Becoming Miracle Minded Part 2 – Back to The Basics

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Becoming Miracle Minded Part 2 – Back to The Basics

Sometimes, as we grow in our Christian walk, we forget about the basics that got us there. Yet, the basics of our faith are the very foundation we need to be successful in our relationship with the Lord and with others, and to fulfill God’s plans and purposes for our Kingdom destiny. In this Back to the Basics series, a powerful compilation of 16 series of dynamic teachings by Dr. Bill Winston, you will learn how to renew and re-energize your Christian walk.

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the believer’s Walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries partners and viewers are you ready to go deeper the back to the basics summer series continues to unfold with Dr Bill Winston we’re going to 4 d we’re going to whatever’s missing can be restored come on we’re going to win the Devil shot his best shot you said try it devil Try Your Best Shot and we going to fix what’s broke you just know the god that you serve he will deliver them experience the transformational power of
understanding the fundamentals of faith in your everyday life through these Timeless teachings by Dr Bill Winston join us as we build your foundation and help you lay a path toward living victoriously as Kingdom citizens join the journey tune in every week and share the inspiration with your [Music] gr another reason for miracles is to manage this planet that’s right manage this planet cuz they can’t be making laws that are against God the Bama talks about sewing and reaping Galatians chapter 6 6 and 7 yeah go ahead say it
be not deceived God is Not Mo for whatsoever that shall he also all right what he SS he’s going to reap am I right about it look at the next verse for he that sth to the what flesh shall off what reap corruption look at that it in the Amplified that same verse in the Amplified translation okay now what is a person going to reap if they sow to the flesh corrup corruption what does Amplified say shall reap what say it again Decay come on and Ro and what instruction no wonder Babylon is going to fall because if you’re not in the
kingdom of God doing the things of the Kingdom Integrity peace love and so forth this is what he called out to the man put it up there again put it up Mark 10 verse1 17 this is when he went to the the man ran up to him and said what shall I do that I might inherit eternal life Jesus said why call me good there no good that’s God and he said you knowth Commandments do not commit adultery do not kill do not steal do not bear false witness defraud not honor thy father and thy mother and he said well all these things have I done for my
youth now notice all those do not all those do Nots came out of a of a demonic Kingdom all adultery is in the kingdom of darkness in case you didn’t know that uh all those things are in the kingdom of darkness now if I do those things I’m sewing to the Flesh and if I sow to the flesh what am I going to reap come on I’m going to reap it might look like I’m getting away with it for a season but you cannot do the law of sewing and reaping so the world is headed for what destruction so you’re out here to
preserve the Earth you’re you’re out here to save lives you’re out here to get people off of a system that’s headed towards right off the cliff and bring them over here into a place where there’s love there’s joy there’s peace there’s sharing that are you following what I’m saying [Applause] glory to God say I’m a miracle worker I’m a miracle worker in Jesus name in Jesus name now I’m just saying this because we’re here to be Sal we’re of the earth we’re here to
bring people out of that Kingdom and bring them over into the kingdom of God so it can save their soul you don’t want people to die and go to hell God wants all to be what saved and come to the knowledge of the truth so as a man thinketh in his heart so is whatever you think is where you end up that’s right so if I want to go to another level I’m going to have to think on another level isn’t that good so you you got to open up in these last days and be re uh willing to receive God’s thoughts say Amen to
that so here is Peter if that’s you tell me to come God thoughts yes come on he let it in then Jesus said what come so it’s the will of God that we do the supernatural am I right about that that’s the will of God for your life that you live supernaturally amen watch this and here’s Peter Peter getting down out of the boat to walk on the water water to go to Jesus now I want you to say this because when you en encounter things stop thinking naturally only naturally you you now can think unlimited he says over in Mark 9 and
verse 23 he says if thou can believe come on help me all things are what I said all things are what can God pay your debts completely off by next Sunday at this time come on come on if you will open up and get his thoughts you can come in here debt free on next [Applause] Sunday he said his thoughts are higher than our thoughts and that’s the enemy’s job to keep you down in the natural realm even though you’ve been born again and got the king in you his job is to keep you from thinking like a god boy that came out bad that that’s
