Condemnation is Still Available Becausse of Rejected Grace – Wednesday Service

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Condemnation is Still Available Becausse of Rejected Grace – Wednesday Service

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To these, your precious sheep, thank your lord, that revelation knowledge will flow freely, uninterrupted and unhindered by an satanic or demonic force.
Father, I pray that you will speak through my vocal cords, think through my mind.
None of me and all of you. It’s in Jesus’ name. We Cray. And everybody said, Amen. Come on.
Give the lord a big hand clap for praise.
You can be seated.
And if you have your bibles, go with me to the book of Saint John, Saint John chapter 3.
We’re gonna start we’re still in chapter 3. And verse 17 through 19.
Now I’m gonna show you something that may be somewhat of a shock. Not a big shock.
But from the things that we’ve learned in times past, uh, I wasn’t shocked, but when I saw this, I thought Wow.
That you read these scriptures sometimes, and you and you read them a lot.
Until you kinda see the whole context of a thing.
We’re gonna talk about condemnation still available because of rejected grace.
Condemnation’s still available. And, uh, because of rejected grace.
Now let me give you a little summaries, uh, and then go in to prove it to you.
We know that because of what Adam did condemnation came on all men.
And then we know according to Romans chapter 5, I believe, that when the law came, it increased the offense and made condemnation even worst.
And so what happens is, Jesus showed up, shed his blood, and dealt with the whole condemnation issue, all the way back from Adam, uh, all the way through the law and condemnation was dealt with.
Okay. So most of us and, you know, probably all of us, and I won’t say all of us.
Some of you might got this, but most of us kinda took it Jesus’ blood, took care of the condemnation and everything.
And he did the condemnation that came from Adam and the condemnation that the law increased.
But there is still this thing about condemnation showing up in the time of grace when you reject Jesus, and when you reject grace, when you don’t believe in the finished works of Jesus Christ, And when you don’t believe in what Jesus has done, um, which is the first work of the Holy Spirit, to deal with people in nonbelief, When you don’t do it, the Bible clearly says that condemnation is a result of you not believing this grace and rejecting that grace.
So condemnation, uh, can show up in a person’s life when they don’t believe and when they reject uh, the grace of god.
So now let’s go through this and let me show you this line by line and and and, It it’ll you’ll you’ll see it right away, the scriptures that we read.
So let’s start at John, Saint John chapter 3, and verse 17 through 19. Alright.
And I read this carefully. He says, for god sent not his son into the world, to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved.
And part of that salvation is saved from condemnation. 1st 19, or or okay.
He that believeth on him. Now now watch this. He that believeth on him is not condemned.
But he, that believe, if not is condemned already, So right here, he says, you believe on him.
You’re not condemned. You don’t believe on him.
You’re already condemned because why he had not believed in the name, the name of, I’m gonna show you that phrase uh, I I’ve discovered the name of those three words are very significant to everything that Jesus is and everything that Jesus has done.
He says they didn’t believe in the name the only begotten son of god verse 19.
And this is the condemnation This is the condemnation.
Here’s the condemnation that light referring to Jesus has come into the world and men love darkness rather than the light because their deeds were evil.
And because of that unbelief and that reject of the light of Jesus, of the grace of god, condemnation is a result.
Now In this passage, it reveals an entirely new cause for condemnation of man.
Under this, under this covenant of grace we live in, uh, an entirely new cause for the condemnation man.
He is condemned because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten son of god, he is condemned.
So the entire human race now, let’s let’s make a distinction between this condemnation that comes because you don’t believe.
And the condemnation that we, uh, that that Jesus came and delivers from, he says the entire human race came under the condemnation of death by one sin that came from Adam.
So let’s look at this. Go to Romans chapter 5 in verse 18.
Romans chapter 5 in verse 18. It it becomes pretty fascinating when you see this.
Romans 5 and verse 18. Now read verse 18 with me. Ready. Read.
Therefore, as by the fence, underlining word offense. There was an offense that took place here.
Therefore, as by the offense of 1, Now who’s that one? Judgment came because of Adam. Right?
Therefore, as by the offensive one, judgment came upon all men to what? Condemnation. Okay?
So he he makes it very plain here that judgment came upon all men to condemnation because the offense of one man by the name of Adam.
Okay? So the calls for the condemnation of all mankind was then the sin of one man.
Now this condemnation was later um, this condemnation right here that came as a result of what Adam did in the garden was intensified in Romans chapter 5 in 20.
