Beyond – Part 1 (Matthew 1:18-25)

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Welcome, church family! Let’s stand together as we kick off our special Christmas sermon series, leading up to our Christmas service next week. The overarching theme of this series is “Beyond.” Tonight, we will delve into this profound concept.

Let’s begin by reading from Matthew 1 in the timeless beauty of the King James Version. I’ll start with verse 18, and you can join in with the odd-numbered verses. Are you ready? Let’s read together with passion and faith.

And all God’s people said, Amen! Please be seated.

Exploring “Beyond”: A Profound Theme

Tonight, we reflect on the theme of “Beyond.” Noah Webster’s 1828 dictionary defines “beyond” as something that transcends anticipation, lies out of reach, or surpasses the limits of our comprehension. It also describes it as an experience far outside the ordinary—a fitting description of the greatness of God.

Just recently, off the California coastline, Elon Musk launched another Falcon 9 rocket. Watching it soar into the heavens, we’re amazed at its speed and reach. With apps tracking its trajectory, we marvel at how it can still be visible over Hawaii or Cabo San Lucas from Southern California. Yet, even this marvel pales in comparison to the majesty of God, who surpasses all human understanding.

We often find ourselves captivated by the extraordinary, but God calls us to meditate on His grandeur. His greatness is beyond anything we can comprehend. As Bill Feder reminded us in last Sunday’s sermon, if God were to fully reveal Himself in His infinite glory, belief would be inevitable. Instead, God reveals Himself through nature, His Word, and creation, allowing us to approach Him in faith rather than compulsion.

Embracing the Infinite

Robert Nathan, an American poet and novelist, once said, “There’s a beyond that the mind can’t see, and that is where the answers are.” While he may not have been a Christian, his words remind us of an eternal truth: God’s answers often lie beyond human comprehension.

In this Christmas season, let us reflect on the immeasurable greatness of God. His love, grace, and power extend beyond the limits of our imagination. Let’s strive to meditate on His grandeur and embrace the beauty of a Savior who came to redeem us, offering a hope that transcends anything this world can offer.

May we carry the theme of “Beyond” into our hearts as we prepare for the celebration of Christ’s birth. Amen.

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