deep right there thinking like your father unlimited thoughts somebody bring you something the first thing for you to do is not to worry about it cuz there is a way what out and it can’t be seen naturally that’s right that’s right you you should tell them this no problem I don’t care how bad it looked because you can get Miracles by degrees here’s Joshua Sun stand still moon in the valley of that and everything stopped here’s Jesus coming to the gravide of Lazarus oh you can’t do anything from he’s stinking he’s we can
smell him Jesus said roll away the stor I can see the disciples now let’s give him some room cuz I praise God our ministry might be scone right here this might this might be it no it’s not it if you can think it you can do it come on come on come on if you can think it you can do it over in Genesis chap 11 what did these people these devil worshippers what did they say these Full Gospel devilish men he said let us build us a tower how high up to heaven and God had to come down himself and confound their language
because he said the people are one and they all agreeing together and they’re about to do something here why cuz the Devil shot them those thoughts [Applause] come on now and I’m saying let God give you a higher thought yes sir man it’s time to transfer some billions come on now come on Millions not going to do it anymore see that’s my partner letter I just wrote it’s it’s it’s a second part of seeding for the billion flow see a b they yesterday I think it was it came out that Elon Musk
the the the T Tesla he Elon Musk is on track to becoming the first trillionaire man come on that ought to be right up in here in the church man this sister is on track for being the first [Music] [Applause] billionaire let me preach this okay and just kidding are you following what I’m saying folks if you can think it you can do it as far as you can see I’m going to give it to you and what I said to you is your feet will never go where your mind has never [Music] been never do it and the devil knows it so his job according to 2 Corinthians
chap 10: 3-5 five his job is to keep your thoughts down keep your thoughts confused keep you thinking I’m GNA catch this or I’m not going to make that that’s not God’s thought I said that’s not God’s thought God’s God’s Bible the word of God are his thoughts that’s right start there that’s right buy that shopping mall that wasn’t my thought why too big for me see when God gives you the thought he empowers you to be able to carry the work on it’s called Grace now let let’s
finish up with Peter right quick so here’s Peter getting down out of the boat do you think some of the Brethren probably had something to say about that so when you start going towards the supernatural my dear might have something to say about that now you’re going to church too much now who is the pastor down there anyway Bill Winston Bill wi I you know I heard about [Applause] him but she going to feel a lot better when you get her hip healed going to feel a whole lot [Applause] better okay I don’t know there’s
somebody in here I don’t know who that was but that was somebody all right so he walks on the water to go to Jesus but what happens now the wind starts blowing here’s Satan with distractions now to get a miracle you’re going to have to expect a miracle say Amen to that amen so here first he had to have God’s thoughts then he had to believe it and act on it got it believing is seeing he had that act on it and then he had to expect a miracle from God if God didn’t do it wouldn’t be done but here comes the
enemy because when you’re believing in holding fast for a miracle you got to limit what you look at and what you hear that’s right that’s right that’s right last night I heard somebody come on radio and the doctor whoever it is saying well it may not be that py maybe this thing may not be over with we may have to lock down again I said look I turn that turn turn that [Applause] turn that’s the devil and why is he doing that cuz I stood on this step step and announced the pandemic is over in Jesus name see some of y’all not
see you looking at me now you looking at me now you need to say it one one of our one of our business and leadership conference speakers said this I’m going to have the largest Media company in the world black man said that I’m going to have the largest Media company in the world and watch this and I am not wired to Fai see if God said you going to be the head why can’t you say something that the head would say all that’s getting down out of the [Music] boat you going to have to fight your friends when I say that I don’t mean