Let me show you what intensified it. It it says that the law entered in.
Now I noticed that word, offense. Okay? Moreover, the law entered in that the offense might abound.
The word abound means increase. So the law entered in, and that offense that took place in the garden, that that bought condemnation, He said that offense, that condemnation increased.
It increased as as a result of it. So Uh, this is referring to the law of Moses.
It is specifically called in 2nd Corinthians chapter 39. The administration of condemnation. Go there.
2nd Corinthians chapter 3 in verse 9. It is specifically called the administration of condemnation.
Um, for if the administration of condemnation be glory, much more, that the administration of righteousness succeed in glory.
So under the law, when the law came in and intensified condemnation.
It was called the administration of condemnation.
But then one more time, in James chapter 2 in verse 10, Just put all these together, and you’re like, how did I miss this?
James chapter 2 in verse 10. He says, for whosoever shall keep the whole law, Okay?
And yet you offend he’s talking about that offense. You offend in one point.
He says then you are guilty. That’s what condemnation is. A part of the definition is guilt.
It’s guilt. He says, uh, yet offend in one point, he’s guilty of all of it. And what happens?
You you you you offend in one point you’re guilty of all of it.
Condination comes again because of the law.
So let’s put this together under the law under law condemnation is because man does not do all that the law demands.
And then he’s condemned because he doesn’t do everything that the law demands.
Um, and and and does do, and he ends up doing the thing that god forbids So in this merit, everybody say merit Merit.
Or the demerit. See, one of them is you deserve praise and reward for good works.
The other one is you you you have a mark against you because of something you didn’t do.
You remember getting demerits in school? I I don’t even know if they do that now.
Um, a mark awarded awarded against someone for a fault or an offense.
So if you got caught talking in class, teachers say, I’m a give you a demerant. Alright? Alright.
So now so now listen to what I’m leading up to the amplified, uh, version of what we just read in John chapter 3 17 through 19.
Now, under under this new condition, this new covenant, this new condition for condemnation is not at all based on uh, what man does.
It is in no way related to what a person does. Yes.
Before it was all related to what they what you can do and what you can’t do.
The condemnation, this new condemnation that comes as a result of not believing in Jesus Christ, it’s not based on what you do.
It’s based on whether you believe in that. Right? It’s because of the failure of man to believe.
This this condemnation I’m talking about comes because man fails to believe in.
He fails to depend upon the goodness of god.
And so those three words I was telling you about, the name of put that in parentheses.
The name of I thought it was just three words, but it actually is a phrase that means that which the son of god is and that which the son of god has done.
That which the son of god is and that which the son of god has done, the name of.
Okay? Now here’s what If we pull it all together, here’s what I believe he is saying in John chapter 3 that brings about this new condition for condemnation.
Again, I wanna repeat before you, you, uh, you broke the law, so condemnation came in in the garden of Eden.
Don’t eat of the tree of the garden. You ate of it condemnation came.
Then, uh, the law came in and intensified it and said, if you don’t do this, this, this, this, this, then you’re gonna be cursed condemnation came in as well.
But now this new condition for condemnation is a condition where you do not believe in the son of god based on who he is and you don’t believe in the son of god based on what he has done.
So now we put it all together. Here’s what I believe it says.
He who will depend upon that, which the only begotten son of god is, And that, which he did while he was in the world, is not condemned.
Let me read it again.
He who will depend upon that, which the son of, uh, the sun the the the only begotten son of god is you depend on that.
So so let’s talk about something for a moment.
Uh, we we we we we articulate things with our mouth that don’t translate into our life. Okay?
And so what we need to understand is, is when we’re talking about, do you believe, the the real question is, do you believe, receive, depend, trust, rely on lean on All of those go together to try to help you to see if you’re just talking or has it translated into your life.
Okay. Do I believe? Do I receive Do I depend? Do I trust? Do I rely on?
Do I lean on? Okay. Because that’s gonna be really important because right now, I’m I’m gonna show you some real crazy things.
It’s right in in the middle of grace, but it is gonna happen, but it’s not it’s not gonna be Jesus’s fault.
That’s it’s not gonna be because grace is weak. It’s gonna be because you don’t believe.
So I’m here tonight to say we need to get to believing.
And that’s been in my spirit for a couple of weeks right now.
We we we need to get to believe in it, and I don’t think I don’t think people are are are really getting what I’m saying.
