the saints.
The word contend is the word that you think it means. Think of a a championship boxing match.
You go in it to win. Nobody steps into the ring and says, you know what? I’m gonna lose this.
I’m just gonna lose it. No.
You’ve made it there, and you go into that ring because you’ve qualified and you fight.
The Bible says for the believer, contend earnestly look for the faith.
People are gonna be attacking the faith that you hold to. It doesn’t mean you roll over and play dead.
It means you stand up and you speak truth. That’s what we have to do this year, people.
If we’re silent, then we become irrelevant. And we fall into the tactic of the enemy.
First, Peter chapter 3, verse 15.
First Peter 315 says but sanctify the lord god in your hearts and always be ready to give a defense, hear that kind of language, to everyone who asks of you, a reason for the hope, that is in you with meekness and fear.
What a beautiful Christian that is. Number 4, Everybody mark it down if you would.
The war of 2024 is against the church, obviously. My goodness. Against the church.
How do I answer this one? What is the church? Where is the church?
Seriously. Do you know anything about church history?
If you know something about church history, my challenge to you right right now kinda makes you sick to your stomach.
The church, wherever it has been alive, it has been an app absolute issue for people to have to deal with, the church.
It’s not that little thing in the corner of every town.
And you choose to go there or not, maybe?
Historically, the church is a living, breathing organism that affects the world around it.
So much so that people who literally act like Jesus become hated Did you what I said?
Yes. Supposed to you asking me to sign up to be hated?
I’m asking you to sign up to be like Jesus.
And Jesus said, if you do that, the world’s gonna hate you.
Friends, you want the world to hate you. If the world says, oh, he well, he’s awesome.
She’s awesome. They’re awesome. Yikes. Jesus says, watch out when the world speaks well of you.
See, we have fallen to the trap of how many likes. How many likes? How many friends?
That’s not a good thing.
James 3 17th says, but the wisdom that is from above is first pure.
This is the church pure. Then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy, good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.
Wouldn’t you go to a church that was like that? That’d be beautiful. John 13 verse 35.
This is our response to the church being attacked.
By this, Jesus said, all will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another.
John 1431, by that the world but that the world may know that I love the father and has and as the father gives me a commandment, so I do, uh, so I do arise and let us go from here, loving god, loving one another.
An another action item for us is Matthew chapter 5 verse 13. You know this well church.
Jesus said to every single one of us right now that would say, I’m a Christian.
This is what Jesus says to you today. You are the salt of the earth.
But if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be re seasoned?
You can’t reintroduce salt into salt.
It has been good for nothing, but to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men.
You are the light of the world.
A city that is set on the hill cannot be hidden, nor do they light a lamp.
And put it under a basket. Who would do that?
Can that you light in a lamp and then put in a basket? Don’t they burn down your house?
You certainly burned the basket.
But on a lampstand, and it gives light to all her in the house.
Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven.
That’s powerful. The war of 2024 will be against the marriage.
But it’s very clear that according to the world around us, marriage is an absolute joke.
It’s made fun of. It’s mocked. It’s played with. It’s toyed with.
Like a cat plays with a little mouse. Listen, friend. Your marriage is under attack.
You wanna know why Satan hate your guts? I don’t think I ever loved him in the first place.
Let’s say you didn’t. Are you married? Yep. Then make it work.
Did you know you can choose to love anybody? Did you know that? Have we forgotten this?
If you think, oh, no. I I’ll have to feel it.
Well, enjoy it because that’s gonna be like 18 to 22 months. You’re gonna get a buzz.
18 to 22 months. He walks by and you’re gonna go, Oh, that’s the honeymoon period of a relationship.
Married or not, the honeymoon period.
She walks by and oh, he’s she could say jump off the bridge, and he’ll say, which one?
You have to wait 18 to 22 months. And then that goes away.
It’s supposed to go away. You can’t live like that.
You can’t live like that on the long term. How you gonna eat? Who’s gonna go to work?
You go. No. No. You go. No. I’m just gonna look at you. No. I’m gonna look at you. No.
You go. No. No. You go. You can’t live like that.
You gotta add a there comes a time after a moment. We say, okay. We’re married. Let’s make this work.
You mow the lawn and I’ll change the oil. No. I’m kidding.
But you know what I’m saying? You don’t? It’s okay.
God says in Genesis 1 verse 26. Then god said, I love that.
I’m so glad it says that. Then god said, Boom.