physically fight but what some of them may be telling you I remember I went back to somebody know me when I was growing up and talk about the ministry and so forth I said yeah I said we need an airplane I’m believing God for an airplane he said oh okay what kind are you believing for I said I’m believing for a Gulf Stream a Gulf Stream I said yeah we got a lot of over Africa so forth a lot of overseas work need something that can go you know the distance you mean you going to believe some for an airplane and I’m
looking for a job that’s supposed to put a guilt trip on me and I say oh Lord I don’t want that just keep it I don’t want it no I want two of them praise God you follow what I’m saying we got to get a little wild for Jesus we too we too we too you know touchy no no no get a little rough for him you know what I’m saying David said this he could have just said this day I’m going to defeat you he didn’t say that he said this day I’m going to take your head off and I’m going to feed your whole
earth this just one little 16 17 year old boy come on but if you can think it you can do God’s waiting for you to think his thoughts so that you can do his work and I decree right now your days are being broke over I’m decreeing it right now that’s the end of your broke days you going to think like God Walk Like God talk like God and live like him sit down all right let me shut it down y’all got me preaching H these last so what am I saying here’s Peter and he’s walking on the water and here comes
distractions and he didn’t hold fast to his faith and he begin to sink Lord help me whenever you were in trouble Jesus comes to you [Applause] [Music] put that down whenever I’m in trouble he comes to me yes now you got to believe that he say I’m a God that cannot lie you got to believe that even when we’re faithless he’s faithful you got to believe that that that that if you confess your sins he’s faithful and just to forgive you your sins watch this and cleanse you I know you did what you did but confess
it so that you can go on and walk on water Hallelujah is’t that wonderful so you got him put him back in the boat that’s right but I’m saying for you this is going to be a time for you for miracles this is going to be a time that God’s going to use you to do great things I’m believing that God’s going to raise up leadership that’s going to talk just like Jesus if I do not the works of my father you don’t have to believe a thing I said yes sir Now understand be on the lookout for this one
thing the first time we had our first meeting I wasn’t even have I don’t think we even had a church then I was I was we meeting with some people and we just decided we going to have a crusade I’ve been seen Miracle Works in Charles and Francis Hunter I’ve heard L us summer all those people and now I want to do it myself because you should see me doing something and say this I can do that I can do that and so what happened that we out in the park there in Minnesota and and people come in and we
from preaching then God said now I want you to get to sick healed oh okay praise God so a lady came up she was Oriental lady she came up and brought her she said she needs prayer I said what’s wrong with it she can’t feel a face I said oh okay said in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth be healed now I didn’t do a lot of I didn’t do I didn’t do a lot of that do a lot of that said be healed cuz I’m not doing the work I’m giving him the ability to do next thing I know she F back she said I
can feel my face she started crying I said lady Jesus healed you no he didn’t I said ma’am no he didn’t you healed me I said whoa whoa now hold hold on now hold on you done jump too far here I said no lady here I I had a while to convince her that another lady pulled up I’m preaching on the street preaching and she pulled up at the store and pulled up her husband got in I could tell he was mad about something he got out of the out of I think it was a truck or something they had and he went in the store in the
drugstore and so forth so I saw her there and I was taking a little break from street preaching I said I said how you doing ma’am he said fine I saw her where shoot and I said U ma’am do you know Jesus as your lord and savior I don’t want to hear that now my jaw hurt I’m my teeth hurts me I said oh I was kind of meandered up to the window and said in the name of Jesus be [Music] healed what what did you do I said I the Lord healed you I just laid hands on the sick in Jesus name he healed you oh Lord have mercy now watch this a
husband came out he jumped in the truck I heard Leroy he he or whatever she call Ralph he he my my my this man here he he prayed for me and I can’t my tooth Don’t Hurt No More he said woman you mean you brought me all the way out here to get this stuff and you woman I’m tired of you they backing up fussing Miracles will make you fuss [Applause] I’m saying be Miracle minded they can’t solve it but you [Music] can well praise the Lord I trust that you enjoy that teaching now one of the things that is the most important
miracle I think that’s in the Bible is to be born again now I remember when Jesus talked about that in John 3:3 he said you must be born again and this man Nicodemus very learned man in the word of God he said hey you mean come out of my mother’s womb a second time he said no no no that’s not what I’m talking about see he was talking about actually being born spiritually again that you and I when we came into this Earth that was a first birth but each one of us for us to be a part of God’s family must be