It’s like cut out the church religious games and have a real believing dependent upon god relationship in your daily living and not in a segregated time you put aside to at religious.
And people tripping on me for saying that.
So it’s they feel like it’s the truth, but they don’t feel like you ought to be saying that at church.
Oh, what else do you say? Okay. So here here is the key part here.
This is huge. He that believes who he He who will depend upon that, which the only begotten son of god is.
I depend on who Jesus is.
And depend that that what he did while he was in the world.
I’d I I’d depend on what he did and why we shed his blood and everything.
Took why he was He says, this person is not condemned.
But he that fails to do So it’s condemned already.
And that’s solely because he does not depend.
He’s condemned solely because he’s, uh, he’s condemned because he doesn’t depend upon that which the son of god has done for him.
He is condemned because he will not rely on. He will not depend.
He will not trust lean on what the son of god has done for him.
So you got all of these amazing things that god has done for us And we don’t depend on it.
And part of it is because preachers won’t preach it.
And I just, uh, I you know, you can’t you you you just gotta pray for people.
Because you can’t be judgmental or stuff like that.
But I because, I mean, we we people of grace have gotta be gray we gotta be gracious.
Because there was a time I didn’t know none of this.
There was a time you didn’t know none of this.
So we can’t just start freaking out on people who don’t know.
We gotta pray that god’ll put them on the path.
But I am so I’m I’m like, You know, anything like I’m saying, god is gonna god’s gonna send somebody here.
God don’t send nobody to help people go down their own. You know what I’m saying?
But this thing about depending on what he did while he was here, depending on who he is, and just believing And and and you gotta know know it before you believe it.
And I meet a lot of people in in in Christianity. They just don’t know.
But how adequate is that gonna be at the gate?
I don’t know if you read the Bible well, but there’s a great responsibility in teaching the word.
I ain’t trying to get to the gate. Like, somebody, you’re going to hell because you you would deceive everybody?
No. That’s why I like to wear it myself to see if it worked.
And then I wear it, and then Taffa put it on.
She wear it, and then some friends, but I put it on. They wear it.
And and and it’s like, everybody getting the same results. Well, it’s safe to say, okay.
And and and and I asked god one time.
I said, lord, this grace thing, he said, don’t even say another word.
He said, you know, this is right.
You do not wait until somebody wants to validate the message of grapes.
I have already validated it. And he said, I told you when you start teaching this, not to expect everybody to embrace it.
Do you know how long this has been put out?
Every generation has had some man or woman teaching the gospel of grace.
Yes, sir.
Some man or woman doing it. Now this is a serious issue here.
Probably the biggest one I think I’ve ever shared since I’ve been teaching the gospel.
But he that fails to do so, to depend on him is condemned already.
The question I asked was, okay, lord.
Show me where in my life I’m not dependent on you.
I ain’t I ain’t got time to be playing with this? Where where am I not dependent on you?
And where where do I need dependent on you more?
So the the the obvious question would be, what is it then that the son of god was And what did he do upon which, uh, upon which we should be begin to depend on?
So we that’s just find it in the scripture.
I don’t wanna make up no religious stuff and just shoot it at you.
According to the scripture, what was what was the sun the sun god was this, and he did do that.
So I know exactly what I need to be dependent Alright. So let’s let’s stick with John.
Saint John chapter 114. Saint John 114 tells us that he was full of grace and truth.
He was full of grace and truth, and the word was made flesh, drug them on the earth.
He was beheld his we beheld his glory. But glory of the only begotten of the father.
He was full of grace and full of truth. He now I wanna depend on that grace and truth.
He was full of grace. He was. That that’s what I’m dependent on.
I’m dependent on the grace and the truth that that he was full of. Let’s make it plain.
Undepending on Jesus. Okay? Alright. Let’s look and see what else he was. And what do you do?
Uh, John 129. Saint John chapter 1 verse 29.
And and noticed this, he said, No sin.
The next day, John see if Jesus coming on to him and say, behold the lamb of god, which taketh away What?
The sin of the world? You have to depend on that.
He was a lamb of god, which taker the way the sin of the world.
So, you know, you you can’t keep whining about something he’s already accomplished in that area, right?
And then look at John 314. What did he do? And what was it?
Look at John 3 14. He says, and Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness even so must the son of man be lifted up.
So he was lifted up. So by taking away the sin of the world, He was for he when he took away the sin of the whole world, what did he actually do?
He forever removed the offense by which judgment came upon all men to condemnation. That’s what he did.