Let us make man in our image according to our likeness.
Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea over the birds of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and every, uh, over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth, Imagine what that must have been like.
Walking up, walking up to a giraffe and talking to it and getting on its back and running around.
You know, I don’t know. But everything was a everything was there for you. Can you imagine?
Walking up to it. How how about a lion?
Wouldn’t you like to just just nuzzle up and hicuddle with a lion? That nose on the thing.
It’s like this. Just the nose.
Did you
know where I’d learned last night?
I’d learned that the heart of a blue whale is the size of a Volkswagen.
Did you know heart the heart of a blue whales, the size the size of a Volkswagen, did you know it’s back tail?
It’s tail is the size of a private airplane’s wings. Did you know listen to this.
Did you know this has nothing to do with the message?
I’m just on I’m Did you know that the tongue of a blue whale is the same weight as an elephant, an adult elephant?
It is the biggest living thing that has ever been known to live on the planet ever, the blue whale.
Now I’m trying to tie this into the sermon, but it’s not gonna work.
Oh, all these amazing things. Verse 27.
So god created man in his own image, and the image god created, uh, him, male and What?
Male and female? He created them. Didn’t god? No.
Then god blessed them, and he said to them be fruitful and multiply.
Oh, now I get it. To be fruitful and multiply, you have to be a he and a she.
He and she makes more He’s and she’s. Imagine that. Boom. God.
God said. Then god said. And the war is today in your world and mine, are you gonna believe god?
Are you gonna believe the psychologist from Stanford University. Seriously. That’s what we’re getting pitted up against.
Absolutely amazing. I’ll have you stand because that will remind me that it’s time to go.
Genesis chapter 2 verse 20. Follow with me.
I’ll I’ll read it So Adam gave names to all cattle to the birds of the air and every beast of the field, but for Adam, listen to this, everybody, there’s a blessing in But for Adam, there was not found a help helper comparable or comparable to him.
The word means there was no helper that fit.
Adam didn’t look like any of them, and they didn’t look like him, and he didn’t act like them, and they didn’t act like him?
And the lord god caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept.
And he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh in its placed, then the rib, which the lord god had taken from man, he made into a woman, and he brought her to the man.
And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh, which is amazing statement.
If you know anything about the marrow that’s in a rib, she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man.
Therefore, a
man shall move out of his
mom and dad’s house and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and we’re not ashamed. Isn’t that amazing?
You know what? This is so brilliant. Every man knows this, by the way.
We’re just not big fans publicly about this passage. You know what it means?
God says, hey, Adam, see these animals? None of them are right for you. So Adam’s standing there.
He gave him he gives names to all of them.
And as they’re going by, mister Is it mister and missus Hippo? Mister and missus Grilla?
Mister and missus platypus? That ought to be weird. Right?
And then at the end of the day, god goes, okay. That’s it.
And it’s like, I feel kinda long, gut. God intensified his loneliness.
Adam, nobody’s right for you.
Adam Adam, no one’s no one fits for you, and you should be very glad about that, Adam.
I’m gonna I’m gonna make someone. Especially for you.
So you think about this.
Bible says in the book of Ephesians wives ought to submit to their husbands.
Thanks for coming. God bless you guys.
Can you imagine the ride home in your car?
Wife submit to your own husbands as to the lord. How come? Why? Because why?
The husband is head of the wife. You know what head means?
It means he’s the first one to be sacrificed. Did you know that?
Remind your husband of that one. Hey, woman. You need to submit. Yeah? Well, you need to die.
As also Christ is head of the church.
Didn’t he die? For the church. Yes.
And as savior of the body, therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let wives be to their own husbands and everything, How come?
Why why should I? Husbands love your wives just as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for her.
That’s precious. Ladies, you find a man like that? He’s easy to submit too.
In fact, the words submit won’t even come up.
You won’t even hear about it because he loves you so much. It’s like, oh my goodness.
This guy’s this guy’s the real deal. And guys, listen. You wanna be like, oh, man.
I wanna be a Christian man. I’m gonna rock it for Jesus 2024. Yeah. You married? Yeah.
You bet. Okay. Well, it starts in your marriage.
At the end of 2024, your wife should be able to fill out your report card. Seriously.
That’s your 1st ministry. Is that is that wife in your life, and that should be exhibited by you being willing to be sacrificed for her welfare.
Yeah. Yeah. We know. We know what the world is saying to all of us.