born again and that means that you give your life to the Lord in other words you believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins here’s what he said in Romans chap 10 and verse 9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus that he’s Lord and believe in your heart that God’s raised him from the dead you shall be saved you shall be delivered delivered from that um demonic uh plan uh of the enemy to try to take as many people as he can uh into the same uh penalty that he’s going to get for being rebellious
angel in heaven and so what happens is when people get born again they get born into the family of God now you can’t get into the family of God by doing something good or I help the poor I help this and so forth that’s not the way you get into the family of God it’s one way you get in you must be born again that means that you you have to confess Jesus as your lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead and you’ll be saved so if you are in doubt whether or not you are born again or
you’ve never publicly confessed Jesus as your lord and savior I want to take you through that right now you’re where I was years ago because I had attended church I thought I was cool I mean I was all in you know what I mean but when I got older and I began to discover where I was in life I didn’t know the Lord and so what happened a lady took me to a meeting on the north side of Chicago the rest was history I tell you they got me and the man hugged me and said brother Jesus loves you and I confess Jesus as
Lord that night of my life and look like the world lifted up off my shoulder I’m saying let’s do the same thing for you so let’s bow our heads I want to lead you to that same prayer say this with me dear Lord I come to you now just as I am you know my life you know how I’ve lived forgive me Lord I Repent of my sins I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God that he died for my sins and on the third day he was raised from the dead Lord Jesus I ask you come into my heart live your life in me and through me from
now on from this day forward I belong to you in the name of Jesus Amen praise God now if you said that prayer with me and you said it from your heart a miracle just took place you just came out of the family of the enemy into the family of the kingdom of God watch this every sin was BL blotted out through the blood of Jesus you have a brand new start is’t that powerful well I have some books here it’s called Born Again in spirit fill it’s talking about the next steps as a new believer what should you do cuz
that’s the thing I wanted to do now what do I do now you know but I had to learn the Bible and so forth and so on and all it talks about all of that and getting baptized and filled with the holy spirit all of that’s in here well I want to be the first to say welcome to the family of almighty god well this is Bill Winston saying stay in touch with us we love you and keep walking by faith blessed by today’s message order becoming miracl minded in its entirety to receive the full three-part series available on CD or MP3 on DVD or MP4 to
order contact us at 800 7119 32 7 or online at order this amazing message which will help you become miracl minded and allow the miracles of god to flow in your life Revival is here join us for the 2024 International Faith conference hosted by Dr Bill Winston Sunday September 8th through Friday September 13 2024 inspired by Isaiah 614 NLT this year’s theme is Faith for Revival six generals of faith will release electrifying messages to supercharge your faith and transform your life each night a sensational musical artist will
lead us in worship lifting our Spirits as we press into a deeper connection with God an unforgettable experience that you don’t want to miss register now at ic. to join us in person at Living Word Christian Center in Forest Park Illinois or online a week of Miracles breakthrough and a Revival like never before await you we can’t wait to see you there sometimes as we grow in our Christian walk we forget about the basics that got us there yet the basics of our faith are the very Foundation we
need to be successful in our relationship with the Lord and with others and to fulfill God’s plan and purpose purpose for our kingdom Destiny in this back to the basics series a powerful compilation of 16 series of dynamic teachings by Dr Bill Winston you will learn how to renew and re-energize your Christian walk get your copy of this musthave series on USB to order go online at billwinston.
org or call us at 1-800-711-9327 now remember you need Faith to get to your destiny so don’t forget to subscribe and click on the notification Bell so that you don’t miss any of our videos this is Bill Winston I love you and keep walking by faith
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