He was lifted up on the cross, and he removed the offense, uh, the judgment, the, uh, condemnation that came on everybody.
So the old condition for condemnation under the law, extended back to the first law given to man in the Garden of Eden, All of that was done away with when Jesus died on the cross.
Now watch this. With the removal of the grounds for condemnation.
The law as a administration of condemnation it also came to an end.
All of that from the garden all the way through the law.
When Jesus got on the cross over, no more condemnation coming in that area.
So now listen to this. The initial work of grace that came by Jesus Christ.
And that which has made that which made it possible for its full operation for the removal of the condemnation under the law.
That was the work of grace. That was the initial work of Jesus. The initial work of grace.
Grace is a person. His name is Jesus.
The initial work of Jesus Christ was to remove the condemnation that came through the offensive Adam and the condemnation that came, uh, from the law.
But that did not remove condemnation from mankind. Uh.
You see why I’m being repetitive? It did not remove condemnation from mankind.
It removed condemnation, uh, that you can get from the law and the offense of Adam, But condemnation, it is still possible to show up If you don’t do what need to be done, it simply changed the condition because of of of of of of of of what happens here.
The conditions change, not in in which condensation can come.
Man could never meet the requirements of the law, condemnation all day long.
So all of this is not so where grace is concerned.
All man has to do is to confess his sinful state his own guilt under the law and depend upon the merits of the son of god, and he’s free from condemnation.
But like I say, we have this is gonna cause us to really examine, alright, what am I doing in my Christian life?
Yeah. Yeah. Am I really believing god or am I playing like I believe god? Amen.
Look at John chapter 3 verse 36.
And it says it a little differently here, but basically the same.
He says he that believeth on the sun, have what?
So how do you get ever that’s in life?
How do you stay away from condemnation?
And he that believe it, not the sun, shall not see this life, but the wrath of god abided on him because he don’t believe.
So man is not now condemned because the law has been broken, but because he has rejected the son of god, and in so doing has rejected the grace and truth which came by Jesus Christ.
How often do you think that takes place on a daily basis?
The rejecting the grace and truth that’s come by Jesus Christ.
What in the world do you think god can do for somebody that don’t believe?
And that’s why he says, he that believeth on him shall not be put to shame.
He that believeth in him shall not be condemned.
He that believeth him, but he that doesn’t believe on him He says you condemned already. You’re ashamed already.
You’re sick already. You’re staying in trouble already.
All this stuff’s gonna happen because he says, Your lack of belief in Jesus and his grace in truth puts you on the outside of his operation.
Man, I I I am not trying to be the bearer of bad news, but I’m just trying to say the hip per critical lifestyle, coupled with a t shirt that says I’m a Christian, that ain’t gonna get it.
Listen to me, the truth that condemnation is because of unbelief in the son of god is reaffirmed And and and and further scriptures, I I I needed to know, is this, out of the 2, 3, 4 miles?
Alright. That’s the second mile. Alright. Look at John chapter 8, 24.
And I believe John, because John John had a a a thing with Jesus.
That allowed him to see revelations, all kinds of stuff. John chapter 8 24.
I say it, therefore, unto you, that you shall not die in your sins, for if you believe not that I am he, You shall die in your sins.
I say it, therefore, unto you that ye shall die in your sins.
For if you believe not that I am he, if you don’t believe that I am he, You should die in your sins.
Grace is available to take care of your sins. You just don’t believe it.
So you’re dying your sins. I thought you was an 11 god. I was.
You just didn’t believe it. You didn’t believe it. You didn’t believe I was an 11 god.
You didn’t believe I was forgiving god. You didn’t believe I had I was wrapped up in grace and mercy.
You quoted it, but you didn’t believe it? Dang.
Look at John 12, 48.
In his closing public message that Jesus was preaching, Here’s what he said in that message.
Look what he said in that message.
He that rejected me and received it. What’s this? Not my words.
That’s that’s heavy right there. Yeah.
Because he’s talking about you you rejected me by rejecting my words.
Half one that judges him.
The word that I have spoken the same shall judge him in the last day.
His words. But, Dhalla, oh, you all, we talking all inscriptions and stuff like that.
Cause I don’t wanna be opening my mouth saying the wrong thing. Study? Study? I got this room.
It’s like, I promise you every time you walk in this room, and I got books on my, on my, uh, especially lately, on my couch, on my coffee table.
I I got I got I got 3 different processes before a sermon is ready to be preached.