I can take care of myself. We already know that. In fact, let’s be honest.
You take care of us most of the time. And us guys, we don’t do good on our own.
If all the women of the world got raptured and we were left behind, We’d kill each other over the Rams playing the goats today.
We don’t do good on our own. That’s why there’s only 2 days in a weekend.
Man would kill himself. We need a woman in our life. We need wives.
Marriage. The world has destroyed it.
The only hope for marriage is right here in this room to show the world in the war of 2024.
That you’re fighting it alright.
You’re walking in truth, you’re walking in light, and you’re walking in love, and your family, will exhibit the characteristics of god.
That’s the will of god for us this year. In Jesus’ name and all, god’s people said. Amen.
God bless you guys. Hey, listen.
You may never hear this from, uh, the voice of a pastor, but there is a great book that I believe every Christian ought to read.
For that matter, everybody ought to read.
And though it’s, uh, written to the US military, specifically the Marine Corps, You can apply so much of it to our spiritual warfare as believers.
The book is titled Left of Bang. Left of Bang versus right of Bang.
Left of Bang means you’re ahead of what’s coming. Right of Bang means you’re too late.
Your opponent sets a trap as it were. And that they have displayed some form of indicator.
It’s always true. A trap is set. There’s something going on. Maybe it’s too quiet. Maybe it’s too busy.
Maybe it’s too whatever. Confusing, but the enemy has set a trap, and there’s a for you and I to identify the trap.
Left of Bang will save your life. Well, listen. Left of Bang is what the Bible is all about.
God has given us instruction. In fact, from that book, there’s a great quote, and I wanna give it to you right now.
Learning is in friend and you’ll be equipped to take on the world around you.
That’s great advice. But you know what?
Even though it’s given to our United States Marine Corps, I think it’s great advice for the Christian today that for you and I to be equipped to fight the fight, we’ve gotta have situational awareness in the physical realm as well as the spirit.
So with that, my friends, listen. As always, we want you to get into the word of god.
We’re here to help you do that.
You can go to jackibs.com, where you can connect with us on various forms of social media content, but also please go to the real life network.
Get your app and make sure that you stay up on what’s going on.
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This is something that shouldn’t surprise us. The Bible says that in the last days, we are to fight darkness.
That is a spiritual darkness, and we are to fight against evil. And that’s not an option for the believer.
In fact, Jesus told us in advance that if we were gonna love him and follow him, that in the last days, we would be hated for being in association with the things of god.
I wanna ask you a strange question. Are you hated for the right reasons?
There are right reasons as to why you and I should be hated.
The number one is because we’re acting, speaking, and conducting ourselves like Jesus.
We need to be the chining light that he has called us to be.
Now listen, when I mentioned the word war, I’m not talking about being a warmonger.
We’re not applauding and and getting excited about global wars and death and bombs, missiles, and mayhem.
Not at all. Those are manifestations. No doubt of demonic doctrines manifesting themselves. In the governments of man.
What I’m talking about is the war that you’re dealing with every day in your life in the battle of truth and evil.
In your mind, in your church, in your community, in your very existence.
Jesus said that there’d be days just like this. That brings me great comfort.
And this is why it’s important for you to know your Bible and to let the Bible lead you in the way as how you’re to live.
So friends, grab your Bible, and let’s dive into the war of 2024.
You all need to pay attention.
If you name the name of Jesus, hang on to your seats.
The faith is going to be under attack 2024 more than you have ever seen it in American history.
Guarantee. All of the powers and player are already in place viable and
Jesus Christ. I just wanna say that the most precious
thing that you own in life is not your car.
It’s not that jewelry piece. It’s not your home. It’s your faith. The greatest position.
I mean, to tell you right now, I am not kidding you.
If somebody stacked gold 5 feet high with gems and pearls, You know how stupid that is?
Think about how dumb that is versus the truth of god.
I’m gonna go with the truth of god every time because, listen, I learned I don’t have to have this because I learned a long time ago that $50 can ruin your life.
Okay? Oh, but that’s a that’s a stack of gold. Do you know what that means?
That can really ruin your life. It’s not gonna satisfy you. Not gonna make you happy.
In fact, you’re gonna be more unhappy. And then you’re gonna start worrying. What do I do with it?
That’s the first thing that’s gonna come out of your mouth is, what am I gonna do with it?
That’s your problem. You give me the word of god. This last forever, people.