I I studied it. I put it together. I write it down. I underlined it.
Then I code it with different color codes.
And then I before I preach it, look over it one more time, read the scriptures, make sure they all in context, and then half the stuff I don’t get to preach.
God say all that was for you. This is so serious.
It’s like, you reject me by rejecting my words.
It’s it’s not receiving what he is saying. Alright. So here’s the big deal now.
Go to John 169. I I I tried to preach this one time.
I think a lot of people got mad at me that day.
People, I know, got upset with me because I I said something that was so true, but it hit them in a different kind of way.
So I’m a try it again.
Part of the work of the Holy Spirit during the present age of grace, which is right now.
The work of the Holy Spirit is to convict or convince the world of sin.
To convict and convince the world of sin.
Grace people need to hear this because sometimes grace people don’t even read these scriptures, and they say, well, they get comfortable in sin.
Because they say, well, I’m I’m under grace. Yo.
God has forgiven you if you’re saying he’s not gonna throw you away, but you know there’s consequences for what you’re doing, and there’s a bigger consequence.
The action of it may tell you more about you than you really wanna know.
It’ll tell you a whole lot about you.
And now listen to this now.
So part of the work of a spirit during the present age of grace is to convince the world of sin.
Not because the world is breaking the law of Moses, Not because men are sinning.
That’s not not why he’s trying to convict people of the sins.
He’s not trying to convict you of his sin because you’re breaking the law of Moses.
He’s not even trying to convict you of sin because you’re sinning.
But because you don’t believe on Jesus Christ
Because when you don’t believe on Jesus Christ, You’re sitting.
You think your sin is the problem.
You’re sending because your belief is the problem. -Yeah. -Hey. -Hey. -Yeah.
-I used the ta I used the illustration about you know, uh, the problem is not you not giving financially, the problem is you not believing that god can take care of you.
And you can you can use any area.
I just chose that one, and people got, well, why do you have to beat? He there you go.
Talking about money. No. It’s it’s big enough. That’s the thing you don’t wanna do.
And and and there’s a reason why you think it’s a Another issue. The issue is you don’t believe.
Reason why people go to self preservation Yeah.
Is because I don’t believe god has preserved them. That’s serious.
I don’t know what it is. I have to face every day.
What what I’m doing, I’m like, is this an am I saying I don’t believe god?
Or is wisdom showing me that I need to go ahead and do this while I’m believing god?
See, you gotta spend time with god to reconcile levels.
You won’t you want you want another law in the pool up here, but I’m not gonna do it for you because the spirit of god wants to lead you and show you how to live every day.
So you still listen. Listen. You’re still asking questions about does god mind you drinking wine?
You you’re still doing that. You’re still doing that. You you you you won’t go ask him.
You don’t have no relationship to ask him. You wonder why you I mean, why you’re drinking wine?
Are you drinking wine to try to feel better?
Or or or you don’t trust god to help you to feel better. What what what is it?
Why you why why are you doing what you’re doing? Just ask him. I’m not gonna tell you.
I’m not gonna give you no more laws.
So look at what he says. Let’s let’s look at, uh, verse 8 and read john 1689.
And and just look at this.
This is It’s been there forever, but, you know, and when he has come, the Holy Spirit, he will reprove the world of sin.
How’s he gonna do that? And he’s gonna also deal with him on righteousness.
How’s he gonna do that? He’s gonna also deal with, among judgment or condemnation.
All three of those, he’s gonna do one thing to try to deal with all of those.
Of sin because they don’t they believe not all me.
He just told you of sin because they don’t believe on me.
They let sin consciousness, condemn them.
They they they they they fall prey to it because they don’t believe that Let me say this.
I’m and please, I’m I’m not trying to be rude or anything like that.
It’s just like, What do you expect to happen to people when all their hearing is seen?
All you’re talking about is the reason why you’re getting promotion calls is sin.
The reason why you gotta divorce calls is sin. The reason why you can’t get pregnant calls is sin.
Sin sin is that god in your house calls of sin and sin.
And I’m they’re just recreating that sin consciousness, and you’re more conscious of sin than you are the righteousness of god.
And and, and it’s all sinned.
And then and sin consciousness, uh, conditions you Give me the words, lord.
Send consciousness conditions you in unbelief.
It it conditions you in unbelief.
You would be shocked of the number of people that actually come to church and say that they have a relationship with God and they don’t believe in.
Because the first thing flies out of their mouth is what they really believe.
And they think they just need to work on their confession. No.
They’re confessing that because they don’t believe.
I don’t know what everybody else is doing, but, man, I’m that’s my that’s my everyday job.
I have got to depend on god. Am I dependent on god? Am I dependent on god?
Am I relying on god? Am I relying on god?
And I have some good days, and I have some days that are not so good.
I have some days where I go back and forth, and I have some days where I’ve conquered certain areas where I depend on god.
I depend on god here. And have some days, but that’s what life is. That’s what this is.
It is an everyday walk. With Jesus and getting better.
There’s something that happens when you when you go through something in life and god allows you to go through it, then he brings you out.
Then your relationship with him is much deeper than quoting a scripture.
Because your you know him.
So when you hear certain scriptures, there’s a big alarm goes off on the inside that’s like, yeah.
That’s him. I know him. That’s that’s how he do it.
But then the same thing’s true is when you hear something that’s not him? No. No more?
Now that was him back in the day before Jesus came with a new way of doing things.
When you hear that he’s still when you hear that today he’s killing people, y’all, y’all, y’all, y’all, y’all, I don’t, I don’t I don’t I’m not fellowship with a killer every day.
Why do you know that?
Because I know him versus well, because the Bible says in 3 chapters, this, this, this, and we become so, um, I don’t know a word to describe it.
Don’t become lovers of doctrine to the point that you failed to get to know him The doctrine is supposed to enhance relationship it’s not just supposed to be something you absorb so you can have something to talk about when you get around Christian people.
And y’all can out revelation, one another. Well, you think you got a revelation.
I got one better than this. Well, you ain’t heard nothing yet. Listen to this.
And don’t now, one of y’all know god. No. It’s it’s it’s it’s a work in Revelation.
Ain’t about a mad.
Like, I care, but ain’t about a mad. Right?
It’s like, this stuff has got to be sad because I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, uh, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t tell you.
This is this is the time’s drawing near, and there’s this warning about beware of false teachers.
Who will use you for their own selfish That’s right.
That’s right. Thing, whatever. And and, you know, some would just walk right into it, especially with the internet and everything.
I almost I almost don’t wanna read nobody’s book no more because that’s their philosophy.
And if their philosophy doesn’t come from the book from the word, I ain’t too interested. Yep.
And some per I don’t care how smart it is. How in I I love when people get on that.
They share their ideas, how to get rich.
You when god has said it, I’ll prosper you in in in in the very root of things that There’s a difference between being rich and wealthy.
That’s fine. Rich people can lose their substance, and they’ll be poor the rest of their life. Wealthy people.
You take their stuff. They get it back, and they keep getting back because they go from blessing to blessing to blessing.
I don’t want y’all to be rich. I want you to be wealthy.
I want you to be wealthy in your spirit, wealthy in your soul, sound mind, happy, wealthy in your body, well, and healed, I don’t want you to just just, uh, just consume a bunch of stuff and and and say you got some stuff because I tell you, once you get on top of that heel, it ain’t Excuse my English.
It ain’t gonna be what you thought it was gonna be.
Oh, if I just had a $1,000,000, life would be great. No. That is a lie.
Because with a lot of becomes but But when you are really wealthy, it goes across the board.
It’s not just in one area.
A rich man, you take his money, he don’t even know how to get a loan. He start looking broke.
He starts smelling broke. But a wealthy person, you can take everything he got.
And and and and and put him in in in in his car.
And he’s still gonna know how to clean up. He’s still gonna know how to look good.
He’s gonna be very good because he’s wealthy.
The wind’s in that crew.
You you can’t This is this is a message only of the winds of night crew.
And up Sunday morning? It’ll be about 500 of these going around there.
Many well intentioned evangelists spend time and efforts trying to convict men and women of sin because they’re breaking the commandments of Moses and living immoral lives.
And they’re trying to convict them a sin.
To do so, is to confuse law with grace.
It darkens the mind of people so that The pure gospel of grace is but vaguely understood because we’re so darkened with all of all of stuff going on.
I moved the pulpit of world changes.
I moved it away from Mount Sinai where the law was given.
The pulpit of world changes is now located at Mount Zion where grace and true can be ministered to the people of with no condemnation.
The present message to the unsaved world is that men are condemned not because of their evil doings that was then, but only because they reject him by whom came grace and truth and in doing so, they placed themselves outside of the operation of god’s grace.
I don’t want have come Colley Park Now, one of y’all.
Somebody said spell that.