The promises and the fulfillment and eternity is forever.
G gold is so nothing that god uses it for asphalt. Eternity in heaven.
It’s just that can you imagine Gabriel’s gay god, what do we do
with this?
Yeah. Just pave the streets with it. Let my people walk on it.
Faith, Bible says in Hebrews 11 Hebrews 11 versus 1 to 3.
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for. Listen to this. The evidence.
You ever you ever think about putting faith and evidence in the same sentence? God does.
The evidence of things not seen. For by it, the elders obtained a good re a good testimony.
By faith, we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of god. What does that mean?
God said it? And there’s Jupiter.
By it, then the worlds were framed by the word of god so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible faith, your faith.
So what do I do about it in this war of 2024? What do I do? What do we do?
We do this. 2nd Corinthians, 10 versus 45.
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in god. For what?
Pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments, and every high thing that it results itself against the knowledge of god.
Listen. Fourthly, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.
Take your mind and bring it under Jesus’s control by inviting them to govern over your mind all the time.
That’s what you’re gonna wanna do regarding faith in this world. And you being attacked. Romans or excuse me.
1st Timothy 118. This charge, I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the these previously made concerning you that by them, you may wage the good warfare.
The Christian, listen, Christian, are you a Christian? Yes. I am. Are you waging a good warfare?
See, the Bible implies that you and I are in a fight.
We’re in a fight right now as Christians against an invisible war.
Romans chapter 13 verse 12. This is powerful. Romans 13 verse 12.
The night is far spent. The day is at hand.
By the way, if you’ve ever heard of the doctrine of imminency, you see, I’ve never heard of that.
The word imminency is not in the Bible. Neither is the word Bible in the Bible.
The doctrine of imminency means that Christ could come at any time, and this is one of those verses that’s that backed that up.
The night is far spent the day is at hand.
Therefore, let us cast off the works of darkness and let us put on the armor of lights.
That’s what we’re gonna do. That’s what we must do. Jude chapter 1 verse 3.
Beloved while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found an to write to you, exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith, which was once and for all delivered to the saints.
The word contend is the word that you think it means. Think of a a championship boxing match.
You go in it to win. Nobody steps into the ring and says, you know what? I’m gonna lose this.
I’m just gonna lose it. No.
You’ve made it there, and you go into that ring because you’ve qualified and you fight.
The Bible says for the believer, contend earnestly look for the faith.
People are gonna be attacking the faith that you hold to. It doesn’t mean you roll over and play dead.
It means you stand up and you speak truth. That’s what we have to do this year, people.
If we’re silent, then we become irrelevant. And we fall into the tactic of the enemy.
First, Peter chapter 3, verse 15.
First Peter 315 says but sanctify the lord god in your hearts and always be ready to give a defense, hear that kind of language, to everyone who asks of you, a reason for the hope, that is in you with meekness and fear.
What a beautiful Christian that is. Number 4, Everybody mark it down if you would.
The war of 2024 is against the church, obviously. My goodness. Against the church.
How do I answer this one? What is the church? Where is the church?
Seriously. Do you know anything about church history?
If you know something about church history, my challenge to you right right now kinda makes you sick to your stomach.
The church, wherever it has been alive, it has been an app absolute issue for people to have to deal with, the church.
It’s not that little thing in the corner of every town.
And you choose to go there or not, maybe?
Historically, the church is a living, breathing organism that affects the world around it.
So much so that people who literally act like Jesus become hated Did you what I said?
Yes. Supposed to you asking me to sign up to be hated?
I’m asking you to sign up to be like Jesus.
And Jesus said, if you do that, the world’s gonna hate you.
Friends, you want the world to hate you. If the world says, oh, he well, he’s awesome.
She’s awesome. They’re awesome. Yikes. Jesus says, watch out when the world speaks well of you.
See, we have fallen to the trap of how many likes. How many likes? How many friends?
That’s not a good thing.
James 3 17th says, but the wisdom that is from above is first pure.
This is the church pure. Then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy, good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.
Wouldn’t you go to a church that was like that? That’d be beautiful. John 13 verse 35.
This is our response to the church being attacked.
By this, Jesus said, all will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another.
John 1431, by that the world but that the world may know that I love the father and has and as the father gives me a commandment, so I do, uh, so I do arise and let us go from here, loving god, loving one another.
An another action item for us is Matthew chapter 5 verse 13. You know this well church.