I don’t want now one of y’all to be on the outside of the operations of god’s grace.
But how did you get on the out side of the operations of god’s grace.
Reject who Jesus is and what he has done.
And start going back, and everything is now based on what you do and what you don’t do.
And I’m telling you what you do and what you don’t do is rooted in your belief.
So now we gotta check our believer.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Are the believers believing? Woah. Woo.
It it would it would do you good to take cut TV off and just get you a pillow and lay back.
And say, now, lord, show me I mean, I did this, show me areas where I’ve substituted my actions to earn versus my believing to depend.
Show me lord. Show me a lot.
Now some of y’all gotta be careful because some of y’all have a tendency to get too deep.
That’s why you need to have a relationship with God, because he’ll tell you, you’re getting too deep.
God will tell you you’re getting to he will let you know. Yeah.
Are you are you you I’m not there. You you you’re leaving me.
You leave, come I ain’t tell you to do all that.
Well, lord, I’m a depend on you for a bath.
He said, I I I ain’t I ain’t tell you to do all that.
You are responsible for your physical body in this physical world.
And you are in this world where life needs to be lived, so certain things you’re gonna be responsible for doing.
So don’t get spiritually deep and and and and go there. That’s why you need to know god.
You need to know god in some cases so that somebody can tell you you don’t know him like you’re knowing.
I have people coming me all the time telling me the holy ghost told me, and then I hear it.
And, and, and, and it’s like, I don’t wanna hurt the physical. I’m like, that was not god.
And I need to tell you, or you’re gonna keep listening to the wrong voice. That ain’t God.
You missed it. Now you don’t you don’t gloat over it.
You mess it You know, that that ain’t I’m not telling you to do that.
But I am saying We gotta help each other to tune in to the right frequency.
Not everybody’s tuned into the right frequency. It ain’t even it ain’t even lining up with nothing that god did.
They don’t even make no sense. So, like, why would god do something like that?
I just if if I was them, I just shut up and just wait and see.
And if it don’t happen, then I just know I’m got I’m glad I ain’t saying nothing.
Cause you act like something gonna happen because you You I oh, I just gotta tell you this password.
I just gotta tell you this.
I’m like, I can see if I’m so foreign and distanced from god, why would god have to tell somebody to tell you something?
Except you too hard headed to listen to him when he say it.
Or and too too big of a self deception that it like, he got it he had to do with d David Nathan had to come in and tell her, you know, because he thought he had everybody food.
Nathan came Nathan came up, described everything he was doing. And David said, mhmm. Shown up.
They ought to be they ought to be put to death, and he said, you the man.
You the man.
And believe it or not, every 9 day in god will employ angels to be transformed into human beings, and you don’t even know it.
And bring something to your point, you need to remember those moments.
We had an encounter like that at breakfast one day with my youngest daughter.
And this lady came up, and I was like, she was a white lady, but she was like, looked different.
And I just noticed that about her, and she came up and prophesized her, to my daughter, and I mean, bless her heart.
She she done went through a lot, was held up by gunpoint.
Somebody did all that stuff, but, I mean, Tefing, I the the blood owner, That’s one thing about it.
You I don’t care what happened throughout the day.
Well, we we every we don’t we don’t even try to take that for every day you take a blood bath, whether you know you’re taking 1 or not.
We we’ve we’re sending the blood on you. Right. And we do world change the same way.
Every member of world changes church. I plead the blood of Jesus on their lives. They’re blood wash.
So unusual things happened.
And when she finished prophesying to her, and we both turned and looked at her and turned back and And she was gone.
And the door was a little bit away. So I said, what? What? What was that?
Be careful when you entertain strangers. You could be entertaining angels unaware.
And you don’t even know if you didn’t entertain one, man.
I hope y’all get what I’m saying.
I’m a you get into this. Look at this and say, alright.
Well, where am I not dependent on you?
I say I trust you, but I’m not leaning on you.
I say I believe in you. I hadn’t received you.
The light came into the world, and here is condemnation.
They chose the darkness rather than the light.
Where in our lives are we choosing the darkness, the world rather than the light Jesus.
I I something’s helping me I wake up in the morning now, and I look out, and I say this is another day in this thing called life, which will one day be over with.
Let me do my job. Let me do my job.
And then when it’s all over wood, I’m gonna be real glad I did my job.
And you cannot do what god calls you to do if you are still dealing with approval addiction.
When you get delivered from searching for other people’s validation, then it’ll be easier for you to carry out what God told you to do.
But if you’re always gonna be concerned about what somebody’s saying about you and on on social media, for real.
Then you’re not gonna be able to do what god called you to do.
And you’ll miss it half the time.
So I guess the lesson tonight is don’t let condemnation rise in your life.
Because of your rejection of Jesus, and don’t find yourself on the outside of the operation of grace.
Okay? Because you don’t believe in him.
The first work of the Holy Spirit is to convince us that, uh, that we can believe in Jesus Christ, that we are the righteousness of god, and that the prince of this world has already been judged.
And things have already been taken care of. Amen? Amen. I’m out of here. Thank you.
Hey, man.
That was a good word.
Who he is and what he’s done.
I don’t know about you, but when I get home, I got some self evaluating to do.
How about you guys? It’s not just a message for the week. It’s a message for life.
It just your better fathers, better mothers when you come and sit down and eat, digest, You know?
If you’re out there today and you hadn’t accepted Christ as your lord and personal savior, we wanna offer you the best opportunity you’ll ever get on this planet is to accept Christ as your lord and personal savior.
People don’t go to hell for sin or bad behavior. They go to hell for rejecting Jesus.
And the Jesus that I’ve come to know, he loves you. He died before you.
He died for you before you even born.
So if you’re out there and you wanna accept him as your lord and person of savior, repeat this prayer after me.
Say father god, I admit that I am a sinner coming to my life Be my god.
Be my lord. Be my savior.
I surrender, my spirit, my soul and my body to you.
Thank you for accepting me. Thank you. For receiving me. You are my god.
In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen. If you just said that prayer, then welcome to the body of Christ.
You just made the best decision that you can ever make.
Now the new decision that you need to make on a consistent basis is to commit commit to a life of renewing your mind.
How do I renew my mind? You keep getting fed. You find you a good church home.
Doctor Dhalla and pastor Taffy would love to be your pastors.
But if you’re not here, you’re able to be a, uh, what we call it, a e member.
E church, you could join the e church. You could be a e member.
Or if you just feel like there’s uh, other churches out there.
Now I’m a little biased to world changes, but there are definitely other churches out there. Amen.
So find you a good church home, and, uh, make sure that you just sit down and become a student of grace.
I believe we have prayer counselors here tonight, Dewey. We do.
Raise your hand if you’re a prayer counselor if that the prayer counselors are here, it’s all good.
If anybody needs baptism and the Holy Spirit evidence of speaking in tongues, me and pastor Carol here will help you.
Uh, if you need prayer for anything, me and pastor Carol here will help you. Hey, man.
Um, and you could just come up. Um, if you just said that prayer, I want you to text.
I’m saved. One word. To 51555, and we have a digital download for you. Amen?
Now, let’s complete service with offering. There it is.
We don’t have to give, we get to give. Amen?
And when you have that type of attitude going into it, it just it just hits a whole whole different way.
So if you want to give their we have a few ways that you can give.
You can text world changes plus the amount to 74483. Or you can call 1-866-477-7683.
Or you can mail it in to 25100 Burdett Road College Park, Georgia 30349.
Or there’s always the website world changes dot org or creflo dollar ministries dot org.
If you need to offer envelope, raise your hand, ushers are ministering to you. Alright.
Let’s pray over the offer. Father god, I thank you lord god for this offer now.
Thank you lord god. That it’s able to go and impact.
It’s able to go and impact this community, this state, this nation, this world, every dollar, every cent is used, lord god, to build up your kingdom.
We declare so. In Jesus’ name, we pray, all of the grief said, Hey, man.
Father god, I pray a hedge of protection over each and every person in this room.
I declared that they all get sweet sleep tonight. I declared that peace is still in their households, father god.
And I just declare lord god that no weapon formed against them.
Whether it be a physical weapon and emotional weapon or a spiritual attack, no weapon formed will prosper against him.
Now, let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in that sight.
Oh lord, my strength, and my redeemer. Jesus name, we pray. Amen. Love your world changes.
Are you ready to come home?
Grace Life Conference 2024. The reunion is coming.
Crestlow and Taffy Dollar will be joined by special gas Andrea Crayton, Gregory Dicow, Bishop Clarence McClendon, Inkei Johnson, Michael Smith, Hessaka Walker, and Brian Courtney Wilson, July 11th through 13, don’t miss this experience that includes our annual mentality and ministers and leaders conferences.
Tech’s race life to 51555.
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