Jesus said to every single one of us right now that would say, I’m a Christian.
This is what Jesus says to you today. You are the salt of the earth.
But if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be re seasoned?
You can’t reintroduce salt into salt.
It has been good for nothing, but to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men.
You are the light of the world.
A city that is set on the hill cannot be hidden, nor do they light a lamp.
And put it under a basket. Who would do that?
Can that you light in a lamp and then put in a basket? Don’t they burn down your house?
You certainly burned the basket.
But on a lampstand, and it gives light to all her in the house.
Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven.
That’s powerful. The war of 2024 will be against the marriage.
But it’s very clear that according to the world around us, marriage is an absolute joke.
It’s made fun of. It’s mocked. It’s played with. It’s toyed with.
Like a cat plays with a little mouse. Listen, friend. Your marriage is under attack.
You wanna know why Satan hate your guts? I don’t think I ever loved him in the first place.
Let’s say you didn’t. Are you married? Yep. Then make it work.
Did you know you can choose to love anybody? Did you know that? Have we forgotten this?
If you think, oh, no. I I’ll have to feel it.
Well, enjoy it because that’s gonna be like 18 to 22 months. You’re gonna get a buzz.
18 to 22 months. He walks by and you’re gonna go, Oh, that’s the honeymoon period of a relationship.
Married or not, the honeymoon period.
She walks by and oh, he’s she could say jump off the bridge, and he’ll say, which one?
You have to wait 18 to 22 months. And then that goes away.
It’s supposed to go away. You can’t live like that.
You can’t live like that on the long term. How you gonna eat? Who’s gonna go to work?
You go. No. No. You go. No. I’m just gonna look at you. No. I’m gonna look at you. No.
You go. No. No. You go. You can’t live like that.
You gotta add a there comes a time after a moment. We say, okay. We’re married. Let’s make this work.
You mow the lawn and I’ll change the oil. No. I’m kidding.
But you know what I’m saying? You don’t? It’s okay.
God says in Genesis 1 verse 26. Then god said, I love that.
I’m so glad it says that. Then god said, Boom.
Let us make man in our image according to our likeness.
Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea over the birds of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and every, uh, over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth, Imagine what that must have been like.
Walking up, walking up to a giraffe and talking to it and getting on its back and running around.
You know, I don’t know. But everything was a everything was there for you. Can you imagine?
Walking up to it. How how about a lion?
Wouldn’t you like to just just nuzzle up and hicuddle with a lion? That nose on the thing.
It’s like this. Just the nose.
Did you
know where I’d learned last night?
I’d learned that the heart of a blue whale is the size of a Volkswagen.
Did you know heart the heart of a blue whales, the size the size of a Volkswagen, did you know it’s back tail?
It’s tail is the size of a private airplane’s wings. Did you know listen to this.
Did you know this has nothing to do with the message?
I’m just on I’m Did you know that the tongue of a blue whale is the same weight as an elephant, an adult elephant?
It is the biggest living thing that has ever been known to live on the planet ever, the blue whale.
Now I’m trying to tie this into the sermon, but it’s not gonna work.
Oh, all these amazing things. Verse 27.
So god created man in his own image, and the image god created, uh, him, male and What?
Male and female? He created them. Didn’t god? No.
Then god blessed them, and he said to them be fruitful and multiply.
Oh, now I get it. To be fruitful and multiply, you have to be a he and a she.
He and she makes more He’s and she’s. Imagine that. Boom. God.
God said. Then god said. And the war is today in your world and mine, are you gonna believe god?
Are you gonna believe the psychologist from Stanford University. Seriously. That’s what we’re getting pitted up against.
Absolutely amazing. I’ll have you stand because that will remind me that it’s time to go.
Genesis chapter 2 verse 20. Follow with me.
I’ll I’ll read it So Adam gave names to all cattle to the birds of the air and every beast of the field, but for Adam, listen to this, everybody, there’s a blessing in But for Adam, there was not found a help helper comparable or comparable to him.
The word means there was no helper that fit.
Adam didn’t look like any of them, and they didn’t look like him, and he didn’t act like them, and they didn’t act like him?
And the lord god caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept.
And he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh in its placed, then the rib, which the lord god had taken from man, he made into a woman, and he brought her to the man.
And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh, which is amazing statement.
If you know anything about the marrow that’s in a rib, she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man.
Therefore, a
man shall move out of his
mom and dad’s house and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and we’re not ashamed. Isn’t that amazing?
You know what? This is so brilliant. Every man knows this, by the way.
We’re just not big fans publicly about this passage. You know what it means?
God says, hey, Adam, see these animals? None of them are right for you. So Adam’s standing there.
He gave him he gives names to all of them.
And as they’re going by, mister Is it mister and missus Hippo? Mister and missus Grilla?
Mister and missus platypus? That ought to be weird. Right?
And then at the end of the day, god goes, okay. That’s it.
And it’s like, I feel kinda long, gut. God intensified his loneliness.
Adam, nobody’s right for you.
Adam Adam, no one’s no one fits for you, and you should be very glad about that, Adam.
I’m gonna I’m gonna make someone. Especially for you.
So you think about this.
Bible says in the book of Ephesians wives ought to submit to their husbands.
Thanks for coming. God bless you guys.
Can you imagine the ride home in your car?
Wife submit to your own husbands as to the lord. How come? Why? Because why?
The husband is head of the wife. You know what head means?
It means he’s the first one to be sacrificed. Did you know that?
Remind your husband of that one. Hey, woman. You need to submit. Yeah? Well, you need to die.
As also Christ is head of the church.
Didn’t he die? For the church. Yes.
And as savior of the body, therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let wives be to their own husbands and everything, How come?
Why why should I? Husbands love your wives just as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for her.
That’s precious. Ladies, you find a man like that? He’s easy to submit too.
In fact, the words submit won’t even come up.
You won’t even hear about it because he loves you so much. It’s like, oh my goodness.
This guy’s this guy’s the real deal. And guys, listen. You wanna be like, oh, man.
I wanna be a Christian man. I’m gonna rock it for Jesus 2024. Yeah. You married? Yeah.
You bet. Okay. Well, it starts in your marriage.
At the end of 2024, your wife should be able to fill out your report card. Seriously.
That’s your 1st ministry. Is that is that wife in your life, and that should be exhibited by you being willing to be sacrificed for her welfare.
Yeah. Yeah. We know. We know what the world is saying to all of us.
I can take care of myself. We already know that. In fact, let’s be honest.
You take care of us most of the time. And us guys, we don’t do good on our own.
If all the women of the world got raptured and we were left behind, We’d kill each other over the Rams playing the goats today.
We don’t do good on our own. That’s why there’s only 2 days in a weekend.
Man would kill himself. We need a woman in our life. We need wives.
Marriage. The world has destroyed it.
The only hope for marriage is right here in this room to show the world in the war of 2024.
That you’re fighting it alright.
You’re walking in truth, you’re walking in light, and you’re walking in love, and your family, will exhibit the characteristics of god.
That’s the will of god for us this year. In Jesus’ name and all, god’s people said. Amen.
God bless you guys. Hey, listen.
You may never hear this from, uh, the voice of a pastor, but there is a great book that I believe every Christian ought to read.
For that matter, everybody ought to read.
And though it’s, uh, written to the US military, specifically the Marine Corps, You can apply so much of it to our spiritual warfare as believers.
The book is titled Left of Bang. Left of Bang versus right of Bang.
Left of Bang means you’re ahead of what’s coming. Right of Bang means you’re too late.
Your opponent sets a trap as it were. And that they have displayed some form of indicator.
It’s always true. A trap is set. There’s something going on. Maybe it’s too quiet. Maybe it’s too busy.
Maybe it’s too whatever. Confusing, but the enemy has set a trap, and there’s a for you and I to identify the trap.
Left of Bang will save your life. Well, listen. Left of Bang is what the Bible is all about.
God has given us instruction. In fact, from that book, there’s a great quote, and I wanna give it to you right now.
Learning is in friend and you’ll be equipped to take on the world around you.
That’s great advice. But you know what?
Even though it’s given to our United States Marine Corps, I think it’s great advice for the Christian today that for you and I to be equipped to fight the fight, we’ve gotta have situational awareness in the physical realm as well as the spirit.
So with that, my friends, listen. As always, we want you to get into the word of god.
We’re here to help you do that.
You can go to jackibs.com, where you can connect with us on various forms of social media content, but also please go to the real life network.
Get your app and make sure that you stay up on what’s going on.
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God did not give us Bible prophecy to scare us, but to prepare us.
You are the light of the world Jesus said. You are the sole of the earth. How does that happen?
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